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Revision as of 09:38, 4 September 2022

Content Warning

Canabalism, Meat, Blood, Self Harm, Loss of Agency, Homelessness, Abuse


Ylva Theodulus
Laura Walker
Aksel Arkwright


Various Hedge Places


Ylva :
Ylva stepped forward again, its paws crunching in the carnage that was its Orchard. Its mouth wider than it should be able to be and fangs looking like they can shear through steel.

It steps again blood dripping from its teeth, pouncing towards Aksel, going through one of the still standing trees. Taking a huge chunk out of it and hissing as it realizes it isnt flesh. Roaring in anger it prows, waiting for Aksel to act.

Aksel Arkwright:
Act Aksel did, a simple calm in his eyes as he moved with inhuman grace. The giant Torrent’s speed belied his size and stature, barely visible as his body blurred in a dodge to avoid the attack. A golden light follows as he sidestepped, a large shield made of woven light, and a king staff, though both seemed more for fending Ylva off than trying to actually attack her.

Each timed dodge was at the last second, trying to keep the Beast occupied while he spoke to her. “Ylva! Find yourself! I know this isn’t what you want. Fight this instinct! I believe in you!”

Crunching. Hissing. Roaring? Vorpal's senses were... obscenely sharp, and catching those sounds, even at a great distance, wouldn't have been overly concerning... if not for the proximity to the Freehold's Stable Trod. So she headed that way, wisping up a bit of glamour to tweak her legs digitigrade, letting her pelt forward at truly impressive speeds. Soon enough to catch Aksel's plea for sense. Soon enough to adjust her approach to come from the other side as him.

You know- in case she bolted.

No blade drawn for this, but the shadows in the orchard started to quiver and squirm as the sense of V's Wyrd settled like an eclipse, the ripe scents of mulled cider and autumn bonfires preceding her emerging into the orchard. Quiet- well in Aksel's view- and giving herself a second to take stock.

Ylva :
It feels the presence of Wyrd of that strength as it looks towards Aksel, as it tilts its head in some sense of confusion.

It paused at that, seemingly confused as to what is going on, maybe some trace of understanding of what had just arrived. Of who.

Only a pause though, it moved again, jaw wide as it moved into a clearing of the Orchard. Trying to figure out what is going on. Bestial brain turning, slowly.

Aksel Arkwright:

From across the clearing Aksel felt that same powerful Wyrd that had slowed Ylva for a moment, giving a nod to Vorpal as she came into view.

Letting out a deep breath he settled himself before leaping back into action, his mantle flaring hard as a pair of blade like wings of light stretched from his back, radiant starlight giving him strength. A star shown on his brow like a diadem in combat, brilliant streaks of illumination marking his run. He kept pace with Ylva well, flanking the half maddened Beast to keep from losing her.

“Ylva! Come back to yourself! I know you can! Stay with us!” As the elemental continued to try and reason with Ylva a large, shadowy form moved at high speeds through the Orchard, it’s body like a starlit night given shape. The massive wolf like creature worked in perfect tandem with Aksel, as if they’d trained for long ages to perfectly fight together. Every move Ylva made was harried by the darting form, while Aksel did his best to keep her from snapping at the star wolf, of himself.

The staff of light whirled like a hurricane, a constant rebuffing force that was as barely visible as the big Changeling was, almost 50 years of martial experience on display.

Ylva :
There was a little stutter in its steps as Andromeda entered the fray. Three on one is seemingly worse odds and even its limited bestial brain could understand that.

It looked around trying to find an escape but not seeing any, instead it moves deeper, into the main room of the Hollow, tearing through the vine wall and landing inside the Bird Cage like main room.

Ylva :
Inside the main room was quite plain, a small fireplace sat on one side with a lovely framed mirror sitting above, held in place by the vines themselves creating a frame for it.

It was quite a tall room but not very large across, maybe 30 or so feet across but 60 feet tall, the circular room was in the shape of a bird cage, more or less.

It is lit mainly by the fireplace with little balls of light hanging towards the roof, glowing fruit. There is only one other door at this time, aside from the hole that Ylva has just put in the wall.

Vorpal bolted alongside the other two as they raced along. It was clear that Aksel was a step beyond even Vorpal's impressive, altered speeds, as fast again over Vorpal what she had over the feral Ylva.

