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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast=* Guy Dagenham * Jo Byrne | setting= Dagenham's Gym | log= '''Guy Dagenham:'''<br /> Guy’s gym is a bit of a pain to find, tucked in a disused part of town. The outside door is unmarked, and leads down steps into a hall that looks cleaned, but not really repaired. The entrance proper is a staircase that leads down to an open arch and an entryway, the air changing in some instinctual, undefinable way to let Jo know she stands in...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:24, 21 June 2024


Dagenham's Gym


Guy Dagenham:
Guy’s gym is a bit of a pain to find, tucked in a disused part of town. The outside door is unmarked, and leads down steps into a hall that looks cleaned, but not really repaired. The entrance proper is a staircase that leads down to an open arch and an entryway, the air changing in some instinctual, undefinable way to let Jo know she stands in someone else’s territory. There’s a little front desk off to one side, where a rat appears to be…folding towels.

Jo Byrne:
They needed to practice their martial skills, independent of Edmund. He's a busy dude and getting needy and clingy was NOT in Jo's nature... No matter how much they wanted to be in his presence all the time. So it was that they decided to check out Mr. Dagenham's gym on their day off. They walked with purpose, but also with a cautious awareness that only other predators and hunters would notice in their posture.

The young ghoul slowed as they approached the entryway into Mr. Dagenham's territory. The hairs on the back of their neck stood on end and their every instinct screamed at them to run. Now. While they still could. Danger was ahead and they had to visibly fight against the desire to just get away... Or pull their glock out... Jo took a deep breath and forced themself through the open arch slowly. Every step down the stairs was almost agonizing and slow. Their eyes darted in every direction as they kept their back to the wall and pretty much crab-walked down.

When they finally reach the bottom, they froze, staring at the rat in surprise. Um... A rat... Folding towels... What in the fuck???

Guy Dagenham:
With a pat pat behind them announcing his arrival, a recognizable voice offers, “They’re staff, they won’t make trouble. And yes, they keep themselves clean. If rats are a specific issue, I can make some adjustments while you’re here. Toby will be happy to accommodate. Welcome, Jo, to my mojo dojo casa gym, as the kids might say.”

It’s Guy, dressed in a tank, loose pants, and slip on shoes, all in black. He pulls off the “baddest dude in the Hong Kong wire flick” look pretty well.

Jo Byrne:
They flinched, whirling around and pulling out their knife to slash at the new arrival in self defense. Instincts and muscle memory trumped thought in a soldier like Jo. Strike first, ask questions later, afterall.

Guy Dagenham:
Guy shifts his weight back, carrying him deceptively far to avoid the slash of the knife blade. “Easy, killer, it’s your first day.” A slight smile creeps onto his face. “I usually give a tour before assessments.”

Jo Byrne:
They stopped, staring at Guy through narrowed suspicious eyes. But slowly... Very slowly, recognition entered their expression. Oh. It was him... Well... He's still a vampire, so it'd be good to keep on their toes... Jo lowered the knife and stood back up straight. Knife still in hand though.

"Ah... Good evening, Mr. Dagenham... You uh... Surprised me..." they muttered carefully. After their encounter with Titania in Elysium, they were extra cautious now... Especially since this was Guy's territory...

Guy Dagenham:
“Ah, sorry about that. Be welcome, Jo. I’ll show you the rules, here,” he says as he walks further in. The entryway opens into an underground atrium, fake skylights illuminating a two story mall courtyard.

“I’ve converted several spaces into training and teaching rooms. Men’s showers down the main corridor on the left,” he says, pointing. “Women’s are on the right, and past both are single person changing rooms with lockers.

Jo Byrne:
They nodded and finally sheathed their knife before following after. They took note of the locations of the locker rooms with obvious sharpness, even as they looked around the space. If one were to pay attention, one would notice that Jo was subconsciously looking for exit points and defensible areas.

Guy Dagenham:
Guy walks at a relaxed but not slow pace for Jo’s stride as the two walk, glancing to them occasionally as they speak.

