Logs:Feels Like Home, To Me: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= panic attack, description of unhealthy coping mechanisms including disordered eating and disordered sleep | cast= *Lux *Jack Martingale | set...")
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Latest revision as of 06:40, 27 April 2020

Content Warning

panic attack, description of unhealthy coping mechanisms including disordered eating and disordered sleep


Jack's apartment, the roof of the Buery Building


Of course Jack isn't gonna say no when Lux agrees to see him. Even if it's late, and he's maybe not the most sober he's ever been. He texts Lux to let them know that the downstairs door is unlocked and un-alarmed, and busies himself with straightening up his apartment while he waits. As if Lux will care what state his apartment is in.

Lux isn't looking their best. Their clothes are rumpled and torn here and there, like they've been wearing them for a couple days--and honestly, they could use a shower. They look tired and their lights are dim, a pale yellow-green. And the bruises on one side of their jaw, with their lip split--though the bleeding has long since stopped and the little cut has been cleaned. Also they smell a lot like weed. They stare at the door blankly for a minute or so before finally lifting their hand to knock.

Though, of course, the first thing Jack is likely to notice when he opens the door is the aura of liar that rolls off of them, impossible to ignore.

There's a difference, between knowing that someone's an Oathbreaker and really seeing it. Feeling that unease, that instant distrust.

And yet.

Jack breathes a sigh of relief, seeing them standing in the doorway. His forehead is creased with worry, but he doesn't flinch, doesn't grimace. He just ushers Lux inside and pulls them into a tight hug, if they'll let him.

Lux watches Jack carefully, intently, waiting for that look of disgust and distrust. They step inside when it doesn't happen, a little of their tension fading--only a little. The hug is allowed, but not really returned. They do tip their head to rest their temple lightly against his, though.

"Babe..." Jack mumbles. He rests a soft hand on the back of their head and his other on their lower back, rubbing gently. And just...stays there for a while, holding them. "I'm so so sorry..."

Lux is still and quiet, at first, their expression kept blank as if coated in a thin sheet of ice. But as the seconds go by and Jack rubs their back, the ice cracks, little by little. Then their shoulders start to shake, then their hands shake--then their whole body is shaking, and unless Jack holds them up they just... crumble, breaking down into wailing wretched sobs against his chest.

He squeezes Lux a little tighter when they start to sob, and actually helps them to the floor, where he can gather them into his lap. It's probably a little awkward, and not the most comfortable position, but that doesn't really matter right now. "I know," he whispers a few times, before falling silent, letting them cry as much as they need to into him. He pets their hair and their back, his hands moving slowly, as if to remind them that they're not alone, they can let everything out, Jack's not going anywhere.

It's worse than the last time Jack saw them have a panic attack, which... is saying something. It's not just the rush of emotions hitting them all at once, there's something broken in the way they sob against him. They pour out all their misery, heartbreak, guilt and self-hate all at once, and for a good while, until there's just... nothing left but empty exhaustion and shuddering quick breaths that border on hyperventilating.

"Breathe, babe. With me, c'mon -" Jack goes to gently lift Lux's face to look at them, once they've stopped crying.

It takes a fair amount of urging, Lux's chest rising and falling rapidly beyond their control, but after a few moments they swallow, holding their breath a second--then forces themself to pull in each breath a little slower, bit by bit.

He breathes with them, slow and even. But when he finally looks at Lux's face, his otherwise calm-though-concerned expression is clouded with worry again. "What...happened?" He cups Lux's cheek, the un-bruised one, with his hand, the other still rubbing their back.

"I fucked everything up," Lux manages to choke out in between sniffs, voice weak and strained.

"Nonono. No you didn't." Jack pulls them against his chest again. "Whatever happened, we'll fix it. 'Kay?"

"I fucked it up," Lux says again, with more desperation and ache to their voice. "He doesn't know... if he wants me anymore, Jack."

"Oh..." Jack starts to pet Lux's hair again. Because what is there to say to that, really?

"I'm sorry," he murmurs a few seconds later.

A violent shudder runs through them and they lean forward again to press their face into his stomach, curling up on themself and looking suddenly nauseous or dizzy. Or both. Which considering how poorly they take care of themself at the best of times, might not be too unlikely.

"Lets move to the couch, mm? More comfortable. An' I'm gonna get you some water." All his movements are slow, and gentle, as he helps Lux up. Or half-carries them. Whichever they need.

