Logs:Himbo And The Tour Guide: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast=* Micah Bradley * Vincent Drake | setting= Streets of Philly | log= <br />'''Vincent Drake:'''<br /> Vincent was currently making his rounds, checking his dealers, the workers under him, and the dens that he had littered around. He was also grinning do to the last few Phillies games, it wasn't perfect but it was a good few wins. He was wearing jeans, a t-shit that said 'you can find me in the Manga section, and an open phillies j...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:45, 25 May 2024


Streets of Philly


Vincent Drake:
Vincent was currently making his rounds, checking his dealers, the workers under him, and the dens that he had littered around. He was also grinning do to the last few Phillies games, it wasn't perfect but it was a good few wins. He was wearing jeans, a t-shit that said 'you can find me in the Manga section, and an open phillies jacket. Currently he was walking/dancing down the street with earphones sticking out his ears.

"I'm Boombastic, tell me fantastic, Touch me inna me back, she say I'm Mr. Ro-mantic, Call me fantastic-" he sang to himself

Micah Bradley:
Micah spotted a familiar face and smirked. Dressed in a navy blue "London" hoodie and jeans, he leaned against a street lamp and crossed his arms to watch the man bob away as he sang. Just until Vincent noticed him, ya know? Hard not to notice the Englishman, looking so very much like a tourist who has been in the city for a while now.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent in fact was in his own little world, focused on the sweet beats of Shaggy. In fact he was so in the groove that he closed his eyes and just bumped into the man.

"Hey, watch where you going!" he exclaimed....Vinny, you need to watch where you are going

Micah Bradley:
Since the Englishman was leaning against a street lamp, he was quite steady and didn't budge as Vincent just barrels into him. He chuckled and reached out to help steady the man. "I should most definitely do that, good sir. My apologies." he replied, grinning at him cheekily.

Vincent Drake:
Vinny took his hand and got to his feet, looking him over.

"Ok....you look familar...Micheal right?" he asked, he was good with faces, names too....if the person left an impression....sadly the himbo did not, he did assume he was human mostly. "Saw you...jogging if I recall."

Micah Bradley:
"Micah. We also met at the picnic table after I had treated a certain Snowy to pizza." he corrected cheerfully.

Vincent Drake:
"Ah....right, Micah." he smiled, "Yeah, Snowy's the local unhoused lady, she's a good friend." he gestured for him to walk with him if he so wished, "So, how have ya been?"

Micah Bradley:
"Oh, I have been well. And yourself? When you are not interrupted by random people getting in your way." he winked.

Vincent Drake:
"Well...." he rolled his eyes, "Been a wierd month, just some little things mixing into each other, but over all I'm doing good." he nodded, "Friend of mine is in town, so that was nice."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh, good! Friends are always nice."

Vincent Drake:
"So, mr.english, your still in the city, making this your new home?"

Micah Bradley:
"Yes, actually. But I decided that a while ago." he chuckled. "Why? Fancy yourself being my tour guide?"

Vincent Drake:
"I fancy myself to be the tour guide of everyone who comes to our fair city, thank you very much." he chuckled, "But I think you've chosen a wonderful new home, LA or New York are most often the two places people see as centers of American urban life....but Philadelphia is where it all started."

Micah Bradley:
"Is that so? Do tell me more!"

Vincent Drake:
"I mean, duh, Declaration of Independence was signed her, you could call Philly where the USA was started." he said smugly, "But we're too weird to be the capital I suppose." he chuckled, "Why did you come over from across the pond again?"

Micah Bradley:
"Oh, that is curious. I will have to brush up on my history! As for myself, I found family here."

Vincent Drake:
"Ah, that's nice, I've always found family is who you choose it to be, so getting along with blood relatives is something to not take for granted I suppose." he mused, "My family is my sisters and partners, others too, but only one is my blood."

Micah Bradley:
"Mm, I did not choose my family, but I accept it and I am happy."

Vincent Drake:
"Happiness is all we want at the end of the day." he nodded, "It's baseball season, you ever been to a game?"

Micah Bradley:
"Not in the United States! Though... I am not much of a baseball person."

Vincent Drake:
<Even if your not, their is a sense of comradarie in a game, and stadium food.....dear god stadium food." he sighed

Micah Bradley:
"Hah, greasy American food is quite unique!" he agreed with a laugh.

