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Latest revision as of 03:30, 31 January 2021


Lily Takahashi, Darren Lynch, Fiadh MacKenna, Jolene Logan, Ruairi Byrne, ST'd by Pax


Lily Takahashi's estate


Lily Takahashi (ST): It had taken significantly less time for word to travel of new Wolf-Blooded in the area than it had for Lily to find a clear space on her schedule to properly welcome them, and she had made the arrangement and invitation through Jolene, the bubbly, de facto point of contact for the lot.

As was her custom for new urugarum, she had invited them to no less than her own home, its geometric exterior eggshell white accented by slatted wood, and a well-manicured garden of rock and moss surrounding the stone path that led to the front door.

Jolene Lynch: She'd been curious about Lily, her reputation was unusual for a blooded. A one time alpha, despite never changing. A cultivator, and if everything was to be believed, and she was inclined to believe most of what she heard, even a rite master. She'd passed on the invitation to the other's, and had actually had a little gift put together weeks ago in anticipation of meeting the woman, the contents of which, she wasn't sharing. Hugging a simple green gift bag to her chest as she stepped from the car.

Her eyes were an almost blue violet, and the too bright shade of a blooded with twilight eyes. She looked around the home, the moss, rock, the clean lines, and how everything seemed to have been picked just so. She couldn't help but cast a cheesy grin over her shoulder to Darren and Fi. She was clearly excited about this little get together.

Darren Lynch: Get togethers were not Darren's thing. In fact the last one he'd been asked to leave from, so when Jo mentioned wanting to go he nearly declined. For her sake if anything. But in the end, he agreed to be there, with every intention of keeping his mouth shut. Watching and hopefully learning rather than giving any sort of opinion. Lily and Darren were obviously quite different people and he'd never heard of anyone in her position doing what she'd done. Even for his usual quiet demeanor he seemed more so on the ride over and when Jolene shot back a happy grin, he only nodded, prompting her to move ahead and looked back at Fi and Ruari to make sure they too were coming along.

Fiadh MacKenna: Fiadh smiles warmly at Jo as the woman gives them that cheezy grin, as her fellow short girl's excitement seems contagious. She has a perk in her own step, her newly changed brightly teal eyes taking in everything with unfettered curiosity. Her familiar seems to be content to sit on her shoulder, the spirit a shape of a crow. As Darren looks back she turns that smile on him, sticking her hands in her pockets to keep them warm.

Jolene Lynch: She didn't seem to hesitate to take the lead, she was perhaps the most comfortable in situations like this all around, and it showed as she made her way up the walk to the front door. There she'd paused, taking a little breath, as if bracing herself, or perhaps it was part of a ritual, Darren had seen her do something similar when they'd gone for dinner at Jano and Orana's home. The gesture completed, she would knock, always trying a knock before a door bell.

Ruairi Bryne: Ru arrived with the crew with the smallest of expectations. Throw in a disco ball, and he'd expect a party. But this seemed a bit more casual, and casual he can do. As Darren glanced back, Ru gave him a grin and wiggled his eyebrows at him. He looked to Fi and nudged her with his elbow. "Ain't seen you around lately. Just wanted me for my bike, and since you already got it..." He mocked a sniffle.

Fiadh MacKenna: Fi turns and grins at Ruairi, pulling her hand out of her pocket to poke his side lightly. "Oh, I just needed a little time to get adjusted, is all. I think you'll see me around much more, now that I've got me sea legs." She turns to look over at Jo and the door, wondering who it is they're meeting.

Lily Takahashi (ST): A few moments after the knock on the door, it slides open, and a diminutive Japanese woman with sable black hair and a polite smile on her face, soft and warm, stands there to receive them. She wears a deep navy skirt, and a patterned blouse with what looks like the explosions of cherry blossoms. "Jolene," she greets first, turning her attention on the rest. "And you must be Darren, Fiadh, and Ruairi. I am Lily Takahashi. I am so glad that you've come," she intones with an inclination of her head, not quite a bow but more than half of one. The thin whisper of an accent only faintly rounds the consonants of her words, and her presence radiates a quiet and unassuming calm, as does the decor of her home.

