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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning=Accidental Deadnaming | cast=* Edmund Desperaux * Jo Byrne * Leila Zaki | setting=Random forest | log= '''Leila Zaki:'''<br /> Leila was practicing in the middle of the woods while thinking inward, in a black body suit with her hair tied back, blushed, she had her beautiful black khopesh in her left hand, and a sidearm on her right hip. Her scabbard for the khopesh was currently in a tree next to her as she went through her motions an...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 01:25, 26 May 2024

Content Warning

Accidental Deadnaming


Random forest


Leila Zaki:
Leila was practicing in the middle of the woods while thinking inward, in a black body suit with her hair tied back, blushed, she had her beautiful black khopesh in her left hand, and a sidearm on her right hip. Her scabbard for the khopesh was currently in a tree next to her as she went through her motions and training.

Leila was distracted by these thoughts and listening to the world around her, connecting with it slowly. The Mekhet was quiet except for the occasional step on a tree root to restart whatever she was doing, and the cut of a singular leaf from a tree.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund strides through the brush, deftly dodging tree roots that might trip clumsy mortals. He speaks to Jo as they walk. "You see, it's easier if we come further from the trail, out here. This way, we don't need to worry about..." he perks up, immediately stopping in his tracks and putting out a hand to get Jo to do the same. His whisper is a snake's hiss. "We are not alone."

Josephine Byrne:
Clumsy mortal they were not. Jo followed after him easily, naturally taking careful steps, almost like a deer at home in the woods. The moment he stopped, they stopped too, crouching down instantly into a defensive stance and muscles coiled, ready for anything.

Leila Zaki:
Leila continued onward, not yet noticing she was not alone. Elder senses were not yet something she possessed, and she was locked in the weightless feeling of being perfectly aligned with your weapon in practice.

Edmund Desperaux:
Superhumanly fast, Edmund’s hands swept under his jacket, and returned with a pair of bent short swords. Similar in many respects to Leila’s khopesh, actually, though different in origin. He crept forward, trying to see who this mystery person, who he assumed was following them, was.

Josephine Byrne:
Jo on the other hand, now had a Glock in their hand. They too, crept forward silently, giving Edmund a bit of space. They knew how dangerous he can be with those swords... Wouldn't want to get chopped up *again*...

Leila Zaki:
Leila hadn't noticed, entirely entranced in what she was doing. She did keep stepping on tree roots, and having to pause to correct herself to not trip, so was less aware of the world around her.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund continued creeping towards the faint nearby noises, keeping low to the ground with his swords poised to strike.

Edmund Desperaux:
He does great, until he steps on a twig for a resounding SNAP which echoes through the otherwise fairly quiet wood. He freezes. He’s not blushed, so he looks the part of a fresh corpse; pale, and inhumanly still.

Josephine Byrne:
Jo on the other hand, was doing just fine. They snuck up to a tree with gun at the ready and was about to sneak up to another tree when Edmund stepped on a twig. They too, froze on the spot for a split second... Before doing a very silent facepalm...

Leila Zaki:
In one fluid motion, her glock was released from its holster and fired at the very much undead thing behind her through a silencer. She hadnt heard a heartbeat so she had a moment of believing it to be a strix or worse. A moment of realization as she realizes its in fact a vampire from his predatory aura, and her hand jerks to get it away from any sort of lethal shot, only inpacting his shoulder.

In arabic she curses.

Now standing with a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, she relaxes to try to show shes not going to continue.

"Its terrible form to sneak up on someone like that, sir."

Edmund Desperaux:
Faster than any human should be able to move, Edmund closes the distance. “Well when I heard your blade I thought you might have been here to kill me. Something I haven’t entirely been dissuaded of.” His hands are at his sides, but the grip on his swords is still tense and ready.

Josephine Byrne:
Immediately after that gunshot, Jo was peeking around the tree they hid behind, aiming at the shooter and firing. Of course, the moment they did, Edmund had already sped in front of the target and his ghoul had to hold their gun up to avoid shooting at him. They swore under their breath but stayed where they were hiding, just in case. Jo knew they were far squishier than Edmund... He can handle himself... Right?