“There, up in the atrium, are the rules,” he says, gesturing behind the two of them as they move into the corridor. Hanging from the second floor is a painted wooden sign displaying:

Gym Rules Follow the rules and be Welcomed All Members are to be treated as fellow warriors while at the gym, regardless of societal role outside. Be respectful to one another, and treat each other with dignity regardless of skill level. Serious fights or duels are to be held only with Guy’s permission. Instructors are to be deferred to in regards to their classes. In case of emergency, please use emergency exits. The animals are staff, please leave them to their business. If the sight of particular animals causes discomfort, please speak to Guy about accommodations.

Jo Byrne:
They read the rules surprisingly fast, and in just a moment, they were nodding and waited for Guy to continue.

Guy Dagenham:
“My goal here is to provide a space for those with greater than human ability to train, and for all the members of various communities to learn, from basic self defense to supernatural martial arts.” He continues down the corridor, following its 90° turn. Former shop fronts have been turned into training rooms, some with padded walls and floors and others with basic tile or wood flooring. One of the larger spaces has handball and squash courts set up inside. The hall opens into the former food court, which has had a pool set up inside, complete with a “concession stand” with an intact kitchen behind it.

Jo Byrne:
"Commendable goal." they said. Their voice had an impressed tone to it. Guy really did a lot to change this ex-shopping strip into a gym of this magnitude.

Guy Dagenham:
“As you can see, some folks have been generous in their support, things have really come together.” He leads the way to a staircase that goes up to the second floor. “I’d be happy if you chose to make use of the facilities when you like.”

Jo Byrne:
"I can come here at anytime? Even in the day?" they asked, curious about this being a 24/7 place.

Guy Dagenham:
“As long as you’re in good standing, yes, that’s fine. Toby, my familiar, minds the place during the day.”

Jo Byrne:
"Okay. Oh yeah, I'm fine with rats. I was just... Surprised... Not everyday I see a rat folding towels..."

Guy Dagenham:
He leads the way past more rooms for classes and training. “Not gotten big into the Animalism? I suppose Ghouls don’t get a lot of benefit from it, but just being able to communicate with animals is useful.”

Jo Byrne:
"Um... I'm not sure Mr. Desperaux is big on it. I haven't really seen him using that particular uh... Power..." they shrugged as they followed along. Jo definitely seemed uncertain and nervous when talking about Disciplines or vampires in general... "So... The other vampires come here a lot?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Kindred, Changelings, Mages, yes, we get all kinds. As a Ghoul, you have a place as much as any other.”

Jo Byrne:
They immediately fell silent, looking away and pretending to check out one of the rooms with great interest. Life just doesn't get easier for them, does it?

Guy Dagenham:
Guy pause in step and speech, looking into the same room as he murmurs, “It is not a title of shame, even if not easier to hear yourself called by it. Have you talked to Edmund about your current…state?”

Jo Byrne:
"Hmm? What do you mean?" they asked innocently, even giving him a blank stare.

Guy Dagenham:
“Being half-damned, caught between life and death in a moment stretched to eternity— a Ghoul. You don’t seem terribly comfortable with the notion.”

Jo Byrne:
"Oh... Um... Yeah..." was their vague response. They kept up with the neutral and blank expression, refusing to give away anymore details about their thoughts.

Guy Dagenham:
“It’s not my place to give unsolicited advice to you, especially about…that. And you don’t owe me anything. But there is clearly a lot you don’t want to say…as long as it’s not going to lead to problems here at the gym, you may keep it to yourself.”

Jo Byrne:
"No... No problems at all... As long as I never have to meet that Titania again, I'll behave..." they chuckled nervously, glancing away again.

Guy Dagenham:
“Sorry to hear if the two of you got into it. But I should warn you that Titania is a member, and I regularly invite her here to teach or simply socialize with others, to help her with her…social shortcomings.”

Jo Byrne:
There was a soft scoff of disdain. Social shortcomings was under stating things. Who attacked another for saying hi? And in Elysium too. It was ridiculous.