As Aksel kept trying to talk it down, as it leapt into the Hollow, Vorpal melted into the room, either right behind Aksel, or before, if he didn't move in himself, sticking against the wall as she studied Ylva. "Aksel. Would it help if she was restrained while you speak to her?"

Aksel Arkwright:

As their quarry moved into the bird cage, Aksel and Andromeda moved after her in unison, working to cut off other avenues and expertly trailing after her, the master far faster than his companion but keeping their flow perfect.

As Vorpal joined them to try and keep Ylva contained, the elemental turned his bright, glowing eyes towards Vorpal, traces of golden light trailing across his face in patterns and lines. He nodded at her request, smiling. “Yeah, if you could. I really need to get her attention focused. If you can, by all means.” He sounded more than a bit relieved at the option, rather than having to try and bonk the Autumn Beast senseless. “I know she doesn’t want this. If you can make sure her attention is on me I can maybe break her out of it.” He tsked to himself. “I miss working with a team. You really do remind me of someone I used to know.”

Ylva :
It looked towards its only exit. The one Exit it really couldn't afford to take right this moment, the exit Ironside.

It stepped towards it but being blocked off by Three different opponents it faltered, not quite sure how to proceed it just roared at them, trying to pounce on Andromeda.

Vorpal sees Ylva twitch towards the Hedge Beast, and the Hedge... quivers.

Ylva's own shadow, Andromeda's shadow, every shadow near Ylva abruptly rushes upwards and coils around it mid-movement, dragging it to the floor of the Hollow with twisted, shadowy replicas of the vines so thoroughly populous in the home. It's harmless, but extremely effective, adjusting immediately to put pressure on her joints to discourage movement. Her limbs won't necessarily break if she struggles, but the shadowy limbs are coiled around her like a grounded wrestler holding her to the floor.

(Blessing of Perfection is ALSO nonsense with 10 Wyrd.)

Ylva :
Ylva struggles against the shadows, writing in place but unable to move. It roars and hisses but cant get out. Snapping at anything that comes close.

"There! She should be quite focused on whatever's in front of her~" Vorpal comments in that ever-masked tone of hers.

Aksel Arkwright:
Aksel nodded, a look of profound gratitude on his face as Vorpal neatly wrapped up Ylva and kept her restrained. He let out a long breath and gave the Autumn a thumbs up. “I owe you a whatever. Dunno what you’re preferred drink or whatever is. But thank you.”

Aksel moved in front of Ylva, Andromeda padding around to sit next to her companion. The torrent let the shield and staff fade, raising his hands for the Beast to see that they were empty. His voice was quiet and calm, a soft monotone of a trained therapist. “Ylva. Look at me. At my face and my hands. Smell me. Hear me. Remember who I am. Remember who you are. Bring yourself back to, follow the thread of my voice.” He crouched slightly so he could be eye to eye with the small woman, getting to one knee to be comfortable. “Think of how far you’ve come. The names you’ve met and the people they belong to. Remember the feeling of clothes and keys and umbrellas in the rain, remember cake and video games and your tattoo shop. Remember that you’re one of the strongest people I know. Follow my voice. Bring yourself out. You are Ylva. You have a world beyond this. Come back to it. Please.”

Ylva :
It snapped its jaw as he approached but couldnt move, it snapped and writhed but eventually tilted its head in question. They seemed to see something, to understand something.

They looked around the room they were in, their body still on high alert but mind seeming to reel at the realisation. Fangs shrinking down just a touch until they were almost their normal size, one mumbled word coming out of their mouth, the first since they had lost it. "Ylva?"

Vorpal has the sense to stay quiet rather than risk interrupting the far more familiar restorative session occurring before her, staying still, quiet, inhumanly immobile for the duration.

Aksel Arkwright:
“Yeah. Ylva. My friend. The person I care about. The person Vorpal cared about. And Artie and your wife. You’re not just your hunger. You’re so much more. Come back to that. To us. We care about you. We want you to be safe and happy. I want you to be safe and happy. Follow me back. Let us help you find an anchor to your true self. Let us be that anchor for you. Not to weigh you down, but to keep you with us.” He reached out tentatively as her fangs receded, brushing her hair back and letting her get the scent of both himself and Andromeda. “I’ll never stop caring about you. We won’t. Come back.”