Leila Zaki:
Only being able to react to one and not both, she prepared to defend herself from Edmund and took the shot in the side, fangs being bared for a brief moment in pain before she stops herself. Knowing it was smarter she gently places the gun back in its holster, eyeing Jo as if she could see perfectly despite the darkness of the forest.

"I hope you dont mind me holding my weapon, its sheathe is behind me. I am not here to kill an Elder, especially of the Estate, I am here to practice my own skills and have been for over an hour."

Luckily, she doesn't have to worry about bleeding so just has a hole in her side.

Edmund Desperaux:
At the crack of gunfire from Jo’s hiding place, Edmund raises a hand in their direction, trying to tell them to stand down for the time being. “A simple misunderstanding, then. My apologies. You can never be too careful when you’re my age.” He notably does not stow his own swords but his grip loosens almost imperceptibly.

Josephine Byrne:
They obey, standing down and relaxing immediately.

Leila Zaki:
"Indeed. How old would you be then?"

She uses Vitae to heal her wound seeing as the danger is over, looking down to make sure there is no remaining metal within her.

"Your companion is a good shot, I believe that was from their sidearm as well."

Edmund Desperaux:
"I've been around for a few centuries now. You don't get to be this old without having someone out there that wants to kill you, if only just to rid the world of another Estate Elder."

Josephine Byrne:
Oh, now they were chatting. And it was... Friendly chatting? Hard to tell from this distance. Jo cautiously stepped out from behind the tree to approach, gun still at the ready but pointing to the ground.

Leila Zaki:
"Out of curiosity, how many centuries? There's a big difference between 3 and 12 centuries. Oh, Im being rude. I am known as Miss Leila Zaki to the Estate."

She offers a hand, one that falters upon seeing the Ghoul. A dumbfounded expression for a solid 5 or so seconds before she continues to focus on Edmund.

Edmund Desperaux:
"I have walked this earth for nearly five hundred years. And I am Lord Edmund Desperaux." He takes the hand despite the falter and shakes it.

Josephine Byrne:
They continued approaching, tensing up at the offered hand, but then relaxing again when Edmund returned the hand shake. Soon enough, Jo was standing next to him.

Why does that name seem familiar? They frown at the stranger curiously.

Leila Zaki:
Leila somehow seemed dissappinted it was 500 years, but she let that expression go. She clearly had Vigor empowering her, taking her beyond human limits.

"A pleasure to meet you, Lord Desperaux."

Then a look to the ghoul, gaze still lingering.

"And, you wouldnt happen to be Specialist Bryne, would you? If not I am terribly sorry, you remind me of a former friend."

Josephine Byrne:
Their frown deepened suspiciously and Jo immediately went back on guard, gun not quite pointed at Leila, but very much ready to lift up in a split second to fire.

"No... It is Staff Sergeant Bryne... How do you know me?" they asked cautiously.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund looks between the two of them, a look of mild amusement on his face as he slowly puts away his blades.

Leila Zaki:
Leila almost starts to sign but has a sword, so gently puts it in the sheathe behind her to mimic Edmund's want to put away his weapons.

Leila then carefully signs in ASL to Jo.

"Congratulations on the promotion then. I met you on deployment under a different face and name." 

Josephine Byrne:
The signing was immediately recognized. Jo's eyes grew wiiiide and shocked. And then a grin split their face and they holstered their gun immediately.

"RAY! Holy fuck, what happened to you?!" they yell, going up to Leila and offering a hand to do the 'bro hug'.

Leila Zaki:
As the name addresses them, Leila's Beast rears up in anger, a shiver inducing warning to Jo.

The Mekhet takes a half step back to avoid the hug.

"That is not a name I use anymore, please call me Leila. It is a long story I would gladly share later."

A respectful nod to Edmund.

"Lord Desperaux, you choose good companions. I formally apologize for firing a shot at you."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund smiles warmly. “All you did was put a hole in my jacket. I hardly felt a thing.”

