Logs:When Lamb Meets The Whore: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning=Violence, Vampiric feeding, Gaslighting, Victim Blaming, Severe Depression... Basically lots of triggering shit... Read at your own risk... | cast=* Azuma Hiroko * Titania Sanguine * Tonya Brooks * Vincent Drake | setting= Fishtown Free Library & Coffee Shop outside | log= '''Titania Sanguine:'''<br /> Titania spends a lot of her nights at home, but tonight, tonight she was missing a...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 23:31, 25 May 2024

Content Warning

Violence, Vampiric feeding, Gaslighting, Victim Blaming, Severe Depression... Basically lots of triggering shit... Read at your own risk...


Fishtown Free Library & Coffee Shop outside


Titania Sanguine:
Titania spends a lot of her nights at home, but tonight, tonight she was missing a friend. Her Tonya. So she was sitting at the table of the coffee shop near the library. She could still smell Tonya there. Could still feel her touch on her skin.

She was blushed, sitting at a corner table with a very cold cup of coffee in front of her. She was wearing casual dress. Casual dress for Titania anyway. Black leather pants and knee high boots with a white fluffy coat. Her white hair swept back the tips showing just a touch of red.

Her fingers were tracing over an ancient book infront of her. From a distance you can see that the words are in brail. Titania's eyes are currently closed though she seems to have no trouble reacting to those that try to talk to her.

Azuma Hiroko:
The door opens and closes, signaling someone either coming in or out of the shop. Of course, with a new heartbeat, it was obviously the first. A young Asian woman with white blonde hair walked up to the cashier slowly, her eyes browsing over the menu overhead with wide curious eyes. She began speaking, her voice soft and gentle and polite, to make an order. Her Japanese accent was strong, but her English was fluent and easily understood.

But that's not the most interesting thing about her... What was interesting was that that smell of Tonya... It grew stronger, when the woman entered... As if... As if Tonya herself came in...

Titania Sanguine:
Titania's head would often not move when someone came into the shop, unless they had a very strong or weak heartbeat. But this woman. This was intruiging.

Tonya? No. Wrong heart beat for that. Her nostrils flared and her head tilted. Her eyes actually opening to confirm what she is looking at. Openly staring at Hiriko, who surely knows what Titania looks like. If only to avoid her.

Azuma Hiroko:
The girl finished making her order, smiled at the cashier and paid for the food and coffee. Yep, that's the coffee that Tonya loves... So far though... She hadn't spotted Titania... Perhaps because she was sitting in a corner... Tsk tsk, such an unobserving naive woman... Easy prey...

Titania Sanguine:
Titania stood and headed for the door, leaving her cold undrunk coffee on the table.

The is hesitation in her steps though. Her eyes once again shut, though the hesitation is deeper than just sight.

When she steps outside she looks around for Tonya. No. But this young girl. One of Tonya's 'children'?

Another hesitant few moments before she just says the word "Tonya." at a normal volume. Trying to see if Huriko would react.

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko does indeed react. For someone who seemed so oblivious, her ears were pretty sharp. She was in the process of collecting her orders when Titania said that name and the Ram straightened and turned to look at the woman and around her. Was there another Tonya?

Titania Sanguine:
Another moment of hesitation before.

"Lamb? or Hiriko?"

Azuma Hiroko:
Oh. It was that woman. The one Tonya-senpai had described to them before. She hesitated as well, blinking and glancing around. "Um... I am Azuma Hiroko..." she introduced herself nervously.

Titania Sanguine:

An uncharectaristic stutter in her words. "I was hoping Tonya was with you. But. It is an honor to meet you Azuma Hiriko." Her accent is not perfect, hinted with a touch of German as she tries her best to pronounce the name.

Azuma Hiroko:
"Tonya-senpai is... At home... Would you like to give her a message? I can pass it on to her for you." she offered curiously.

Titania Sanguine:
"Do you think I would be awkwardly hanging out here if it was just to give her a message?"

A tilt of her head. "No. It is. Nothing."

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko blinked and softened. "I am sorry..."

Titania Sanguine:
"It is nothing for you to worry about Hiriko-chan. You simply bought her scent with you from the library."

