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Latest revision as of 05:30, 10 July 2020


Spicy Anneliese Kiel


Fairmount Park


One thing Annie does on a fairly regular basis, when she's not either working, studying, or attending to her duties for the Spring Court, is busk in various Philadelphia parks. Today she's been doing it in Fairmount Park, violin case resting at her feet as usual for people who want to give her money.

Spicy is walking through the park when she picks up the sound of the violin, she decides to follow it, maybe get a harvest of glamour from it, depending on what she finds on the other end of this particular sound. Oh hey, it's Annie! That's better than a bit of Glamour! The Ogress stops to listen to the music and drops a bit of money in the violin case. She's wearing a white button up shirt and a pair of black slacks today.

Annie smiles slightly on Spicy dropping some money in her violin case, but doesn't say anything immediately, instead waiting until she finishes the piece she'd been paying. At which point she bows slightly, before crouching to transfer the money from the violin case to her purse and place her violin inside it. "How have you been, Spicy?" The Nymph asks after finishing those chores, moving to give the other woman a hug. "Anything interesting?"

"Been good, I think I might be getting a cook position at Maddy's." She seems excited about that. "And I'm pretty happy about that." Spicy smiles happily and bounces even. "Otherwise, not much is up!"

"Really? Good luck with that. I think you would be good there." Annie smiles at the other woman. "What made you decide to go for that? Did your position at that diner you took me to fall through?"

"No, but it's not all of the hours I could work." A shrug. "Plus it's a good opportunity to learn a lot of stuff about food, with how varied the menu is." She smiles.

"Fair enough," Annie shrugs one shoulder. "I know I have not eaten everything available there, but then a lot of that is due to my being vegetarian."

Spicy smiles. "What's your favorite meal?" a question she may have asked before, but may have forgotten (like the player).

"That is a hard question to answer," Annie admits after a moment. "Are we limiting it to just those available at Maddy's, or in general?"

"In General, I'm curious." She responds with a little smile, waiting for the answer.

"Probably brisket, then. I have been exploring a lot of different cuisines recently, though. I am even beginning to get used to spicy food." She smirks slightly at the other Spring, then.

"I could make a spicy salad with some a nice hot dressing." she run her fingers over her hair and smiles. Spicy return the smile and shrug. "Pretty sure I saw a rainbow salad recipe somewhere."

"Yeah? What does that involve?"

"Avocados and some cucumber." she nods. "And a lot of others stuff, I didn't like, make it or anything, but I saw there was one."

"Good to know," Annie smiles. "I do like the taste of avocado."

"I'm sure there's a millenial joke in there somewhere." Spicy says with a little amused tone. "Are you done playing, or am I holding up the next part of the show?"

Annie shrugs one shoulder. "Technically I am a bit too young to be a millennial." And also simultaneously far too old, but age is weird when you spend a long time in Arcadia. "If you are asking for me to play some more, I can, but it is less a show and more me busking until I feel I have earned enough for the day."

"well, If you want to earn more I could always like, act like eyecandy for your music?" She asks with a bright grin and shrug.

"Yeah? What would that entail?" Annie gives the other Spring an elevator look, smirking slightly.

"Dancing? Looking pretty, clapping my hand to the rythmn and generally being helpful to your performance?" A beat "And maybe bust some head if people heckle you, but, not likely to happen."

"Hopefully not, but then I am not bad at playing," Annie grins slightly. "Okay, then. Do you have a preference for what you would like to dance to?"

"Nah, I can improvise!" Spicy says with a little nod and seems to laugh a little, remembering the deer-in-headlight look Sigrun had on the day of the summer changeover. "Have fun!"

"Will do," Annie says, grin growing bigger as she gets her violin and bow back out, pausing briefly before setting bow to strings and beginning to play.

Spicy dances and generally acts like a good help for the show, enhancing the performance. She seems all to happy to act in support there.

Annie's playing starts off slow, but then speeds up, getting faster as Spicy demonstrates that she does actually have some idea what she's doing when it comes to dancing.

Spicy struggles but doesn't let it stop her from helping and otherwise being a sight beside Annie as she keeps busking, her mantle swirls around her for a bit too.