Josephine Byrne:
The feel of immense anger coming from Leila's predatory aura causes Jo to step back at the same time she did. A crease of worry and fear flashes across their face. "O-Oh..." was all they managed to mutter. Then their expression smoothed back into indifference and Jo stepped away to fall in by Edmund's side (and slightly behind, as was proper). Now it was as though that display of familiarity from Jo never happened...

Leila Zaki:
"I am certainly glad to are unhurt, I can... hopefully, pay to repair the jacket if you need."

She looks apprehensively at Jo, unsure what to say.

Josephine Byrne:
Jo glanced down with their eyes and if Leila followed, she would see their hand, held quietly by their side, signaling back in fluent ASL.

"You owe me quite the story later, Private."

Edmund Desperaux:
"Think nothing of it. I am more than capable of paying for the repair myself. But let us address the more important elephant in this room. You two knew one another at one point? Fascinating."

Leila Zaki:
She signs "yes", an easy enough gesture for anyone to understand.

"We did. We both served in Iraq."

Josephine Byrne:
"Passing familiarity is all." they replied with a monotonous voice.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund is, unfortunately, too used to Vampire social interactions to realize that Jo is reacting poorly to Leila's Beast, so he continues. "How fortuitous that you have met again, then! I do so love coincidences like these."

Leila Zaki:
Leila grimaces.

"I am not upset at you, Jo. It is a pleasure to meet you again."

A bit of wariness now at the Elder who's ghoul seems so used to violence from their kind.

"Indeed, they are a face I did not believe I would see again. What brings you to the city, Lord Desperaux?"

Edmund Desperaux:
"Oh, I've been here for a few years now actually. I've just been preoccupied with setting down roots and such that I haven't really been about. The Estate wouldn't normally like one of their Elders to be so reclusive, but they didn't really have the capacity to do anything about it."

Josephine Byrne:
The ghoul has fallen silent, preferring to just look like a statue and let the vampires talk. Though they kept their eyes averted, Jo continued to watch Leila through the corners of their eyes. Tense, was an understatement for how rigid they were standing.

Leila Zaki:
Leila was clearly empathetic to the ghoul, looking between Edmund and them to see if he would offer any comfort.

"I have been Embraced for 6 years as of later this month, although I spent 2 years abroad around the Mediterranean."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund is still oblivious as to why Jo is upset, but he's not so clueless as to not notice their emotional state whatsoever. He looks to them for a moment. "What's got you so tense? This is your old comrade, right?"

Josephine Byrne:
"Nothing." came their answer, short and terse.

Leila Zaki:
Leila awkwardly remained silent because...this was very clearly a regnant-ghoul talk. The Asp seemed to almost fade into the shadows they found themselves within while the two weren't looking at her.

Edmund Desperaux:
“Really? Because I don’t think it’s nothing. You were like this at Bellevue as well. Is something wrong?”

Josephine Byrne:
"No." she lied.

Leila Zaki:
Leila continues to be very shadowy. Oh, look at this neat plant.....totally yep.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund sighs. “Jo, you can’t just keep—“ he stops himself before much anger can creep into his voice. “Jo, you know I am not a monster, right?”

Josephine Byrne:
There was a slight hesitation in their voice... "Yes."

Edmund Desperaux:
“So why do you react to my Kindred as such? Especially in this city, we are kept to a fairly high ethical standard. There are vampires in this world I would not hesitate to label monsters but here? Perish the thought.”

Josephine Byrne:
"Yes, sir."

The reply was still monotonous, but her continued tensed body betrayed their thoughts. Jo was now refusing to directly look at Leila or Edmund, though they still watched them both through the sides of their eyes.

Edmund Desperaux:
“I am not ordering you to do anything, Jo. I am simply requesting you to see the bigger picture here. Let go of your preconceived notions about my kind, as you did with me.”

Josephine Byrne:
"Understood. Sir."

That was very much a military-style response. Jo was beginning to get fed up with this conversation. If it wasn't such a pain in the ass to do it, they would've sunk straight into the ground.

Edmund Desperaux:
“Would it kill you to open up a little bit? If you don’t want to be part of this life, you don’t have to be. You don’t have to be a ghoul if you don’t want to.”

