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Latest revision as of 20:38, 1 November 2021

Content Warning

Sexy pigeon


Fox and Lux


Center City


It's Halloween, bitches!

One of the best times of the year as far as Fox is concerned -- people dress up and run around and eat candy and drink and revel and -- well. Fox loves that kinda stuff.

So here they are, hopping from one foot to the other, waiting for their bestie outside one of the many bars which dot Center City. A lot of places do 'adult trick-or-treating,' salty snacks and sweets and discounts on shots and the whole nine, and Fox is waiting outside one of those, fog pouring out the door, people coming and going in costume.

She's wearing a short pair of canvas cargo shorts -- like almost criminally short -- with white socks and prim brown hiking boots, a white luau shirt printed with green leaves, each leaf with a little circular notch taken out of it, the shirt tied up to just below her breasts, such as they are. She's painted a little brown 'mask' around her eyes, and has raccoon ears pinned into her hair (at least one must hope they are fake ears pinned into her hair, otherwise the Guardians will get very fussy), which is pulled into schoolgirl pigtails. And her candy bag? Looks suspiciously like the sort of 'money bag' one might collect in a certain village management game.

Is she... sexy Tom Nook?

"Boo," comes a sudden voice from behind her.

"Wait, no--Coo."

When Fox turns around, she comes face to face with.... an abomination of a sexy.... pigeon...?

A very, very sexy pigeon. Lux is wearing a sequined corest with colorful feathers, and black fishnets and high heels. A pair of small feathered wings on their back--once white, probably meant for an angel costume, but have been spray painted with bright neons on the inside and gray on the outside. And covering their head... https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61yf+f96WKL._AC_UL320_.jpg

Fox starts at the boo, looks confused at the 'coo,' and then -- spinning around -- screams delight and laughter at the same time. It definitely turns a couple of heads, even in all the chaos of a downtown Halloween. Her laughter is the closest thing to a -- wait, I guess it is a witch's cackle -- so, yeah. But in any case, she howls delightedly, and flings her arms around Lux's waist, picking them up and spinning them around. "THIS IS ALREADY THE BEST HALLOWEEN EVER!"

She's laughing so hard she's probably crying, which might ruin her makeup, but whatever.

Lux squeals as they're lifted up and spun around, then laughs, wrapping arms around his shoulders to hold on. "I thought you'd like it."

"You look adorable. Tom Nook?" Pigeon-Lux dips their head and gives a little peck-kiss on the top of Fox's head with the tip of the rubber beak.

"No, wait. Tom Hooker."

"This is ... so cute... and ... still sexy," Fox admits, spinning Lux around one more time before setting their feet back on the ground. "And it's so clearly, like, for me, that I just... love it!" She pats their butt just once before stepping back and posing. "The scariest thing I can think of: capitalist propaganda through cutesy gaming, BUT ALSO SEXY." She's cackling again by the end, though, because Lux just dropped 'Tom Hooker' on her.

"Yes, love, just for you. Though now that the gag is done, this is getting stuffy." They tug the rubber mask off carefully, though there's full make up done underneath. Silver eyeshadow and highlighter with tiny great feathers glued onto their eyelashes, and some make up fading into teal and purple glitter/shimmer down their neck. Sexy. Pigeon.

Lux gives another look over her now that the mask is off and they can see better. "Mm, adorable."

They offer their hand to lead her inside. "Ready to drink and eat candy until we're absolutely miserable?"

"Yes, please breathe, plus you can't like, drink in that, I don't thiii--oh my god, babe, you just don't ever quit. Please never quit, you are the most extra." Her eyes catch the light from a passing set of headlights in exactly the way that a fox's eyes do and a human's never do, lighting up briefly gold. She scrunches up her shoulders when she's declared adorable, and tips her head to the side, grinning big. It's Halloween, people will just assume her teeth are fake.

"Yeaaaaaaaah! I bet you'll win costume contests. And stuff. Is there one? I don't care. You win. Let's go participate in a seasonal festival of bonding through excess!" Her hand in theirs, and she follows after.

"When do I ever turn down the chance to be the most extra?" They smirk. It's true. Always extra. It helps that no matter what lighting they're in, the sequins and glitter are sparkling and glimmering brilliantly. The joys of being a Bright One.

"Halloween truly is the best of holidays. All of my favorite things." They flash an ID at the bouncer and lead the way inside. "You're sweet. I'm sure at least one of these bars is having a costume contest, but I'm happy to just chill with you."