Ylva :

They look up head tilting.

"Shadow? Friend?"

Fangs shrinking back down to their normal length.

"The very same, dear. I hope you'll forgive the mildly aggressive embrace, I thought you might appreciate the lack of a cracked skull this evening," Vorpal intoned pleasantly. She sounds like she's smiling. But you can't really see.

Ylva :
Their head lowers looking down.

"I upset friends?"

Looking back up they continue.

"I hurt friends?"

"Not unless your orchard trees are friends," Vorpal remarks gently.

Ylva :
"No hurt Vorpal or"

They pause thinking.


Aksel Arkwright:
Aksel smiled softly, raising his left arm to show an already healing, faint scar. “Didnt hurt Aksel, no. Or Androemda. Or Vorpal. I just forgot to have someone sit on you when we tried to hedgespin. Which is at least partly on me. When I cut myself to get the blood, it triggered you. But I’m ok, I’ll be fine. And you’ll be ok too. Come back. Come home. We’ll make s’mores, have a campfire, make tea. I’ll even bring my guitar.” He smiled. “And I promise no puns.”

Ylva :

They look up at Vorpal, around at Vorpal.

"Can you let me down now? I can take us into the Dawn room and we can sit on the beach."

"Well. As much as I enjoy keeping you trussed up in my shade," Vorpal drawled, "Teagan and June would put me in time-out if I ever ignored someone's No." The shadows uncoiled gently and set her on the ground as requested. "And don't worry yourself about a favor, Aksel- I dislike taking things from others. We'll call you taking care of our friend here my payment~"

Ylva :
Ylva sighs walking over to one of the walls and without her regular Poem to open the door she just rips out a section of the vines opening a walkway to a shining sunrise on a beachfront.

Beutiful sand dunes flow before the sea hits them with a relaxing sound of nature.

They stop looking back at Vorpal.

"Oh, is a sunrise on a beach bad for you?"

Vorpal tilts her head. "You met me on somebody's driveway. I think I can handle a sunrise!"

Ylva :
"Sorry, your just all shadowy I didnt know if it was. Sorry."

She walks in flopping into the sand running it through their hands.

Aksel Arkwright:
Aksel beamed at Ylva as she seemed to return to her full senses, nodding enthusiastically. “Sounds like an absolutely tops idea.”

Vorpal’s comment made him chuckle, though his brows rose as she went on. “Sounds… sensible. And you know me. J love a sunrise. Didn’t bring trunks though, but maybe next time.”

"You're okay," Vorpal reassured as she moved to follow, crouching and starting to draw an intricate occult symbol into the sand. "It's not sunlight that bothers me. It's spotlights. So I'm afraid my career as a nighttime advertising airship operator are out the window."

She worked the symbol out quickly, and then stood, lifting her hand to dramatically... click her fingers.

At which point the sand rushes up to form just the most lovely sand-based sofa you ever did see. Onto which she swirls over the top and flops down comfortably.

How is this different from sitting on the beach itself?

Ylva :
Ylva looks up at Vorpal making little mounts in the sand and then smooshing them.

"Thanks for helping Aksel. i appreciate it. I havent lost it like that since my first week back."

She lays back onto the sand looking up at the sky.


"It's alright. You're not the first I've seen lose control. The last time, it was someone using an iron blade and invoking a contract to become deadlier- but battlemad. Comparatively, this was a walk in the part- in large part because I learned tricks to fight without harming after that incident." Vorpal is just lazily sprawled on the sandsofa. Unconcerned, unworried. Just as companionable as ever.

Ylva :
Ylva chuckles.

"Thankfully, I dont tend to use contracts when I get like that. Battlemad and Feral is not a fun combination to get me out of id imagine."

She waves her hands around making a sand angel. As she does one of the clouds in the sky changes shape.

"I think I like that shape better. It was too fluffy before."

"TOO fluffy? Is there such a thing? I tend to find increasingly fluffy things to be all the better to cuddle, in my experience. Not a fan of fluff?" Vorpal asks lazily, studying the sky and its clouds.

Ylva :
She points her hand up at one of the clouds.

"It looked more like candy floss and less like cloud."

Tilting her head she smiles.

"I like fluffy but clouds need a balance. See."

As she finishes the cloud changes shape to indeed look exactly like candy floss. She even makes it pink.

