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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= Cian Doyle<br> Simon Dubois | setting= a harbor/shipyard outside Philly | log= '''Simon<br>''' Simon had picked Cian up and driven hi...")
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Latest revision as of 02:08, 21 January 2022


Cian Doyle
Simon Dubois


a harbor/shipyard outside Philly


Simon had picked Cian up and driven him a bit outside of the city, following the water and eventually pulling up outside of a large shipyard/harbor full of boats. Boats of all sizes--sailboats, houseboats, yachts--even a yacht that is multiple levels. Pretty much every sort of non-commercial water vessel you can imagine, and all on the higher end of the price tag. This is some luxury stuff.

Had he even told Cian where they were going? Maybe not. Might have conveniently slipped his mind.

He slides out of the car, pulling his wool coat around himself tighter and adjusting the scarf around his neck. Despite it being just after dark, the place is still open--or well, it doesn't look open, but open for them, as someone comes to unlock the gate and let them into the shipyard.

"Do you have any idea what you want?" he asks, looking down over the rows of boats like one looking over a rack of sweaters.

Cian's dressed more for a private dinner than a shopping trip, in modern-cut suit pants, even. Because what else do you expect when your obscenely rich boyfriend picks you up early in the evening? Blushed, he shivers in the cold, his cheeks red above a plaid scarf and wool peacoat.

"What I...you're not serious, Simon?" Cian huffs in incredulous amusement as he scans the shipyard with a practiced eye.

"What?" He looks back at him. "You've talked about wanting one for a while now. I meant to get it before I went to Europe, but it fell through the cracks."

"I..." Cian's flush no longer has anything to do with the chill in the air, and he sneaks glances at Simon in between looking at the boats, like he's trying to gauge whether the mortal has an opinion on any of them.

"It's...you don't have to buy me things like this, I..." the Kindred trails off a little helplessly.

Simon's stare turns challenging now. "So you don't want it? Hm. I suppose we could just go home, then..."

As for his opinions, Simon doesn't know shit about ships. They all seem to look the same to him, though of course he seems more drawn to the bigger/fancier looking ones...

"Of course I want it," Cian counters with a flustered smile. "I'm...mm. Tell me which one you'd choose and I'll tell you why it's a bad choice," his smile gets a little teasing.

His eyes roll as he slides an arm around Cian's to hold while they walk. He points at a huge yacht with his other gloved hand. "What one?"

"You'd need a full crew to sail that one, a licensed captain and everything. Which I'm sure would work just fine for you," Cian leans in to press a quick kiss to Simon's cheek, "but I've no interest in captaining a ship that someone else owns, or having much of a crew, really. And there's no sail." He kisses him again with a smile. "It very much says 'I have more money than I know what to do with'."

"What's the point of having a yacht, if not that?" he replies with a huff. "But, fine. So you want something with a sail?" He looks around, then points to the biggest sailboat. "Would that need a crew?"

Cian laughs and squeezes Simon's arm. "At least a few. But...mmm." He purses his lips thoughtfully and takes a step closer to the edge of the dock, toward a line of slightly smaller sailboats. "That one," he points, "and that one, and that one, those I believe can all be sailed solo."

None of them are particularly impressive - they look like the kind of thing that grandpas with a little extra money might splurge on to take their grandkids out for a day.

"A lot of it depends on how automated they are, and I'd have to do a little more research on the models...I just happen to recognize those as ones I've looked into."

Simon looks over the ones pointed out, looking... mostly unimpressed. "Well, let's at least take a closer look. You can research the ones that stand out more." He pulls Cian along, and steps over onto the deck of the closest one--releasing his arm so that he can look below deck. Because the comfort is definitely more important to him than the actual sails and fiddly bits.

Simon is met by an explosion of '90s floral upholstery - that somehow manages to be both uninteresting and not particularly comfortable. Cian is stalking around the deck, looking at the sails and fiddly bits that are important to him, but he does stick his head down to look below deck.

And even he purses his lips at the furnishings, or lack therof. "Mmm. Perhaps not."

This is maybe going to end up a little bit like Goldilocks and the three bears, except with boats.

"No," is all Simon says as he near immediately about-faces and walks back up the narrow steps and off of the boat, waiting for Cian to join him.

Indeed--Cian knows his boats. Simon knows nothing about boats, but that does not stop him from critiquing everything they see. He scoffs at one that doesn't even have a bed. "If we can't comfortably fuck while out at sea than what is even the point," is his grumbled complaint.

But it definitely seems like Simon is trying to push him towards getting something more luxury and comfortable. He doesn't appear concerned about the price.

More than just knowing about boats, Cian wants to tell Simon about them, if the man will listen. Switching between jargon and more general terminology, explaining why this or that one will or won't work for solo sailing, and just generally keeping the man informed about his thought process.

He does seem to shy away from the more expensive boats, even the ones that would work for his needs - though he does give them some wistful glances in the process. The larger ones are more automated, and some even have two bedrooms - tiny ones, but comfortable. And as much as he tries very very hard not to lust over a particular one that is, according to him, the best combination of optional automated features, ones that can be turned on and off as one pleases, and has a fairly luxurious space below decks, he can't quite keep the desire off his face as he looks the boat over. But he doesn't suggest they look at it, and moves on to one that, while nice, is clearly not in the same class as this one.

