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Tommy/Bones and Zoya/Pheme


Firebirds Penthouse



The Sanctum for the Firebirds is a penthouse on the 48th floor of The Laurel, the top floor of the building, overlooking Rittenhouse Square. When Zoya bought the place a few years ago it was "newsworthy" in the way of the nonsense of the wealthy makes people take note. In the case of this penthouse, people took note because it was the highest price a single unit of residential property had gone for in Philly's history.

It's the kind of place where someone at a desk downstairs calls up to see if someone is welcome before letting them through and setting the elevator to even go to that floor if they show up uninvited, or lets people through immediately if they've been informed ahead of time to expect someone, which is what happens in Tommy's case.

Waiting outside the elevator when it arrives on her floor is Zoya, looking casual enough in her jeans, plain black hoodie, and sock feet that it seems out of place in the absurd ostentation of the marble-clad elevator lobby. She's in the process of slipping her phone into her back pocket when the doors open, having obviously been using it up until the moment the elevator arrived at the floor.
Tommy had entered teh building in her bubbly skipping manner, approaching the desk and a going through all the motions. As she rode the elevator up, however, it was Bones that Zoya saw as the door opened.

Rocking in place, flowing like the energy zoya may have seen in ley lines or electricity arcing. She wore a comfortable red hoody and black jeans with boots made for walking versus fashion. The Obrimos' satchel was ever present, and she was tucking something into it as the door opened.

"Sentinel Bones of Magic, requesting entry to the Sanctum of the жар-птица, under the Lex Magica and all the protections and responsibilities it affords," they said in an airy, but more official tone with it.

A smile and a bob of the head revealed that it was still good ol' Bones, but this was official stuff, so the official words needed to be said. Surely a guardian would understand.
"Pheme, Edgetender of жар-птица, grants you welcome in that cadre's sanctum under the protections and responsibilities afforded by the Lex Magica," the other Obrimos says formally as her own body language changes, growing less casual. "Come in."

She turns to lead the way, letting casual come back. There's still more Pheme than Zoya, but for people who don't know her well that difference wouldn't be an obvious one.

When she approaches the door there's a click of a lock as biometric sensors identify her without the need for any scanning of fingers or irises. There must be a camera somewhere, but if there is, it's well hidden. Or she used magic, but veiled it from peripheral mage sight.

She opens the door and holds it for him, smiling. "I appreciate you coming. I have a little bit of information I'd like to share with you, given your appointment and involvement in certain events, but I'd also like to pick your brain a bit."
"Of course!" they flowed after Pheme/Zoya, staying as Bones for now, "I appreciate you reaching out right away. It was quite a shock to me, but I will endeavor on"

She rolled her neck and let it pop a little before following into the penthouse, "A few months back, Lesja had brought me here to give me information to share, and to start my involvement in certain events. Feels a little ... full circle."
"Was it, though?" Pheme asks as they go into the penthouse itself. "A shock? We've both volunteered or been asked in varying degrees to take care of some important matters, and they all seem to tie together in one way or another." She leads the way, not very far, to the side of the penthouse more dedicated to spaces intended for visitors. Open floor plans mean a lot of the areas blend together a bit.

"Do you want any refreshments? I'd be happy to make a drink for you or something. I wouldn't be surprised if you felt like you could use one right now." She laughs, a bright and cheerful sound, and it's matched by the amusement in her eyes. "I've been feeling that way for a couple of weeks, that's for sure."
"Some sweet tea with lemon sounds good, given this all," she smiled and bobbed her head, "Well, I was just... doing my job? For the Mysterium? I guess Cambyses and the others there last night, thought I should do it. At least for now."
"That seems to be how a lot of people with those jobs end up getting them. Just doing their job." Pheme steps into the kitchen area as she waves Bones toward the couches in the living room. "Feel free to have a seat, unless you'd prefer to just stand around in the kitchen," she says as she gets to work preparing a couple of drinks.