"Oh! Is that so? Quite the cloud connoisseur, are we?" She grinned lazily. "Well, I'll agree that the confection looks strange in the sky. Fairly told. How do you feel about thunderheads~?"

Ylva :
Ylva smiles "Im an artist. Its what I do, when im trying not to eat my friends."

She sits up tilting her head. "As in the stormy cloud kind?"

"exactly! How do you like those?"

Ylva :
"I love them, im still on the fence about what should be in the Night room, currently it has gentle snow clouds. But. I do like some thunder."

"Love it myself. I tend to sleep with storm sounds. Thunder or wind or snow blowing about. That and anything composed by Joe Hisaishi."

Ylva :
"Well then."

She looks up and the clouds gather forming thunder heads. A breeze coming from behind them and snow falling from the sky.


Vorpal snuggled down into the surprisingly soft sofa. "You know, I think I do like it even better now!"

Ylva :
Ylva chuckles catching a few snowflakes in her hands.

"Snow on the beach, I can get behind it somedays. Maybe I should just flip a coin every day for the weather in a room."

"Things change," V said simply, glancing at Ylva while she played with the snowflakes. "Why not let your rooms change too, I say?"

A moment, then, out of nowhere- "So tell me about these lovers you had."

Ylva :
"True" her black fur is speckled with snow, though the sand doesnt seem to stick to her.

She blushes at that comment.

"One of them is my receptionist at work." Her voice is shaky at not being able to work.

"And you know I have a wife. All my other lovers were very casual, friends with benefits sort of things."

"GASP! The power imbalance! The salaciousness! The... presumably excellent sex~?" Vorpal teased. "I see, I see. Why don't you start by talking about Astrid?"

Ylva :
"Jenny has peak Step on me Mommy energy and sometimes I need that in my life."

She looks down at the sand for a bit before continuing.

"I met Astrid when I was like, 14 or 15. Somewhere in that region. I had just run away from home and she was the first person at shelter to keep an eye out for me." She reaches up touching her brilliantly white hair.

"Shit I was still dying my hair back then."

"Now hold on, you gotta be more specific. Does she make YOU feel that way, or GIVE OFF the need to get put in her place? Be precise, it's- for posterity."

Sure it is.

"I see! You'll forgive me for not really clicking with that age. I was There before I hit my teens, and I was grown by the time I got out. I don't- huh. Have ANY idea what being a teenager should be like."

Ylva :
Ylva leans forward on her elbows.

"Is it because you want to know what makes me happy or if she could make you feel that way?"

"Sorry, I was 28 when I went in and fucken who knows how old I am now. She kept me sane, kept me away from the really bad druggies, kept men off me."

"The first one, dear. Could you really imagine me desperate to submit to somebody?"

A moment of quiet, then, before she continued. "You apologize a lot. When I do say something like pointing out we met in broad daylight, it's meant to tease, not criticize. I've no reason nor interest in making you feel bad. I like hearing you giggle much better. So please rest assured that if I want you to feel awful about yourself, it will not be subtle- or likely to occur at all. Okay?"

Ylva :
"I mean no. But I wanted to be sure I wasnt misunderstanding. Sorry."

A little chuckle. "Case and point I suppose."

She shimmies a little closer to the couch. Close enough for Vorpal to touch her if she wants to.

"Its a habit ive never been able to break from my childhood, then it only got worse in Arcadia and worse since ive gotten back and keep trying to eat my friends."

"Hmm." V murmurs, shifting to lean down against Ylva from behind, legs apart enough to rest her calves down on either side of her without shoving any salacious bits against her. "Is it out of guilt, or a survival tactic? Either is fine, I just wonder whether it's coming from a place of fear, of habit, or of guilt."

Ylva :
Ylva leans on Vorpal. Enjoying the contact.

"Survival, its all that kept me safe as a kid, then in Arcadia and here its guilt added to a habit."

"Mm. Well, take heart. Guilt isn't something things like Them feel. I should know. For a time, I let myself believe I was a God, and when you allow that mental slip away from mortality, so much stops making sense. Stops connecting. Like- guilt. So. While the guilt is absolutely not fun to live with, it's proof that you're living how you should- as a person. Not a story or a tool."A gentle squeeze to both shoulders.

Ylva :
"I guess thats, something, I just. I spent two decades eating Lost and everything else. Fuck."

