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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning=Death threats, Harassment, Personal space invasion, ''Drama''... | cast=* Alexander Tarek * Edmund Desperaux * Jo Byrne * Leila Zaki * Titania Sanguine * Vincent Drake | setting= Bellevue Hotel Elysium | log= '''Alexander Tarek:'''<br /> The night was relatively young, and as the other Kindred milled about in the Elysium lounge Alexander said quietly at one of the tables, dark eyes observing those who passed by...")
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Revision as of 02:05, 26 May 2024

Content Warning

Death threats, Harassment, Personal space invasion, Drama...


Bellevue Hotel Elysium


Alexander Tarek:
The night was relatively young, and as the other Kindred milled about in the Elysium lounge Alexander said quietly at one of the tables, dark eyes observing those who passed by. He spared a glance at his phone on occasion when notifications came in but otherwise focused on the rest of the room, content to people-watch for the moment by all telling.

Josephine Byrne:
An ordinary looking person walked into the Elysium, seeming to be full of purpose and determination. But the moment they reached the middle of the lounge and was surrounded by other Kindred, they stopped and hesitated. Edmund had ordered them (well, more like suggested, but they took it as an order because damn bond) to try to integrate with others of the Night Society, so here they were... Alone... Without someone they knew and trusted to have their back... All things considered, this was NOT the way a soldier would walk into enemy territory without an escape plan or an infiltration mission.

Jo Byrne, brown hair and brown eyes, dressed simply in t-shirt and jeans, with a leather jacket over their shoulders, looked like they got lost. Their heartbeat thudded steadily but loudly. How does a normal customer of the hotel get into the lounge meant for vampires? Surely they didn't just take a wrong turn?

Alexander Tarek:
Alexander spared Jo a brief glance at first, eyes darting as they took in the ghoul's features, then watched for longer at her sudden hesitation. After a moment he spoke up, his English accented with something that sounded faintly Greek but hard to pin down unless you were familiar with the source. "You seem unsure of something."

Josephine Byrne:
They visibly jumped as Alexander spoke. Jo glanced at him out of the corner of their eyes. See, this is what happens when you show fear in the face of the enemy! They had to take a deep breath to calm themself down, nervous expression smoothing over to indifference. "I am not unsure. I am just getting the lay of the land." they replied in a stiffly monotonous voice.

Alexander Tarek:
"Ah, I see." He nodded, motioning to one of the seats at the table for them to take if they so wished. "A wise thing to do in an unfamiliar place."

Josephine Byrne:
Again, they hesitated. Sitting down with an unfamiliar vampire would be like willingly walking into a trap. Unarmed. They would be exposed and disadvantaged... Though they knew they were already exposed and disadvantaged just by being here without Edmund...

The ghoul took another deep breath to steel themself. They were trained for infiltration. This should be a breeze as long as they stopped freaking the fuck out! But... Edmund said the vampires in this city aren't enemies... How can they believe that after what had happened before??? Vampires lost control all the time! They've been told the horror stories!

With difficulty, Jo sat down, on the seat that was farthest from Alexander. Just in case.

Alexander Tarek:
Alexander observed as Jo claimed a seat for themselves, a ghost of a smile flickering across his features. "I am Alexander Tarek. Have you been in the city long?"

Josephine Byrne:
"Jo Byrne. I am local... You?"

Alexander Tarek:
"I've been here for long enough to be considered local by some, I imagine." Another faint smile flitted in and out. "I hail from Alexandria originally, however."

Josephine Byrne:
"Greece? I thought that accent seemed different. What brought you here?"

Alexander Tarek:
"Egypt, in this case. I came for a business opportunity after spending some time at rest in Miami, wanting to get in on the ground floor of a fledgling industry. It's worked out rather well, all told."

Josephine Byrne:
"Oh yeah, Egypt has one of those too. Funny enough, I've never been to Egypt. What industry are you in?"

Alexander Tarek:
"I haven't been back in some time, but it is lovely there. Timeless and modern in tandem, depending on where you are."

"Cybersecurity. Yourself? You have a soldier's air about you."

