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Revision as of 22:32, 28 March 2020

Invictus Executive
Note: This character is a heel. Her goals and motivations will almost certainly be opposite to yours. That's okay! It's set up that way. Do not feel bad about wanting this character dead. Abby wants her dead too

Anna-Marie oozes perfection from every pore. A smile perfectly designed to put others at ease, an outfit that costs more than you'll make in a year and a soothing voice with an accent between Transatlantic and Received Pronunciation. She couches everything in polite terms, giving people titles and speaking a properly as possible.

Dig beneath the perfect surface, however, and you'll find a hungry predator, barely human beyond her trappings. She doesn't just hunger for blood, she craves power and influence and will do her best to grab it and cut down anyone who stands in her way. It's how the game is played.

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Miss Sledge: Ah! Dear sweet Miss Sledge! A lovely songbird clad in leather and spikes. She wants the lovely Miss Sledge to be part of her organization, as a wrecking ball as much as a chanteuse. Also she'd love to make passionate love to her.

Mr. Mearcstapa (?): What on earth is he? A mystery. Not kindred but knows enough that multiple other kindred will discuss things openly with him. Probably not a ghoul based on him not looking like he needs a fix. Perhaps he's some form of psychic? All that matters is that he's some sort of pawn in someone's game and she'd be wise to... remove him before he becomes an issue.

Mx. Adams: A malleable person. Zhe is nervous, skittish and worst of all trusting. All great qualities in a minion. And when you're building from the ground up, you need all the Finley Adamses you can get your hands on.

Player Moynihan: A wet noodle of a man. The saddest excuse of an Invictus she's ever met. He doesn't have the decency to do what a proper coward ought to and submit to authority. He is somehow defiant while also being milquetoast and lacking ambition. But that just means one needs alternative motivation.

Mr. Ceres: Prick. She's going to shut down his store once she's in charge unless he kisses the ring.

Miss Shaw: Practically dripping with exploitable weaknesses, yet is smart enough to be a real power player. She needs to get to her before anyone else does.

Mr. Jack Martingale who Stinks of Rum and Fear: Jesus fucking christ, what is wrong with the people in this town. She just wanted to bribe a union official. She just wanted to have a guy in her pocket. But nooooooooo. Someone's gotta go take a stand and then not even go along with her threats. His funeral.

Mx. Lux: Collateral damage

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RP Hooks

Machiavelli's The Prince was a Self-Help Book: Anna-Marie is a woman with lofty ambitions and very few qualms about how she gets there. She's looking for a way to the top and if you chip in now, she'll get you the throne right below hers. She'd also love to meet with all the movers and shakers of the city, so she can discuss alliances and deals.

Patron of the (Martial) Arts: Back home, Anna-Marie had cultivated a group of loyal followers (mostly because they were terrified to not be loyal) to do dirty work for her. And while she is an excellent duelist in the right conditions, any fight that she could win would be better done with a bruiser next to her that could crush anyone she needs crushed. Without her former support network around, every fight she's in is a fair fight or worse. She's looking for big tough fighters who can help make sure she never loses. She frequents fight clubs and boxing matches hoping to find some people willing to join her organization on the ground floor

Money Money Money/Always Sunny/In a Rich Man's world: Even with many her former assets repossessed, Anna Marie (and Cordray Investments, LLC) is still an absurdly wealthy woman. (Author's Note: Diablerize the Rich) And she is not afraid to throw her wealth around. Need a youth center refurbished? A show funded? A gang armed? Come right to her! She's more than happy to chip in. Just sign on the dotted line saying that she can call on you for favors.

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Anna-Marie Cordray

Actress: Stephanie Romanov

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Full Name: Anna-Marie Phoebe Cordray
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Mask/Dirge: Perfectionist/Authoritarian
Public Effects: Status (Invictus):
Striking Looks (Class):
Occupation: Invictus Commissioner/Wealth Management Specialist
Birth: 10/29/1919
Nationality: American
Apparent Age: 30
Height: 5'3"
Clan: Mekhet
Covenant: Invictus
Bloodline: Mnemosyne

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Played By: Abbypringles