She leans back into the contact reaching a hand up to each shoulder.

"Alive is, well its something."

Vorpal's thumbs slide along Ylva's collarbone to acknowledge the touch. "It's okay to not be okay, you know. I know it might feel like there's pressure to immediately be this safe, healthy person nobody will ever need to worry about again, but that takes time, and we do know that."

Ylva :
Ylva leans her head back looking up. "Is it? I feel so guilty. Im alive because others are dead. Its a lot to process. Makes it hard to think about other things."

"That's not a fair way to process it." Vorpal states that, leaning down to press forehead to forehead. "By the time you were tasked to eat those unfortunates, their fates had already been decided. Your only choice was to obey and live, or disobey and die with them. You could not have saved them. You had no agency in those deaths- so you cannot blame yourself for them, any more than you blame my knife for who gets cut by it."

Ylva :
"But why do I deserve to live when they died? Why am was I the top Dog, the top Fox."

She shudders.

"Why did he favor me over them?"

"Because you served your purpose. That's it. You were able to dispose of what he deemed disposable. That kept you useful, and ergo not disposable yourself. It's not about who deserved what. None of us deserved to be there, to survive that, or to die there. That way lies madness."

Ylva :
"Yeah? Okay."

She does a half hearted giggle. "Sorry for being a mess."

"Oh, please. You're hardly a mess. The sand hasn't had a chance to get into unpleasant crevices, it's not plastered to your thighs, your hair isn't a tangle of sweat and silica- compared to how you could look, you're downright pristine," Vorpal teased in that unbreachable deadpan.

Ylva :
She chuckles at that.

"And it never will, not here anyway. Its constructed in such a way not to stick to bodies or hair. Even when you get up it will all just fall away."

"Well, then! You're not even at RISK of being a mess, then, are you~?" A soft little pat pat to one of Ylva's shoulders. "So no need to apologize for being one, I say."

Ylva :
"You know I meant mentall..." She shakes her head.

"Of course you did. Thanks Vorpal."

"You're welcome. Now- I imagine you have access to this room all manner of times. Is this where you want to stay? I have no issues up and wandering wherever suits your fancy."

Ylva :
"My Hollow has like 6 rooms. 5 of which are finished."

She counts them off on her fingers.

"Dawn, Midday, Dusk and Night. The main Entrance bird cage and my sleeping quarters."

Smiling she continues.

"Where do you want to head?"

Vorpal snorts, curling her calves in across the little Beast's belly for a moment. "Can't help but notice the sleeping quarters were securely on the list of options I could pick from. Was that a shy little invitation?"

Ylva :
"Oh no, that is because they are the only room that isnt finished. They are currently very plain and boring. Which is why they werent on the list."

She blushes and there is definitely a hint of a shy invitation.

"Hm. Well. Far be it from me to insist on invading your space before it's properly prepared. Tell you what. How about we take a walk back to the Freehold and talk about boundaries, and you can invite me again once your room's just the way you want it. THAT way-

I can also check in with MY people and make sure nobody gets taken by surprise when they inevitably discover my sluttery days may be coming to a resurgence. Sound like a deal?"

Ylva :
"I mean I can finish it between here and there if you wanted, I just havent had much use for it is all."

She blushes again. "But walking back to the freehold and you talking to your people is probably more ethical. I should probably discuss it with my wife too, at least let her know."

"That sounds wise. Trust me, I am as much a fan of throwing caution to the wind and shoving adorable little fuzzy pipsqueaks against a wall until they start making at least three new sounds I've never heard them make, but I also like not having to explain why I didn't have the courtesy to tell my polycule that I was gonna drag someone into bed. I'm terrible at talking my way out of trouble, so I just try to avoid the sort I have to talk my way out of.

Now. STABBING trouble. That's fun trouble."

Ylva :
Ylva giggles shrinking down into the sand.

"Okay, lets walk you home and then you can pin me to a wall another day?"

She stands offering Vorpal a hand to stand, that she definitely doesnt need given she is bigger than Ylva but still.

Vorpal takes the hand and melts up onto her feet without any pressure on Ylva at all. It's- weird. That shouldn't be possible. But there it is. And then she's heading for the door without releasing that little paw. "So. Let's talk about boundaries. There's the Please Do category, the Please Ask category, and the Please No category. What, pray tell, should I know about in each of those little boxes~?"

