Logs:Catch Up On The Bottom Shelf: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast=* Azuma Hiroko * Hannah Candles * Tonya Brooks | setting=Fishtown Free Library | log= '''Tonya Brooks:'''<br /> After a long day of tending to the library Ironside, Tonya had retired to the Hollow. A sprawling library, it had dozens of nooks and crannies to read in. One such crannie, or perhaps a nook, had beanbag chairs in it. A wonderful new addition to the place. In it, Tonya was enjo...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 23:00, 25 May 2024


Fishtown Free Library


Tonya Brooks:
After a long day of tending to the library Ironside, Tonya had retired to the Hollow. A sprawling library, it had dozens of nooks and crannies to read in.

One such crannie, or perhaps a nook, had beanbag chairs in it. A wonderful new addition to the place. In it, Tonya was enjoying an old favorite. The Chronicle of Narnia of course.

Azuma Hiroko:
The sound of pitter patter announces the arrival of a large golden retriever. She carefully maneuvers around the piles of books and other furniture. Though her tail wagged and swished, it surprisingly avoided knocking anything over. She trotted over to Tonya to lick her face.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
A small chittering is heard from a pile of books before a flying squirrel jumped down atop of Rammy. The small flying squirrel using rammy as a platform jumping one last time to the floor. Chittering and squeaking coming from her.

Tonya Brooks:
She chuckles at the lick and the subsequent squeaking.

"Hello, girls. I hope your days have been well."

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko feinted a pounce at the squirrel, barking at her and doing a play bow.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp squeaked out at Hiroko feinted a pounce. Jumping up onto a pile of books almost sticking out their tongue at her.

Azuma Hiroko:
The dog sat on her haunches, absolutely grinning as she turned back into her normal form. She was giggling when she was done. "Got you!" she told the squirrel.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya smiled at the pair playing, gently reaching out to pat Hiroko's head floof when she changed back.

"Be careful of the books, dears."

Azuma Hiroko:
"I am always careful, Mother." Hiroko said with a beam as she subconsciously rubbed her head against Tonya's hand.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp jumped off the pile onto solid floor before also changing back. Stretching slightly as she did so. Giggling slightly walking over to the others. "I'mNot...ButIDidntBreakAnythingThisTime."

Tonya Brooks:
She rubs Hiroko's head when prompted, kissing each of their foreheads.

"Thank you, Hiroko. Lamp, could you pretty please be careful around me books. It is important to me."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Mother, what are you reading today?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods taking a seat on the floor. Her knees pulled into her chest, arms resting on them. "Yea, IWillTryMyBest." her head tilted waiting for the answer of what Mom was reading.

Tonya Brooks:
"The Chronicles of Narnia, a book series that came out just prior to when I was here last. I learned that they turned it into a movie, so I wished to reexperience it."

A ruffle of Lamp's hair as well.

"Thank you, Lamp."

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko giggled softly at Lamp. She looked cute sitting on the ground like that.

"What is the Chronicles of Narnia about?" she then asked Tonya.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She let's out a happy little squeal as her hair was ruffled.

"OhhhIWannaSeeTheMovie. Well-If-ItsSomethingWeAllLikeAndWantToWatch?"

Tonya Brooks:
"Its about a lot of things, as any book is. The one they made a movie about, the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, is about a group of British children, all siblings, fleeing from the London Bombings of World War 2, and they end up in an alternative and more medieval world full of magic. You can likely see how I related, yes?"

She pauses her book to ruffle both of their hairs!

"Although, in my case the experience was negative and it was the first World War."

Azuma Hiroko:
The ram changeling frowned, even as she leaned into the petting. "I do not think I like that. That sounds very scary."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
They look at Rammy curiously. Also leaning into the pets happily.

"What types of books and movies do you like Rammy?"

"And yea mom I can see how you can relate to the book. Umm how long is the book?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"I do not know." she shrugged. "Vincent-san has been showing me a few animated movies. He calls them anime. Sometimes, they are in Japanese."

Tonya Brooks:
"Its a series of several book, just the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Lamp?"

A pet to Hiroko.

"And its ok that we don't all like the same books or movies."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nodded listening. Mouthing the "Word Anime."

"NoMomLikeHowLongAreTheBooksThemselves? IMayTryToReadOneButImAfraidImGoingToStrugleAndGetReallyAnnoyed?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Would reading just one chapter a day help, Lamp?" she suggested gently.

Tonya Brooks:
She looks at the back for the page number. It was the whole series.

"Well, there are abkut 800 pages in the whole series for this collection, and 7 books. So about how many pages are there per book, Lamp?"

She smiles as Hiroko answers.