"You will please come inside," she supplies, stepping out of the way; they can see she's not wearing shoes, and a small straw mat to the side indicates that's the place they ought to go. The interior is deeply steeped in some traditional Japanese aspects, with some rice-paper walls and sliding doors, foldable screens that create privacy across a huge swath of space that serves as a multi-purpose living room and dining room.

"I have made it my habit over the years to invite new Wolf-Blooded over and become acquainted with them, so that what I have learned from these many decades living among the People might not go to waste," she offers as she politely but expectantly waits on the four of them to rid themselves of their shoes at the mat. "I appreciate you accepting the invitation."


Jolene Lynch: She didn't offer the gift over, no, she was a researcher of the cultural exchanges of gifts and one such finding said offering a gift too soon could be seen as rushing to business! She liked the rituals of gifts, and greetings, a side effect of so much time spent with spirits. So it was no large surprise that she'd return the greeting in kind, mimicking the not quite bow. "Lily Takahashi, I appreciate you finding time for us, I've been meaning to see if your schedule had room ever since Sierra mentioned you." She offers back warmly, surprisingly at ease despite the recent happenings in her life.

She'd slip inside and without hesitance, her shoes would find their way to the mat, leaving her in little white socks with red hearts on them, that stood at contrast against her jeans, her green top, and her leather jacket. She hated shoes, and made a pleased chirp of sound at being freed of them. "Your home is lovely." Truly it was, a balance of aesthetics.

Darren Lynch: "Ma'am," Darren replies quietly. A shadow to Jolene, his presence is muted. Taking off his boots would be a small task, unlacing and setting them aside. The others would notice the knives on his ankles, same as the guns on his sides. He'd rise after he was done and step aside for the others, patiently waiting to move further into the home while clearly scanning the surroundings.

Ruairi Bryne: Ru was right behind them, giving the woman a grin in greeting. He knelt just inside to untie his own boots and set them neatly aside, and like his fellow, he had a knife neatly strapped against his ankle, though just the one. He was already peeling off his coat, but looking around at the place. He gave a low whistle. "It's nice in here. Lots of... windows."

Fiadh MacKenna: Fiadh steps in after Ruairi, slipping off her boots, the long skirt she's wearing now brushing the floor as she's no longer wearing heels. She smiles at Lily warmly in greeting. "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Takahashi." One hand moves down to pick up her skirt and steps aside.

Lily Takahashi (ST): Lily dips her head in a grateful bow at the praise with all the sincerity of taking it deeply to heart. "It is very kind for you to say so. I am honored to have you here. The pleasure is truly mine." The indeed many, many windows look out on the sprawl of a garden that wraps around from the front of the house and into the back, complete with the continuation of a stone path and a small bridge over a pond, dotted by koi and lily pads, of course. The little path eventually goes out of sight, beyond some structures on the property.

She leads the quartet in through the living room and offers them seats on the low couches, taking a chair across from them for herself. Within a few moments, a smartly dressed man in a black suit enters and sets down a tray with a steaming carafe, and dispenses with five small ceramic cups, pouring and filling each of them in turn. "Arigato, Jorge," Lily says with a small nod. Jorge dips his head at the acknowledgement, and dismisses himself, though he carries himself like a statesman rather than staff, treating the satisfactory completion of the task with the same gravity as deep matters of diplomacy; it's not difficult to detect the air of respect displayed in both directions, employer and employee.

The attention to detail echoes in the surroundings, the calligraphy mounted on the walls, the precision of the geometry of the space, and, of course, that lush backyard.

"Homemade sake," Lily gestures at the cups, inviting them each to take up one. "I admit that we import the rice, though," she allows with a soft, indulgent smile. "Before I ask you everything about yourselves, and answer all of your questions, I will tell you about myself. But first," and she raises her own glass, just an inch in each of their directions. "Kampai. It is like 'cheers'," she appends.