"Since I volunteered to look into things with people's profiles and hacking into them, I was hoping to pick your brain about what you know on that topic. Obviously, the first thing I have to sort out if I'm going to do that is how to even get access to those systems."
She shadowed Pheme to make the conversation more mundanely casual. As she prepared the drinks and such, "Well. I went through the process of going to Mars Base Hermes. I also made a user profile after discussions with the residents there, and learned a bit about their hierarchy."
"So, most likely, I'll need to make the trip there myself to gain access," Zoya says. It's not really a question. "At least not without some other way of getting access from here, since I doubt their systems are just hooked up to the plain old ordinary internet here, unless you know something about that I don't." While she finishes the drink she makes a thoughtful noise, and when the drink's ready she holds it out for Bones. "I wonder if anyone there checks their email."
She took a sip and then tilted her head, "Would you like me to holodeck up a recreation of what I saw? Or telepathically send it?"
"I think I'd prefer the holodeck to having someone I don't know in my head again, right now." Zoya opens the fridge to take out a water jug, gets a glass out for herself, and pours herself some before the jug goes into the fridge again. "I'm still in the... I don't even know how to put it. I had another experience with that recently, and I'm still sorting through those emotions." She takes a sip. "I have a studio we could use, it's set up with green screens and everything. It basically is a holodeck, in a way."
"Sure. Sounds good!" they pulled out a petrified wood wand... or perhaps it is now truly perfected stone. Her other hand still held the glass with the tea, which she sipped here and there.

"I understand completely. Honestly, it was Baldur doing something similar that gave me the holodeck idea."
Zoya leads the way back from the kitchen to her studio, which is actually a bedroom bigger than the master bedroom in most houses. There are computer systems, audio equipment, video and photography gear, and sure enough, a section of the room that's set up for filming on a green screen.

"This is where a good deal of the magic happens for my social media presence," she says as she slides a couple of dimmer switches by the door. One of them makes the windows go from opaque to translucent, letting in much of the outside light without making it possible for anyone to look in, while the other brings up overhead lights.
"Absolutely gorgeous work..." she muttered as she looked around, "So... let me just focus a little here..." she put down the tea somewhere appropriate before starting to move around with the Wand, while speaking HIgh Speech. The set up of the environment really helped pull the imago together as well.

Suddenly, the room was playing through the memory of Bones' trip to the Marsbase...

Zoya casually brushes off the compliment about the studio. Being able to have nice things just because you threw money at them only comes with a sense of accomplishment for some people and she isn't one of those people.

When the view of the memory comes up she watches intently. "Ok. Yeah. That makes it seem like getting physical access to some systems might not be very hard," she says. "Thank you for that. I'm curious to see what kind of files they might have on me, while I'm at it."
"I think my file comes from my interest in getting a color code, and or being there in the first place and the other related information."
"As far as I know this particular pylon doesn't have any reason to have taken notice of me in particular, at least not due to our personal interactions, but..." Zoya's shoulders rise and fall, and she gestures back toward the door. "Let's head back out to the living room," she suggests. "It's a more comfortable place to talk. Have you happened to hear anything via the usual rumor mill about my background, and why they might have information on me even if I've never interacted with them?"
"Honestly? If it relates to the Seers, their Pylons, and all that? I've barely encountered them, except for their versions of Acquisitions of Artifacts and the like. Between being a member of the Wings of the Dragon, and never having sworn to a Consilium before this one? Just haven't ran into the organization much..." as the spell fades, they follow Zoya back into the living area.
"It does," Zoya says as she walks out to the main living area of the penthouse. "In ways that are a little awkward for me, but which I've also never made an effort to hide among the Pentacle, or anyone else I want to be allies with in the longer term. Hiding some things sometimes just makes people more suspicious." Says the Guardian of the Veil.