Jack has to practically drag them up to their feet, but once up they manage to wobble over to the couch and sink down onto it. Their arms wrap tightly around their stomach, curling up into a ball and looking miserable. Their lights are barely glowing at all.

"What d'you need, babe?" He's clearly not sure if he should even leave them alone for long enough to go to the kitchen.

Lux starts to say something, then cuts themself off, burying their face into their knees instead. "Dunno."

"When was the last time you had...a real meal?" He does move to the kitchen then, and comes back with a glass of water.

"...Ate some Nerds earlier," they mumble. Which means they either don't remember the last time they ate a meal or don't want to say.

"Drink this, yeah?" He will help them if they need it, 'cause water is gonna happen. "And I'm gonna make you some ramen, 'cause it's what I've got. Unless you've got an opinion on food. Delivery, or whatever."

Lux accepts the glass and takes small sips from it. "Dunno... Don't care. Not hungry."

"Too bad." Jack kisses their forehead. "Be right back." He's only going to the kitchen. The water's turned on and off again, and the stove clicks and ignites. And then he's back, sitting on the couch next to Lux, and offering them a power bar. Double chocolate flavored. "You gotta eat something."

Lux continues taking little sips from the glass, their legs still tucked up against their chest tightly. They move it to hold with one hand while the other takes the power bar, staring at it with a disgusted look--though normally they'd love anything chocolate. But after a moment they start taking tiny uninterested bites from it, chewing slowly.

Jack drapes an arm around Lux, watching them as they hydrate and eat. He doesn't say anything, maybe 'cause he feels like it would just make things worse, to try to ask questions right now. When the water on the stove is boiling he stands again, and kisses the side of Lux's head before he gets up to finish making the ramen. "I know you don't want any. But you'll feel better," he says when he returns with the ramen and a second cup of water.

Lux's nose wrinkles a little, but they set aside the half eaten power bar and accept the bowl of ramen instead. At first they just sip slowly at the broth, but eventually start picking at the noodles, taking a few bites while staring down into the bowl. They don't say anything for a while, until... "Sorry."

"Don't gotta apologize, babe." Another kiss on the side of the head. "Seriously. I've got no problem taking care of you. Ever."

"Shouldn't have to," Lux murmurs, shoulders hunching. "I should be... better."

"Hey - heyheyhey." Jack puts an arm around them and pulls him to his side. "No. There's no 'should' anything. You're struggling, an' I'm taking care of you. Just like you've done for me. That's how this works. That's how we work."

Lux doesn't look up at him, but does shift their grip on the bowl so it doesn't spill as they lean into him. "You deserve better." Lux takes a small bite of noodles, frowning as they chew. "You both do. Least you have each other now, I guess."

"I want you. I want us." He's looking at them very seriously, and...has his mantle flared? He seems calm enough, but that familiar scent of a rainstorm is a little stronger than it used to be.

The flare of mantle catches their attention, enough to make them look over. They stare, puffy eyes roaming over him slowly. "...Your mantle is stronger."

"...Yeah." The change of subject is enough to make a bemused smile flit across his face. "Been making an effort to...think a little more about court shit. And I went to talk to Ari, about being...better? At being a Spring. Becoming a Joyeux's the first step, I guess." He shrugs.

"...You're a Joyeux now?" Lux blinks slowly.

"...Yeah. 'S not my first choice, but it's kinda the only choice. If I wanna go anywhere else."

They look back down into the bowl, lifting it to sip more broth. "You'll do better than most of the current ones, I'm sure."

"I just hope I don't make people's shit worse." He huffs in amusement. "I...meant what I said. About wanting you." Because he's not gonna let the matter go that easily.

"I want you too," Lux replies softly, but seems afraid to look up at him again.

"Then that's all that matters here, isn't it? For us?"

"Yeah." Though they don't sound very sure.

"You...don't sound like you believe me." Jack sits back into the couch a little.

"How can you trust me, like this? How can anyone trust me? I don't... want to fuck things up. I don't want to hurt you." They set the bowl of ramen down on the coffee table then wrap their arms tightly around themself.

"Well..." Jack lets out a breath. "I don't have...an answer for that. 'Cept that I'm a forgiving kinda guy, I guess. And I don't wanna fuck things up either, but...I think it's something about knowing that we can fix shit. When one of us fucks up. That make sense?"

"Yeah." They rub their legs slowly. "I want to fix it."