Over to the bar, snatching a candy bar from a bowl to tear open immediately, while ordering a Halloween themed cocktail--something with cotton candy on the top and little fake spider garnishes inside as if the cotton candy is a cob web.

"You feel like causing some mischief tonight?"

Fox also flashes an ID at the bouncer. Who knows if it's really theirs or if she got it from one of Vasha's Pile of Extra Not That Great IDs? Probably the latter. "Oh, I hope you never do," she sighs happily. "It's one of like... my top ten favorite things about you, tied with your butt." She scampers after them, slipping through the crowd with ease. "I want what they're having!" she orders, and grabs a candy bar for herself, too, and an extra to stash in her bag. Because capitalism. And sugar.

Her eyes get REAL big, and catch the bar lights again in that weird way they do much more often these days. (Fox, stop abusing your attainments! NEVER!!!!) "Yessssss. Whatcha got in mind?"

They sigh dramatically. "Darling, don't tempt my ego, or we will spend the rest of the night having you list the full top ten in detail." But they grin after, leaning over for a real kiss on the lips.

Lux leans back, glancing left and right, then lifts their own candy bag--which already has some candy in the bottom. They push them aside, revealing small colorful plastic eggs that are more suited to Easter.

"They're filled with glitter and glow in the dark pigment. I say we find the biggest assholes in this place and give them a pigeon bomb."

"Nuh-uh, because I'm going to save the list for a day when you are sad, and then tell you the whole list in detail with my reasonings for the ranking," Fox chirrs happily, the end of that sentence curling upward into a truly animal little sound. She sounds like a fox laughing after stealing a cellphone, or something. The kiss makes her giggle, and then she leans to peer into the bag... and her eyes get so so big.

"I love everything about this plan, and also you." Their chin props on Lux's shoulder for a moment as they begin to survey the club, looking for targets.

Lux seems briefly caught off guard by that--pausing a moment to stare at Fox. But as is their usual way, there's no any emotional reaction otherwise--but they do reach over to squeeze their hand briefly.

They slide out a neon green egg to press into Fox's palm, while they also peer around the bar.

Targets are easy enough to find. One good thing about Halloween? It makes it very easy to spot the real assholes who are all too eager to show off who they are. There's a guy with newspapers tapped all over him with FAKE NEWS written on them in red marker, a woman dressed as a chick-fil-a cow, and of course there's your racist in mockery of a native headdress and facepaint...

"I'll let you have first pick, love. Let's see if you can egg one without getting caught."

She flutters her lashes at Lux when she catches them off-guard, and then winks. Tricksters gonna trick, with love. Gotcha, babe.

Fox palms the egg when Lux passes it to them, and chews on her lower lip with those sharp little teeth. Her eyes narrow, and she chirrs again, that low sound that's almost laughter. It's almost possible to see her tail twitch with delight, save that it doesn't exist in that form. "I'm taking Yokelhontas over there." A little air kiss just above Lux's cheek -- can't ruin that makeup! -- and she slips away from the bar, leaving her candy bag in Lux's care.

"Go get 'em. Gimme a good show," Lux says with a smirk, reaching out to give her rear a smack as she slips away. Then they turn, legs crossing as they lean back to sip their drink and keep an eye on Yokelhontas, waiting for the chaos.

Now one must be very clear: what Fox does next is very much cheating. Or it would be, if there were rules to this sport. And if it were a sport. But in any case, probably one isn't supposed to put a conditionally-triggered Matter spell to make sure that the egg breaks at exactly the right moment on the egg. But Lux saaaaaaaid to give them a good show!

Their fingers work quick mudras around the little plastic thing, and she weasels (foxes?) her way through the crowd, circling closer and closer to Yokelhontas. Lux can see her dodge and weave through the crowd, her head popping up here and their as the tiny Thyrsus gets closer and closer. If Lux hadn't already seen what it looks like when Fox stalks mice as a fox? They'd know now.

It takes most of a song, but right as Dua Lipa takes over the speakers, the egg pops up out of the crowd, tossed upward in a perfect arc from behind Fox's back as she sneaks away again, and just happens to break right at the top of its arc, spilling craft herpes and glow-in-the-dark Mark Of Shame all over fake feathers and bad face paint.

Cue the Karen scream-flail.

These eggs have been packed with glitter and pigment. Not just one glow in the dark color, but many--so that when they splatter, its in hideously clashing, vibrant neons. Well... Lux would likely love the neon tye-dye splatter effect, but the average person... less so. Especially with the cloud of fine glitter that will take weeks to get completely off of you and will taint every inch of your life. Every. Inch.