Jo turned away and walked into one of the rooms. It was a normal one with wood flooring. "So what is this... Assessment you were talking about?"

Guy Dagenham:
Guy looks at Jo for a moment. “Don’t forget, the rules apply in both directions,” he states softly as he follows them into the room. “Well, if you’d like to take some classes or meet up with folks to practice, I’d be happy to recommend folks of appropriate skill to you. To do that I’d need to know where you stand.”

Jo Byrne:
They ignored Guy's first comment. If Titania could attack in Elysium, then she's not likely to follow rules here either. "Okay. Where do I start?"

Guy Dagenham:
“You start by acknowledging the rules,” he explains with an easy, if shark-friendly smile. “Titania will not be permitted to treat you without respect or dignity in this place, and you will not be permitted to do the same to her.”

Jo Byrne:
"I acknowledge the rules and will follow them to the letter." she confirmed with a seriousness and determined sharpness typical of a soldier who had served for many years. "And what exactly happens if the rules are broken?"

Guy Dagenham:
“As the first rule implies, you will no longer be Welcome, and that feeling that’s been weighing on your spine since you entered will stop ignoring you.”

Jo Byrne:
"Ah, so it is an immediate and severe consequence? For example, if one were to attempt to harm another with actual intent, physically or emotionally, one would find themselves unable to?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Mmm. Sort of, and no. The power invested in this place does not measure intent or action, all that matters to it is whether or not I consider you welcome.”

Jo Byrne:
Jo frowned and even took a small step back away from Guy. "Then how can I trust that I won't be attacked by her again?"

Guy Dagenham:
Guy quirks a brow. “Leave Philly, I suppose? What has you so certain she’s going to attack you again?”

Jo Byrne:
"No reason. Just a vibe." they shrugged, dropping the matter and beginning to stretch. "What next?"

Guy Dagenham:
Guy starts to respond, then pauses, looking at Jo a moment before a flicker of smile passes over his face. “Alright then. Next, based on the skill you’ve demonstrated so far, attempt to kill me. I will let you know when to stop.”

Jo Byrne:
They narrowed their eyes at him, contemplating how they might attempt to kill him. Knowing that he was a vampire who could easily match Edmund doesn't really encourage such things... They took a step to the left side and then darted forward, knife flashing in their hand...

Guy Dagenham:
Guy…doesn’t take it easy on Jo. Not that he beats them up, but he doesn’t put any effort into “selling” his effort; he simply does not allow them to strike him, taking one precise step to move out of the way of their attack, and touching their arm as if where he would grab it. “Good. Keep going.”

Jo Byrne:
They twisted out of the way as soon as his hand got close to their arm, only to feint in the same direction he was going, but slashing the other way instead...

Guy Dagenham:
Guy grunts and folds back at the knee so their swing passes through empty air, catching himself with a hand as he extends a leg to push them back with a shove to their hip.

Jo Byrne:
The shove caught them by surprise and Jo went down... Pretty hard... The knife clattered beside them and they winced softly. "... That was... A good one..." they panted, winded from the fall.

Guy Dagenham:
“I should hope,” Guy says as he straightens, humor playing in his eyes. “You have serious skill with the knife. What other weapons do you wield?”

Jo Byrne:
Jo got up off the floor and dusted their butt. That's gonna be sore later... Maybe they'll just sneak in a bit of vitae to help soothe it...

"I'm mostly a gunslinger. Knife just helps me with close combat." they explained.

Guy Dagenham:
Guy nods, looking Jo over for a moment. “I’ll put together a basic workout plan for you, I’m sure Edmund has your bladework covered. If you’re interested in learning or practicing tactical work, let me know. And between you and Leila and a couple others, I suppose it’s about time I put in a tiny gun range…”

Jo Byrne:
They grinned suddenly. "T'would be nice to have a shoot off with R- Uh, Leila... Again."