Azuma Hiroko:
Oh wow. A very intimately familiar honorific, despite them not knowing each other... And... She never introduced herself, has she?

"I am sorry..." she repeated, "... Her... Scent?"

Titania Sanguine:
A nod of her head.

"Yes. Her scent is on your skin and clothes. You also ordered the same coffee."

Azuma Hiroko:
She blinked again and looked down at the coffee in her hand. "... Yes, I wished to surprise Tonya-senpai with her favorite coffee... Are you sure that you do not have a message to leave for her?"

Titania Sanguine:
"Only that you saw me. That is enough."

Then she chuckles to herself. "I am Titania Sanguine. The Scarlet Whore. She whose name is only whispered."

Then she adds. "You may call me Titania or Tania, whichever you would prefer."

Azuma Hiroko:
Ever more curious, Hiroko tilted her head to one side like a puppy hearing an odd noise. "Why is your name only whispered?" she asked as she took a step closer.

Titania Sanguine:
"It is a comment based on who I used to be. One whom you do not want to find out is coming to visit your city."

Titania takes a half step back as Hiriko comes closer.

Azuma Hiroko:
She immediately stopped moving forward when the other woman stepped backwards, her expression looking embarrassed. She didn't mean to scare her!

"Oh... But you are already in this city? I am unsure that I understand..."

Titania Sanguine:
"I, it is based on who I was. Not who I am. But it is not a name I can leave behind."

She looks down. "I used to leave only blood, deaths and destruction in my wake. It was a long time ago. Before I came to this city."

Azuma Hiroko:
"You were a bad person before, but you are a good person now?"

Titania Sanguine:
She laughs at that. A full belly cackle.

"I am trying to be a better person now."

Azuma Hiroko:
She smiled at Tania, a full happy grin. "That is good! Then your name is not appropriate. You should choose a new name."

Titania Sanguine:
A shake of her head. "If only it was that easy. I cannot change what others see me as so easily."

Though she smiles and takes a seat at one of the empty tables outside.

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko remained standing. It was how she was raised. The younger generation only sit when offered by the elder. Otherwise, remain standing.

"Okay... But do you wish for others to change how they see you?" she asked gently.

Titania Sanguine:
It will take her a while to remember that detail of Japanese culture. It has been, literal centuries since she was last there.

"Yes." Followed by a moment later. "But. It is not so easy with the amount of history that I have."

Azuma Hiroko:
Still holding the coffee and food, she shrugged a little. "People forget easily when you stop talking about it. It only takes some time..."

Titania Sanguine:
"People do yes."

Leaving out that she is not people. Nor are those she is talking about. It is implied though.

Azuma Hiroko:
Tonya-senpai mentioned that what happened between them happened a very long time ago... So clearly, Tania was not a normal human. But... She wasn't actually told what Tania was...

"You... Do not sound happy..." she observed softly.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania finally realizes that Hiriko is still standing. "I am sorry. Please sit. If you would like."

Then she laughs, it is soft and forced. "No. Not really. No."

Azuma Hiroko:
Technically, she wanted to go surprise Tonya-senpai with the coffee before it got cold... But when an elder says to sit, one must sit. So Hiroko sat down and placed the food and coffee on the table.

"Thank you." she thanked with a bow of her head. "Why are you not happy?"

Titania Sanguine:
She looks down at her hands.

"My ledger is red and I have not yet learnt how to exist with that."

Azuma Hiroko:
She reached over slowly to place a gentle and small hand on Titania's, offering an extension of comfort.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania goes still at that. Any attempt at being human stopping. Hiriko being quite observant likely notices the lack of breathing and though her skin is warm there is no movement to it.

Azuma Hiroko:
Surprisingly, the little Ram doesn't seem to react to that. She blinked, her soft expression getting curious. The warmth but lack of breathing and movement was... Familiar...

"You can speak to me, if you need to vent." she reassured with a gentle smile.

Titania Sanguine:
"I dont think Miss Tonya would be too happy if I was to traumatize one of her children with my issues."

Azuma Hiroko:
"I do not think you would." she reassured again.

Titania Sanguine:
"I. It is all just blood. I see only how to kill. Every time I walk down a street. Assessing how to kill everyone on it. How to get away. How to run, how to kill. How to end it all."

