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Latest revision as of 22:46, 31 August 2022

Content Warning

Talk of Self harm and Gore


Aksel Arkwright
Ylva Theodulus


Miscelanious Park and Ylvas Hollow


Ylva :
Ylva had had a good day of gardening and working on her Hollow, with no breakdowns and no snaps to meat. So she had gone for a little walk Ironside a walk in a park, the middle of the night, no people around. Or so she had thought.

She had passed a couple going for a late night walk and nearly lost it, now she was breathing heavily while sitting on a bench. Her claws digging into the wood, dripping her own blood as they passed through and into her own palms. Her hair was messy and covering her face. Though tears flow freely down her cheeks.

She is wearing her usual leather jacket with a red tartan skirt and fishnet stockings knee high boots shaking and taping under the seat.

Aksel Arkwright :
The sound of quiet footsteps crunching through the late summer grass in the park, a sturdy, steady tread like a regular drumbeat. With them came the scent of tarmac under a noonday sun in June, the smell of fresh berries and hay, and oddly the smell of s’mores as well. The late night grew slightly warmer at their approach, pausing only briefly to be replaced by a considering “hmmm”.

After a moment more the steps resumed, and soon after a much larger, heavier figure than Ylva dropped unceremoniously onto the bench next to the crying Beast. There was a creak as the figure moved, the shift in weight audible as a face popped into Ylva’s field of view, beyond her tears. The night black hair that came into focus was streaked through with stars that shifted through it as it moved in the wind, followed by a slightly knit brow and a pair of purple and gold irises that danced like nebulas. “Would you like to talk? Or do you just want a hug? Or both?”

Ylva :
Ylva looks across the seat knowing that smell, knowing that weight that voice. Her claws dig further into the seat, further into her own palms, blood dripping to the floor her body shudders. She shakes her head at him. "Yes. I, I thought I was okay, but then I nearly just ate a person."

Aksel Arkwright :
There was a nod from the head as it briefly withdrew, to be replaced by a pair of large hands. Slowly they tried to unhook her talons from the seat, trying to free her so he could look at her hands.

Dressed in a simple pair of jeans, suspenders and a chambray work shirt, Aksel looked not unlike someone who would have been posing on the cover of a catalog at some point, selling faux distressed jeans to people who wanted to look scuffed, but in a designer kind of way. However the dirt on his jeans and the worn sections were honestly come by, and he smelled as much of a farm life as he did the scents his mantle carried about with him. The s’mores were anyone’s guess.

“I can well imagine how that would be put you in this state, and I know how much that scares you. But!” He smiled softly. “Nearly ate someone and actually eating them may feel like a thin line but they’re miles apart. And even though it was hard and rough and the fact that it happens at all is just ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag. But you fought, and you won. And that’s a victory you can take to the bank. Gimme your hands.”

Ylva :
She slowly lets him take her hands, removing the claws first from her hands and then from the bench. Looking up at him she tries to smile, its feeble and probably fake but its there.

"I know, like mentally I know but its hard. I was having a good day. I thought I was okay, I even called Astrid, we had a conversation, it was nice. Then I saw this couple and my. Fuck. Aksel. Why am I so broken?"

Aksel Arkwright :
As Ylva prised her talons from the bench, Aksel went to a pouch on his belt and removed a roll of gauze, which he began wrapping Ylva's palms with. "This'll do for now, but we should get these cleaned up and sterilized." He gave the upset Beast a side-eye, but was clearly joshing. "Yes I know we're all fancy magic, but an infection is still an infection."

His gaze and tone made it clear he was trying to get a chuckle out of her, even as his hands worked patiently and expertly to tend to her own. "I do understand. It doesn't take a lot to throw stability into chaos, especially when it already feels a bit like a house of cards. Of course it's hard. And of course it's painful. Which..." He held up a finger. "I would try and point out says a great deal about your character in the first place, but I recognize that might feel a little hollow." He shook his head, setting the rolled bandages with small fabric clips made for the purpose, then gently held her hands. "The problem is, as with us all. Is that you aren't broken. We aren't 'broken'." He gave her a gentle pat on the knee. "We were remade into something else. The problem is that what that was wasn't or isn't or whatever human anymore. Broken implies we aren't meant to work this way. As humans, that would absolutely be true. But we aren't anymore. So it's about fitting what we are now into the society that we have to exist in. To some degree. But obviously that can be hard as rocks and twice as heavy. You've held on to your humanity and it's proof you aren't just what you were made into. And you haven't really been back all that long, so it's understandable it's going to be a lot of stress for a while. Coming back is like a paradigm shifting without a clutch. It's gonna take time. But time we have." He gave her a light bop on the shoulder. "And at least you can say that for today, it was one incident that made things hard. Not two, or ten, or two hundred. For whatever that might be worth."

