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Doc Blood

Born in New York City in 1874 to a poor immigrant family, Ken Saito struggled for years to improve himself and care for his family. This singular drive to succeed pushed him to become a doctor. Unfortunately, working on the front lines of the Spanish Flu caught the attention of a member of the Lancea Sanctum. Embraced in 1921, shortly after the pandemic ended, his natural talent with tracking blood along with his easy mastery of the Crochan discipline saw him pressed into service as a bloodhound for the Sanctified, hunting down heretics. This was enforced by a constant Vinculum and liberal use of both Dominate and Majesty, to the point where he nearly forgot who he was.

This unfortunate state of affairs lasted until barely a decade ago, when the hunt brought them to Philadelphia. The blatant disregard for the local laws (People are People, not property) along with the overt threats made to a member in good standing did not make Ken and his regnant popular, leading to his capture. After he was captured, a local Dragon managed to break the blood bond on Ken. In gratitude, he aided them in capturing his current master, a Nosferatu Crusader, and left them to meet the sun.

Finding himself in full control of his mind for the first time in almost 90 years, he found himself drawn to the Ordo Dracul. Since then, he has made a name for himself as a rude but compassionate man, devoted to helping out those who are struggling in both his capacity as a resident ER doctor or a back alley surgeon under the name Doc Blood.

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Ken Saito/Contacts

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RP Hooks

Doc Blood: Ken is a very skilled doctor, and can probably patch you up. He even runs a back alley clinic under the name Doc Blood, in case you can't go to the hospital.

Scribe of Hunger: While he's relatively new to the Order, Ken already has some skill with the Coil of Blood and a small amount of pull in the covenant.

Destiny Beckons: Ken is a member of the Bron, a rare bloodline that makes him susceptible to the whims of fate. In recent years he has embraced the ability to seal oaths and heal others that it gives him.

Wyrd Contacts: Blessed with an affinity for Changeling blood, Ken has made limited contacts within the Autumn Court. Mostly they trade information on the occult, but at some point he is hoping to be able to run some join experiments.

Former Bloodhound: Ken spent a long time as a sort of bloodhound for the NYC Sanctified, hunting down heretics for his masters. Understandably, this has left him with a poor impression of the covenant as a whole. His memories of the time between his embrace and his arrival in Philadelphia are in disarray due to the constant use of Dominate, to the point where he doesn't even remember his sire's name, though their face sometimes haunts his dreams.

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No logs found.


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Ken Saito/Appearance

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Ken Saito

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Full Name: Ken Saito
Nationality: Asian-American
Apparent Age: 47
Actual Age: 146
Height: 6'0"
Public Effects: Ordo Dracul Status 2
City Status 2
Status (Thomas Jefferson University Hospital) 2
Clan: Ventrue
Bloodline: Bron
Covenant: Ordo Dracul
Family: Ashtifar
Coterie: None

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Played By: Talandar