Josephine Byrne:
Would it kill them? No... Well, maybe it will... But they were trained to withstand torture, and that meant giving away as little information as possible. Despite Edmund's offer, they couldn't just... Walk away... Jo actually DID like being a ghoul... The high that they got from vitae... It was too good to give up... And the strength they felt as a result was more than addictive too. So the threat of possibly no longer getting a supply of vitae caused them to hesitate more visibly.

"... I'm sorry... Won't happen again..." they muttered softly.

Leila Zaki:
Leila continues to remain quiet until addressed, also a very militaristic response. Both were clearly soldiers.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund’s expression softens. “I’m not angry at you, Jo. I just don’t like seeing you upset like this and it’s frustrating when I can’t help you.”

Josephine Byrne:
Well, they definitely didn't want to frustrate him... That was bad... They immediately felt bad for having acted like such a brat... Jo relaxed their shoulders, shrinking a little and showing him submission by dropping their eyes to the ground.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund sighed again but said no more for the time being.

Leila Zaki:
"I apologize for causing you distress. Should I leave to allow you both to talk without listening ears?"

Josephine Byrne:
"Stay... I'm fine..." Jo shrugged.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund gestures nonchalantly. "It is of little consequence. Stay. Jo and I were hoping to train out here as well."

Leila Zaki:
She nods.

"There are better places to train than out here. I was trying to...do other training as well. If you are aware of some of any such places, I would gladly follow."

Josephine Byrne:
Jo glanced over at Edmund, trying to gauge his emotional levels...

Edmund Desperaux:
"I am aware there is a space that can be used by supernatural peoples for training in the city, but I wished for more open space to move around in. And there are no such places in the city proper that I know of away from the prying eyes of mortals."

Leila Zaki:
"If you are talking about Guy Dagenham's gym, then that was what I was going to recommend. The woods are plenty capable of hosting such training. Just be careful of going too far..."

She points roughly northeast.

"That way. Another Elder claims that as her territory."

Edmund Desperaux:
"That is the place I was speaking of, yes."

A pause.

"Hm. Interesting. Doubly so that I didn't know that yet. Thank you for letting me know."

Leila Zaki:
"It is a good spot to train when Vigor pushes you past the normal human limits."

She nods.

"Scarlett Whore Titania chooses to live out there to avoid the kine as she can. She is an Elder of the Circle."

She does watch him to see how he reacts to the Circle.

Edmund Desperaux:
"Ah, I have met Miss Titania. She is not particularly fond of the Estate, but we found common ground." He chuckles quietly.

Leila Zaki:
"Whore Titania is her proper title within the Circle. She has had her fair share of problems with the First Estate."

Edmund Desperaux:
"Duly noted, thank you. And having problems with the First Estate seems to be something of an epidemic. I don't blame them, to be honest. My brethren can be... abrasive."

Leila Zaki:
She looks up.

"Unfortunatly, many have issues with the current leadership of the Invictus. Myself included. Old fashioned is one term for him."

Josephine Byrne:
Jo wondered why... This entire conversation was fascinating. They'd have to ask Edmund later, about why someone would call themselves a whore. Or why they were in the Invictus if they were so hated...

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund nods. "Yes, well, he's a tad resentful of our position in city politics. Can't really blame him for that part."

Leila Zaki:
Leila shifts uncomfortably.

"I still do not find myself liking him or his policies. But no, no one likes being on the bottom."

Josephine Byrne:
They glance at Edmund again, thinking different thoughts about being on the bottom...

Edmund Desperaux:
"That is fair. Not much I can do about it for the time being, I'm afraid."

Leila Zaki:
"If you could do something, would you?"

Edmund Desperaux:
"I will admit I'm not sure. I think the Estate needs the change, for sure, but by the same token such a move doesn't have the support of many of the other Lords. It would cause chaos. Whether I would do something depends on whether we can afford that chaos."

Leila Zaki:
"What is currently happening for the First Estate is not putting them in the best light. But I'm afraid I am not afforded an opinion on such matters."

Josephine Byrne:
This time, they actually look from Leila to Edmund, curiosity in her eyes. What was happening for the First Estate?