"My father is a Seer," she comes out say pretty directly. "As well as an absurdly wealthy oligarch. He's been in jail since before I Awakened, and since he's just decided to stay there for the time being, I'm sure you can imagine just how little an inconvenience it is for him given the comparatively luxurious nature of his particular prison and his capabilities." She gestures around her at the opulence before she goes to take a seat on a custom made sectional sofa so big that twenty people can probably sit on it without touching each other. "We don't really talk, but I'm sure he knows I'm in Philadelphia, and I'd be surprised if any Seers with their attention on the city haven't gotten information from him about me."
"That must be difficult. I am glad to hear you are with the pentacle then," they smiled and bobbed their head once again.

"The Honesty is refreshing. No Pancryptia here," the smile spread to a grin, "Interesting, though. Is he back in the homeland under arrest then?"
Zoya's shrug is profound in the indifference it expresses. "We never got along very well," she says. "Not since I was a little kid, anyway. He went to prison in 2004 during the perestroika, when I was 17, and we were already pretty thoroughly estranged by then. It was less difficult having him in jail than constantly in my life, and I don't know why he hasn't arranged some excuse for being released, but I'm sure he has his reasons."
"Do you know what Ministry and what path he is?"
Zoya shakes her head. "I know he's a Mastigos, which I'm sure is a big part of why being in prison doesn't give him much pause. He's probably not actually there any time it suits him not to be. His Ministry? I've heard conflicting things, so I'm not sure."
"Interesting. Yeah, they can be there and everywhere else at the same place... that's an interesting alibi."
"I'm sure he's planning to get his life back when the time comes. I guess that's probably soon, too." Zoya sighs. "I'll need to start paying some attention. I'm sure he hasn't stopped paying attention to me."
"Well, if I can help with that.. let me know. I'd be happy to help if I could. Did you also say you had information to share with me?
"Thank you, but I think it just means paying some more attention to news from back home. I have some friends there I can ask to let me know if they hear anything, too." Overall, it doesn't seem like Zoya is particularly worried. It's something for way down on her list of priorities.

"Are you familiar with Emanations?"
"Yes. I have explored a few around the world, looking for Atlantean Ruins and the like."
"I recently came by knowledge that a new Emanation had formed, at least new in the larger scale of things, which I thought might be of interest to you as an Obrimos given its connection to the Aethyr," is what Zoya says to explain where this is going. She takes a drink, gets a distant look in her eyes, and continues. "It's an Emanation of Forces, and it's a digital one. Given shape by the rise of the information age, if I had to make a guess, which I suppose I do since there's a chance, given what I do know, that I'm the only person from the Pentacle or Unnamed Nations who has ever been there."
"Oh. Wow. A Forces realm connected to the internet. The Libertines would shi--- be surprised at all of that."

They drank more of the sweet tea, which seemed to be the perfectly chilled temperature constantly, "That... as we're fighting robocops and other digital information problems... DO you think we could use it to access information in a more direct manner... like using the Astral to find the concept of a map?"
"They were some of the first people I told." Zoya laughs. "The nature of the place itself was overshadowed a little by the other news that came along with it. There's a new Tree, or offshoot of the Tree, trying to grow there, but it looks like the Seers beat us there and it's in danger. Unfortunately, I have no idea yet how to get back there, yet. I'm working on it."

