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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast=* Aurelio Menegi *Micah Bradley | setting= Philadelphia International Airport & Random Cafe | log= '''Micah Bradley:'''<br /> Micah stepped out of the airport and breathed in the scent of the coming Spring in Philadelphia. He smiled, thinking about his vacation back home and how pleasantly peaceful it was. It was nice, visiting with his mother and telling her all about his adventures in the United States. And telling his grand...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:37, 25 May 2024


Philadelphia International Airport & Random Cafe


Micah Bradley:
Micah stepped out of the airport and breathed in the scent of the coming Spring in Philadelphia. He smiled, thinking about his vacation back home and how pleasantly peaceful it was. It was nice, visiting with his mother and telling her all about his adventures in the United States. And telling his grandfather that he has succeeded in the family's mission, to reunite with the long lost Aurelio Menegi, watching his expression light up with relief and excitement... It was a very good winter for Micah.

He looked around for a familiar face, one he had requested to come pick him up...

Aurelio Menegi:
While he normally drove a motorcycle, knowing that Micah would likely have luggage on hand Aurelio borrowed a car from one of his coworkers for the pickup at the airport. The Elemental was waiting at the arrivals pickup area, standing outside the car in his usual all-black ensemble. Spotting the fae-touched he smiled warmly, giving him a nod. "Welcome back. Need a hand with anything?"

Micah Bradley:
He grinned and strode up to the Changeling. "Grand Uncle! Thank you! I am quite glad to be back! I only have the one luggage. Perhaps we can stop for lunch on the way home?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Of course. I would love to hear about your travels." He moved to open the trunk so Micah could stow away his luggage, getting settled into the driver's seat once that was all sorted. "Your flight went well, I hope?"

Micah Bradley:
Micah buckled into the passenger's seat and settled in with a smile... After having made the mistake of walking over to the driver's side!

"The flight was quite boring, but that is much preferred, I suppose! I visited with mother and grandfather, spent some time in the country. Visited some friends of course."

Aurelio Menegi:
"I've only flown once, when I came here. It was...fantastic, if worrisome." He said with a chuckle, nodding as Micah continued. "Ah...good to hear."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh! I brought back a gift for you. It is in my luggage." he informed Aurelio.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Is that so...thank you." He smiled, waiting for a gap in the traffic to pull out into the exit lanes and head back into the city. "How did the visit with your family go?"

Micah Bradley:
"Quite well! Mother is happy that I am doing something with my life instead of hunting for myths and children's stories." he chuckled ironically.

Aurelio Menegi:
"I see..." He chuckled, shaking his head with a smirk. "And your grandfather?"

Micah Bradley:
"Very happy and relieved that I have completed our promise to you." he replied, inclining his head to Aurelio. "He regrets not being the one to have found you."

Aurelio Menegi:
He nodded quietly. "Send him my regards, if you would, and let him know that I am thankful for his efforts."

Micah Bradley:
"Of course, of course! He feels far too aged to come here himself, or you would be picking up two bodies today."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Understandable. Perhaps I can come with you next time."

Micah Bradley:
"That would be swell! How have things been hereabouts?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Things have been well. No major issues that I am aware of, and I have been keeping busy at the studio."

Micah Bradley:
Micah nodded, satisfied that he didn't miss out on anything exciting. "Good good. I am hoping to visit the Freehold sometime this week. Reacquaint myself to the Lost here."

Aurelio Menegi:
"If you wish for company when you go, do let me know."

Micah Bradley:
"I will. Thank you, Grand Uncle."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Very welcome."

A bit of wrestling with Philly traffic later and Aurelio pulled the car into the parking lot of a cafe near Micah's place, stepping out and waiting for Micah before heading inside.

Micah Bradley:
He took a moment longer than would've been usual, to get out, for Micah reached to his left to grab the handle of a door that didn't exist before remembering that the passenger of American cars was on the right now.

Shaking his head in embarrassment, he joined Aurelio shortly after, with a shy grin on his face.

Aurelio Menegi:
Aurelio gave a reassuring look as Micah caught up to him, opening the door for the café and following him inside. "Do you have anything you're working on here to get back to?"