Her words gaining a coldness as she speaks.

Azuma Hiroko:
Well. That sounded... Familiar too... A vague and fuzzy memory... Of watching someone tear another being apart... Ripping out their insides... The growls and screams... There was no blood there... But it was still terrifying...

Hiroko blinked and that memory was gone. She hesitated for a brief moment. "There must be something else you know how to do?"

Titania Sanguine:
She notes the hesitation but doesnt say anything. A shake of her head.

"I. I. I do not. Know."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Do you have hobbies?"

Titania Sanguine:
"I. Maybe? Is it a hobby if it is about my work?"

Azuma Hiroko:
She looked up thoughtfully and it was almost as if there were physical gears turning in the Ram's head. "I was told that if you are getting paid for it, it is no longer a hobby. But it must be something you enjoy doing?"

Titania Sanguine:
"It is. It is something I helped discover. All those years ago. But. It is also part of my job. I have tried gardening recently. That has been nice."

Her words seem to be hesitant. In an overwhelmed sort of way.

Azuma Hiroko:
"I like gardening! Gardening is good. It can be very peaceful." she nodded and smiled.

Titania Sanguine:
"It can. Good to. Create. Not destroy."

The hand that Hiriko is touching twitches. The fingers digging into the metal of the table slightly.

Azuma Hiroko:
She retracted her hand quickly, looking confused now. "... I am sorry..."

Titania Sanguine:
"Is just. Too much."

Looking down at the hand. As it withdraws from the table.

"You need to go."

Her voice cold as ice. Barely held back blood lust.

Azuma Hiroko:
In the past, Hiroko may have obeyed, got up and run. But... Spending so much time with Tonya, Lamp and Vincent had rubbed off on her. The people she regularly comforted also had an influence on her. She didn't run. She stood her ground instead. Well... Sat her ground, since she wasn't standing...

She looked at Tania with a look of concern, not for herself but for the other woman. "... I... Are you okay?"

Titania Sanguine:
Titania's eyes snap open. Having turned into slits. Not unlike a cats. Black at the edge of her natural red.

"No. I am scared and angry. Everyone can see me for what I am. But I cannot change it. It makes me weak."

That same hand gouging out another track in the table.

"I do not want to hurt you Hiriko-chan. I do not want to hurt Tonya-san."

Azuma Hiroko:
Quite suddenly, Hiroko's expression changed. It changed to understanding. Knowing. She softened again.

"It is okay to be scared and angry. I promise that you will not hurt me. Do you wish to go somewhere more private?" she spoke with a gentle and soothing voice, as if she was speaking to a terrified wildcat intent on clawing her eyes out.

Titania Sanguine:
Her hand shakes as it makes more marks.

"You do not know that. You do not know what I will do. I do not know what I will do."

She stares down at her hands.

"I do not want to hurt you. But I am scared I will. That I will loose more control."

Azuma Hiroko:
Losing control was bad. Clearly, Tania needed help. Determination rose up within the little Playmate. She will help.

"Titania-sama, we have been siting here for an hour. You have not yet lost control. If you wish, I can help you train your control? I am not afraid."

Titania Sanguine:
"You. Should. Be."

Is all she says. She continues destroying a table before her words come again.

"I do not know how to be like this. I am still learning. To show weakness. I cannot yet do that with you. Not tonight."

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko sat still for a couple more seconds, then she bowed her head, showing Tania weakness by taking her eyes off of the predator on the edge of frenzy.

"I understand. If you change your mind later, you know how to find me." she simply replied before she stood up slowly and began collecting her items.

Titania Sanguine:
There is a twitch as Hiriko lowers her head. Moving with the speed of Celerity Titania sinks her fangs into her neck. Taking just a touch.

A hiss escaping her lips.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

Her forefinger tracing her lip and savoring the taste.


Azuma Hiroko:
At first, she was surprised and let out a squeak. But her body remembered this experience. She relaxed, sighing softly and just letting Tania drink. When done, she slowly sat back up to look at her. There had been a change over Hiroko. She looked... Sleepy now...

