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Revision as of 10:36, 26 February 2021

Adept Zirnitsa, Enchanter on the Path to Arcadia, Supernal Realm of Fate and Time and abode of Fae, Scion of the Watchtower of the Lunargent Thorn, Sister of the Children of the Martyr's Tree of the Lesser Convocation of the Northeast, Adept of Time, Disciple of Fate, Mind, and Spirit, Apprentice of Life
  • Long-Term Nimbus: Bursts of creativity which sometimes disturb people's patterns of sleep or behavior.
  • Signature Nimbus: Smears of silver, the footprint of a fox.
  • Immediate Nimbus - A rotoscoping effect, with some lines moving out of sync with her central figure, causing Time to seem to stutter and warp around the Acanthus. She seems somehow to almost be undertaking dozens of actions at once with disorienting results. (-2 Wits)

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RP Hooks
  • Supernal Adolescence - Simone isn't a baby mage any more, but she only recently joined the Children of the Tree and got released from her apprenticeship, and compared to many of the mages around she's still a newbie.
  • Artist for a Cause - Being an artist is Simone's day job, in a manner of speaking. She has significant talent, but the work she does is rarely done with commercial viability or income in mind, and is instead focused on issues of social or emotional significance, shining light on or trying to help in solving problems. One of her most well known projects involved painting lifelike age-progressed portraits of missing people, including her own sister, who disappeared when Simone was a teenager.
  • Jewish - Simone is deeply involved with two synagogues, Mikveh Israel and Kol Tzedek, and can be found regularly at both of them. Her family has been a part of the former for generations, and she has been part of the latter on her own for a few years.
  • Littler Fox - Simone looks an awful lot like Little Fox, enough so that she could be the same person de-aged five or six years and given a bath. She might get mistaken for Little Fox in some circumstances, or identified on sight as Little Fox's sister in others.

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"I'm going to spend the rest of my life making up for what I did and didn't do." - Fox

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Simone Gratz

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Legal Name: Simone Gratz
Shadow Name: Zirnitsa
Birth: June 1, 1987
Nationality: American
Apparent Age: 30s
Height: 5'0"
Path: Acanthus
Order: Children of the Tree
Legacy: N/A
Public Effects: Keen Periphery
Piercing Glance
Fame (Artist) 1
Status (Arts & Entertainment) 2
Status (High Society) 1
Status (Religion) 1
Order Role: Sister

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Simone Gratz/Soundtrack

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Played By: Blake