Micah Bradley:
"Not entirely. I will be going back to work, but my schedule is mostly open."

Aurelio Menegi:
"You and I do still need to have a spar some day. Perhaps we can work that in soon, no?"

Micah Bradley:
"Oh yes! Man, time flies without us wanting it to! That completely slipped my mind. Yes, we can arrange for a spar soon." he chuckled as he sat down and looked over the menu.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Sounds good. I look forward to seeing how you fare on that front." He scanned the menu himself, deciding on a simple sandwich combo once the server came around to take their order.

Micah Bradley:
Micah too, got a sandwich combo, a 'breakfast' style one.

"Heh, I would not be as easy to defeat as you might be expecting." he winked.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Never said that." He replied with a smirk. "Merely curious to see how you were trained."

Micah Bradley:
"Mostly defensive, I will be honest." he mused.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Not a bad thing, that. I work more in close quarters, although I fare well with weapons as well."

Micah Bradley:
"I was not allowed to learn more offensive forms of violence. I was made to focus on running away and staying alive, since I refused to stop seeking out portals to the Hedge."

Aurelio Menegi:
"'Not allowed'..." He repeated the phrase, not liking how it sat on his tongue. "A solid retreat is not a bad thing, but there are times I wonder about who you were taught by."

Micah Bradley:
He winced and shrugged. "A very strict Winter Knight of the London freehold. He... Was not fond of me..."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Because of what you are, I take it?"

Micah Bradley:
"I personally suspect that there is more to it than that. He did not trust those like me, but he especially did not like me. But I could not avoid him. He somehow always knew when I was getting into trouble."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Hmm." Aurelio sat back in his seat, frowning a touch. "I am sorry you had to deal with such. Being looked down upon is never pleasant."

Micah Bradley:
Micah shrugged again and then grinned. "Water off my back. I did not care about his opinions. Besides, this gives you the opportunity to teach me!"

Aurelio Menegi:
"True indeed." He nodded, looking Micah over. "Still, some of what you have said about yourself does not sit well with me, and I know that came from how you were trained."

Micah Bradley:
"Mm? You refer to the obedience I seem to have?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"In part, and a number of comments about 'being useful'. We have spoken on that before, I know, but it still is not right with me."

Micah Bradley:
He nodded and looked a little embarrassed. "Well, if it helps you feel better, some of that is... A fascade... An act I put on to uh... Well, attempt to not appear as though I am getting into trouble. It... Might have become somewhat of a habit..."

Aurelio Menegi:
"I see." He gave another nod. "It does help somewhat, but the fact that you feel that necessary does worry me. You are a fine man with a good heart and great enthusiasm, and you should not feel lesser than you are."

Micah Bradley:
"Thank you, Grand Uncle... I appreciate that... Really. For so very long, we HAD to make ourselves useful or we would have been kicked out and never allowed back into the London Freehold, so... I suppose it was ingrained into me ever since I was a child." he sighed sadly.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Which is a shame." He offered Micah a reassuring smile. "That has not been the case for you here, I hope?"

Micah Bradley:
"No! It has been great and very welcoming here! I love being here now. Which is part of why I regret not being able to bring Grandfather here. He would be so happy here!"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Something we can look into, perhaps."

Micah Bradley:
He brightened up with a beam. "Really? Oh, that would be nice! He can stay with me, I have space in my apartment."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Don't see why not. Having more family here would be good, I say." He thought a moment. "Although, with you now carrying the promise, is he still Touched himself?"

Micah Bradley:
Micah shook his head. "No. But he remembers some of what he's seen and experienced. He especially remembers the promise made."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Makes sense." He glanced to the server as she came by with their meals, giving her a nod before looking back to Micah. "Assuming that he would be willing to come, I am sure we could make arrangements."

Micah Bradley:
"I will send him an email then! See what he thinks!" he nodded eagerly. Micah dug into his meal hungrily. Plane food sucks.

Aurelio Menegi:
Aurelio ate at a measured pace, content to let the silence linger while they both ate.

Micah Bradley:
The rest of their day went by pleasantly...