"That is a wonderful idea, Hiroko."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nodded at Hirokos suggestion. Smiling. "Y-yeaILikeThatIdeaAlotRammy." She begins to count on her fingers lips mouthing numbers as she does her best to run through the multiplication table. "WellUmmWeHave800PagesThatGoesInto7Books. 8Times7Is56. 56Times2Is112. SoSomethingLike112PagesPerBook....IThink?"

Azuma Hiroko:
She frowned at that math. It didn't really make sense... What exactly was Lamp counting?

Tonya Brooks:
"Very good. 114 with some decimal remaining, if my math is correct, which is very close to 112."

She smiles at Lamp.

"Do you think you can tell your sister how you did that? I don't think she understood."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She smiles hearing she was really close to the right answer.

"UhhhhhICanTry. ButIDontExactlyKnowHowToExplainIt. IDidntWantToDoDivisionSoIDidMultiplication. IJustGotRidOfThe0'sTiAddBackLaterWhichLeftMeWith8x7. ThatIs56. ThenIMultipliedBy2. Thats112. IreallyDontKnowWhyIDidItThatWayOrHowIGotACloseAnswer."

Azuma Hiroko:
"But it is much easier to do a division." she argued.

Tonya Brooks:
"You got a close answer, but not an exact one. So this only works sometimes. Remember that what is easy for one person may be difficult for another, Hiroko."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nodded in agreement. "IStruggleWithDivision. ICantDoItOnMyHeadLikeICanMultiplication."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Would you like me to show you how I do it?" she offered eagerly.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya keeps quiet to let the two talk, smiling faintly.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods wanting to hear and learn.

Azuma Hiroko:
The silver-blonde girl got up and went over to a table to grab the notepad she uses to write on, and some colored pencils. Padding back over to the other two changelings, she sat down right in front of Lamp and then began writing down some random numbers on the notepad. It was a math equation. A division example.

Then she began explaining as she drew out lines and dots with different colors. It was the Japanese method taught to her a very long time ago. When she got to the 'remainder', she explained how sometimes it is better to leave it as a remainder and not try to convert it into a decimal because that would be way too many numbers. If necessary, you could round it off to a whole number and leave it as that. Afterall, unless we are going for an exam or is a scientist or accountant... We did not need the decimal points.

Then she wrote down the equation they were trying to do. 800 divided by 7. Hiroko drew out the lines and started putting down the dots, showing Lamp and Tonya an example they related to.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya tilts her head and watches it.

"That is not an example ive ever seen, actually. Quite impressive. I will admit I also multiply, I knew it was more than 100 times seven, but less than 120 times seven, but closer to 120 so I tried 115 times 7, and it was very close. 114 just happened to fit nicely in there, just slightly under."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She trys her best to follow what Hiroko was doing. Very clearly struggling as she watched. "IDontReallyUnderstandHowYouDidThatRammy... ButThatIsAReallyCoolWayToDoIt. ILikeTheWayMomDoesIt. ItsABitEasierToDoInMyHead. IfThatMakesSense."

"ButICanReallyEasilySplitAndDivideMeasurments. EspeciallyIfItsMetric. ItsAlotEasierToDoMetricForMakingThings."

Azuma Hiroko:
She shrugged and started putting her notepad away. She wasn't the type of person to force things. When she got back to sitting next to the other two, she looked up at Tonya with a thoughtful expression. "Mother, Vincent-san wants to take me to a movie at a theater."

Tonya Brooks:
"Multiplication and division are intrinsically related as opposites, you both got close, and that's what matters."

A pause, remembering an Elder's words.

"I see, what movie? And when?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods listening. "OhNiceRammy. MoviesWithVincentAreFun. YouWillEnjoyIt!"

Azuma Hiroko:
She frowned as she thought about it. "I do not know. But I do not think it is anime again. It sounds as if it will be a different experience? I have never been to a theater before. He says he will pick me up this weekend."

Tonya Brooks:
"Hm. You will be safe for me, yes? I am quite glad you are making friends."

Even if Tonya does not fully approve.

Azuma Hiroko:
"I will! Thank you, Mother." she beamed at her.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"YourGonnaHaveToTellMeAllAboutTheMovieAfterOk?" She smiles.

Azuma Hiroko:
She nodded eagerly. "Okay!"

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya ruffles Hiroko's hair.

"And remember you are always allowed to tell him no, to anything."

Azuma Hiroko:
She giggled and leaned into the petting with her eyes closed.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She watches them a smile on her face. Happy that Rammy is getting out more.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya offers a hand for lamp to come snuggle too.

Azuma Hiroko:
A trio motley snuggle! The best kind!

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She happily takes the hand joining the trio snuggle pile.