She shrugs her shoulders about the other questions. "I don't know if it's actually connected to the internet or just based on the concept of it, or digital things in general. I don't know if we can use it to get real information about the real world, either. It's its own world, and all the Emanations play by different rules from ours, and from each other. There's just a lot we don't know, and I wasn't really in control of the trip when I went there last time, so I just... don't know."
"I am not into, as discussed, extreme computer stuff, or hwoever they worded it in the Lodge. However, I'm an expert in ley lines, symbols, and other things. Related to it. I could help, if you wish. Do you think that they are using the realm to attack the world or as a base?
"No, no. What little information I have suggests their focus with it right now is to try to prevent the Tree from growing there." Zoya seems pretty confident about this one thing, at least. For some reason. "Anyway, I wasn't bringing this up with you expecting you to do anything about it, necessarily. I thought it would interest you as an Obrimos, mostly. At the moment, one thing I'm trying to do is figure out how to locate its Thurae, though. If you happen to have any ideas there, I'm open to them. Otherwise my hope is I'll be able to use my own sympathetic connection to the place to find a way."
"We could try and line up force related ley lines, see if they converge at that point. Something like that."
"I don't know how the Consilium would feel about us messing with the ley lines," Zoya answers after consideration. "I have a couple of other things to try first, before we go that route. If you knew something off hand that would be another story, but I'll keep down the paths I'm taking now."
"No, not moving. I mean... find all the leylines that have Force related energies, and line them up on a map, see where they intersect
"Possibly. It could be worth investigating, if you wanted to do that in parallel." Zoya finishes her water and sets the glass down on the coffee table. "I have a few things to prepare for when I get access to the systems in Marsbase Hermes, too. Some surprises to leave for them. Let me know if there's anything else you might want to know, either from those systems or from the people operating them, and I might be able to work it in."
"I would think that the suits are an imporant aspect. I'm not sure in what way, but the concept of remote piloting was brought up by Fox, like the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, and those are the biggest piloted objects."
"I'll keep that in mind, then. Or try to." Zoya's laugh is a bit self deprecating. "There's an awful lot of moving pieces right now, aren't there?"
"There are a ton of moving pieces. And my desire to come home, and the need of the Mysterium and Consilium here have landed me smack dab in the middle of the pieces."
"Here I thought maybe things would be less of a shit storm coming to the US." Zoya's Russian accent becomes more apparent for that sentence, with her not making an effort to reduce it, or maybe making an effort to enhance it. "I think I was wrong."
"This city has more Masters, and more nth degree Masters than any city I've seen previously. It's like the weight of Hubris in the world is pushing the surface down, letting chaos flow in."
"Realistically I can't disagree, being a third degree master myself." Laughing, Zoya shrugs about the reality of it. "It's rather odd. It does make me wonder how much it has to do with... certain things going on, like the Tree. What here is the cause, what is the effect, too."
"Indeed. Now that I'm a Sentinel, I get to stand watch with the Tree, I believe."
"How do you feel about all that, anyway?" Zoya asks without specifying what part she means, which might be a part of the question itself. What part will he think the question is about, exactly?
"The tree is truly unique. I haven't come across something like it in my studies. I wish to learn more about it, and yet, I feel it isn't my place.