Vincent Drake:
"I mean, fish and chips, that's greasy as hell." he pointed out

Micah Bradley:
"Not if done right!"

Vincent Drake:
"And how would it be done right?"

Micah Bradley:
Micah began describing the process of making lightly battered fish and chips. "... And then you just need to sprinkle a bit of salt on the fries and done!"

Vincent Drake:
"Huh," he shrugged, "So deep fried is not the normal way, well I guess the US fucked it up again." he chuckled, "I'm a bit restricted in my diet anyway."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh? Too much mercury for fish?"

Vincent Drake:
"Eh, I have some allergy issues, so my diet is mostly organic, can't do deep fried much."

Micah Bradley:
"Ah, I see. That is a pity. Food is a delight."

Vincent Drake:
"It is, but I quite enjoy what I'm able to eat." he simply smiled

Micah Bradley:
"What is your favorite?"

Vincent Drake:
"I'd have to say...." Lost blood, it was like, LSD but blood, "I'm a fan of shrimp myself, seafood is pretty nice."

Micah Bradley:
"Oooh, shrimp is good! How do you like them cooked?"

Vincent Drake:
"Shrimp scampy is a personal favoire, little touch of garlic works wonders."

Micah Bradley:
"I have not had shrimp scampi in quite a while! I will have to see about having it for dinner." he grinned.

Vincent Drake:
"Ever been to Red Lobster, amazing food and chedder bay biscuits to die for."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh? I have not! You free right now? How about I treat you to lunch?"

Vincent Drake:
Vinny looked up to the sky.

"Well....it wouldn't be lunch, more a late dinner." he chuckled, "I guees so, I never turn down food when someone else is paying." he chuckled

Micah Bradley:
"Ah, my apologies, I just returned from a visit to London, so I am still mixed up on my timing." he laughed. "Where is the nearest Red Lobster?"

Vincent Drake:
"Well," he sighed, "probably outside the city...so maybe just a normal seafood joint would suit us best."

Micah Bradley:
"Lead the way, good friend!"

Vincent Drake:
Vincent shrugged and gestured for him to follow, eventually finding a nice hole in the wall place that served sea food.

Sitting down, Vincent asked for the Shrimp Scampi, sure he'll just throw it up later, but it was garlic, and it's like a fuck you to vampire stereotypes

Micah Bradley:
Micah followed after him cheerfully and when he sat down, he rubbed his hands together eagerly. "I shall have the same, thank you!"

Vincent Drake:
Vincent also ordered a Mt.Dew, when it came he drank it down with vigor.

"God that hits the stuff."

Micah Bradley:
"Hmm? Hits what stuff?" he asked curiously.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent just looked at him and blinked, shrugging.

"It's just a term of phrase is all, like it tastes good." he smirked, "What, ya don't say that in England."

Micah Bradley:
"Not that I know of." he smiled. "What other slang stuff should I learn?"

Vincent Drake:
"Wow....." he really is a himbo, "Well....please tell me you know what cool is, I can't have multiple people I need to explain slang too, one is partner, the other is cute, I'm running out of sympathy." he joked

Micah Bradley:
Micah barked out a genuine laugh. "I know what cool is! Do not worry, I am from this century. It is simply needing to uh... Integrate myself into the American way of doing things."

Vincent Drake:
"I mean, is the american way any diffrent from the UK?" he asked, "No matter the country, all people are the same basically, just humans trying to strive for their desires and wants."

Micah Bradley:
"There are some differences! How I pronounce certain words causes confusion to many Americans." he noted thoughtfully.

Vincent Drake:
"Well....language sure, but I just meant, fundamentally people," he waved his hand in dismissal, "Yeah know, maybe not the time to do philosophy stuff," and then their food arrived, Vincent swirled she shrimp around the garlic a bit berfore biting down on it

Micah Bradley:
"Yes, very true." he nodded as he tucked into the shrimp scampi with gusto.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent ate...but didn't really seem to enjoy it that much, sure he was making some satisfied sounds...but it was more like someone enjoying a flavor, rather then satisfying their own hunger

Micah Bradley:
The himbo swallowed his mouthful and dabbed his mouth with his napkin before speaking. "Are you alright?"

Vincent Drake:
"Yeah, I'm good...just wasn't too hungry." he shrugged, chugging down his drink, "I may look thin, but I got a hell of a metabolism."

Micah Bradley:
"Hmm, that would make you feel hungry more often, does it not?"

