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Revision as of 15:31, 1 February 2023

With her softly spoken nature and rural Oklahoma accent, her tendency to wear her big heart on her sleeve and everything she feels on her face, and ability to look at most strangers like they're old friends, Sparrow is one of those people who readily puts people at ease. She usually comes off as uncomplicated and unpretentious, gentle and sympathetic, and that means it frequently surprises people to find out that she's a doctor who specializes in emergency medicine, let alone one who spent two decades in the Army.

These days she works out of a small clinic in a rough part of town, where she's still working on building a reputation with the locals as both someone they can trust, rather than be suspicious of, as well as someone who isn't as easy to push around or take advantage of as she might seem.

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RP Hooks
  • Sparrow Community Clinic: Opened at the start of 2023 in the Fairhill neighborhood, Sparrow's clinic is an unassuming community health center well aware of the neighborhood it's in. The sign over the door simply says "Clínica Comunitaria" in black block letters on a white sign, and the bars over its windows have been there for nearly as long as the building, which is old. Already the doctor has started getting a reputation: bang on the door at any hour and there's a good chance she'll answer. Text the number in the window if she doesn't and she usually seems to show up quickly. Since she doesn't ask questions she doesn't need to, the reception of her in that neighborhood has been better than it might have been.
  • It's Complicated: Sparrow has a complicated racial background and equally complicated feelings about it. She's originally from Anadarko, Oklahoma, and is officially a member of the Delaware Nation there, but she's also well aware of the fact that she looks white and was raised with fairly minimal with Lenape culture. Her ancestry is what originally brought her Philly after her Awakening, and also part of what lead to her joining the Children of the Tree and her Legacy, and yet the relationship with her family tree is still a fraught one for her in many respects.
  • Colonel Everheart: For most of her life Sparrow wanted to be a doctor. Medical school costs money, though, and a lot more of it than she and her mom ever had. Having the army foot the bill was the easiest option she saw, and she spent a good portion of her life in the Army afterward. It isn't a decision she'd probably make again knowing what she knows now, and having experienced what she's experienced now, but other people with military service might have met Colonel Everheart at one point or another.
  • Have Healing, Will Travel: During her time with the Army, Sparrow spent time in many different parts of the world. When she left the Army she continued to go from one part of the world to another to provide care in areas where it was needed, working with Doctors Without Borders. She's spent time in a number of places around the world, with most of the last ten years spent in Mexico whenever she wasn't in Philly.
  • Tear of the Martyr's Tree: Sparrow joined this Legacy almost seven years ago but spent a lot of her time in Mexico tending to the territory she'd claimed there. After years of work, political changes, the gradual healing of a wound, and a long list of work done by herself and many others, she finished what she was trying to do in that territory and has just come back to Philly to claim a new one.

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Sparrow Everheart

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Full Name: Dr. Sparrow Everheart
Shadow Name: Root
Virtue/Vice: Charitable/Impulsive
Birth: September 4, 1973
Nationality: American
Height: 5'5"
Occupation: Medical Doctor

Path: Thyrsus
Legacy: Tears of the Martyr's Tree
Order: Children of the Tree

Public Effects: Status: Medicine 3
Status: Children of the Tree 2
Status: Assembly 1
Keen Periphery
Piercing Glance
Allies: Gangs 1
Allies: Medicine 1
Allies: Government 1
Allies: Media 1

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Played By: Amanda