Guy Dagenham:
“It would be nice to have a space where folks can practice that too,” he says with a nod. “Besides, I was never a fan of arquebuses, so luring out a firearms instructor for the gym would be nice.”

Jo Byrne:
"Arquebuses? Dude, that's an old gun... So much better options out there." they snorted with amusement.

Guy Dagenham:
Guy shrugs. “That’s all they had when I was an army man, and I never had much reason to update.”

Jo Byrne:
They nodded and resheathed their knife again. "Let me know when you have a range put in. So what's next?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Well, we can go to my office and dicker over what your membership should cost. Unless you’ve been struck by the urge to have me teach you kung fu, that’s about all for tonight.”

Jo Byrne:
"Ah... No, I don't think I wanna learn kung fu." they chuckled. "Lead the way."

Guy Dagenham:
He walks down the hall, to another converted space. This one is a tidy space, with a sizable desk, a few large trunks, an armor stand holding a heavily augmented leather duster and battle rig, and some random items displayed on shelves on the far wall, including a large ax with two blades of black steel and a small statue of a fierce, armored woman lifting a like weapon over her head.

Jo Byrne:
"Nice." was their observation as they followed him into his office. Their eyes lingered on the statue, examining the detail in her armor.

Guy Dagenham:
“Not my carving, but I always liked the way they captured the look in her eyes, her calm ferocity,” he murmurs as Jo inspects the statue.

Jo Byrne:
"Who is it of?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Mara, The First Bride, founder of the Sworn of the Axe. The…patroness of my faction in the Ordo Dracul.”

Jo Byrne:
"I see. Huh. Didn't see you as someone who had a patron..."

Guy Dagenham:
Guy waggles a hand. “Not the ‘collects starving artists’ kind, the Joan of Arc kind.”

Jo Byrne:
Jo grinned and crossed their arms over their chest. "Ahah. That makes more sense. That your favored weapon then?" they asked as they pointed their chin at the large axe on the wall.

Guy Dagenham:
“More like a symbol of office, since I have some status among my Sworn. I don’t use weapons except for play, personally.”

Jo Byrne:
"You... Play... With weapons...?" they asked, curious now.

Guy Dagenham:
“Play for me. Doing zweihander drill and sparring with Val is serious for her, as an example, but I just enjoy twirling a familiar five feet of steel, ya know? I meant that in true combat I use hands, teeth, and claws, not manufactured weapons.”

Jo Byrne:
"Ah... Okay. I don't have the luxury of claws, so uh... Gotta stick to knives." they said, patting the knife on her side.

Guy Dagenham:
“Sticking to Resilience and Vigor, then?” He shrugs, and sits on the edge of his desk. “Whether you stick to knives or not, plenty of use in Protean….oh, right. Membership. So, as you can guess, I’m not exactly angling to make money hand over fist, but there are operating costs. So, tender is fine, but if you’d like to arrange for non-money payments or some combination, I’d be more than happy to work something out.”

Jo Byrne:
They remained standing, though their expression turned thoughtful. "What sort of non-money payments?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Things that offset my costs would be swell. Pledging time every month to clean, instruct, donate supplies, things like that. If you wanna build that gun range after the space is prepped, that’d definitely add some free dues to your ledger, if you will.”

Jo Byrne:
"Hmm... Let me think about it?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Sure, not a big rush. Let me know if you have any ideas.”

Jo Byrne:
"I might have a couple." they smiled. "But if I were to choose the money route, how much is the membership?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Uh, hang on, I’ve got a sheet here somewhere with breakdowns.” He opens a drawer and flicks through some papers, handing them one with a list of prices for month, 3-month, and year long terms.

Jo Byrne:
Jo accepted it, looked it over quickly, then folded it up to tuck into a back pocket. "Anything else I need to know?"

Guy Dagenham:
Guy shrugs. “You can meet Toby if you like, you mind snakes?”

Jo Byrne:
"They're cool. I thought Toby is the rat?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Naw, the rats are his staff—Toby is a ball python—there he is.”