Titania Sanguine:
Titania has been told that iscolating herself is bad so, tonight she made her way slowly to Bellevue. It took her literal hours to get from her Haven to here. But. She is here. Carrying a, now cold, cup of coffee in her hands. She is wearing a white jacket over black skin tight jeans. Her white hair flowing freely with a Raven made of smoke on her shoulder and an ancient looking tome tucked under her arm.

She stops at the top of the stairs taking it all in. Her eyes though closed do not seem to have trouble seeing.

Josephine Byrne:
"Personal protection. So you're a nerd." they replied, voice still monotonous. There was no sense of teasing or hostility from them. It was simply a statement. As if they didn't really care. Jo noticed the new arrival but forced themself to not react...

Alexander Tarek:
"One could say such." He chuckled lightly. "I've never seen it as a derogatory term, however."

Spotting Titania's arrival he nodded to the elder Gangrel and her shadowy companion. "Evening. The night is treating you well, I hope?"

Titania Sanguine:
Titania made her way into the corner. Sitting into one of the couches. Seeming to want it to envelop her.

"It is." Her words not unkind but short.

Josephine Byrne:
They were about to respond when Alexander addressed the new arrival, so they went silent and tensed up a little. Another vampire. Fuck, they're surrounded now.

Alexander Tarek:
"Good to hear." He said with a nod to Titania, then glanced Jo's way and gave her a brief reassuring look, that tension not going unnoticed. "Jo Byrne, Titania. Titania, Jo Byrne."

Josephine Byrne:
"Sup." was all they said.

Titania Sanguine:
She forces out a little smile at that.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Jo."

Though her words and face grow hard at the casualness of their response. Fist clenching and unclenching in her lap.

Alexander Tarek:
"They're relatively new to this Elysium but a native to the city." Alexander added, catching that note of irritation from the Gangrel as he looked towards Jo. "Have you come into the night somewhat recently, then?"

Josephine Byrne:
"Um... I don't know... Maybe?"

Titania Sanguine:
Her voice grows hard. The weight of eight centuries put behind it.

"You must have done to be so rude to an Elder you have only just met."

Alexander Tarek:
Alexander remained quiet for the moment, eyeing Jo for their reaction and ready to step in if necessary.

Josephine Byrne:
Blink... Another blink... And then Jo's eyes grew just as hard to match Titania's tone. "I don't like your tone, vampire." they hissed softly. Their entire posture immediately went on guard and they looked like they were ready to jump up and fight... Or run...

Titania Sanguine:
Titania moves then, her body a blur as she mounts Jo's lap.

"So. It is like that is it. You need to be reminded of things. Somebody might think that your Master is incompetent."

Alexander Tarek:
Alexander flitted to his feet to close the distance between himself and the young ghoul at the venom in Jo's words, albeit not as quickly as Titania. Seeing the Gangrel perched as she was brought pause but as the sanctity of Elysium had not yet been broached he made no move to intercede physically just yet. "You walk a razor's edge, Miss Byrne. Be wary of your next action."

Josephine Byrne:
Full blown terror entered their eyes. Jo knew what was going to happen next. Titania was about to tear out their neck. Memories flashed into their mind and they stopped breathing. The vampires all around could hear their heart pounding fast now.

They knew it. They knew coming here alone was a mistake. This was it. This was the end. They shouldn't have allowed Edmund to convince them to try coming here. Violently and with as much strength as they could, Jo pushed at Titania, hoping to catch her off guard and dump her on the ground so that they could get away...

Vincent Drake:
Vincent was at the bar table drinking a glass of blood watching, so this is how it looks from the outside

Titania Sanguine:
Titania leans really close to Jo's ear.

"So. Kiddo."

Snapping her teeth as she can feel how scared Jo is.

"Here is a lesson for you. You. Are. A slave. Nothing. I am an Elder."

She moves to the other ear. Another snap of her teeth. "You show me respect. Or you die. Got it."

Alexander Tarek:
"I believe the point has been made, Titania..." Alexander added, gently putting a hand on the elder's shoulder before looking towards Jo. "No harm will come to you here, it is the law of this place. One must still watch their words, however, as you have now learned."