Ylva :
She flexes her fingers as he works. Seeing her blood and flesh move and pulse.

As Aksel talks and touches her the tears stop and she even manages a little chuckle and a genuine little smile.

When he finishes she leans her head against his shoulder.

"Ill be fine Hedge side. I heal better than most."

A hand reaches down taking his and she looks up at him with pleading eyes.

"Take me home. Please."

Aksel Arkwright :
When Ylv'a tears finally slowed and stopped, he put an arm around her as she leaned into him, giving the smaller Lost a gentle squeeze. His hand held hers carefully given the wounds she carried, but nevertheless wrapped her up. He smiled down at her and nodded.

"Of course. Home, and safe, and healing." Aksel gave Ylva a hug as he stood with her, easily lifting her small frame into his arms with a 'hup'. "If anyone asks, we're a high speed production of Young Frankenstein." With a wink to his charge the big Torrent began moving in the direction of home. Ylva's home in this case, as his legs began to pick up speed and the scenery started blurring past. Even without the use of tricks or contracts the giant sized elemental ran at a matchless speed for a human, keeping outside of the pools of lit street lamps, and off the paths where any might see, streaking across the ground like a comet.

Ylva :
Ylva leans into Aksel enjoying the warmth and safety.

"Once we get Hedge side I can direct you, unless you know of a entry that is close?"

Aksel Arkwright :
The shelter of Aksel's chest was not unlike cuddling up to the lee of a massive tor, a storm raging on the other side but kept at bay. The Telluric's eyes kept constant watch for any sign of threat or problem, though he looked down to Ylva with a smile and a thoughtful look. "Hmmm... I tend to stick to pretty specific entrances myself as well, so I'll follow your lead, mamajama. But it's probably fairly close by, right? An entry, that is."

Ylva :
She shakes her head at that. "The entry to the Hollow itself isnt exactly accessible at the moment. Its at my Ironside home. Not my wisest decision but here I am."

Trying to smile she points to a building to the south of the park. "But the main door of that big brick takes us a few minutes walk away. Just the other side of my Orchard."

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel nodded, giving this due consideration, tipping his head to the side. “That is admittedly a hurdle to consider another time, and one I’m sure we can figure out. But in the meantime, main door it is.”

Not bothering to set Ylva down, Aksel strode over to the main doors, giving a look around to check for any watchers before he opened the door for the both of them, and stepped through.

Boots that had been moving along well mowed grass and side paths now stepped onto tilled soil and the soft undergrowth of an Orchard. Here the Telluric shone slightly, the veins of golden light that moved under his skin glowing brightly for a moment before settling. “Is this roughly the right area?”

Ylva :
She tries to sink lower in his arms feeling a bit embarrassed about her choice of where to put her hollow but not being able to do anything about it right now.

When they reach the Hedge she breaths a sigh of relief before standing in his arms and looking around. "Hmmm."

Nostrils flaring she looks around for a moment before sitting again.

"Yeah. Just head that way." She points away from the Orchard into the deeper part of the Thorns. "Its moved a bit since I left but it should be that way."

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel naturally shifted himself as Ylva tried to burrow deeper into his arms, letting her sink in as she felt she needed to. He smiled at her sigh of relief and gave a nod of understanding and acknowledgement.

He hard to chuckle slightly as Ylva stood in his arms to get a better view of the area, supporting her legs with little effort as she marked their eventually destination. “Roger Ramjet, I read you navigator.”

As his long strides carried them through the hedge towards the direction Ylva had indicated, he tucked her back into his arms to keep her from risking a fall. “You said you’ve been working on your hollow right? How’s it feel these days? Getting comfy?”