Out of an air vent slithers one cute lil python, making his way down the wall and over to Guy’s desk. The snake looks at Jo, flicking his tongue, as he coils into a neat little pile on the desk.

“He’s normally problematic friendly, I think he’s being politely tolerant since I interrupted his nap.”

Jo Byrne:
They chuckled softly as they watched the snake coiled up adorably on the table. "Rats as staff for a snake. That's either terrifying or such a cliché."

Guy Dagenham:
“Little bit of both? The rats don’t really care for it, but Toby doesn’t eat, so. Can’t call it too much of a hostile work environment. And the trade off is that they get to live here, and they can appreciate that.”

Jo Byrne:
"May I?" they asked, gesturing with a hand.

Guy Dagenham:
“Sure. Fair warning, he likes to crawl under clothes for the heat of you let him get away with it, he’s a bit of a scamp.”

Jo Byrne:
"Hah. No such nonsense with me, fella." they told the python as they extended that same hand for the snake to greet.

Guy Dagenham:
Toby licks their hand, and then crawls halfway onto their arm, studying their face as his tongue slowly flickers.

“It’s not all spookiness and violence,” Guy comments. “The long night, I mean. For all the trouble tied up with Kindred and associating with them, there’s beauty and wonder, too.”

Jo Byrne:
Jo stroked the snake gently, almost knowingly even. As though they had handled snaked before. "... I know... But is it worth it?" they murmured softly.

Guy Dagenham:
Toby slithers forward, wrapping his lower half or so around Jo’s arm with a steady but gentle grip as he enjoys the careful petting.

“That’s a hard question to answer,” Guy answers with equal soft-spokenness. “Does Edmund seem happy to you? It’s not my business what you two’s relationship is like, within reason, but would you want to stay with him, even if the Bond wasn’t a factor?” He looks over to the axe and statue on the back wall.

“It’s been worth it, to me. Especially now. I’d never have gotten to meet Petra if I’d died when I should have, and even for all else I’ve been through, I’d do it all and more again to get to be with her in this now.”

Jo Byrne:
"Mr. Desperaux is... Difficult to figure out..." they shrugged the shoulder that wasn't attached to the hand holding the snake.

Guy Dagenham:
Guy snorts softly. “I bet. I’m sure you and Val could go on for hours about us old weirdos, eh?” he grins. “But, I can tell that he likes you. Details and particulars aside, that much is obvious. In any case, all I have to offer is this. Philly is a good place to join the Kin, for there are many who would want it to be a wonderful journey for you.”

Jo Byrne:
They blinked and quietly dislodged the snake from their arm with care, back onto the desk. "I... He does...?" they whispered under their breath, which, to a vampire's naturally already heightened senses in a closed space like this, would be clear as day. Then they cleared their throat and shook their head. "Why do you care?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Like I said, I couldn’t say in exactly what way, and that’s not my place, but yes, I think he does.”

He looks at them for a moment. “I care because I want the good thing this town is going on to continue. I want Val to grow into a mighty and kind Kindred in a garden of relative peace. I want all the pained souls that have found their way here to have the chance to heal.”

Jo Byrne:
They were about to retort that Val was anything but kind, but decided the better of it. That feeling on their back still nagging at them. "I see... I'll be honest, I have never heard of a vampire with such... Honorable desires before... Other than Mr. Desperaux, that is..." they stated.

Guy Dagenham:
“Right? I’m sure at some point someone will try to rain on our good time, on principle. It’ll be fun,” he declares with a razorblade smile.

“It’s easier to remember what matters when someone keeps reminding you, I have been lucky to meet so many good people here. And I’ve been fortunate to have regained some Humanity while I slept under the city, thankfully. I remember what it feels like, again.”

Jo Byrne:
"What would've happened if you didn't regain your Humanity?"

Guy Dagenham:
Guy is quiet for a moment. “I would have lurked in the dark, recovering my strength, making the quiet kind of trouble until it couldn’t be hidden anymore. Probably be hunted again, and flown to the wilds to lay low.”