"Oh... Is Titania-sama... Hungry...?" she mumbled softly and yawned behind a hand.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania growls at that.

"If I start I won't stop. You need to go."

Looking down at her hands they are shaking.

"Take a walk Titania. You need to take a walk. Before you kill someone. Again."

Azuma Hiroko:
So sleepy...

"Yes, Titania-sama..." she mumbled again. With slow and sleepy movements, she tried again to get up and collect her things...

Titania Sanguine:
Titania stood sending the table flying to the side.


Finding her own legs locked in place.

Azuma Hiroko:
She looked back up at Tania blearily. There was STILL no fear in the girl. But she was far too sleepy to be defiant. She sighed again and began walking towards the library... Slowly and almost staggering-like...

Titania Sanguine:
Titania takes a step forward. Towards Hiriko before her coat shifts. A shadow wrapping itself around her neck. The tail of a shadow cat in her mouth.

It's a little bit cannibalistic but. Ya know. Not eating a child.

From the mouth of said shadow cat there is a scream of pain. Or more like 50 screams of pain overlaping.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya was outside the library, reading a book. Yes on her break. The early Spring air was wonderful upon her face.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent was having a really shitty day, well, night. The new Friday uniforms for the Phillies fucking suuuuuuck and he was taking it as one would expect, he didn't realize he was in the Brook turf until he saw...

"Hiroko-chan?" He cocked hisbhewd then heard a scream, rushing over he went to checknon Hiroko, putting his hands on her arms in a protective instinct and looked for the source of the cries from hell

Titania Sanguine:
Another small step. Blood dripping down her chin.

Azuma Hiroko:
She looked up at the one holding onto her with those same bleary eyes. "... Vincent-kun..." she mumbled sleepily.

Tonya Brooks:
Call it a mother's instinct, but Tonya felt something, and began to stand up, looking around, not in eyeline of the group yet.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent saw Titania....fuck...fuck

"Fuck.." He muttered then picked Hiroko up bridal style, and looked to the library, looking for mortals and thanking Philly for a slow night, made a celerity dash to her home

Titania Sanguine:
That made Titania move. Following closely behind Vincent. Keeping the same distance.

Stopping outside the library with a look of confusion on her face.

Azuma Hiroko:
She snuggled into Vincent's arms, prepared to snooze. In her own arms, she held a paperbag of pastries and a cup of cold coffee...

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya, despite not having Celerity, sees the issue and stands up. Luckily an abandoned street. As Vincent rushes past, frail Tonya steps between the two vampires, a hand out, as if offering Tania something to hold.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent didn't stop until he was at the library door, turning back to give Titania the most judgemental scowl he could, kicked the door and went in with Hiroko...obfuscate was then being used inside...just in case

Titania Sanguine:
Titania goes to follow but then Tonya is there.

There is a tilt of her head before Tania bites down on Tonyas hand.

That taste seeming to bring her back to herself. Her eyes go wide.

"Oh fuck."

One hand going to her lips.

Tonya Brooks:
She winces, but relaxes, holding the smaller woman's face.

"Have you been starving yourself? That isn't good for you, Tania."

Titania Sanguine:
Titania shudders at the touch her words becoming a ramble.

"I. I was at the coffee shop. Enjoying memories. Then Hiriko was there. Smells like you. Had nice conversation. Then she pushed. I told her to go. She did not listen. Then. Lowered head. Taste of Lost blood. Lost myself in it."

Tonya Brooks:
She nods, holding Titania's face and getting her to sit on the steps to the library.

"If you missed me that much, you could have asked me out again. Hiroko is a kind soul, she saw you hurting and wished to help, yes? My daughter often puts others before herself. Take some breaths for me? Even fake ones?"

Titania Sanguine:
"I have missed you every night for the last 50 years. I. Am not used to being able to talk to you again."

Looking down she walks to the steps. Trying to take breaths they are shuddering and wrong. Not working how breaths should. But she is trying.

Tonya Brooks:
"I am still as young as I was then, but you have grown. Don't throw that away now. Please?"

Vincent Drake:
Vincent was inside, obfuscated with hiroko and looked down on the Lost with a soft smile.