Ylva :
Ylva smiles as they get closer to her home, taking a few turns to avoid the less savory parts of the Thorns that are nearby.

"Its, getting there. Ive had a few visitors which has been nice. Laura is going to take me to get some stuff from my shop in a couple days which will be nice." She blushes slightly not quite sure how to feel. "I left her a mirror in the main room, apparently she can jump through them."

When they reach her Orchard she jumps down checking on a few of the trees and picking a couple ripe fruit tossing one to Aksel.

"Not meat flavored, just normal ones. That project is inside, dont want someone to randomly stumble upon those."

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel nodded as he carried Ylva along her desired route, smiling broadly as she spoke of new acquaintances. “Well now that sounds just lovely. Making new friends, finding folks to connect to. I’ve seen your work, I’m sure she’ll love it.”

At the mention of the installed mirror and the purpose thereof Aksel nodded in understanding, then paused as he crossed his eyes. “Oh sugar biscuits… I could have done that and saved us the trip. Good to know for next time though.” He paused at that and smiled at Ylva. “If you don’t mind me showing up that way. I’d be sure to call first, don’t want to be mangling your privacy.”

As they got to the orchard the big elemental grinned as Ylva hopped down, catching the thrown fruit with a bright and cheery expression. “Well I certainly can understand that, but I appreciate the warning nonetheless.” He took a bite and gave a nod, gesturing with the fruit. “And certainly plenty tasty besides.” He followed along after Ylva, staying close as he looked about curiously. “Doing a mighty fine job at it, as well. And as to that project, I had something I wanted to try, see how it might fare.”

Ylva :
"New friends have been nice and I havent even bitten any of them, yet."

She giggles pulling open the door and stepping inside the Hollow proper sitting on the floor today and pulling up a kettle of water.

"Does everyone but me know this trick? Did I miss this in traumatized Lost 101?"

Ylva raises and eyebrow at the comment about her project "Oh?"

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel chuckled along with her, tipping his head “A solid start for sure. I’ve been pretty busy with my own stuff so I haven’t really been able to meet most folks proper. Do need to change that.”

As Ylva put on a kettle for tea, Aksel laughed at her question, shrugging somewhat helplessly. “It is a pretty handy trick, I’m not gonna lie. I can always teach it to you if you’re of a mind. It’s a Steed contract, and my one bit of sneaky tricks in my bag. Not that I would doing anything untoward. It’s just handy to have a bit of time not to make an entrance, when you already have.”

He joined Ylva on the floor, removing his boots so he could relax comfortably. He gave her a nod, and tapped the side of his nose. “Yepper pepper. Been thinking that the trick might be to give the hedge a taste of what it’s supposed to be sprouting up. We can try it in a bit if you like, all I’ll really need is some space. You might want to have someone… say Octavia, sit on you when I do. For your own peace of mind.”

Ylva :
"Ive met Laura and Charlie and Glitch. I only tried to eat two of them so progress?"

She chuckles finishing up a pot of tea and pouring it for both of them.

"Oh right, im good at those I think, maybe one day ill work it out. Though your more than welcome to use the mirror behind me."

A clawed finger points up towards the wall where there is a reflective sheet of metal held to the wall by a mass of vines.

"I have one growing in the back of Noon, trying to get it situated and then we can start experimenting."

Ylva's eyes go a little wide and then foggy at the mentioned idea.

"Yeah, maybe a good idea. Id rather not bite you, again, non consensually."

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel nodded at the list of names, though he shook his head in the end. “Afraid I haven’t met any of them yet, but I’ll keep the names in mind if I do. Any friend and all that. And yeah, I’d call that progress.”

He looked up to where the mirror was fixed to the wall and gave Ylva a thumbs up. “Souper. I’ll be able to show up which as a flash if you ever need me. Always feel free to holler, and I’ll pop through in two shakes.”

Aksel watched Ylva’s expression as she considered the plan, nodding with a broad smile as she agreed. Though his brows rose at the last bit of her statement, and he coughed into a hand. “Well I can always heal if I need to, and I can take a chunk more damage than most, so better me if there’s no choice. But I’ve been picking up a few practices and tricks for that as well. And uh… thank you. I appreciate that.” He glanced at Ylva and then to the kettle before going back. “Dooo… you think there might be uh… well let’s say value in practicing biting without.. eating, or something? If you needed to… you know… like I said I can take a fair bit of punishment. And I can help you stop if you have trouble… just an idea.” He shrugged, looking to the mirror again and making a goofy face at it.