Vincent Drake:

Vincent Drake:
"Well.....I mean more like, my metabolism is hell."

Micah Bradley:
"I am no doctor, Vincent. But perhaps you should get that looked at." he frowned, clearly concerned for his new friend.

Vincent Drake:
"I've been seeing one," he assured, "It's just some hereditary stuff, another thing I can blame my father for."

Micah Bradley:
"Mm, hereditary stuff are up my valley. Always something, eh?"

4:08 PM]Vincent Drake: "I guess," he pouted, "Just wish I had a choice in my own afflictions."

Micah Bradley:
""Would you like to talk about that?" he offered before taking another bite.

Vincent Drake:
"Nah, it's fine, we're here to eat, not listen to me bitch and moan."

Micah Bradley:
"We can do both, if you want." he mumbled through his mouthful, apparently forgetting his manners for a brief moment.

Vincent Drake:
"I'm ok...let's just enjoy this meal." he smiled, then went back to his own shrimp, "What have you been doing, job wise?"

Micah Bradley:
He swallowed some water to wash down his giant mouthful and then grinned at him. "I am a genealogist. I research hereditary stuff."

Vincent Drake:
"Oh, that's interesting." he nodded, "Like....ancestry dot com?"

Micah Bradley:
"Kind of, yes!" he nodded enthusiastically.

Vincent Drake:
"Apparently my great-grandfather was from Russia, came to the US because he was a White Russian and fled the country when he could."

Micah Bradley:
"Oho? So you might have family in Russia! Ever wished to find out?"

Vincent Drake:
"No." he said simply, "If I have any family outside Philly, they can go fuck themselves." he said, very harshly

Micah Bradley:
"Ah. Bad experiences?"

Vincent Drake:
"Family is who you choose."

Micah Bradley:
Micah nodded and went back to eating quietly.

Vincent Drake:
"What about you, who did you find here?"

Micah Bradley:
"My Grand-Uncle! Turns out, his family moved out here and set up business! We thought his side of the family lost for a very long time."

Vincent Drake:
"Grand uncle....huh, never had any aunts or uncles, let along a grand."

Micah Bradley:
"They can be pretty cool! Mine turned out to be very cool!"

Vincent Drake:
"He got a name?"

Micah Bradley:
"Yeah, Aurelio Menegi. You know him?"

Vincent Drake:
he thougth on that.

"Can't say I do, what's he like?"

Micah Bradley:
"Very kind! Very stoic. Different from what I was expecting, for sure."

Vincent Drake:
"What where you expecting then?" he asked curiously

Micah Bradley:
"Mm... Honestly, standoffish. Unwelcoming even, perhaps."

Vincent Drake:
"Why would you expect that?" he sipped his drink, Vincent....always like digging at people, in another life he was close to being a Mekhet after all

Micah Bradley:
"Well, it has been a very long time since our families had any kind of contact. I've seen many reconnecting families get that way due to the long separation. As if they were blaming each other for something no one could control." he shrugged.

Vincent Drake:
"Oh...what would there be to blame then?" he turned to face Micah, cocking his head slightly

Micah Bradley:
"Well... There should not BE any blame is my point." he smiled.

Vincent Drake:
"Ok...but is there something that would be blame for?" he asked, was that an deflection or his he just bad with words....nonetheless, his intrest was piqued

Micah Bradley:
"Sure. Circumstances of the previous environment that caused the family to move away, like in your great-grandfather's case. Sometimes it could be a problem with financial or medical. Most often, these families had no choice in the moving."

Vincent Drake:
"Yeah, but the way you said it, with unwelcoming, blame, sounds like their was a family drama."

Micah Bradley:
"So many dramas." he laughed. "People being people, they tended to blow up minor issues for odd reasons."

Vincent Drake:
"And these drama's cause some of your family to immigrate here."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh, not MY family. I meant the other families I have helped track down their missing loved ones."

Vincent Drake:
"Then why did you think your great uncle would be Unwelcoming."

Micah Bradley:
"Because that is how I've seen the other families react." he frowned. Was Vincent just not following or was his accent too difficult to understand?

Vincent Drake:
"So rather then your own knowledge, you based it off what other people did and had." he sighed in some slight disappointment, "Everyone is diffrent, never assume something will go one way because it did for others."

Micah Bradley:
Micah sat back and studied Vincent for a couple of seconds. "I could say the same about you..." he pointed out knowingly.