"It ok lamb...useless lesbians are having a chat....but I should talk to your mom later." He couldn't help but move a tuft of her hair, "Just sleep for now, like the princess you are...please be too asleep to hear that."

Titania Sanguine:
Titania nods her head. Her breaths slowly becoming more human.

"I am sorry. Sweet Tonya. I."

She shakes her head. "I am sorry. I fucked up."

Tonya Brooks:
"You did, yes. But I forgive you. But you need to learn from this. Just how hungry have you let yourself become?"

Titania Sanguine:
"Half. A little under. I."

Another shake of her head. "I have not been able to stop thinking about your taste. Which is. Making other things harder."

Tonya Brooks:
She thinks back to what Ziv has been talking to her about. That darn twink giving good dating advice.

"I nees you to not starve yourself, please. I can stand just a bit more if it keeps you from the Frenzy, but I need you to keep yourself safe for me. And feed responsibly. How much did you tale from Hiroko?"

Titania Sanguine:
"A mouthful from her and a mouthful from you."

She nods her head. "I am sorry. I will try to be better."

A look up to Tonya's neck. "A little more today and then I will work on something more. Sustainable."

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya offers her neck.

"You must apologize to my daughter if I am to give you this. Vincent as well. Okay?"

Titania Sanguine:
There is a nod to the first part. Then a after a moment of hesitation a nod to the second.

"Okay. Tonight? Or once she is feeling better?"

Tonya Brooks:
"Vincent tonight, and Hiroko once she is feeling better. Is this agreeable?"

Titania Sanguine:
Tania nods her head. Her eyes still watching and listening to Tonya's pulse in her neck.

Tonya Brooks:
A bit of Glamour pulses.

Titania must apologize to Vincent tonight and Hiroko when she is feeling better, or else she loses 1 WP. Tonya knows if this Oath is broken.

"Okay, be careful my Tania."

And she offers her neck.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania takes a long moment before moving closer and sinking her teeth in.

It is a little rougher than she likes to be with Tonya but not rough.

She takes only a few sips before feeling Tonya start to push her away. She stops her fangs still in Tonya's neck. A slight slow hiss escaping her lips.

Tonya Brooks:
"Tania, please let go. Before you hurt me. Lets go inside."

Titania Sanguine:
It takes another moment before she nods. Retracting her fangs and giving Tonya a light kiss on the Kiss site.

"Thank you. Really."

A nod of her head as she stands. Offering her hand to Tonya. Knowing what feeding can do to her.

Tonya Brooks:
She stands wearily.

"Lets go inside, no one is inside tonight."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent saw the door opened and held onto Hiroko...he was ready to fight until he could flee if needed...then he saw Tonya and relaxed

Azuma Hiroko:
He could feel her gently breathing as she snoozed...

Titania Sanguine:
Titania walks in behind Tonya. It is complicated. Being so far above Vincent but needing to apologize for scaring him.

For now she just stands there. Holding Tonya's hand gently.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya holds her hand gently, directing her to sit.

"Vincent? Could you come here please?"

Vincent Drake:
Vincent looked to Tonya..then to Titania, then to Tonya...then to Titania, then Tonya...then nodded, he was still holding Hiroko, like it was what he was put in this earth to do, but soon he seemed to appear out of thin air next to Tonya holding a sleeping hiroko.

"Mam." He nodded, then looked to Titania. "Titania." He said cooly

Azuma Hiroko:
The movement nudged Hiroko slightly and she rubbed her head into Vincent's chest, snuggling even more... And continued sleeping...

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya looks worriedly at Hiroko.

"Titania, I believe you have something to say."

Titania Sanguine:
Titania shuffles awkwardly before speaking. Her words awkward though genuine.

"I am sorry for worrying you Vincent Drake. It was not my intent when I woke this night."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent just sighed, then smiled.

"Hey, these things happen..Hiroko-chan is safe at thats what matters."

Vincent said those words as he was reminded of another Lost he cared about was attacked by this bitch...no this rabid dog, but elders are elders, just smile like he means it and offer nice words...

Tonya Brooks:
"Thank you for apologizing, Titania. But you see the problem here, yes Titania? You have to keep control."

Titania Sanguine:
A slow nod of her head.