Ylva :
Ylva stumbles following behind.

"Please do. Me."

She giggles before continuing, closing the remnants of the door behind her.

"Please ask, um, Anal and choking. Im trying to think, consent good please do that. Thats my biggest kink."

"Mhm, mhm. Starting to get the picture. So you want all the lovely naughty things- but you want the chance to ask for it, first. Or to be made to ask for it, perhaps~?" Vorpal asks as she leads the way out of the orchard. She's got impossibly sharp ears. She'll redirect their chat well before anyone else is in earshot!

Ylva :
"Yeah. That."

She looks down. "Im not the best at discussing thing before they happen I tend to get all caught up and then stuff happens."

"Oh, sweetheart. Me, too. This whole "responsibly checking in with my beloveds" is a new thing. Last time hurt more than a few people and fuck if I'm gonna put them through that again. This is not motivated by responsibility, but a lesson learned by its absence, you know?"

Ylva :
Ylva chuckles "Yeah. I spent my youth getting hurt by lovers, I would rather not end up there again. I appreciate it."

Pushing the door of her Hollow closed she starts walking along the Stable Trod.

"Now, now, lets be specific again. Is that to say you don't appreciate a little sadomasochistic indulgence~?" She lets the question hang before reassuring, "Not that I particularly mind either way, but I do like to know.


Ylva :
"Oh, no I mean mentally and emotionally taken advantage of. There is a diffirence between that and some teasing and spanking."

"And that's why I ask. Though- damn. I'm sorry to hear that. I've been lucky. Only had the one relationship turn out that way. It was pretty awful, though. I hope yours weren't, but I suspect they were."

Ylva :
"I was homeless for like 5 years, you can imagine how that is for a stable Polycule."

She laughs running a hand through her hair.

"But now we are here and I have met nice people."

That makes Vorpal think for a bit. "Hold on, so- oh, wait. You were younger. So it wasn't like your partners had homes of their own to welcome you into, did they?"

Ylva :
She shakes her head.

"No, we were all on the run from one thing or another. I didnt have a stable roof over my head until." Thinking for a moment before responding. "I was like 22."

"I can get that. I spent a lot of time without someplace to stay. I just walked through a few walls and found a nice attic or something to sleep in every night. It wasn't so bad. But that's sort of an exception. Most folx leave evidence when committing B+E."

Ylva :
"Sadly I can confirm my breaking and entering experience did leave traces. Though. It did lead to some good sex occcasionally."

THAT earned a pause! "With the residents?"

Ylva :
"Once, yeah. She gave me a shower, a place to sleep and then said that sleeping with her was payment. It was all kind of fun at the time. Fucked up on review but still."

"Well. To be fair, it's only really fucked up if you're not into it. As with most things. She's just lucky you were into it, cuz. That would have gone south REALLY fast otherwise."

Ylva :
"True, It was pretty fun. Just weird more than fucked up I guess."

She giggles changing the topic, slightly.

"Im lucky enough to have a house to go back to Ironside once I can. Thats something I suppose. Most of us are gone too long for that."

Ahead of the two, still within the Freehold but relatively near to the trod's entrance, Laura is carrying out a series of stretches interspresed with shadow boxing. If shadow boxing involved pretty large claws. Dressed down to her sports bra and shorts, her bare feet pad over the ground as she greets the night (or early morning) with a daily routine.

"Indeed. I think my extended family is still in Manhattan, but. It's been seventy years since I vanished. They would never believe it was me." As they pace closer, Laura's ACTUAL shadow rises off the ground and boxes back. Harmlessly, of course. By that time, she's sure to have felt that Wyrd, that Mantle. There's no mistaking Vorpal's presence.

Ylva :
Ylva blushes at the sight of Laura almost letting go of Vorpals hand but, not. She waves gently to Laura waiting until they get closer to talk to her.

Hyena teeth part in a toothy grin and she waves off her shadow after a bout of clawing at it, turning on her heel and striding towards Vorpal, the feeling of a thunderstorm due to break carried with her. "You make my fur bristle." She informs her. "Have to remind it that it's in a good way. I.." She catches sight of the small, dark Kitsune, canting her head. "Well now. I see you've bumped into one of my polycule." She lumbers closer, green eyes bright.