Jolene Lynch: She had wide eyes, the sense of ceremony pleased her. Offering a smile to Jorge, but he and his gestures, made her think of this place as a whole. Everything had intention. Purpose. Nothing was wasteful. She reached for one of the glasses, and leaned forward to smell it, not as if testing the scent, so much as indulging it. "Homemade, even if the rice is imported, that is impressive..." She imagined it had to be a bit labor intensive. She'd wait until everyone had their own, or declined the offer, before returning a 'Kampai' and would drink when Lily did. Letting her lead this ritual as she no doubt had others before.

Darren Lynch: Darren would follow through the home at the lead of their host. He was actually quite impressed with the surroundings even if his expression didn't mirror the feeling. Walking rather quietly behind Jolene, the giant padded along in his socks. The lush green back yard was what caught him. He stepped out onto the back porch and took pause. His emerald green eyes slowly creeping over the land scape in a silent awe before he'd press his parted lips back together in a thin line and continue on. Sitting beside Jolene on the low couch, his knees rising up awkwardly - how fun to be so tall! A nod was given to Jorge - he'd always been kind to those within the service industry whether at a public restaurant or in a private home. Taking up the offered drink, he looked intrigued, "Kampai," raising it a touch as Jolene had done.

Ruairi Bryne: He contently followed, pausing as Darren looked to the garden to lean in and quietly say to him, "Lotsa places to hide out there. Pretty tho." Then continued on to slide into his own spot on the couch, complete with the struggles of his height. Now the offering of liquor of some manner seemed to excite him a little and he held the cup right at his lips before he realized he ought not to drink it. Ru lifted the cup to toast, "Slainte." Eager to consume it.

Fiadh MacKenna: Fiadh pauses for a moment to take in the backyard, looking it over with an artist's gaze. Her eyes can't seem to get enough, so that it takes her a moment before she shakes her head slightly and follows the others. She takes a seat, for a brief moment glancing at Darren and Ru's problems with height, her own small frame easily fitting on the low couch, her ankles crossed. She reaches out for the small cup and lifts it up as well, smiling. "Kampai. Slainte."

Lily Takahashi (ST): Seated now, and right across from the four of them, the Tell of Lily's Evil Eye is more readily visible. It's only just there, in the corner of her left iris, a slash of silver through the dark brown -- easy to miss, but impossible to ignore once someone locked onto it.

Once they had all toasted in their way and sipped, Lily sets her cup down and folds her hands neatly in her lap. "I have been urugarum in Philadelphia for forty-one years. I moved here with my parents and my two sisters from the Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan. New opportunity in a new land. They started as florists, and branched into biotechnology. It was hard work, but we were together." The work had clearly been prosperous, if the surroundings are any indication.

"And that made all the difference, you see, because it was my youngest sister and my mother and I that had all been chosen by Luna. My father, and my oldest sister, they were not. It was shielding them from everything that comes with a life among the People that turned out to be the hardest work of all." She smiles again, a soft inflection on her features. "And it has been my experience that is one of the first things that a new, or young Wolf-Blooded begins to address as they find their way in this city, where the blood runs especially thick. Yes?"

Jolene Lynch: She had an imagination, well fed from the experiences of her life, and readily see the story she painted, though her eyes were open an unwavering realizing she'd unwittingly been staring at the slash in the woman's eye, she bowed her head by way of apology. She gave a slow nod of her head "One of the reasons I chose to stay here was word that the blood is thicker here..." Of course it'd been to disappear among the numbers, something that had utterly failed when she'd met Ludwig.

"Though that is perhaps thing that Fiadh is now working at...I'm sure you've heard, she's very recently become urugarum." Of course she'd heard, because Jolene would have told Lily during the arranging of this meeting, she'd have shared tidbits about each of them in turn, but there were still social forms to be respected. Her fingers still teased the sake glass, as if happy to have something to occupy it. Her eyes flicked briefly to Darren, and then her other companions before easing back to Lily.