"Well first you gotta finish your ramen. Gotta make you feel a little better before we can tackle fuckin everything. Have...have you gone running, since...?"

Lux sighs, reaching for the bowl to pick up again, taking another miserable bite. "Done nothing but run."

"Well. Got high with Sturm earlier."

"No I mean like...the parkour shit you do. The shit you wanted to take me along with, sometime."

Their shoulders lift. "Some, yeah. Just been... trying not to stay in one place for very long."

"'S hard to do that shit when you don't also do things like...eat." He gives them a kiss on the side of the head again.

"...Yeah. I guess you're right. Been too tired to climb to the good places." Lux frowns.

"Those places you'll ever show me, or are they secret?" His tone is light, a little teasing, even.

"Not... really a secret." A beat pause. "Well... Maybe kind of secret. There's this... one place I go to sometimes. Doubt I'd take just anyone there. But I'd take you."

"...You up for that tonight? After you finish your ramen?"

Lux considers it for a moment, then nods. "Can I take a shower first? I feel... gross."

"I was gonna see if you wanted to wait until after, since I figured we'd get all sweaty again. But I'm not gonna stop you from showering." He kisses their cheek. "D'you want company?"

"...Guess that's true, yeah." Though the thought of showering with Jack makes their brain short circuit for a moment. "I'll just wash up a little, then. We can shower after." They force themself to swallow down the rest of the noodles in a few more bites, then sets the bowl aside. Then they stand, a little wobbily on their feet, and head for the bathroom.

"D'you want some clean clothes? I've got some shit here, still." He stands with them, offering an arm if they want it.

"Clothes would be good, yeah. Thanks." They squeeze his arm, then slip into the bathroom, closing the door behind them. They stay in there for a while, the sound of the sink running. Taking some time to pull themself together, likely.

While Lux is in the bathroom, Jack throws together a pair of jeans (gray) and a tanktop (pink) as well as the brightest pair of underwear he's got (neon yellow, a recent purchase.) He fills a water bottle, too, and grabs a few beers from the fridge, and a power bar or two to shove into a bag. Though if Lux is in the bathroom for too long, he'll knock.

Likely just as Jack is trying to decide whether or not to knock, Lux steps out. They've taken off their clothes and tucked them away into whatever Jack uses for a dirty clothes bin. There's a few other scraped and bruises here and there, but when examined they look less like fight wounds and more... well, from someone trying to parkour while sleep deprived, dehydrated and without a meal in 24 hours. Still, they seem to have pulled themself together. Their face is freshly washed and more composed, and they're walking a little less wobbily.

They head over to where the clothes are laid out, starting to tug them on.

"Feeling a little better?" Jack is trying very hard not to hover, with...middling success. "'F you want a warmer layer I can grab you something to put over that too...?"

Lux tugs the jeans up and buttons them, then smooths the tank top down over them. "...If you have a spare jacket or sweater or something... Yeah." They glance down sheepishly. "Would be kinda nice to feel wrapped up in you."

"Damn, babe, you look pretty good in my clothes..." He flashes a grin, and goes into his bedroom, returning with a cozy looking cardigan. "Best I've got." He slides an arm around Lux's waist to pull them close, which...probably makes it a little difficult to get the sweater on.

"Yeah?" Lux manages a tiny, weak smile, leaning into him when pulled close. "It'll do good. I'll try not to get it snagged on anything." They rest their temple lightly against his.

Jack brings his hand up to caress Lux's jaw. "Yeah. We're gonna figure this out, okay?" He tilts Lux's chin up to give them a gentle kiss, before pulling away to grab the bag of food. "Alright. Lead the way, babe."

Lux returns the kiss with a trace of desperation, but lets Jack slip away with a little reluctance. "Okay." They slip the cardigan on, pulling it around themself tightly, then heads for the door. It's a long walk. Probably involves catching a bus or Uber, whichever Jack prefers.

Uber's fine, the more privacy the better, right now. Jack doesn't let go of Lux, keeping an arm around their waist or at least holding their hand, and gives them a few more kisses on the way there.

The continued affection seems to help, after a while. Lux even starts to return it--touching his arm or side, squeezing his hand, and kissing softly at his cheek. Eventually they end up in front of a huge abandoned building, which Jack might know as the Buery Building. Lux looks up at it for a moment, then looks over. "You can walk up walls, right?"

"Mhm. Light-shy too, if we're worried about people seeing." Jack's murmuring into their ear, at this point, and kisses their cheek intermittently. "That'll make it difficult to follow you though, if we both do it..."