Edmund Desperaux:
The door the room flies open and a rush of air crosses the room in an instant. Suddenly, Edmund looms tall over the Whore and the Ghoul, his face contorted into a mask of rage. His voice was colder than a winter wind. "Hands. Off."

Leila Zaki:
Leila was not far behind, her hand having to avoid going for her equipt sword. Her eyes first go to her Sire to ensure he is safe, before assessing the rest of the room.

"Abi? Are you ok?"

Josephine Byrne:
Panic had frozen the ghoul to the spot. As Titania told them that they were a slave and that they would die if they didn't grovel to her, Jo gulped and was on the verge of lashing out violently. Good thing Edmund arrived at that very second because things would not have ended well for the soldier. They would usually be fine in the face of the enemy in a torture chamber... But this was different. This was supernatural and there was direct trauma related to what Titania was doing right now...

Titania Sanguine:
There is a growl to Alexander as his hand touches her shoulder. "No. It really is not."

There is a tilt of her head as Edmund comes in. "My hands have not touched them. And if they do not learn their place I will do far more than touch."

Alexander Tarek:
"Fear will cloud whatever words you wish for them to hear. Let them go." Alexander replied, keeping his hand in place nonetheless as he looked towards Edmund and Leila at their arrivals. "I am fine, yes."

Edmund Desperaux:
"No. You will not."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent sips at the bar, glad he's not apart of this

Leila Zaki:
Leila eyes Vincent, he didn't step in? She goes to stand protectively near her sire.

"I am glad you are okay."

Titania Sanguine:
Titania just tilts her head not yet moving.

"Oh. And you really think the three of you are enough to stop me doing what I please."

Though one of her hands does go to Alexanders. "Move your hand or I will turn my wrath upon you."

Edmund Desperaux:
"Regardless of your confidence, if you harm Jo you will be in violation of Elysium. And I can and will strike you down for doing so."

Josephine Byrne:
When it was clear that Titania wasn't going to move, Jo's panic takes over and they reached for their knife... That wasn't there... Still, they try again, violently shoving at the Elder in their lap...

Leila Zaki:
"You will not, Titania."

Leila looked pissed that she would dare threaten her Sire.

Alexander Tarek:
He gave Leila a brief nod as she joined him, moving his hand nonetheless but keeping his tone even as he spoke. "She is a child, Titania, new to this world. You may not remember what being so young was like but we have all made mistakes and have been given the chance to learn from them. Give her the same honor."

Titania Sanguine:
"Oh, you are cute."

Licking her fangs. "As much as it would be cute to see you try and kill me. All I am asking for is an apology. Not so hard now is it."

Edmund Desperaux:
“You threatened to kill them. You’re more than even. If you insist on an apology, then you must apologize as well.”

Titania Sanguine:
"I did not threaten to kill them thank you. Do not lie and put words in my mouth, boy!"

Leila Zaki:
Leila stays tensed but just looks for her sire's opinions.

Jo has had enough. The vampires can talk all they want. Jo just wanted to get away from them. Unarmed as they were, they were a terrified mouse at this moment.

"Get off, get OFF, GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!" they started yelling as they attempted to throw a punch towards Titania's face.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund catches Jo’s hand but his concentration is still on Titania. “Don’t act naive with me. I heard your last whispers before I entered the room. Now my ghoul has made a request for you to leave their personal space. If you do not, well I believe you can fill in the blanks.”

Titania Sanguine:
Titania shakes her head. "You are too soft on your Ghoul. It needs to learn manners."

Standing and flopping into the chair next to Jo.

Josephine Byrne:
Fuck, now their fist was being held by a much larger hand. As soon as the pressure came off their lap, Jo began struggling against Edmund's hold on them, panic and adrenaline fueling their struggle.

Leila Zaki:
Leila had been about to catch Jo's hand but stopped for Edmund.

"They, not it."

Leila sees if Edmund (and Jo) are willing for Leila to help get Jo to their feet for a breather walk.