Darren Lynch: Ru had been given a quick glance back over his shoulder, looking from him out to the ponds and foliage and setting his jaw as if in confirmation. Giving the drink a quick sniff before taking a sip and holding it briefly as one does for things they were trying for the first time. He looked pleased with it, licking his lower lip after and looking back down into the cup. He leaned to set the cup down after and settled his heavy green gaze on Lily, made all the more brilliant by the greenery around him. As Jolene went on to the the mouth piece so far, his face fell a touch at the mention of Fi's sudden change, though into which emotion it was hard to place. Worry? Indifference? He looked over to Fi briefly to see her reaction.

Fiadh MacKenna: Fiadh glances over at Jolene with a slightly surprised look, and catches Darren's glance as well. She smiles briefly at the tall man, an easy, reassuring smile, then looks back to Jolene first, then Lily. She gives the older woman another curious look, then nods her head, confirming what Jo just shared. "It's been just a short time now. It's still very new to me...all of it." She glances briefly at the crow spirit sitting on her shoulder, then back to Lily.

Ruairi Bryne: Ru is settled, and seemingly content to let Jolene talk for now. He glances to Darren for a moment at the mention of Fi, but then seems to be far more interested in looking at the place from his seat.

Lily Takahashi (ST): Lily does not bother to say that yes, word had of course reached her, but the information seems to be universally understood. "I would like to welcome you to a most unusual fold, Fiadh," she says with her everpresent and soft, polite manner, gentle and persistent like a cradling ocean sway.

"May I ask, how much has anyone told you about what it is to be Wolf-Blooded, to be part of the People?" she directs at the newest, greenest of them.

Jolene Lynch: Lily had an air that seemed to keep the girl at ease though she did look to Fi and smile encouragingly. Hoping Kill had covered at least the basics! But if not, well, there was still time. Her knee lightly leaning into Darren's as if knowing there was a measure of unease at Fi having joined this world, but there were no other signs of affection between the two, save in how they always seemed to passively be aware of the other.

Darren Lynch: Darren looked from Jolene and Lily, to Fi, still silent on the matter. He knew that he'd spent some time with her explaining her questions, but they were of course taking things slow. She was only just now getting a handle on these things enough to really begin learning.

Fiadh MacKenna: "Aye, these three have told me some, about our connection to the Uratha, what it all means. More so about safety, things to watch out for." She ducks her head for a moment. "That I'm part spirit now. There's so much..." She laughs faintly. "So much more to learn, I know I've only touched the first o' the bases..." She trails off for a moment. "But I will learn, quickly, all that I can."

Lily Takahashi (ST): Lily dips her chin in understanding as Fiadh speaks; even her presence, calm and almost muted by that calmness, is reassuring. It's just that little sliver of silver in her eye that can throw the whole effect sideways -- depending, of course, on one's tolerance to the strange.

"Not quite part spirit, but more spirit-adjacent. We are still flesh and blood, through and through, but through some reason or another, we've been touched by the Wolf or by the Moon. I would welcome you to explore the libraries I have access to for different theories and stories on the topic, on the heritage, the lore, all of it... but there is something more pressing for right now," she goes on, her tone taking a more sober edge.

"For all of you. There is a war brewing in this territory." For Fiadh's benefit, she abbreviates the past year or so. "The Pure nearly wiped out an entire Tribe, and when they surface again, there will be bloodshed. And it is we, the Wolf-Blooded, who will be the most vulnerable; flesh and blood. It is important for you to find your allies, so that when the time comes, you have safe ground to go to. I do not say this to impugn your ability to protect yourselves, but as a precaution in unprecedented times."

Jolene Lynch: She nods her agreement to the 'spirit adjacent' comment. Listening along with an easy contentment...until the mention of war. There was always a war, but some places were battle fronts, and she'd left one only to find another. She drew in a shaky breath, but she held herself together, taking a moment longer than normal to speak. "I have worked with others to investigate the wound..." This was public knowledge by now. "Darren has seen that there is a medical bay now at the Altman Foundation."

Her hands moved to adjust her jacket just so as she considered her next words. "Protection for blooded has often been the skill of foresight, planning, and packs." she paused a moment "You were an alpha once...and one of the things I wondered was..." hunting for the safest words, her truth, her vulnerability, rare, and rarer still in public groups. "As an alpha what did you look for from those you might consider allowing in your pack?" And another pause "And as a blooded, what would you look for when considering a pack?" She left off the story of her last pack, that was not something meant for public consumption, that could be a story for another night with the elder blooded.