Edmund Desperaux:
"Really? Are you an associate of the Invictus?"

Leila Zaki:
"Associate, yes, not yet member. My mentor within the First Estate had urgent buisiness elsewhere, and I chose to stay behind where my Sire is."

Edmund Desperaux:
"Do you still wish for higher status? I can make no promises, since we do not know each other very well as of yet, but I can certainly consider becoming your mentor."

Josephine Byrne:
Immediately, an eyebrow was raised... And very obviously too. Jo did not bother to mask her indignation at such a proposal...

Leila Zaki:
"I do, but would first of all like to know you better. And second of all would prefer you talk to your ghoul, who evidently doesn't like this proposal."

Edmund Desperaux:
"Jo, your thoughts on the matter?"

Josephine Byrne:
"Only that you have a full schedule as is, so taking on a student will impact your business..." they replied monotonously. They definitely definitely did not mention the fact that THEY were his student and thus, it'd be unfair to take on another one who would absolutely perform better than Jo themself, just by being a vampire and not a mere ghoul.

Leila Zaki:
"They are worried I would be replacing them, which I would prefer not to."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund sighs. "You are irreplaceable, Jo. I have spent the last few years building my business, and the last few months attempting to make the business self-sufficient enough that I can spend more of my evenings building connections elsewhere. You have been an invaluable part of the latter, my friend." He clears his throat. "And, there would be times where I would be mentoring you two on the same Estate traditions. At which point I could simply teach you both at the same time. Saves time, and what not."

Josephine Byrne:
Their eyes widened and a hint of fear slips through. But just as quickly, Jo's mask of indifference covers that up again and they glance away as if they were uncaring of what really happened next. Edmund had told them that some vampires could read minds, but they never thought it to be a real thing...

"Fine. Just don't expect me to clean up after you if you mess up your schedule. I'm not your secretary." she sniffed arrogantly.

Leila Zaki:
Leila is in fact a matter of reading minds, looking at Edmund with far more scrutiny over the next few minutes.

"I also have my duties elsewhere. Even if he were to be my mentor, it would be far less often than a full time protégé."

She signs to Jo.

"You have nothing to fear of me. I promise." 

Edmund Desperaux:
"Of course, my schedule is my own concern. And most business concerns can fall onto David. This is what I have been working towards. I should have ample time to teach the both of you, if that is how things work out."

Josephine Byrne:
"Good. So I can dump my paperwork on him too?" they suggest, mildly amused. Jo's real focus though, was on what Leila signed to them. Their hand quickly and quietly signs back, fingers moving fast.

"Is that right? Prove it."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund chuckles, choosing to ignore the signing communication for the time being. He knows what it is, but he doesn't understand it. "You still have to fill out shift reports yourself when you go on guard duty. David isn't psychic, he doesn't know what to pay you for, and more importantly what to charge the client for, until you turn in the report."

Leila Zaki:

"How would you like me to do that? Besides you shooting me again. I know you are a good shot and I wouldn't want to end up in Torpor.

Josephine Byrne:

"I'll decide later."

Jo shrugged their shoulders and crossed their arms over their chest. "Worth a try."

Edmund Desperaux:
"And besides, if I made him do all the paperwork, David might quit, and he is rather skilled at what he does. I would prefer he continue working for Protech."

Leila Zaki:
"Paperwork is the least gratifying section of any job."

She nods to Jo.

"I just do not want you to feel threatened by me."

Josephine Byrne:

"Later." their signing came back, their hand no longer quiet. In sign language, they were now yelling.

Jo turned to face Edmund, now purposely ignoring Leila. "Are we going to train or what?"

Edmund Desperaux:
“Yes yes, of course.” Edmund reaches back into his jacket and pulls out his two swords. This time, they still have their scabbards attached to them. He tosses one in his hand so that he’s holding the covered blade, and offers the handle to Jo. “Shall we, or do you have another weapon you wish to train with?”

Leila Zaki:
Leila stays silent, watching the pair. Clearly assuming she would be kept out of this.