"Yes. Not be the rabid dog that Vincent thinks I am."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent just frowned at that, auspex...or was he not as good at masking as he thought

"Miss.Brooks, is their anywhere I can put Hiroko, is her room...what's the term, Ironside?"

Azuma Hiroko:
Just then, the sleeping girl shifted again in his arms. "Mm..." she mumbled as her eyes slowly fluttered open. Hiroko was waking up after that short nap.

Tonya Brooks:
"Her room is in the Hedge. There are a few study rooms with beanbags in the back."

An aside to Tania.

"I have found my favorite modern invention, by the way. And it is bean bags."

Then she nods.

"We will work on it, but only if you put in the effort."

Titania Sanguine:
"Bean bags? I am. Confused."

She says with a tilt of her head. Imagining a shopping bag filled with green beans.

Then a slow nod. "I am. Trying."

Tonya Brooks:
She looks excited.

"Follow me."

And leads Titania to another room with these...bags, kinda lumpy.

"Sit in it, I will fetch Vincent."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent meanwhile went to one of those bean bags and placed Hiroko down.

"You've had a busy night...just rest." He whispered gently

Titania Sanguine:
Titania sits in one of the bean bags and lets out a delighted. "Oh."

Before wriggling happily. "Oh. This is quite nice."

The dwarf all but disapearing into said bean bag.

Azuma Hiroko:
"I am okay." she protested softly as she was plunked into a bean bag gently. She had to keep her hand holding the cup up so that no coffee spilled.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya peeks into the other room.

"Good morning, dear. How are you feeling?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"I brought you coffee. I am sorry it is cold now..." she told Tonya with a sleepy smile as she held that coffee out to her.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent sat on the floor next to Hiroko, almost going into guard dog mode, but he's Daeva not Elodoth.

"I'm sorry...I saw her in trouble and just acted."

Tonya Brooks:
"Oh dear, you know you didnt have to do that."

The book Lost looked paler than usual, and gently took the coffee.

"Rest for me, please? If you feel better you can join our talk in the other study room."

She smiles at Vincent.

"Thank you for helping her, I greatly appreciate that."

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko sighed and started digging into the paperbag. She took out a croissant sandwich and started eating drowsily.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent nodded to Tonya then looked to Hiroko, a soft smile on his face....Tonya could see this poor boy had it bad, mom senses and all.

Titania Sanguine:
"Are we going to the other room? Am I bringing this?"

Holding onto the bean bag.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya very much could, a "we will have a talk" look to both Hiroko and Vincent.

"Yes, let's talk. Please?"

Titania Sanguine:
Titania nods picking up the bean bag and following Tonya.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent just sits there to keep Hiroko company.

"You ok?"

Tonya Brooks:
She goes to the other room and sits on a bean bag.

"I need you to rest more, please, Tania? This could have been bad tonight."

Titania Sanguine:
She nods her head slowly.

Flopped on her bean bag but unable to actually look at Tonya. Picking at her jacket as she does.

Tonya Brooks:
"Tania, please?"

Titania Sanguine:
She would note that Tania is crying. Either from the sound or the slight smell of blood.

"I am sorry Tonya. I. I fucked up and I am scared. I do not like being like this. But I want to be better. It is just hard. To. Grow. To not be the Whore."

Tonya Brooks:
"Trust me, we know. Its hard to forget. I'm not mad, I just need to know Hiroko and Lamp will be safe."

She offers a hand.

"Who do you want to be instead of the Whore?"

Titania Sanguine:
Titania takes that hand.


Tonya Brooks:
"Okay, thats very sweet, but besides that. How do you see yourself, ideally?"

Titania Sanguine:
"I do not know. That is what got to me this evening. Even Hiriko could see that. I have no hobbies outside of what I do for the Circle. I am nothing but the Sword that they made me."

Tonya Brooks:
"And the garden, and the books like we used to read."

She pauses, unsure.

"I think. We read together? At your place?"

Titania Sanguine:
"We used to yes. To research things. To learn together."

A slow nod of her head.

"It is hard to remember what brings me joy some nights. I see only the blood."

Tonya Brooks:
She considers.