Darren Lynch: Darren reached forward and took another sip of the drink. Gone too quickly he thought. His expression seemed to slip further away as talk of packs and protection arose. Though Jolene's questions did get a quick glance before his eyes settled back out on the greenery. His jaw worked lightly in his silence, the cup turned slightly in his hand, twisting in a slow circle.

Ruairi Bryne: Ru had been listening, though he's started to fidget in place. First it bobbed his knee a little, then he tapped the cup in his hand, and while the conversation happens, he sets his cup down and rises to wander around curiously, while staying within earshot.

Fiadh MacKenna: At the talk of war Fiadh glances down at the little cup still in her hand, then drinks the rest of it. Face carefully schooled she glances over at Darren, something on her mind before she looks over at Ruairi, then looks back at Lily. For now she doesn't speak, but her hand starts to twist the cup in her hands, waiting to hear what her answer is to Jolene's questions.

Lily Takahashi (ST): Lily considers the question. "There are generally two reasons that packs are formed. Out of shared purpose, or out of a familial bond. And even then, one might say, the shared purpose is to protect one another, to advance one another's interests. So, when dealing with matters of packs and packing and packmates, I have always asked myself: do we share a purpose? Not just in word or intention, but in deed, in lived and repeated expressions of that purpose."

She pauses now, and sips from her cup, finally finds the end of that sake, despite it only being a tiny thing, somewhere between a thimble and a shot glass. She offers to re-fill those whose cups have emptied, and does so for whoever consents. "And that has always been the first and the last question I have considered for such things."

Jolene Lynch: Oh she would eagerly consent for more holding out the tiny cup as she thought over those words and slowly nodded. "I like the simplicity of that, do we share a purpose, are we living in a way that is an expression of our cause....." Her teeth worrying at her lower lip, because it also begged another, harder question. What was her own purpose? What was she working towards? Was her life and actions a manifestation of those things? Once drinks were refilled she'd lift hers. "Kampai." She liked learning new words, new languages, and she'd toss the drink back.

Finally, finally she presented the green gift back to her. "Just a small token." She demures. Inside, when she got around to looking, she would find a large Yosegi puzzle box with a Lily on it, wrapped in green and gold cloth, and inside that even more little thoughtful gifts. Seeds in little ziploc bags, with cards attached to them. One side a picture of the plant, hand made, the other the care instructions for it. The two were her favorite pepper, the lemon drop, and a clever little flowering plant, known as the black parrot tulip. But those were details, she'd get around to after gifting, and puzzling were seen to.

Darren Lynch: Darren finally looked to the woman they'd come to meet as she spoke of purpose. His own versus his former pack's and he could see now, had he been freshly looking for a pack back in Ireland, their purposes wouldn't have aligned. And his purposes now didn't at all match up with the People's save for keeping Jolene and Fiadh safe. He didn't ask for more, setting the cup aside instead. Refocusing with new thoughts on Jo's gift. Ever thoughtful this one was. He'd once again come empty handed. His gifts weren't the sort brought to pleasant social gatherings.

Fiadh MacKenna: Fiadh holds her cup out when the offer of a refill, lost in thought for a moment as she considers the words, her gaze turning out to the beautiful garden. When Jo finally passes over the mysterious gift she turns back, oddly somber for those that know her as her usual bright and flippant mood.

Lily Takahashi (ST): Lily's smile is deep and genuine, not at the thoughtfulness of the present, its contents of which are still an unknown variable to her, but at what was either intentionally or accidentally Jolene's adherence to a Japanese custom. "That is very thoughtful of you, Jolene. Thank you very much," she accepts with both hands and a bow of her head. She does not, of course, open it now.

"Another recourse your may wish to pursue is affiliating yourself more closely with one of the Tribes," Lily supplies to the motley assembly of Wolf-Blooded once she has set the gift down on the table, in front of her but just off to the side, and with care. "That would give you access to resources, information, sometimes even weapons, and certainly allies. All of the Tribes are motivated by purpose, and fiercely protective of their own. In my case, I joined the Bone Shadows, spirit hunters of a sort, who seek a more complete understanding of the Shadow."