Vincent Drake:
He chuckled at that.

"You don't know me." he said simply

Micah Bradley:
"Back at you." he smiled.

Vincent Drake:
"Touche," he nodded, eating some more shrimp and washing it down with Dew, "I like to think I can read people..." he looked at Micah

Vincent Drake:
Vincent looked to Micah for a second...wierd his eyes looked red in the light, then he frowned

"Your weird." he said simply

Micah Bradley:
Micah giggled softly. "Weird? Weird how?"

Vincent Drake:
Vincent looked him over, "Your......not like most people, your wearing youself on your sleeve, honest....." he looked like he was getting uncomfortable, "That's what's weird."

Micah Bradley:
He blinked at Vincent and then snorted and giggled some more.

"Why is it so weird that I am honest? Do most people you meet lie to you?"

Vincent Drake:
"Yes." he nodded, "No one is ever honest, even with themselves....you got no secret desires, fears...at least what I can tell....what the fuck man?" he raised a brow, "How....how are you possible?"

Micah Bradley:
The himbo grinned widely and shrugged like it was no big deal. "I am satisfied with my life. Is that so bad?"

Vincent Drake:
"That's....." Vincent...the man who made a living for most of his youth selling false dreams.....was speechless

Micah Bradley:
He giggled again and fished out his wallet to pay for their meal. "Tee-Eye-El." he winked.

Vincent Drake:

Vincent Drake:
"Your.....do you like waffles?"

Micah Bradley:
He blinked at the sudden change of topic, but shrugged. "Sure. Why?"

Vincent Drake:
"Have a favorite waffle house?"

Micah Bradley:
"Nah. I usually made my own, back in London."

Vincent Drake:
"Oh," yeah, no way he as Maddy's crowd, this dude was way too normal

Micah Bradley:
"You have a place to recommend here?"

Vincent Drake:
"No," he shaked his head, "Was just curious, sometimes conversation makes wierd turns."

Micah Bradley:
"Hmm. You brought up waffles though. Are you craving for dessert now?" he hummed at Vincent curiously. Perhaps he wasn't just a himbo?

Vincent Drake:
"No, not really, I was curious and my curiosity has been sated, this is an anomaly that I'm not equip to deal with." he took out two hundred dollar bills and placed them as tip, "Thanks for the meal." he grinned, "It was amazing."

Micah Bradley:
"I see. You are very welcome. Shall we?" he nodded and got up.

Vincent Drake:
"Shall we what?" ha asked, getting up from his seat

Micah Bradley:
He stopped and blinked, looking confused. "Uh... Leave..."

Vincent Drake:
"Ah, well that's what I was doing." he put his hand in his pockets and walked out with him

Micah Bradley:
He walked out and stopped outside to take a deep breath. "Ah... The winter air here is so very different from London."

Vincent Drake:
"I'm more a fall guy, winter is cool, but the days are too long."

Micah Bradley:
"Are you really? I very much like fall myself!"

Vincent Drake:
"Halloween is the best fucking holiday ever, candy, scary movies, sexy costumes, what else could you want, and the weather, perfect, not too hot and not too cold."

Micah Bradley:
He snickered at the thought of Vincent in a sexy costume. "You do realize that Hallow's Eve has nothing to do with sexy costumes, right?"

Vincent Drake:
"Listen, my friend," he said with utmost solemnly, "Halloween is for three things, candy, horror marathons, and getting lucky with a girl in the hottest costume you can find, I don't care for any historical Samhain stuff.....this is what's sacred to me."

Micah Bradley:
The laugh that came out of Micah was a full and gleeful belly laugh, and he ended up clutching his belly and throwing his head back.

"Vincent, you are hilarious!"

Vincent Drake:
"Are you mocking my beliefs." he chuckled, "But seriously, best holiday ever, last one I snuggled with my partners and watched the Conjuring movies, even gave out candy to kids in our building, was a blast."

Micah Bradley:
"That is adorable. Does that mean you are polyamorous?"

Vincent Drake:
He nodded.

"I have two partners and we're a triad, and their are two I've....been working on." he shrugged, "Ya only live once and I feel I have so much care there is enough to go around."

Micah Bradley:
"How romantic. I do not have anyone, myself. I am far too busy for a partner!" he grinned.