Alexander Tarek:
Alexander had also been ready to respond to that punch but let her regnant handle it, relaxing ever-so-slightly when Titania removed herself from atop the young ghoul. "And you allow your ego to be bruised too easily." He replied to Titania as she got herself settled. "This could have been avoided."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund drops his grip immediately but says nothing for the time being. He is visibly tense, rage radiating off of him but subsiding.

Titania Sanguine:
"And the night is dark and full of terrors. Congratulations Alexander you can state the obvious."

Josephine Byrne:
Free! They were free! Jo jumped up, pushed past all the vampires around them and charged out of Elysium...

Leila Zaki:
Leila looked as Jo ran.

"Do you want me to accompany them, Lord Desperaux?"

She did look torn between Jo and Alexander, but Alexander didnt become an Elder for nothing. Not to mention if Titania killed her Sire, she could do a lot to fuck with her.

Edmund Desperaux:

Leila Zaki:
She also looks to Alexander for permission.

Alexander Tarek:
A flicker of something crossed the Mekhet's features for a brief moment - irritation, perhaps? - as he nodded to Leila to follow after Jo, his attention firmly on Titania. "If such small slights wound you so deeply, perhaps some self-reflection is in order."

《 Jo and Leila leave Elysium, heading into the fire escape stairway... 》

Titania Sanguine:
"That sounds a whole lot like a you problem. I was not particularly offended. Just putting a Ghoul in their place."

She shrugs her shoulders moving back to the couch in the corner. Holding Columba, the shadow Raven, in her arms.

Edmund Desperaux:
“Jo may not exactly be polite but per the law of this domain they are a person entitled to be treated as such. Not to be treated that way for a minor slight, not to be referred to as an object. If you treat my Ghoul in that way again, I will have my own reprisal, and failing that I will bring the matter before the Sakima.”

Titania Sanguine:
"Then I advise that you teach your Ghoul some manners."

She says with a chuckle.

Edmund Desperaux:
“I advise you learn some of your own.” Edmund turns on his heel and walks towards the door.

Edmund Desperaux:
As soon as he steps through the door Edmund disappears. Celerity.

Alexander Tarek:
Alexander gave Edmund a nod before the Gangrel made his way out, letting out a slow breath before looking back towards Titania. "What purpose did that serve, exactly?"

Titania Sanguine:
A tilt of her head.


Creepy pale hands stroking the back of her Raven.

Alexander Tarek:
"Yes, what purpose. You said you weren't offended but still threatened death if not shown proper respect. They were unsure upon their arrival, finding their place in this world, and now I doubt that she will dare to venture here again without her regnant out of terror. What did you gain from doing this?"

Titania Sanguine:
"You answered that yourself then."

Her face cold, there is so much more behind her actions than she is saying. "I do not have to put up with their rudeness as often."

Alexander Tarek:
Alexander went quiet at that, watching Titania for a long moment with that certain stillness that only the truly long-dead could manifest. "What pains you, Titania, to make you lash out with such fervor? It strikes of desperation, which is rather unbecoming of you."

Titania Sanguine:
"Do not do that Alexander."

She says her voice dripping with accusation.

"Do not act like you care."

Alexander Tarek:
"I care because those who understand the weight of time as we do are few and far between." He replied, his own voice quiet and deathly serious. "You danced the line of breaking Elysium over a minor insult, risking your existence over a child's slight. There has to be a reason for that."

Titania Sanguine:
She takes a shaky breath. It doesnt work, nor look how a breath should look. But she is trying.

No words pass her lips but the mask drops. Her expression becoming soft and worried. On the edge of tears if only she would let herself feel so strongly in Elysium.

Alexander Tarek:
Seeing that Alexander nodded slowly, glancing towards the door briefly before moving to sit beside Titania. "A conversation for another place, perhaps." He said quietly. "I am willing to listen if you wish to speak on it, however."

Titania Sanguine:
There is a slow nod of her head. Standing and heading towards the door.

Alexander Tarek:
Alexander moved to follow, pulling his phone to send off a brief text along the way.

《 In The Stairway... 》

Josephine Byrne:
Jo ran out through the Elysium doors, immediately heading into the emergency fire stairs, slamming the heavy firedoor behind them and quickly descending the stairs as if a pack of hellhounds were on their heels...