"What are some hobbies you want to learn? Knitting? Or maybe something delicate...or a sport, as long as its not golf. Golf takes so much useful space and turns it into useless space."

Titania Sanguine:
There is a small chuckle. "Can I learn to play with you."

Before a shake of her head. "Um. Sorry. Um. I do not hate the idea of taking up wood working?"

Tonya Brooks:
"That sounds wonderful. What is the first thing you want to make?"

Titania Sanguine:
"A bean bag."

She says with a laugh. "Though I suppose that would more be sewing would it not."

Tonya Brooks:
She looks down.

"Probably, although they are quite wonderful. What about...something that reminds you of Amaranth? Perhaps the flower itself? Would that help?"

Titania Sanguine:
A nod of her head.

"That would be nice. Perhaps a little book. To remind me of you."

Tonya Brooks:
She smiles.

"I would like that. Can we start that?"

Titania Sanguine:
A nod of her head.

"We can try? It sounds healthier than sitting at a coffee shop so I can savour your scent."

Tonya Brooks:
"Yes, lets do that."

She blushes.

"How long have you been savoring instead of talking to me."

Titania Sanguine:

She looks back down at her hands.

"Like two weeks. I felt like it was too soon after our last coffee date to talk to you again."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent poked his head in.

"Hey, Hiroko is like, really sleepy still, ya got any iron supplements.....aw you two are adorable, like old Victorian sapphics."

Titania Sanguine:
"I hate you."

Tonya Brooks:
"You can always talk to me."

She pauses as the door opens.

"We do, I'll get some. You really should knock, Vincent."

Vincent Drake:
"I know." he said with all solemnity then slid his head out the door, his work here was done

Titania Sanguine:
"Did you really poke your head in here just to taunt me. I. Fuck."

She shakes her head sinking deeper into the bean bag.

Vincent Drake:
"You give yourself too much credit, I am looking for those iron supplements." he called from the hallway, following Tonya to the vitamins

Tonya Brooks:
She points.

"I'll take care of my daughter, Vincent. Thank you for the help, but please wait for me and I wish to speak to you... and Titania."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent stopped in his tracks and nodded, "Sorry, sorry." then went to join Titania...awkward.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania chuckles as he comes back in.

A smug little smile on her face.

Vincent Drake:
"Oh don't look at me like that." he rolled his eyes, "I'm not the one constantly going off on the Lost, I got a bad enough time with Avery's friends as it is." he crossed his arms

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya steps in with some iron supplements with Hiroko.

"Hello, dear. How are you feeling?"

Titania Sanguine:
"I forgot it is all my fault that you have a type and its people who are not ready to interact with the world alone."

Vincent Drake:
"That is not true," he hissed, a very vampiric hiss, "Maybe joining the Crone was a mistake." he didn't mention that to her yet

Titania Sanguine:
"Whatever gets you through the night kiddo."

Azuma Hiroko:
"I am alright." she replied with a smile. She still looked sleepy, but her eyes were awake and aware. "Is Vincent-kun and Titania-sama here to visit?"

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya offers two pills, taking two herself.

"This will help you regain your strength. They are, my dear."

She sits down mext to Azuma.

"Do you have the energy to talk, dear?"

Azuma Hiroko:
She obediently took the pills, swallowing them with a face. Then she nodded. "Yes, Mother."

Tonya Brooks:
She tucks some hair behind Hiroko's ear.

"I know that you have been making friends with the Kindred, yes? And have been exposed to the Kiss?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"The Kiss? I have never kissed anyone." she protested.

Tonya Brooks:
"Capitalized, a proper noun. The Kindred's bite, it brings pleasure and feeds them."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Oh. When Vincent-kun is hungry, he bites me here." she pointed to her arm, just above her wrist. And then she smiled. "I help and it makes him feel better."

Tonya Brooks:
She cups Hiroko's cheek. Vincent gets a chill down his dead spine.

"And it leaves you quite tired, yes? More than usual?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Not really. I just get sleepy when he bites me... Like... Oh... Titania-sama... Bit me too..." she mumbled hesitantly.

Tonya Brooks:
She frowns, Titania would also get a shiver down her spine. Mom go brr.