Josephine Byrne:
Without waiting for him to even finish his sentence, they grabbed the handle of his sword, whipped it out of the scabbard and slashed at him, starting the sparring immediately. Jo was not much of a talker, clearly.

Edmund Desperaux:
Jo swipes at Edmund and he lithely moves out of the way, suddenly moving with considerably more dexterity than he had seconds earlier. As Jo moves forward into the space where Edmund was, he swiftly moves his off-hand to connect with their shoulder, hoping to knock them off balance for a moment. "Don't move so hastily! Predict where I am going to move next."

Leila Zaki:
Leila retreats briefly to watch the encounter, grabbing her own weapon in case she needs to defend herself.

Josephine Byrne:
A muffled grunt of pain echoed through the trees as he manages to bruise them. Perhaps Leila would get to see why she got that vision...

Listening to him, Jo paused to collect themself, hefting the sword in their hand to test the weight of it. It was very different to knives, which is what they were more used to... Their eyes watched Edmund like a hawk, trying to figure out his next move...

Josephine Byrne:
Deciding that the element of surprise was gone, they attacked again, swinging the sword way too wide due to the extra weight, trying to catch him from the other side...

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund gracefully steps out of the way again, and swings the flat of his blade against the pommel of the sword Jo is swinging at him, attempting to knock the blade out of their hand. "Don't just lash out in anger! Fighting is an art. Your strikes should be strategic, like strokes of paint on a canvas."

Josephine Byrne:
They yelp as the sword fell out of their hand. Jo glared and glowered at Edmund. "I'M NOT ANGRY!" they yelled, clearly angry.

With a growl, they quickly picked up the sword to throw at him...

Leila Zaki:
Leila watches, just an observer. She recognizes several follies she once had. She knew Jo would learn over time. But she was NOT about to intervene when shes part of the source of the frustration.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund stands his ground, flourishing his still covered blade.

Edmund Desperaux:
A thunk as Jo's thrown blade hits Edmund's midsection. He grimaces. Maybe this jacket and shirt should just be gotten rid of instead of repaired, at this rate. He tears the embedded blade out of his dead flesh and advances on Jo. He speaks slowly and deliberately as he walks towards them. "Most importantly, you never, ever..." he extends his arm raising his covered blade to their neck. "...throw away your only blade."

Leila Zaki:
Leila tenses to see if she needs to step in. This is an invictus and his ghoul after all...

Josephine Byrne:
Using the power of Celerity, they whipped out their knife from a hidden pocket to slash at his tricep of the arm holding his own weapon out at her, even before the tip reached their neck...

Edmund Desperaux:
With the flat of the sword Jo had been using, Edmund deflected the incoming knife just in time to avoid getting slashed by it. Edmund smiles and gently bumps the top of Jo's head with the flat of his other sword (assuming they let him do that, that is). "Well done. Getting me to go on the offensive to try and catch me off guard. Excellent."

Josephine Byrne:
The anger slid off their face as they sighed and stepped back, out of their fighting stance. "I tried. I'm still not fast enough for you..." they muttered as they slid the knife back into their pocket. The head bump had produced a different reaction too... Jo was blushing slightly... But perhaps they were just flustered from the spar... Yep, that's definitely it.

Leila Zaki:
"That is why you are training. It is doubtful you'll be able to consistently hurt an Elder for a while. Watching that, I am unsure I could land a blow either. But you are smart and quick on your feet. Both are useful in a fight."

Josephine Byrne:
"I guess..." they mumbled as their blush deepened...

Edmund Desperaux:
"Listen, I hope you don't, but if you ever have to fight a vampire" Edmund pauses. "... again, even as a Ghoul you're at a disadvantage. Don't fight on their terms. This spar was a decently even fight just in terms of circumstances. That means, against me, against almost any vampire, it's unfair. Biggest lesson here: if the game is skewed against you, change the rules."

Leila Zaki:
"When did you fight a vampire?"

Leila looks curiously, even if she already knows the answer.

"But yes, fighting fair is for losers and the strong. If we are neither strong or hoping to lose, find better ways."

