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Latest revision as of 00:45, 14 May 2020


The Ordo Dracul Chapterhouse


Guy looks over a map of the Delaware River in a reading room at the current Ordo Chapterhouse, apparently investigating the area around Penn’s Landing.

Daniel quietly made his way into the reading room, a dark blue scarf snugly wrapped about his neck. He gave Guy a nod as he spotted the Gangrel, moving to get into proper conversation range. "This the research you were speaking of, I'm guessing?"

Eyrgjafa enters a few moments after Daniel, nodding to the other Dragons. "Evening, you two. How are things progressing, Guy?"

Rena stomps in, attempting to a) not startle anyone and b) not stomp so hard she breaks anything. "S'up Guyford," she says, giving him a nod. "Whatcha researching?"

“After confirming with your work, Eyrgjafa, reasonable certain that the boat is in fact what we’re looking at. Just poking around to see if there’s a good place to have the main facilities besides, you know, a historical boat.” He looks up and nods to the others. “How do you feel about ghosts?”

Daniel gave Eyr and Rena a nod as they approached, glancing over the map before giving Guy a curious look. "Can't say that I've had any experience with them." He whispered in reply. "Why?"

Floretta comes in as if she was at the academy all day, probably from her office and she's not blushed, she's got make up on to make her look all goth: Eyeshadow, dark lipstick a dark shirt and skirt, heeled shoes. "Yeah me and Guy found about this bad ass place with a ghost that set fires places, it would be a fucking powerful Wyrm Nest."

"I'm in the same boat as Daniel, pardon the pun." Eyrgjafa shrugs slightly. "If we want to use the Moshulu we'll have to figure out a way to eliminate that risk, but I don't know if it can be done without ruining its potential."

Rena's eyes light up. She gives the cockiest of cocky grins and says, "I! Can punch ghosts." Her grin diminishes at the mention of fire, "dealin' with fire might be harder but I'm confident that if I can get my hands on that ghost I can punch it into next tuesday."

He nods to Rena, then gives one to Floretta. “Well. If we can deal with the current ghosts, we can turn the Nest to our purposes, as I understand it.” He gestures to a tome on the table. “That book has an account of dangerous nests being...channeled. Apparently if we bind ourselves as Guardians, it shouldn’t be an issue. We can direct who the spooky energy lashes out at.”

Daniel's eyebrow arched a touch at the mention of the pyrokinetic displays but gave a nod, glancing at the tome when Guy gestured to it. "Interesting...bit of a built-in security system, as it were."

"Yeah, but I figure we might actually need to find a way to control it? Like I'm hoping I can make enough research to maybe figure out what the Anchor might be there?" She looks around "And since we're dealing with Ghosts, I really think we should have our Galliard's advice on it. Clara's title suggest she can deal with ephemeral entities." she looks then to Rena and nod "I'm not sure how safe I'd feel about you punching a ghost that can spit fire. But, out of curiosity, how do you achieve the ghost punching ability?"

"Indeed," Eyrgjafa nods to Daniel, before glancing at Floretta. "It sounds like you know more about ephemeral entities than I do, so if you think getting Clara's advice is a good idea that seems reasonable to me."

"I just kinda make the shadows around me work for it. It's hard to explain how to do, since it's a secret bloodline technique. Like in Naruto." Rena shrugs. "And I'd be hella down to help us get a base that can keep itself safe."

“I’m no expert myself. If we know someone that is, enlisting their aid, at least as a resource, seems like a good idea. There is also the matter of...acquiring the vessel. Or keeping it Masquerade safe once we’ve bound the Nest.”

The Naruto reference earned a small smirk before Daniel nodded. "Indeed. Seems like it should be feasible, though."

"Yeah I'm shit out of luck for the acquiring it though. I hear it's a restaurant right now?" She asks, then looks at Rena "Ooh, from what I know about you, your fancy title is going to be a delight to work on." she offers with a grin there. "Anyone here got money to buy it?"