"Please remember that your health is important to me, and I would be very sad if I lost you. I have no problems with you having fun and enjoying yourself, I've had it too, but know how much you're comfortable with giving. Just....think of it this way, dear. If you are too tired from giving blood, you can't help anyone else."

Azuma Hiroko:
"I understand, Mother. I promise to be careful." she muttered softly, clearly ashamed of herself.

Tonya Brooks:
She pats Hiroko's fluff.

"Thank you, dear. And remember you can say no at any point. This should only be as much as enjoy and nothing more."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Is the... Kiss... Supposed to be enjoyable?" she asked curiously.

Tonya Brooks:
"Yes, it is. Is it not with Vincent?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"I do not know. I feel sleepy."

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya pauses and takes a deep breath.

"Does it make you feel... happy and warm and that you want to forget everything that's happening?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Um... I do not know... Yes... And yes..."

Tonya Brooks:
"Do you know what happy would feel like if you did feel it?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"I think so. I am happy when I am with you."

Tonya Brooks:
She smiles.

"Do you feel the same with Vincent?"

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko nodded and smiled.

Tonya Brooks:
"Okay, that is good. Please, do not push yourself too far. Feel free to join us in the other room when you are falling better, okay?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"I feel better now!" she said and started getting up.

Tonya Brooks:
She helps Hiroko up.

"Then let us join the Kindred, and hope Vincent isnt currently being threatened by Titania."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Do they not like each other?" she asked as she followed her adoptive mother.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania is being a frankly good girl and is currenltly doing her best to be eaten by three diffirent bean bags. The small albino is barely visible.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent on the other hand is leaning down on his own bean bag and on his phone, texting his partner's he'll be a bit late getting home and such

Tonya Brooks:
"Not in the slightest."

She knocks before entering.

"...Tania, I will need those back eventually, they're library property and not my own."

Titania Sanguine:

A playful little pout.


She has been a good girl. Pretty sure she deserves a forhead kiss.

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko peeked into the room curiously from under Tonya's arm. Wondering what havoc the two vampires had caused in Tonya's absence.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent put down his phone and looked as the two came in, as Hiroko peeked he gave a smile and wave.

Tonya Brooks:
She gently hugs Hiroko.

"I need to have a talk with both of you, please."

Titania Sanguine:
"Given there is three of us in the room I would like some clarity please?"

Vincent Drake:
"I think she's talking about us fangers....but I didn't do anything wrong?" he said with some confusion

Titania Sanguine:
"I think its the whole monster and innocent girl thing."

She says with a whisper.

Vincent Drake:
"I know, I saved the innocent girl from the-what are you implying?"

Tonya Brooks:
She takes a deep breath.

"Please, be careful with Hiroko. Both of you."

She didn't have the heart to say in front of Hiroko that the girl had no self restraint if it helped someone else.

Titania Sanguine:
"That you need to remember you are also a monster. Regardless of what you like to think."

A soft nod to Tonya. "Yes ma'am."

Vincent Drake:
"She's safe around me Miss.Brooks," he almost beamed with the smile he had, "I'll keep her safe no matter-" and then he realized other where in the room, "I er...yeah, I'll be sure to do that." the allowed the bean bag to swallow him

Azuma Hiroko:
The Ram blinked at the other two, then up at Tonya, looking concerned now. What was going on?

Tonya Brooks:
"Good, thank you both."

She hugs Hiroko once more.

"She is right, Vincent. You do need to realize that you can cause problems. Titania is trying to prevent you from becoming herself."

Sure, probably

Titania Sanguine:
Yeah that. We can totally pretend. There is a bit of that. Mostly she is just a bitch though.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent rubbed the back of his head at that.

"I know....but I've just been...me so far, and I have several people across Philly looking forward to-" he stopped himself, yes the moment he goes Titania their is a whole Avengers team waiting to kick his ass, it's both his back up plan and incentive to not become a Druager.

"I mean....I'm well aware and have steps....I've been in therapy for almost a year." he offered meekly

Azuma Hiroko:
The way Hiroko hugged Tonya back, it was clear that she was just as fond of Tonya as Tonya was of her. She even nuzzled into the hug with a smile.