Josephine Byrne:
"So fall back on sniping. Understood." they smirked. They didn't reply to Leila's question, hoping that she would just... Forget about it...

Edmund Desperaux:
"As much as I dislike the concept, yes. Firearms would make the fight fairer." Edmund turns to Leila and blinks, realizing what he let slip. He turns back to Jo. "Would you object if I told her the story?"

Josephine Byrne:
They glance away, but shook their head and shrugged. "I don't care..."

Leila Zaki:
"Firearms are technology that even the battlefield."

She nods and looks to Edmund. Not into his eyes, of course, probably more his ear or mouth.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund nods and turns once more to Leila. "Jo... is a former Hunter. A good one, too. Got one over on me and injured me pretty badly. Then... I frenzied, and by the time I was back under control Jo was almost dead. I Ghouled them so they could heal. When they woke up I explained my situation, who I really was despite being a Vampire. I even hired them at my security business, since they are obviously still quite skilled."

Leila Zaki:
Leila was skeptical at first but softens. She listens to the entire story before commenting, first looking at Jo.

"It is quite impressive to injure a vampire on your own. It is beyond impressive to severely injure an Elder on your own."

Then back to Edmund.

"I am glad you saved them, many would have left them for dead, or at minimum not given them such a second chance. That is quite honorable of you."

She seems far less suspicious after saying that. More relaxed.

Josephine Byrne:
They shrugged again. Jo seemed... Very indifferent and nonchalant about the whole event... "I planned well and was simply lucky."

Edmund Desperaux:
"If you planned, it was not just simple luck. This is exactly the kind of tactics you need to take to heart, though I hope not against me. Or any other Kindred in the city, for that matter. The implications of you having to fight a Vampire again are... dire."

Leila Zaki:
"Planning and luck are traits you very much want on your side and not your opponent's."

Leila frowns.

"Other than frenzy, in which case it's a good idea to flee no matter who you are, you likely shouldn't have to unless the Strix are involved. One was killed a little over a year ago and they haven't dared to reappear since, so that should not be a threat you have to deal with yet, and hopefully not ever."

Some Domains treat the Strix as boogeyman stories that should not be shared, and many don't think they exist. Leila speaks about them with confidence and the most hatred she's shown yet.

Josephine Byrne:
"The Strix?" they asked, curious about what those were.

Leila Zaki:
Leila looks to Edmund for permission. It was a dark tale after all, and Jo was his student.

Edmund Desperaux:
“Go ahead. The lore of the Owls has never been my forte.”

Leila Zaki:
"The Strix, you may also hear Stirges or Birds of Dis or Court of Owls or others, are owls made of shadow. They are relatives and possibly counterparts to the Kindred.

Some believe that they are the Beast within, unburdened with our more human nature. We can never confirm anything because the Stirges have dozens of different conflicting tales. But they always hate life, because they are not alive and do not feel any of the things we feel as corporeal beings. And so they kill and destroy, and part of our job as Kindred is to slay them before they end us."

Her fingers trace her blade as she speaks, Beast rearing up in defiance of the Owls.

Josephine Byrne:
Jo became nervous, shifting their weight from one leg to the other as Leila's aura got stronger again.

"I see..."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund barely reacts to Leila's Beast intensifying for the moment, but he does mutter a quiet curse in centuries-old French.

Leila Zaki:
She does calm after just the momentary flare of her Beast.

"If you meet one, the best choice is to run. And then to let the Sakima know of your findings. The knowledge of one in the city is more valuable than you attempting to kill it yourself."

Josephine Byrne:
"... Outrun a shadow bird?" they questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Leila Zaki:
"Why would you outrun them? Hide, evade, use its weaknesses. It cannot pass fire or sunlight, so create fire. Or get to a more public area so it doesn't feel safe following."

Josephine Byrne:
"You just said-... Nevermind."

Leila Zaki:
"Run as in flee the situation, not move as fast as you can in one direction. Do you remember what we were taught about oncoming fire? Zig zag to not let them get a lock on you. This is the same concept."

Josephine Byrne:
Jo looked at Leila as though she had just said something really stupid. Of course they remembered those lessons. In fact, they of all people would know how to disappear.