"It's just... a hard climb, the way I usually go. I don't want you getting hurt." Lux leans into him. "So might be safer to make sure you won't fall."

"How d'you get up there, usually?" Jack eyes the building.

"Climb." Lux's lips twitch. "I'm not... feeling very good right now, so let's just play it safe tonight."

"Whatever's easiest, yeah." Lux gets another kiss before Jack nods, and steps into the shadow of the building as his mantle flares, that metallic scent of blood flooding the air.

"See you at the top." Lux squeezes his hand--then does similarly. Slipping off into the shadows, their lights abruptly going off. They reappear a couple minutes later on the edge of the roof far, far above, looking out over the edge at the city below.

Jack takes a little more time to get up there, but he appears a few feet away from Lux a minute or so after they've arrived, and crosses the short space between them to look out over the city. "...Wow." He's smiling, though is animation is still a little flickery around the edges - he can't entirely forget his worry about Lux. "Fucking incredible view." At that his smile widens, and he looks straight at Lux. Clearly going for the joke, here.

"Mm. Yeah..." Lux doesn't immediately catch it, but then glances over--then smiles softly at the realization. "Dork," they murmur fondly. Then they move along the edge of the roof, walking over to the tower part--and starts climbing up to get to the very top of the tallest part. There's not a ton of room up there, and definitely not good if you're afraid of heights--but there's enough room for them both to sit. Which Lux does, legs hanging off of the edge. "This is my favorite place in the whole city."

While Jack is more used to being in a harness or a catwalk with rails, if he's this high up, he's certainly not afraid of heights. He sinks down next to Lux, wedging his bag against him and tucks one leg underneath his body, hanging the other off the edge. "I can see why." He's a little breathless, and he leans into Lux a little, putting an arm around them again.

Lux leans into him, their arms lifting to wrap around him in return. Their chin rests on his shoulder as they look out over the view for a while in silence. Eventually their head tilts to press their face against his neck and hair. "Thank you."

"What for?" He seems genuinely confused, and he runs his hand up and down Lux's side.

"Being here. Still... giving a shit. Being willing to forgive me," they murmur softly. A small shudder runs through them, their arms tightening around him. With their face still hidden, "I love you. I wish I had been brave enough to say it when my words still meant something. But I really... really love you."

"I'm not going anywhere. You're one of the only bright spots in my fucking life, I'm...not gonna give that up." He stills, when Lux says they love him. "I...I think you did say it, before all this." HIs voice is quiet. "When we were talking about moving in together, the shit you told me then...that's...what it means. You know?"

"...Y-yeah. I... guess so..." Lux continues holding him close, fingers curling into his shirt to hold tightly. "I meant it then. I mean it now," they says with a hint of desperation, as if Jack needed to be convinced. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I...I know you mean it. Then. Now." Jack turns to kiss them, soft and slow. Pretending there wasn't any hesitation in his voice. Pretending that he just said those three words, too.

The kiss is hesitant, at first. But then Lux leans into it, cupping Jack's cheek to kiss him passionately, desperately, afraid to let it end.

Jack slides a hand up to the back of Lux's neck, keeping them close. His kiss deepens, and he grips the back of their sweater, pulling them in. "I'd pull you into my lap," he mutters, breaking away just enough to speak, "but this prolly isn't the place." And then he's kissing them again, barely letting them get a response in.

"Mm, probably n--" they manage to mutter before being pulled back in. Their hands slip underneath his shirt, caressing along skin as they kiss him deeper in return, then break it to dip their head to kiss hungrily at his neck. Well, the height isn't stopping them from getting handsy, at least.

"Hands are fucking cold -" Jack gasps, and presses against Lux a little closer, his hands tugging up the back of Lux's shirt in return. A scribbly blush starts to build on his cheeks, and his head tips back.

Lux chuckles softly, a little breathless as they nibble at his throat. "Dammit... I finally get you up here and turned on, and I'm too exhausted to fuck you properly... Not fair..."

"'S always...next time...?" He's very breathless now, his mien dancing with scribbles as he runs his fingernails gently along Lux's back and side.

"Mm. Or... I can make you feel good, at least..." Lux says softly, fingers curling against his back to scratch lightly. Because ignoring feels with sex is the way they go, right?

"Tonight..." he lets off with a quiet whine, and presses himself still closer to Lux, before pulling himself together enough to speak again. "Tonight's about making you feel good."