Jolene Lynch: She smiled, pleased by the exchange, her attention to custom quite intentional. She took a great bit of care to gifting. She relaxed a bit though at the shift in conversation and slowly nodded "I was raised mostly around Blood Talon's...though I think perhaps that is another thing to start considering my purpose and alignment towards." She muses her eyes finally break and drop to her hands, adjusting the oversized coat as if to check that the symbol of armor has not shifted from it's own purpose.

Darren Lynch: "My mother was a Bone Shadow. As was my grandmother. I can only assume that's what my original purpose was for. But as years went on I fell under my Uncle's wing instead. Blood Talons. I will admit at hearing so many were lost at the Wounding of Bancroft I was a bit dismayed." Surely he meant furious and rightly pissed but dismayed would do in polite conversation. "The wolves in this city - what are left of those on our side are few and far between and many even less likely be caught for casual meetings. It's hard to know who might align with any purpose. Though I will say that I have a great admiration for the Unbekannt, and all they offer in the way of protection. I still believe a pack's ties need stronger bonds than generosity to strangers." He shifted a touch in his seat and looked over to Fi and Ru and then back at Jolene.

Fiadh MacKenna: Fiadh frowns slightly and takes a sip of her refilled cup, the tiniest taste. "I don't exactly know what I was born to, or if I was at all." She looks down at the tiny cup, studying it. "Though I don't suppose I would, would I?" She hesitates for a moment. "My family isn't exactly known for being a part o' this life."

Ruairi Bryne: He circled back around and retook his seat with the group. "We sharin family blood lines now? " He looked to Fi. "It's cool if you aren't. Not everyone has like, a strong family bloodline or whatever, some people just do. Doesn't mean much except we had the good, or bad, luck to be raised in all of it."

Lily Takahashi (ST): Lily's smile for Fiadh is patient and soft. "How simple and straightforward it would be if birth and purpose were aligned. You will find they often diverge significantly, as with your friends," she acknowledges Darren and Jolene.

"Even Luna can only influence the aspect, but not the purpose, of the People. I would be more than happy to make any introductions that you would like," she offers, extending it to all of them as she sets her ceramic cup down on the low table. "To any of the Tribes. You are correct that many are keeping their heads down these days. Everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop, as it were, and it is also true that some have even left the city. Shameful," she tuts.

Jolene Lynch: She nods slowly "I find I've spent time with the Stormlords and Boneshadows as of late, and would be pleased for any you might fine that are patient enough for questions." Of course she could always interrogate Jano, Orana, Ludwig, even Lily herself. It was easy to see how she might be drawn to either, one who delved into the spirit world that had so shaped her, and another that sought to work away the weakness of ones self.

Darren Lynch: He looked to Fi, "You are blessed in that changin' now, you'll be able to find your own purpose. Rather than have it chosen for you. You'll find your way Fi. And besides. I'm sure Killy will be quick to invite you into his own pack sooner or later."

Fiadh MacKenna: She smiles at Ruairi and then listens to Lilly, then the other two. Her gaze stays on Darren for a few moments and then she smiles faintly, shrugging. "I'm sure you're right." She takes another sip of the sake, glancing back over at the garden.

Ruairi Bryne: He gestured to Darren. "He's right. It kinda sucks being like,, stuffed in a role and expected to follow it. " He looked to Jolene. "Don't forget the children of Hikaon-Ur, Hunters in Darkness. I mean, I gotta say..I think we're the coolest." He grinned a little.

Lily Takahashi (ST): "I would be happy to receive you at the Penumbra Halls, and give you a tour and field your questions. You may also find the libraries there to be of some interest," Lily offers Jolene, and then she turns to the rest of them. "You would all be welcome. I am also happy, as I said, to make any other Tribal introductions that you may be interested in." She gives Ruairi a patently polite smile. "Cool factor notwithstanding, each have their advantages, and of course, their purpose."