Lux barks out a laugh, nearly spilling their drink as they cheer--and they're not the only one that notices this chaos and laughs at the Karen's pain.

She waits until she's a little bit further away to turn back and start laughing, but oh -- she does -- backing her way through the crowd until she gets back to the bar. Fox picks up her drink with both hands, peering up over the rim after she takes a big swallow; the corners of her mouth curl up like the Grinch having a Wonderful Awful Idea, and the expression just begs praise me.

"That was absolutely brilliant." They smirk, draping an arm around her shoulders. "Like... fuck, that was the perfect shot! It got all over her!" They smooch his cheek, then pull back with a wide grin. "Aren't you the sneakiest, cleverest little fox."

Cue the full-body wiggle of delight. Never has there ever been a happier Fox than this moment. Well, maybe once or twice, but only on a technicality. Pulling off a little caper and getting such effusive praise? Yes, a happy Fox. "I am in fact the sneakiest and cleverest!" he crows, and snuggles in against Lux's side. Peering over her drink, she adds, "Your turn!"

Lux watches her wiggle in delight, looking amused. "Mm, let's see if I can keep up with that..." They pick up their drink to down the rest of the sugary goodness, then hop up to their feet. They tap their chin with a painted nail thoughtfully. "Hmmm... I think... Fake News Bro could use a bit of color."

Off they slip into the crowd....

She puts down her drink and flaps her hands happily. Fox just has too much delight at tonight's Activities to keep all of it in her tiny frame. "I bet you can!" he trills, folding his hands in front of himself and nodding rapidly with Lux's assessment before following their trickstery ways with wide, delighted eyes.

Fake News Bro had slipped out onto the dance floor, doing his best to lure in ladies to dance with. Which is the perfect hunting ground for a Lux. They blend in easily with the other dancers, taking their time to wind and groove over to where their target is.

Lux is best when hiding in plain sight. They don't particularly keep themselves hidden--just blending in with people dancing nearby, and making their throw look innocent--it's just them lifting their hands up into the air as their hips sway, but no one else seems to notice the egg leaving their fingers to fly the short distance to the target. It's not a perfect hit like Fox's--it doesn't completely cover his whole body... but it certainly covers enough with rainbow neons and glitter that this guy is suddenly thrust into toxic masculinity panic.

When the man wheels around yelling "WHO THREW THAT?" Well, Lux plays the part of innocent all too well, gasping and looking shocked at what just happened. SO SHOCKED! Oh no! How could someone dooooo thiiiis! So that the guy quickly dismisses them.

It's then that they slip back through the crowd, and once a safe distance away break a smirk and slink back towards the bar.

She hops up on a stool to get a better view, on account of being very very short.

Fox is the perfect audience for this sort of thing. Because first of all, Lux is dancing, and that makes her eyes wide and her butt wiggle on the stool; she grabs her drink and takes a swallow. Sometimes one is literally as well as figuratively thirsty. And then there's that oh-so-innocent throw and it's all she can do to keep her laughter in until AFTER Fake News Bro's fragile masculinity cracks like... well... an egg. And then she cackles.

The bartender shoots her a look sidelong, and Fox's expression becomes one of angelic innocence until he looks away, and then she's giggling again. As soon as Lux is back in range, she cackles, "You. Are. Amazing."

"Thank you, thank you," Lux cooes, flitting fingers dramatically. They slide back onto their stool, a wide grin lingering. "This game is fun. This should be a tradition. We could rope others into it--turn it into a like... scavenger hunt of glitter-egging people. Got to collect so many sorts of douchey costumes, take pics for proof, and whoever gets the most wins."

The only thing better than mischief is traditional mischief with tribal bonding, in Fox's world, and she gasps aloud at that suggestion. "This game is so fun," they agree, gnawing their lower lip happily and wiggling about still. Just too much energy and sugar to keep still, which, you know, was always part of the point, wasn't it? "We shooooooooould. I bet we could get like... a lot of people in on it. Like. Get Zoya to set up a whole, um, like a social media thing, and declare it some sort of subversive art, which, I think it is."

"I suppose it is," they muse, head tilting a bit. "It certainly makes a statement. Mm... Social media would have a field day with it. Yes, I adore this idea. We must make it a thing for next Halloween!" They dig into their bag--first digging out candy to pop into their mouth--then grabbing two eggs, one to slip to Fox.

"But tonight, this is our game." They grin. "Let's see if we can find a group of shitty people and double-team it."