Ylva :
"Thanks Aksel, really I appreciate it. And tonight. I was frozen there I couldnt move."

She sips at her tea a black and red mixture with hints of gold.

"I dont know, I crave the taste, its all there. The problem is I can take more than a chunk faster than most."

She leans back on her hand looking up at the roof of the room.

"I dont want to hurt anyone, but its just there, right on the edge. Even now."

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel smiled at Ylva, reaching out to give her a reassuring squeeze of the shoulder. "Well, what are friends for if not for helping curb an unwanted appetite? I'm sure that more or less tracks." He grinned, nodding however at her explanation, and her concerns. "Which again speaks to your character. That you don't want to hurt anyone. That you fight it. And I want to help you fight it. However I can. Even if it means the occasional... uh... nibble, or some such." He grinned, this time a bit more sheepishly, but then clapped his hands together. "And in the meantime, we can always see what sticks when we throw ideas against the wall." Aksel took up his own cup, breathing the steam in deeply before taking a long sip. "Relaxing and delicious as always. Thank you Ylva, you do a lovely cup."

Ylva :
"I know, its just everyone else makes it look so much easier. I know its not but still."

She finishes off her cup pouring a second and sliding the kettle back into the wall.

"I do try, it helps the urges. Now to show you how the expansion has been going. What is your favorite time of day?"

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel just nodded at that, raising his cup to her. "Human, Changeling or otherwise, that's probably a universal fact of life. Reality being we just get to the same places at different times in life, and in different ways."

His brows rose and he smiled as Ylva offered a tour of the hollow. He gave her question a bit of thought before nodding to himself. "I'd say dusk. When the sun is still visible but the light is all purple and red and gold, and the sky looks like it's from another world." He paused a moment and then added. "Or Saturday morning, because that's pancake day."

Ylva :
"Well I can make Pancakes but not in that room. Lets go to evening and then maybe if you stay tonight we can have pancakes in the morning and pretend its Saturday?"

She stands still holding her cup and walks towards the wall of this room speaking softly.

"The Autumn frost bites Hardest on a Midwest Breeze Their love burns my heart."

As she finishes speaking 4 doors appear, this one has the image of a setting sun, the other three have a rising sun, full moon and midday sun respectively. She turns to Aksel smiling.

"Shall we?"

Aksel Arkwright :
There was a series of expressions that crossed Aksel's face at this, covering a gamut of emotions from "Ooooh pancakes!" to "Morning?" He blinked, looking at Ylva as she stood and headed to the wall, clearly trying to compute something. In the end, smoke didn't actually come out his ears, but he just sort of nodded. "Yeah... I'm pretty happy to pretend it's Saturday for pancakes. With the right frame of mind and company, any day can be pancake day. Waffles are special though. Waffles have gravitas."

Whatever the hell that might mean, Aksel rose gracefully from his seated position to follow Ylva as she spoke her command words to the Hollow, the wall changing to support four doors. His brows rose and he nodded, clearly impressed. "Wow neat. That was a really nice haiku too." He beamed, offering a hand out to join her as she led him through the hollow.

Ylva :
She blushes gently as she takes her hand and steps through into the room. It was the top of a hill where the sun hit just perfectly and you could see the whole horizon. Behind them was a few benches to sit upon and a magnificent maple tree that waved gently in the breeze.

The grass was long and wove around their ankles as they walked. Ylva dragging him towards the seat to sit and watch the sunset, though it would never truly set it was a sight to behold.

Sitting under the seat was Octavia who raised her jaw to a friend.

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel followed Ylva through the doorway, taking in a breath as they stepped through into the eternal twilight. His eyes grew wider as he watched the beautiful landscape, giving Ylva's bandaged hand the lightest squeeze. "Wow. Neat. This is amazing Ylva, it's beautiful." His grin broadened further as he caught sight of Octavia relaxing under the bench they were walking to, and he gave a big wave to the fae mount. "Octavia! Hey! Look at you! How've you been?" He made further nonsense noises at the many tailed creature, stooping to give her a pet and a scratch through her fur as they sat on the bench.