Vincent Drake:
"Play up the accent," Vincent pointed out, "Chicks love a foreigner," he shrugged then...spoke fluent french "While english is still the same language, even the accent can charm them." he chuckled, "Also works on the lads, if that's more your thing."

Micah Bradley:
"Ah, you speak French!" he chuckled, recognizing the language immediately. "Mm, I do not really know what I like, if I am to be frank."

Vincent Drake:
"In that case, my best advice is experiment, find a cute girl and have fun, find a dude and have fun, maybe ya prefer one or ya swing both ways." he chuckled, "You do you."

Micah Bradley:
"Or, I just... Not search..." he shrugged.

Vincent Drake:
"Ace is just as valid." he nodded

Micah Bradley:
"I doubt I am asexual. I just... Do not have time."

Vincent Drake:
"My friend everyone who has a drive has time," he smiled, "Ya just need to find the right person, theirs always a click, whether it's for the night or more depends on you."

Micah Bradley:
"We shall see, I suppose."

Vincent Drake:
"Ever think of....paying for the pleasure?"

Micah Bradley:
"No..." he replied with surprise.

Vincent Drake:
"Sex work is real work," Vinny shrugs, "I'll admit, some of my friends are in that business, good people, honest people, they work for themselves, just a suggestion is all."

Micah Bradley:
"No no, I know it is real work and I too have met people in that profession. I respect their choice. I just... Never thought of it... Um... Well, like I said, I did not have much time for anything besides... Work... I suppose..."

Vincent Drake:
"Come on," Vincent wrapped an arm around the man, "Live a little, ya only live once and-" he blinked, looking him over in concern, "You....did pop your cherry, right?"

Micah Bradley:
He looked at Vincent bashfully, looking like a puppy begging for treats.

Vincent Drake:
"Jesus christ..." he muttered, "Ok, follow me my friend, we're getting a you date." and witht that, Vincent herded him down a street, "Ok.....ya know what, fuck it, we're going to see if Cassie is free." he sighed, "I did not expect this was what I was doing tonight, but hey, need to put one good deed I suppose."

Micah Bradley:
Micah suddenly stopped and doubled over, his entire body shaking almost violently.

Vincent Drake:
"Oh fuck," he looked down at him, "Hey man are you ok?" he looked around, fuck he didn't need this right now

Micah Bradley:
He lifted a shaky hand to do a thumbsup, and now there was wheezing coming from him. Micah was laughing hard.

Vincent Drake:
"Are you the Joker or something?"

Micah Bradley:
"I cannot..." he gasped and laughed some more.

Vincent Drake:
"You cannot get laid, at this rate, no I'm sorry." he said as if declaring him dead

Micah Bradley:
The himbo had to sit on the ground to get his breath back. "Oh goodness... I am sorry... I had to tease you..." he giggled between words.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent just blinked, and sighed, and chuckled, "You had me going their for a minute, thought your spring time of youth flew by ya."

Micah Bradley:
"Nah nah.... Do not worry, I have had my fun in university." he grinned as he took deep breaths.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent lightly slapped him

Vincent Drake:
"Shame on you, was going to get ya a discount."

Micah Bradley:
He started snickering again.

Vincent Drake:
"What, this is me being generous, ugh," he shaked his head, "I am such a good person."

Micah Bradley:
He took a deep breath and sighed, finally stopping. Then he got up and brushed off his bottom. "Come on, tell me that wasn't funny."

Vincent Drake:
"I mean, yes is was amusing," he relenented, "But still, my kindness is being taken advantage of, you evil evil man."

Micah Bradley:
"Me? Evil? Impossible." he grinned.

Vincent Drake:
"Liar, your evil, a deceiver, Loki, come to take advantage of poor tour guides like me."

Micah Bradley:
"Well then, you must not be very good at reading people like you said you were." he teased some more.

Vincent Drake:
"I usually am, you've just got me on the tail end of a funk, I'll be back to my Saul Goodman self in no time."

Micah Bradley:
"Perhaps I can catch you during that time later then?"

Vincent Drake:
"Maybe, just be careful, that Vinny is a bit of a stinker."

Micah Bradley:
"I think I have just proven that I am quite a stinker as well."

Vincent Drake:
"So what your saying is we have to have a stinker competition."

Micah Bradley:
"Perhaps!" he smirked. "Well then, have a great night, Vincent."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent gave a salute and walked off..wait it was monday, oh fuck it was herd night!