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Latest revision as of 23:02, 27 January 2023


Bones and The User Win as Shala


The Athenaeum


Shala is wearing a purple pantsuit today, the exact same cut as the pink one she wore the other day. She's standing in front of the bookshelf where the libraries are kept.

Her right hand is firmly gripping a metal cane polished to a mirror sheen. Her left hand has MouseClick on it with the wire tail wrapped around the forearm.

"I bet there's a book about divine Galatea taking a shit on Sunday in here, dear oracles..."
Today, the hoody-clad, swooshy skirt, and booted Bones flowed through the aisles and walkways of the Athenaeum.

They tilted their head as they heard a familiar voice. With the Cam's announcement earlier, it made sense, and the Obrimos moved to intercept.
At the speed at which Shala moves on two feet, it's less an interception and more a slowly moving goal post to reach.

"Here to tell me to be quiet in the library already?" Shala grumps good naturedly in Bones' direction.
"I would never tell you or Click to stay quiet. For one, some of the media here is pretty loud. For two, we're Obrimos, we could be as loud as we want, or as quiet as we want, regardless of everyone else's opinions or desires, and not bother anyone further than our conversation. For three, I am not the Curator. And for four? I find your appearance and your transfer to be acts of Fate right now."
"Others would argue that its the result of me being difficult and unreasonable." Shala seems amused and then mimic something she's likely heard elsewhere. "At my age and in my condition how could I opt for an Acquisitor's spot when I could sit behind a desk!" A roll of her eyes and she start to walk a little faster with the cane, toward a table, upon which a laptop is found.

"And yeah, but sometimes bothering people yields some important results too."

"What can I do for you?"
They moved alongside shala, offering an arm on the opposite side from the Cane but not imposing at all. Then at the table, they pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Honestly? I've been looking into the Seekers for the last two months. I have wanted to inquire about joining."
Shala sits down where the laptop is and flips it open, revealing a spongebob wallpaper. The cane is tapped on the ground and a ping of magic happened and it turns into her wheel chair.

MouseClick moves off of her hand and plugs itself into the laptop. Greetings. I am updating software

"Oh? Why do you want to join?" That seems to perk her attention away from the computer.
"My full shadow name is the Bones of Magic. I consider that to be the Bones of Truth. Prime is the arcanum upon which all others are built. To be able to see the truth? To study it? To find it in Atlantean ruins and Bill's Philly Cheesteak Cart and anywhere else? It sounds... perfect for me."
"Yeah, Prime's annoying like that." Shala grumps while Click seem t be doing something on the computer, tapping various keys.

"Tell me of something you found, anything. Just a small tale or a big one, as you please." Shala asks.
"... Well, I was looking through ancient temples in the Yucatan, or trying to. Thought there might be Atlantean nearby, you know? Then it turned out one was a Den for werewolves. And not the nice ones. After fighting, and being helped by the local good ones, the Forsaken, I barely got out of there with my life. Eventually, we took the ruins back. INside of it? A very powerful locus of isolation, and a similarly powerful hallow. It was not Atlantean, but it was the dual sets of ley lines combining... and I found an artifact there. So, I guess, slightly Atlantean, but more like reclaimed by one of the Native folx once upon a moon... brought it to the local caucus and they are studying it to this day."
"Last time I interacted with a Werewolf, Click had to tell me." Shala says with a scritch on top of her familiar. Which causes the page on the screen to scroll.

"Pretty decent lad, but took himself too seriously."

"And despite the werewolves and the fighting, were you hurt? How long did it take before you got back on the move?"
"They helped heal me, somewwhat, and I had life magic to help. And Potentia... however we waited for the Full Moon so their warriors were at their peak strength, so from New to Full."

"It's what led me to learn my start for spirit."
"Which says to me that you're at least capable of defusing some tense situations. Werewolves can be unpleasant, even the 'good ones'." Shala says "Spirit is a very useful Arcana to study, it's a bit of a wild card if a bit of a slow one."

"What's your most recent project?"

"I know this sounds like a trite interview, but honestly, I've seen you at work already."
"I'm currently studying how all of the supernatural communities are connected. Maybe from the Ladder breaking, maybe beforehand. There's a lot of elements that are similar among us all. I think that studying Vampires to increase oure knowledge of Death, or the Bound... to learn from Werewolves about Spirit... that there's something that threads us all together. Could be nothing, could be everything."
"And how are you researching that? Are you speaking with members of their communities? Spying on them? Asking others about them?" Shala asks, leaning forward, listening intently.
"Yes," was the simple answer, before they went deeper into it.

"I've conversed. I've studied being fed by a Kindred. I've studied a Kindred being fed on by a kindred... I've studied some Changeling contracts. Just starting to dig through it all. And I listen to things that folx share, for my records. Even things they don't think matter..."
"I studied mostly people with supernatural abilities. Like your friend Phyx. Other Psychics and ghost speakers, mind readers and the likes." Shala explains "I've also started to study a bit more about Abyssal Intrusions, but I'm far from an expert there, which is why I was happy Master Hearth showed up."

"Nothing more dangerous than thinking you know something when you actually just know enough to show your ass."

"I've studied those like PHyx, and psychics, apporters, biokinesists ... all sorts of techniques. I feel like I"m right on the edge fo learning something."
"Listen, I don't have one of the special books to teach you how to get into the Seekers. I think Cassandra has it." Shala says casually

"And letting anyone stare at my soul is a bit of a hard limit, so, what I will do is this." A short pause as she pick up her familiar and unplug it from the computer. Update Completed. MouseClick 2.0.9 operational.

"I'll bother someone I know from the Broken Oar consilium to send me one of the books I made for this caucus and I'll let you be the first one to study it."
"Thank you. I do most appreciate it, and I am, as always, at your service. As the Second Protocol states," a bow of their head before meandering off.