Ylva :
Ylva raised a hand to the top of her head pushing her ears down.

"Thanks, its been keeping me busy, still not quite happy with the purple but we are getting there."

Octavia rises up to greet him "Good." It seemed that was her main word at the moment.

Ylva sat at the bench looking out at the sunset a smile on her face. "Its always nice to come here. Ive been sleeping in this room allot, probably why Oct is here."

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel smiled at that, making himself comfortable next to Ylva and relaxing on the bench. "It's definitely an impressive piece of work. I'm not surprised you're so good at it, you're a darn good artist. You'll definitely get there, it'll be super awesome. We could have such great picnics here. Or like a camping trip."

He nodded to Ylva, tipping his head as he looked around. "I can see why. It's incredible here. And I'm sure between you and Octavia it's an absolutely cozy nap." He grinned at that.

Ylva :
Ylva nods. "Yeah, camping sounds nice. Im trying not to eat here. Thats been a bit messy lately and dont want to invite too many messy things here."

She leans back in the chair taking up his hand again and squeezing it.

"I said to Laura ive missed doing art, though looking at this ive been doing it all along havent I?"

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel nodded at that, looking thoughtful. "That makes a lot of sense. I think it's pretty reasonable to try and find that kind of place. Keep it for itself and all." As Ylva took up his hand and squeezed it he gave a gentle squeeze back, holding her hand. "But we can totally camp out under the stars. Eat in the other room. I mean... if you wanted."

He smiled at the question, looking out over the landscape and nodded. "I'd say you have. If anything, you've been painting up whole worlds out here. It's gorgeous." He gave her a light bump with his arm, leaning back as they relaxed.

Ylva :
"I think id like that, camping here and then eating either in the main room or out in the Orchard depending what we have. Maybe if we make Waffles we can eat in here."

She giggles as she speaks, feeling safe enough to relax around Aksel, knowing he can stop her if he has to.

"Im trying, trying to figure out just the perfect way for the sun to be sitting, I keep wondering if I should have a little moon rising behind us, but then the doors in the way and I dunno."

Aksel Arkwright :
"Waffles are special, and worth a special place to eat them. I also know a song about them." Aksel waggled his eyebrows at that and grinned, looking up and around, happy to be sharing the space. "It would be really something, I'm not too sure about the answer to the door issue, but I bet you'll figure it out. You've got a real eye for this stuff. I feel like I'm a little more utilitarian."

Ylva :
"Aksel you are probably the most utilitarian person I know. Though you are a utilitarian person I would like to share Waffles and go camping with."

There is a genuine smile on her face as she talks. Gently leaning her head on his shoulder to relax as they speak.

Aksel Arkwright :
There was a laugh from the big Torrent, and he tilted his head at that, an arm drawing Ylva close so they could lean against one another on the bench. Admittedly, the smaller Beast doing a good deal more of the leaning, lest she be squished. His free hand brushed through his starlit hair as he chuckled. "Well thank you. That's probably true, like you said. I'd really like that too. Camping, running around, relax and be ourselves. Though I'll warn you, when it comes to waffles I am definitely not utilitarian or practical. It's not so much breakfast as it is a sugar delivery system. A tasty one at that." His cheek rested lightly on the top of Ylva's head as they shared space, enjoying the moment and scent.

Ylva :
"Ill be honest, I havent had Waffles in years. Since ive been back I cant really remember anything ive eaten, aside from you when you first got me out." There is a sigh as she relaxes into his touch.

"Well, why dont we camp tonight and see how the morning goes?"

Aksel Arkwright :
Aksel thought about that for a second, and then smiled, nestling his cheek into her hair. His arm drew her closer and the big Telluric rumbled happily. He chuckled quietly. "I can certainly say I'm flattered that I'm memorable. But that sounds like an excellent reason to have waffles again. One of many."

As talk returned to morning, Aksel flushed slightly, the golden light beneath his skin glowing a slightly darker hue. He nodded though, smilig into Ylva's hair. "Yeah. I'd like that. A lot I think. A whole lot."