Jo Byrne:
"... You'd be a monster?" they asked to confirm, their voice still casual.

Guy Dagenham:
“I am a monster, Jo. I’d have been a far less neighborly one.”

Jo Byrne:
"... Right... You can see why I'm finding it a little... Incredulous..."

Guy Dagenham:
He tilts his head slightly. “What, that I would want something good? Why should evil be the only force with monsters fighting for it?”

Jo Byrne:
"You said it yourself... You are a monster... Monsters are monsters for a reason..."

Guy Dagenham:
He nods. “Aye. And I am a terrible thing. Does that mean I don’t get to choose what I am terrible to?”

Jo Byrne:
"That's fair... But can you trust that what you choose to be terrible to... Is the correct thing to be terrible to?"

Guy Dagenham:
Guy raises an eyebrow slowly. “I think you might be in the wrong line of work to appeal to ethical pacifism, Jo. But it’s actually pretty easy to navigate. There are good folks in the city, who want it to be tolerant, and inclusive, and safe. Anyone or thing that doesn’t is a problem.”

Jo Byrne:
Finally, Jo smiled again. "Good answer. I had to ask somehow..."

Guy Dagenham:
Guy blinks, and then smiles softly. “Ah, fair, fair. It’s been a while since I chatted with someone who was new to all this and not at least a little in the loop. My friends tend to talk me up like the neighborhood stray.”

Jo Byrne:
"Neighborhood stray? Why? You seem pretty established."

Guy Dagenham:
He snorts. “Oh, sure, I meant like, ‘Oh, he looks mean, but he’s a sweetheart’, or whatever. Petra will try to convince you I’m a big teddy bear.”

Jo Byrne:
"Is Petra your uh... Lover?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Oh, right, sorry. Petra’s my Fiancée, and one of the Lost. Changeling, depending on what terms you’ve heard.”

Jo Byrne:
"Wait... You're a vampire... And Petra isn't... How does that work? Aren't you like... Undead or something?" this, they said with genuine surprise.

Guy Dagenham:
“I mean…” He looks aside at Jo for a moment. “Ok, so, you should have Edmund explain more stuff to you, but the simple version—Kindred have real souls and feel real emotions, they just are inclined to different nuances and process them differently. We can have sex while Blushed, and because of our keen sense for living bodies, tend to be horny if and/or when we experience attraction. So relationships work pretty normally, outside of scheduling and setting boundaries around uncommon things.”

Jo Byrne:
This new information shocked Jo so much that they kinda just... Froze... Though their skin didn't really freeze, because they turned red. They looked... Really embarrassed now. "... Ah..."

Guy Dagenham:
“Um. Sorry if no one told you vampires fuck, at least theoretically. That usually comes up in the first 10-20 questions, in my experience. But like, don’t feel awkward on my account? Sorry if you weren’t, ah, prepared to learn that.”

Jo Byrne:
"N-No, no! I... I'm fine... I'm okay... Just... Y-Yeah, wasn't expecting that..." they stammered. Usually, Jo wasn't remotely shy about these kinds of things... You see a lot of stupid shit like that in the military afterall... Maybe there was something else on their mind...

Guy Dagenham:
Guy blinks slowly. “Ah, I see. Well, you should know that much, at least. Besides the ‘eating’ innuendos and inclination to be territorial, dating Kindred is the same as any two individuals figuring out a relationship.”

Jo Byrne:
They nodded and decided now would be a good time to... Make a graceful exit... "Oh shit, look at the time. I really should go. Early shift tomorrow. Um... Thanks for the tour, Mr. Dagenham. I'll uh... Consider how and if I want a membership..."

Guy Dagenham:
Guy fights back a smile. “Of course. Let me know what you decide, and I’ll see you around. Be well until then.”

Jo Byrne:
Jo nodded again and made their way to the door, but not before giving Toby a quick pet on the head.

Guy Dagenham:
Guy waits for them to leave, extending a hand for Toby to crawl up. “Poor thing,” he chuckles to himself and the snake.