"Making you feel good would make me feel good. Please," Lux murmurs, a hint of desperation coming into their voice--which, well, might not be the best of signs.

Jack shivers, and lets out a breath. "What...if I told you that what would make me feel good...is the two of us going back to my apartment. An' taking a long hot shower, and making some hot chocolate, and...you spending a night or two there with me?" He's still holding Lux tight, murmuring in their ear.

Lux goes still, then leans back a bit, enough to see his face. Their brows are creased and helpless and for a moment it's clear Lux is trying to figure out if this is a rejection or really what Jack wants. But when that becomes obvious Lux's shoulders lower, some of the tension easing out. "That... that sounds great."

"And maybe making out a little more. 'Cause I like that, too." He leans in to kiss them. "You wanna stay here for a while longer, or head back?" His voice is still low, a little seductive even.

Lux leans back in to return the kiss. "I... wanna head back, I think. If that's okay? I'm... really fucking tired. But next time we come here, I am definitely fucking you."

"I'm really looking forward to it." He grins, and shifts so he can stand, offering Lux a hand up.

Lux accepts the hand up, smiling a little more. They stand, sneaking another kiss, then move to climb down. They slip into shadows once on the main part of the roof, disappearing--then minutes later reappear on the ground, waiting for him.

Again, it takes Jack a little longer to descend than Lux, but this time he appears directly beside them, and kisses them on the cheek right as he comes into view.

Jack doesn't bother getting dressed after the shower, and just grabs a pair of (mostly) clean boxers to lounge on the couch in. Though at the moment, he's not doing much lounging, and is in fact in the kitchen making hot chocolate. In just his boxers. It's the fancy kind of hot chocolate too, so he's heating up milk on the stove.

Lux doesn't bother with much either--but they go with a pair of tiny neon briefs. They've dragged a blanket over to the couch and cocooned themself into it while laying down, angled so they can watch Jack move around in the kitchen. Their lights are still dim, but not quite as badly. Also, Jack probably noticed that they had shifted slightly in color while they were on the rooftop. Now it's back to their normal yellow, rather than tinged with green. Hmm. Might mean something.

"How're you feeling, light-of-my-life?" Jack's still in the kitchen, but he doesn't have to raise his voice too much for Lux to hear him. It's not a large space.

Lux blinks as he speaks, then smiles softly, staring at him adoringly. "So much better. I mean... it still... sucks. But I feel like my head is clearer."

"Good to know that getting handsy with your boyfriend helps you feel better." Jack winks, teasing them, and the sweet scent of chocolate drifts toward the living room.

They huff softly, burrowing deeper into the blanket, pulling them up and over their head. "How couldn't I feel better after seeing you like that? You're hot as fuck..."

He wiggles his butt at Lux in response, not that they can see it if they're completely hidden by blankets, and pours the hot chocolate into two mugs. "You want this spiked? I was gonna put some rum in mine..."

"Hmm... I'll take a little bit, sure." They peek back out from the blankets, then sit up once he's approaching with the mugs, pulling the blanket aside to let him curl up inside the nest.

They're mismatched mugs - one's got a yellow iatse bug on (seriously, does this man have anything without his union logo?) and the other has what's presumably the name of some company lit by a spotlight plastered across it. Jack sets both of them on the coffee table and flops down next to Lux, snuggling in close.

Lux doesn't immediately reach for a mug, instead tucking the blankets around them both, arms sliding around Jack's waist to pull him in. Their lips press softly to his shoulder. "Tell me what you've been up to the past few days? Anything... other than this mess?"

"Mmmm...talked to Ari, like I said..." He grabs his mug and takes a drink before relaxing into Lux while he thinks. "Picketed during the day, picked up a few calls at night. Oh - I ordered one of those...clear practice locks. Been fiddling around with that some, too." His voice gets quiet, near the end.

"Oh." They're quiet for a moment, then force a smile. "To show off to Mearcstapa?"

He grimaces slightly. "I'd already ordered it, before...all this. And not much else has been happening - met a new member of Shackamaxon. Least I think they're a member, they're new, in any case. In the Freehold Hollow, a few days ago. And June, too, finally."

"Jack... I..." They frown, then take a deep breath. "It's okay. Even if me and Mearcstapa never get back together, it's... okay. I want you both to be happy. And you... make each other happy." Their voice is strained, but sincere.