"As for being Sentinel? Better now than when it was announcd."
Zoya goes on a very intricate face journey, lots of emotions playing over her features before she eventually only nods. "I find myself suddenly deeply desiring the chance to study it more, this last few weeks" she admits. "I'm glad the Sentinel mantle is fitting better."
"What has changed your desire to study it? FOr me, I have only been back since October. And it's uniqueness."
That gets a laugh, but it's not a joyous one. It might be hard to name the emotion, since Zoya doesn't know how she feels about it all herself. "My trip to that Emanation, and the things I saw and experienced," she says. "Do you know how I got to an Emanation that as far as we're aware nobody from the Pentacle or the Assembly has even heard of? The Mother brought me."
"As in you were in the Arboretum, and then you weren't? Or in a dream state or...?"
"No, I was at my computer, in my office here," Zoya says, looking like she definitely doesn't understand the whole thing herself. She doesn't, after all.
"Did you try to Scrutinize your computer afterwards?"
"I actually ended up there through my phone, which was extremely dead afterward," Zoya answers with a shake of her head. "About as dead as I've ever seen an electronic device get."
"So... Unmade at a Master level of Forces and Prime dead?"
"No, I think if it was Unmade I wouldn't be seeing it," Zoya says, suddenly smiling. "Just more like it had far, far more electricity run through it than it was designed for. I woke up face down on my desk."
"Ah, I thought perhaps someone unmade it's supernal ideal, and it's ability to hold energy. That makes more sense."
"I think it just couldn't handle being the conduit for that much power." Zoya's wide smile appears as she adds, "I'm glad it wasn't the computer. I have a lot of spare phones, but not workstations."
"Makes sense... I have to say, I do feel welcome here. Interesting grouping you have in the cadre."
What can she do but laugh at that, this time most certainly amused. "The Firebirds have grown and changed so much over the years. They're family for me, and always have been, but in a way family never was family for me. It seems like the more we change, the better things get, which I guess is the best way to be changing."
"Not that it's my business, because I know it is most certainly not. However, I'm Sentinel because I put my nose in places, because I am caring and I worry about people. Fox seems worried about people leaving her. Especially the topic of Ascension."
Zoya shifts uncomfortably and looks away, a very different stance than she's had the rest of the time she's had company. "Normally this is the kind of thing I wouldn't talk about, not even as it pertains to myself. I did kind of bring the whole matter up in front of a the important people around here, right in the Consilium hall, and laid out all the details, though." She sighs and looks at him again. "The Mother told me things that suggested that might be coming for me, and where my place might be. It all relates to the Emanation I mentioned. I have no details on whether it will happen, or when that might be, or anything of that nature, but..." she holds her hands up a bit. What can she do, right? Just let things fall apart?
"I understand, but as I care about C4, Fox, and many others that I've met... I just wnated to let you know, so that you can do what you can for your friend, family, cadremate,."
"I know," Zoya sighs. "I understand why Fox is afraid, even, and I wish that I could take that fear away for her. All I can do is my best to comfort her and reassure her, and make sure that she knows that she's loved and that if I do end up leaving her that it isn't because I want to."
"I think that would be best. I don't think she'll ascend right now becaue of her fears, but she's going to be one helluva strong nth degree master."
"I don't know that any of us are going to ascend right now," Zoya says with a touch of uncertainty. "The Firebirds, I mean. Who knows what kind of time scales these kinds of things work on. I certainly don't feel like I'm on the cusp of it, even if I've been given indications it might be coming. But I think Fox's fear is that many of the important people in her life will go on without her, and I can understand that fear. My not thinking it's likely to happen soon might be the same fear from me, and wishful thinking."
"That... that all makes sense. Whereas it took me until being a second degree Master before I started making connections. Family, friends, lovers... just... I couldn't imagine leaving now."
"Neither can I." Zoya smiles as she looks around. "This is where my family is, at this point. Chosen family is such a blessed thing."
"Would you prefer I call you Zoya or Master Pheme?"
That? That gets a laugh, cheerful and bright. "Zoya, please. At least at this point in the conversation, for sure. I prefer not to be Pheme when I don't have to. The more experienced I get the heavier a name it is. And you? Bones? Tommy? Dr. Shanks?
"Alas, I was here as Bones, but you can feel free to call me any of those that you feel most comfortable in a moment. I ask, mainly, because I want to thank you, Zoya, for asking me to come, and for letting me know what you have. If I can be of further assistance with hacking an Astral Realm, or find the DIgital Realm or whatever else, please let me know. Goodness knows Cambyses needs another reason to surprise me."
"I suppose it makes some sense I'd have plenty of experience taking off one mask and putting on another mid conversation." What option but to shrug? She's a Guardian. That kind of thing is exactly what they're known for. "You're welcome, though. I know I've been unusual forthcoming for a Guardian, but sometimes it just looks like keeping secrets is going to cause more problems, and I think if I'm going to do it, it should be for good reason."
"I understand completely. Just as sometimes the Mysterium has to ferret away dangerous knowledge."
"Exactly." The blonde thinks a second. "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about while you're here? I don't want you to feel like you're being rushed out the door, but I also do have so much work in front of me right now."
"I think this is a good time, indeed. Though I do have one request. Would you be able to tell Cypher that Sentinel Bones wishes to speak with them?"
"I think I can pass that message along." Zoya stands up, ready to guide Bones out. "Thank you for coming by, and for sharing information, Sentinel," she says with a touch more formality. "Maybe we'll get a chance to spend time together when it's more social and less business."
"I would love that. I am often at Maddy's, or most places in the Gayborhood. I hope to see you around," they smiled and skipped out to the elevator.