At first Simon seems uninterested in learning much, but as he notes Cian's enthusiasm... he softens a little and seems to be paying more attention, and even asks some questions here and there.

Simon looks at Cian, then towards the boat he's lusting over, then back to Cian, expression shifting to frustrated as he stops walking. "Why aren't you looking at that one?" he asks.

"I...mmm?" Cian blinks in mild confusion. "It - well it's...just not something I'd ever consider spending that much money on." He winces slightly even as he says it. "But we can...if you want...?"

It's like he gets off on denying himself things that he wants, or something.

"You're being ridiculous. I am paying for this, and it can't be that much more than most of the others we've looked at." He turns and steps onto the deck of the ship. "I'm going to be angry if you pick out one you don't actually like."

"There are many here that I like, Simon, I'm - the fact that you're buying me a boat at all is - I won't let you buy me something I don't want, don't worry. This one...it's...do you ever do research about something you know you shouldn't? For - well probably not for financial reasons, but..." He shakes his head. "Yes. Fine. Lets look at it."

"I made an obscene amount of money in Europe," he says dryly. "I might as well use it in a way that is interesting. And it's not as if I'm not going to benefit from this as well. Sailing is not my hobby, but I'm sure you will want to take me out from time to time, won't you? I want to be comfortable while I'm out there. If it bothers you so much, then use my irresponsible tastes as an excuse." His arms cross. "Now tell me about the..." He flicks a finger towards the controls. "Things."

"You clearly already have plans to break whatever boat you buy in by fucking in it, so yes, I do have plans to take you sailing." Cian flashes him a grin. "The things, as you so eloquently put it - normally I'd prefer something with a little less automation, but..." He continues to explain the controls to Simon, and the ways everything connects and is put together, and the fact that it can be sailed by any number of people. The main cabin is cozy, but the windows show the moon streaming in, and despite the fact that it's a little small it's certainly comfortable. Probably not as big as Simon would like, but perhaps the deck itself makes up for it? There's space to lounge, even, though they will probably not be doing much sunbathing.

"I won't take any convincing, but the price tag - or at least the range I've seen online - does make me want to cry, a little."

He listens again with his vague sort of interest, poking at some of the controls if Cian doesn't swat his hand away.

"Well, I like it and I think you should pick this one," he says simply. "If you're sure you like it best, and that you can sail it yourself, then you never need to know how much it costs. I can buy it tonight."

With the boat powered off, Cian doesn't have to swat Simon's hand away, but he does explain what the controls do, and why the man will absolutely not want to do that when Cian's at the helm.

"I...would like to see if we can take her out, before I make that decision. I want to know how she handles, every boat is slightly different, you know?" He runs a gentle hand along the dashboard, and ducks out of the cabin to go find the person who let them in.

"I'm sure we can see to that," Simon replies without concern. Of course he'll get to take a crazy expensive boat out for a ride. He follows along, speaking to the attendant there and smoothing over any worries--or, well. Smoothing isn't the right word. More like bribing. There's probably some paperwork signed as well, for insurance/liability purposes. But Simon seems to trust Cian not to wreck the ship before it can be officially bought.

But soon enough they have the all clear, and are allowed to take the boat out! Simon... clearly will be of no help. He moves to sit down in a chair and watch Cian do everything needed to get them out, legs crossing.

It may take a bit of bribing, but at least Cian has all his own paperwork in order, and there's a lightness in his step as they make their way back to the bot (yacht. It's a yacht.) "I really didn't come dressed for this, unfortunately," he murmurs, and glances back toward the attendant, making sure they're not looking before unBlushing himself and tugging off his overcoat. And his suit coat, too - Simon, he wore a whole-ass suit for you tonight, in a modern cut and everything - leaving him in a dress shirt that he rolls the sleeves up of.

It takes him a bit to get used to this particular ship, but not overly long, and soon he's very carefully maneuvering out of the harbor with the aid of the motor, paying much more attention to his work than to Simon. The man barely gets a glance, and Cian only speaks to him to give him a warning about this line or that sail being in a particular position. He clearly knows what he's doing, and soon they're in open water, sail full of the gentle wind.

Simon's brows raise as the coat comes off, giving Cian a long look up and down as he slips the suit coat off as well. He lets out a soft sound of appreciation, but otherwise stays quiet. Honestly, he seems to be enjoying the view of Cian taking command and setting sail. He is unfortunately not suited to the cold, so ends up leaning over to snag Cian's coat and pull it on over himself, bundling up inside it. But otherwise, he watches on in silence.

"What do you think?" he finally breaks the silence, once they're well off onto the water and Cian seems a little less distracted.

Cian's coat is warm, at least, and in a free moment he comes over to pull it more tightly around Simon's shoulders. And kiss the man's cheek, too, though his lips are cool, before returning to sailing. He may be showing off a little bit, and once they're well on their way he turns to grin at Simon, his hair windblown and his face bright with excitement.