"I just don't wanna...make you feel shitty by talking about it. About him. You know?" He takes another drink of cocoa. "And you make me happy, too."

Lux considers that a moment, then gives a little nod. "I think... for now, I don't want to hear about you two being together. I mean... I don't want you to stop being together. Just. I don't want the details I would have known before. It hurts too much. If that's okay. But that doesn't mean you have to hide it from me either."

Jack leans over to kiss them. "Absolutely." He keeps his face close to theirs, and brings a hand up to ghost over the bruises on their jaw, not touching them. "You...gonna tell me what happened, here? You don't have to. But..."

The kiss is returned softly before they frown, pulling back from his hand. "...Nothing I didn't deserve." They hesitate, weighing whether or not to continue. "I... fuck." They lean forward to pick up their mug, sipping at it. "I met someone I knew. Over There. Someone I... I hurt. A lot. I fucked him up so much that I remembered him. He... wasn't happy to see me."

"Fuck..." Jack frowns and runs a hand over Lux's hair. "You've had a rough few days. I know you're not gonna believe me, but...you didn't deserve it. You're not that person anymore, and there's so many of us who can see that."

They let out a soft bitter huff. "Yeah. Well. I hit him first."

His eyebrows shoot up, and while he doesn't actually spit hot chocolate across the room, it's a close thing. "Jesus, babe. Why?" It doesn't seem to be a judgement, he's just curious and surprised.

Lux looks away, frowning. "He... said some things. Things that weren't entirely... wrong. But I didn't want to hear it. He wouldn't stop saying things so I... slapped him."

"And then he punched you." Jack winces in sympathy. "I wish I could kiss it better."

"I mean... you can try," Lux murmurs, smiling softly.

"Mmm?" He puts his mug down, and leans in to place the softest, gentlest kiss on Lux's jaw. And then another, and another. "This helping...?" His voice is teasing.

Lux's lips curl into a grin, head dipping after a moment, squirming happily. "Mmm. Yep. All better." Their arm curls around his waist, tipping their head to kiss along his jaw in return, then nips at his chin.

Jack chuckles, and snaps playfully at Lux's nose, coming nowhere near it, before lifting their chin with his hand and tugging them into a deep kiss. "'M glad you're here," he says when he breaks away, still close enough that his lips brush Lux's.

Lux is a bit caught off guard by the deep kiss, but melts into it. When Jack pulls back their eyes open to stare dreamily, adoringly. "I'm... glad I'm here too. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I should've. You're... where I belong."

"It's no problem." This kiss is a little more chaste. But just a little.

"I know you've gotta deal with your shit your own way. But I'm gonna be here, when you wanna come home. 'Cause...'cause I think you're home, for me." He ends in a whisper, almost sounding afraid of what he's admitting.

They stare at him, fingertips brushing along Jack's arm. Their lights shift in color, turning to a soft pink. "You're my home too," they whisper softly, resting their temple against his. "I love you, Jack."

The faintest scribble crosses Jack's cheeks, and he trails his fingers across Lux's shoulder. And closes his eyes too, for just a moment, before tilting Lux's face up again for a kiss. It's...apologetic, almost. Like Jack's trying to make the kiss mean all the things he can't bring himself to say.

Lux doesn't push him to say it, even if they're quietly hoping. They accept the kiss instead, returning it slow and tenderly. After it breaks they pull back to take a sip of hot chocolate, watching him thoughtfully, then smiles. "You know. I think your first day as a Joyeux has been a success."

That observation makes him dip his head, his cheeks now smudged with a charcoal blush. "Fuck, what if I've peaked and it's all downhill from here?" He's smiling as he reaches for his hot chocolate though.

"Naaah. I think you'll be fine. You... listen to people. You give a shit. And you don't shy away from helping people, even when they're going through... hard things. That's what makes a decent Joyeux, babe."

"I feel like I never know what to fucking say. Even with people I know, and give a shit about specifically. You know?"

"Sometimes it's not all about what to say. It's urging people to do what makes their heads right. You knew going parkouring with me would make me feel better, didn't you?"

"I mean I hoped it would. But I know a hell of a lot more about you than whoever the fuck Changeling in the Freehold who's got Clarity damage, you know? Feel like I'm always gonna be flying blind."

Lux shrugs. "So get to know them. Ask what they enjoy, what makes them happy. Just... gotta listen, babe. You can do it." They kiss his cheek. "By the way... If Mearcstapa ever gets... too cold or blunt, push him to work on a video. It seemed to help him..."