Josephine Byrne:
"... Anyway, am I even allowed to talk to the Sakima? Aren't they like, vampire royalty?"

Edmund Desperaux:
"If you request an audience and get it, then I don't see why not. And if you do, I don't recommend referring to her as royalty. She is the Sakima. Not a Prince, not a Queen, not royalty."

Leila Zaki:
"Other Domains would refer to her as the Oracle, but she would rather stay away from that. But I'd imagine any leader would like to know about such a threat within their donain."

She tries to figure out what she said wrong to Jo, very confused on that front.

Josephine Byrne:
"But is it not more appropriate to follow the chain of command and speak to you about it first?" they asked, looking at Edmund. Soldiers can't ever get rid of that habit...

Edmund Desperaux:
"If it's the Strix, then no. Go directly to the highest authority in the domain you can. It's too important to waste time passing it up the chain."

Josephine Byrne:
They nodded, satisfied with that answer.

Leila Zaki:
Leila nods with Edmund's discretion.

"Then the Sakima will reach out to those that can handle the Strix. Such as the local Khaibit. As was said earlier, you do not wish to face a superior opponent in a fair fight, so overwhelming force will be needed against a Strix.

Josephine Byrne:
"Very well."

Edmund Desperaux:
“Let me be clear: not even I am equipped to fight Strix in most situations. I only did not tell you about them sooner because they haven’t been seen in or near this city for some time.”

Leila Zaki:
"About a year, yes. A sighting of one is why I returned. Supposedly one of the Lost killed it? Lord Drake would be able to explain more."

Josephine Byrne:
"The... Lost?" they frowned, looking very confused.

Edmund Desperaux:
"The Changelings. I believe I told you a little bit about the other supernatural peoples that call Philadelphia home."

Josephine Byrne:
"Oh yeah, the fairy types. Why do you call them lost?"

Edmund Desperaux:
“They were taken from their lives by malicious powers from beyond our world, and eventually escaped, often upending their old life in the process. It is how they became Changelings.”

Leila Zaki:
"That is just what I have heard them called. Like how we are the Kindred. Truely I know of the Bound more than the Lost or the wizards."

Josephine Byrne:
"... The Bound?"

Leila Zaki:
"Those that have died and returned after a pact with a ghost."

Josephine Byrne:
"Fuck, I thought you were kidding about the ghosts..."

Edmund Desperaux:
"Vampires are real. Why should other denizens of legend be exempt?"

Leila Zaki:
"Mummies are supposedly real as well, although I never met one."

Josephine Byrne:
"Dude, I wasn't a Hunter for very long... I really only knew that monsters existed..."

Edmund Desperaux:
"Many hunters would classify ghosts as monsters. Similarly to Vampires, many of them are just trying to get by."

Leila Zaki:
"There are some that are certainly monsters, but most are stuck here against their will."

Josephine Byrne:
Jo looked conflicted and very uncomfortable now. "Right..."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund begins searching for the scabbard that Jo had tossed to the side, finding it fairly quickly. He stows his swords smoothly. "That was a productive sparring session, I think."

Josephine Byrne:
They wished they were able to do more, but they didn't complain. They'd complain later... In private... With Leila there, Jo didn't want to say much more...

Leila Zaki:
Leila nods.

"Should I leave you to it then? I can offer my number to each of you?"

Edmund Desperaux:
"I don't think it'll be necessary for you to leave unless you want to. We interrupted you, after all. Though your contact information would be appreciated. Jo, do you want to continue sparring or shall we start heading back towards civilization?"

Josephine Byrne:
"Head back." they replied monotonously.

Leila Zaki:
"Thank you, Lord Desperaux. I will be staying here for a bit then."

Edmund Desperaux:
"Then we shall take our leave. I look forward to seeing you again, Miss Zaki." Edmund walks off back towards the nearest footpath.

Josephine Byrne:

"Bye." came a silent sign from Jo as they turned and followed after Edmund.

Leila Zaki:
"As do I, Lord Desperaux."

She signs to Jo.

"Thank you."

And goes off to train once more.