"She's perfect," he purrs as he runs a hand along one of the lines, leaning against the rail in a way that shows himself off just a little bit. "Just...perfect."

He shivers a little at the cold kiss, but doesn't shrink away. When Cian turns back at him with that excited grin, Simon even smiles a little, some fondness in his usually deadly-sharp eyes. "Then she'll be yours. You'll have to name her, though. Don't ships have names?"

"They do. I'll have to give it a bit of thought, I...I've never really considered owning a rig like this, I hope she'll tell me what her name is, but they don't, always. Not that I have extensive experience in naming boats," he admits, his smile still wide.

"We'll...have to christen her, once she's purchased - and once I decide on a name..." From his tone, he's got something more intimate in mind than smashing a champagne bottle or two, and he leans in to kiss the man again, Blushing as he does, goosebumps suddenly rippling down his chilled arms. "Thank you. She's perfect. You're wonderful."

He returns the kiss, then slips off the coat to offer back towards Cian. "You'll have plenty of time. No need to worry. I'll have everything dealt with. I'm sure you know of a good harbor near your place where she can be kept, and I'll see to it that she has a place to rest when not in use."

"You're welcome," he adds, still smiling at him. "I do enjoy spoiling you."

"There's a lovely little marina within walking distance of my apartment - close to my workplace, too." He shrugs his coat on and kisses Simon again, slow and sweet. "Though I've had to shift to more part-time work, there, I've my fingers in a collection of other pies...and they're more interested in my work behind the scenes than my work as an interpreter, anyway, which is much easier to do with the hours I keep."

He grabs Cian's hips and pulls him down into his lap, so they can kiss longer and more comfortably. He slides hands underneath Cian's coat, resting on his back. "I don't think that is a bad thing," he says. "You should be valued for your knowledge, not how good you look in a silly costume."

The comment makes Cian chuckle, and he settles into Simon's lap with a hum of contentment. "They seem to have learned that. It's helped that I've taken my knowledge elsewhere, I think - they're starting to recognize that they may not get to keep me if they don't let me to the work I'd prefer to do. And the work I'm better at, to be perfectly honest. I can tell a story, but...I'd rather be researching it for someone else to tell."

He rests his chin on Cian's shoulder, looking up at him. "Good. You'll have to share some of your research, sometime. I'd like to read it."

There's a beat of silence, before he continues, "I'd like to ask something of you."

"Next time we're able to keep our hands off each other for a few moments in my apartment I'll show you what I've been working on." One more kiss, and he pauses as Simon continues.

"...Oh?" He pulls back a little to look at the other man, his expression a little wary.

He nods in agreement, then leans back in the seat some, to look up at him better. His expression grows serious again. "I think... it is about time that you meet my daughter. If you are willing."

"...Oh." It's a breath of a word, and Cian's brow furrows just a little. "I...yes, I'm willing. I'd like to, I like to know about the things that are important, in your life. And I know she's on the top of that list."

"She is," he agrees softly, exhaling a relieved breath. "Good, then. I'll set something up. Dinner... no, not dinner. Hm. I shall... think of something." He rubs his hands over Cian's back slowly, helping warm the dead flesh.

"I can manage dinner, if that's what would work best." Cian leans in to kiss him, and runs a finger through his hair. "As long as I look human, I can eat like a human."

"Dinner would be simplest, I think. If you're sure you wouldn't mind..." He rests his chin against Cian's shoulder again. "...Thank you. I'm sure it will go well."

"I promise I don't mind. It's...unpleasant, later, so I don't bother unless it's really worth it. Meeting your daughter is absolutely worth it." He shivers and pulls his jacket more closely around him, and snuggles a little closer.

"We...ought to get back," he says after a long moment. "How inconvenient would it be for you to make all the arrangements to have it moved without me? I suspect it will be a little easier during the day than in the evening, even if the sun does set early."

"Darling, I have people for that," he tuts. "Don't worry about it. I'll see to it that it's handled." He slides his arms away, allowing Cian to stand. "But yes. We should get back before the salesman has a heart attack."

"I appreciate your 'people' immensely. Thank you." He sneaks a kiss as he stands again, and brushes his fingers along Simon's jaw as he unBlushes again so he's able to take his coat off. And set it around the mortal's shoulders.

"I'm...going to need to eat, tonight," Cian murmurs with a sigh, and gets to work on getting them back to the harbor.

It doesn't take that long, soon he's carefully sailing between the other boats, and hops out onto the dock to tie her down before offering Simon a hand. He's still smiling, a little creepy on his dead face, his hair windswept and his dull blue eyes still wide with excitement.

"Don't threaten me with a good time," he says with a little twitch of his lips. He pushes to his feet, accepting the hand and allowing Cian to lead him off the boat. "You go get in the car. I'll get things wrapped up here and join you. Then... perhaps we can go to the penthouse, warm up in the jacuzzi, and you can have your meal," he says in a low, promising voice, fingers brushing along Cian's chest.

"That sounds...perfect," Cian purrs, leaning just a little into that finger, and then leaning in for a lingering kiss before breaking off to head toward the car.