Leila Zaki:
Well no, Hellhounds would be Guy and his people.

Leila was here though, using Celerity to catch up.

"Jo? Where are you?"

She listens and tracks the heartbeat.

Josephine Byrne:
They didn't answer, concentrated on going down the steps as fast as they could, trying not to miss a step...

Leila Zaki:
Leila dashes down the steps, trailing behind Jo.

"I apologize for her actions. Lord Desperaux asked me to keep an eye on you. Are you harmed?"

Josephine Byrne:
It was as though Jo couldn't hear them, because there was no pause in their charge down the stairs...

Leila Zaki:
She continues following Jo, very quiet Mekhet. Until acknowledged at least.

Josephine Byrne:
The longer time passed, the more it became obvious that Jo wasn't going to pause. They were going to go down every flight of stairs in this hotel, until they got out... And then they were going to run home... Yes, their car was forgotten... Not that it would be a good idea for them to drive right now...

Edmund Desperaux:
A few seconds pass, and a gust of wind passes Leila by.

Leila Zaki:
And Leila would follow them as long as was needed. Clutching the banister as Edmund presumably naruto runs past

"I will be quiet as soon as you tell me you're not hurt,Jo. That's all I need."

Josephine Byrne:
Still no answer besides their footsteps stomping down the stairs in a hurry... Was Jo deaf or something?!

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund appears a few steps behind Jo and he normal runs the final few steps to catch up with them. “Jo! Jo, are you ok? Tell me she didn’t hurt you.”

Leila Zaki:
Leila shuts up and just follows along for now.

Josephine Byrne:
Having Edmund suddenly appear next to them sent even more panic through Jo and they stopped running to back into a corner, looking like a terrified and trapped animal. They were in full blown fight or flight mode, common sense and logic completely out the window. Their chest heaved from the exertion and adrenaline, eyes wide with pure terror, hot breath panting out of their lungs.

Leila Zaki:
Leila looks to Edmund.

"If you do not need me, Lord Desperaux, I would like to return to my Sire."

Edmund Desperaux:
“Go. I will take care of Jo.” He slowly walks towards the Ghoul, palms out. “It’s over, Jo. No one will hurt you. But I need to know if you’re physically alright.”

Leila Zaki:
"Thank you."

And she ducks off to go to her Sire's side.

Josephine Byrne:
Recognition slowly dawned on Jo and they slowly came down from their fright. The shock was over. The ghoul started trembling hard as adrenaline faded, though their heart continued to pound...

"I... I-I... Y-Yes... F-Fine..."

Edmund Desperaux:
"I can't believe that she had the audacity to threaten you. That anyone would. I thought this city was different. If I had known, I wouldn't have... I wouldn't have gotten you involved in all this. I'm sorry."

Josephine Byrne:
They stared at him as he started ranting, still wide eyed and still trying to get their breath back under control. He wouldn't have gotten them involved? So what, he would've let them die? They were visibly trembling, still pressed up against the wall in the corner.

Edmund Desperaux:
"If you do not want to be a Ghoul anymore, I would more than understand."

Josephine Byrne:
There it was. Yep, he was offering to abandon them. Their eyes were already wide, so there was no more eyelids to widen further. Quite suddenly and out of nowhere, with no warning, Jo jumped forward to hug their Regnant... Tightly...

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund is taken aback for a moment, and steps back as Jo collides with him, then he slowly moves his hands to their back to mirror the hug and pats gently. "I promise I'll keep you safe as much as I can."

Josephine Byrne:
"D-Don't leave me... I-I want t-to stay..." they mumbled into his chest, voice muffled but clearly wavering with fear. It was a good thing that they didn't have Vigor... The hug got even tighter.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund's voice softens. "Alright. Alright."

Josephine Byrne:
When he agreed, it was as if the burden that was on Jo's shoulders suddenly left them. They took a deep breath and let it out slowly, their body deflating and relaxing. The pounding heartbeat slowed down. Clearly, his approval and/or agreement meant something significant to Jo...