Jack listens, though he still kinda looks like he's not sure. "I'll keep that in mind. For him. You...any more hungry now, than you were before?"

"A little, but mostly I just feel like I could sleep for a week." They do take another gulp of hot chocolate, though. Then the mug is set aside and Jack is pulled into their lap. "Is it really okay if I stay here for a couple days?"

He lets out a quiet, but delighted yelp, and snuggles into Lux's chest. "Babe, you can fucking move in here, and I'd be ecstatic. No joke."

Lux smiles softly. "I mean... if you wanna give me a key to your place... I wouldn't turn it down..."

"I've got an extra - I can get it now, if you want?" Though he doesn't seem to be very interested in moving out of Lux's lap. " 'N you'll have to learn the code for the alarm too, but...fuck. I want you here."

"Nnnah. You're not getting away from me." They grin. "You can give it to me later. But I'll happily take it. And... yeah. I'll move in, if you're sure. Easier to meet up here than having to wait for me to let you into the Hollow. Not that I don't want to stay there sometimes, too..." Their eyes flit over to where the boxes of furniture are, though their smile dims a little after a second.

"We'll figure it out. I'd like to stay there sometimes, too. Still not completely comfy here all the time. Haven't heard anything about Anna-Marie in ages, but..." he glances around the place, and shudders. "Sometimes the Hollow just feels...safer."

They look back to Jack and nod. "Yeah. We can stay there whenever you want, babe. I don't care where we are, so long as you're there. And, um... if I'm gonna be staying here more, I can help with the bills, a little? I don't make a lot of money but I can... help some, at least. I don't want to mooch off of you."

"I don't wanna make you have to pay for two places, that's not fair. Though I guess if you're...saving money by not living at your old place, you can throw some of that savings at shit like internet here. If you wanna." He shrugs.

"I'm not gonna keep my place, especially if I have somewhere on this side I can stay when I need to." Lux shrugs. "Which means... I guess I need to move my shit out of there..." They frown for a moment, then sigh, clearly not liking the idea of going back there. "I'll chip in. And buy groceries."

"I can help. And honestly...we don't have to figure it all out now. I think getting at least one real night's sleep'll help. Yeah?" Jack kisses them on the jaw with a smile.

"Mmm.... yeah... That's a problem for future Lux. Right now present Lux has their hot, amazing, perfect boyfriend to snuggle." They nuzzle into his neck. "I just... wanna hold you all night and not let go."

"I would fucking love that." He wiggles in Lux's lap to get a little more comfortable. "Maybe in bed, though."

Lux siiiighs, squeezing him tightly before their arms drop away to let him get up. "Fine. Bed. But then I'm not letting you go."

"Look, you don't have to let me go completely for me to get up." He pulls on their arm to move their hand to his waist, holding onto it as he stands with a groan. "See?"

Lux looks up at him, grinning lopsidedly. "I wish past Lux from a couple months ago could see me now. There's no way they'd believe it was possible for us to be so sickeningly sweet. Not that I'm complaining." They stand, indeed keeping an arm around him and grabbing the blanket to carry back to the bedroom. "Just... kind of weird to think about how far we've come together, in such a short period of time. Never thought I'd be so... mushy with someone."

"I think you're just being mushy 'cause you're incredibly sleep deprived." Jack grins and holds them close, walking them backwards toward the bedroom with his arms around them.

"Oh. Hm. Maybe. Good excuse." They let out a loud, long yawn. "But... hmm... it's also cause you're... amazing. So there." The blanket gets thrown onto the bed and they just... plop down, pulling Jack with them into a spooning position.

"You're pretty amazing too, you know." Jack sprawls out on the bed to stretch, draping himself comically over Lux for a few seconds before he untangles the blankets around the two of them. "How d'you feel about 'light of my life'? It's kinda wordy..." He twists to kiss their nose. "Nightlight? Firefly?"

"Light of my life is super corny and wordy, but I kinda love it." They shift to get into a more comfortable position, but once their head hits the pillow their eyelids are already starting to droop tiredly. "Mmm... Firefly is... kinda cute..."

"We can workshop it more tomorrow." Jack's voice is quiet now, a low rumble as he settles too. "I -" he breaks off. It's almost hard to tell that he was going to say anything. "G'night, babe."

Thankfully, Lux is already half asleep and doesn't notice. They pull him in closer as their eyes close the rest of the way, mumbling drowsily, "Nigh'..."