"Naruwhatnow?" Eyrgjafa blinks at her family member. "...actually, never mind." She turns to Floretta. "Not personally, but I can lay my hands on it." Beat. "How okay are we with people outside the Ordo knowing about this?"

"Chip, we are one hundred percent having a movie night now. Show all the Ashtifar the glory that is the Rock Lee/Gaara fight." Rena says, Daniel's acknowledgement of her antics fueling her. "I'm cool with everyone knowing, but I'm not exactly the careful type. And I don't have the money to buy a pack of gum right now, let alone a whole ass haunted restaurant."

“I’m at about a 3 out of 10, but that’s also my prerogative as an Axe. Getting this done is important, though...would you be willing to share with us, at least, who you’d reach out to about finances?”

"Not enough to purchase it outright, I'd imagine, but I'm able to put resources towards it." He looked to Eyr at Guy's question to await the response.

"I can put forward for a bit of money, but it's not going to be a super amount of money." Floretta says, crossing her legs. "And I don't think I could do a fundraiser for it, unless we plan on making it an LGBTQ space along the way." "Also, I'm not sure I like it being super-public"

"...You do realise I have no idea who either of those people are?" Eyrgjafa arches an eyebrow at Rena before glancing at Guy. "Outside the Ordo? Rhea and Henevi. They're both family, so. I'd trust either of them with my life. Rhea especially."

"You don't know who they are, yet," Rena says tapping her forehead like that one meme. "I don't think I really have any connections that can help unless y'all are willing to rent it out to a support group."

“Ah yeah, not big on sharing the space.” He nods to Eyrg. “Alright, I’m willing to trust them with that much, at the very least. I’m sure they’ll understand the need for them to keep quiet about it.”

"Indeed." Daniel nodded quietly.

"I'm sure a few of us can return the favor to them somehow eventually if they do help us out." A shrug of her shoulder there with a grin.

"So we'd be getting rid of the restaurant, then?" Eyrgjafa asks, glancing around the assembled Dragons. "That would cost us an easy income stream for maintenance and the like, but I can see the advantage of having it be completely private, too."

"I feel like a restaurant where people coming in get punched by ghosts won't be long for the world anyway. Unless we sold it as a weird theme restaurant. Who are we going to allow in anyway? Just Ordo folx and our backers?" Rena says, thinking.

“Having the restaurant means the Nest can’t be directed to simply repel non-Dragons, it’s true. A revenue stream is nice, though it would severely limit what we can do with facilities on the boat. Even if most of the Academy is housed nearby, I’m guessing we’d want to be able to form a Crucible and the like? I haven’t seen the inside of the boat, but I’m guessing that space would be an issue if there’s also an operating restaurant.”

"I think I could form the crucible, by the way, I got some ideas that maybe could work there." Floretta comments off handedly, vaguely motioning toward her office.

"Forming a Crucible seems a good idea, yes. What're your ideas, Floretta?"

"Wait wait wait. A boat? Are we going to have a mobile boat base like we're cartoonishly rich?" Rena gives Guy a look of wonder. "Crucibles are the things that make researching coils easier, yeah? I'd do whatever I can to help out with that."

“Not mobile. It’s an old boat, we won’t be sailing up and down the Delaware.” He frowns slightly. “I don’t have the Occult knowledge to help you, Floretta, but I’ll assist in any other way I can, of course.”

"Willing to help there where I can as well."

"Well, the ritual has to be like, appropriate to the spot the Wyrm nest is in, so I've read onto the various methods the rite has used in the past and I got some headsway on that." Floretta seems rather happy about the progress there. "I feel confident enough to get it."

"I can assist with the Occult knowledge, of course." Eyrgjafa shrugs slightly. "Do we want it to be open to the Ordo as a whole?"

"Feels kinda mean to keep it to just us. Unless there are some people we should bar. In which case, we should bring up barring them to the Ordo higher ups." Rena says, giving a half shrug.

“I’m not opposed to making it open, if we get credit, I guess you could put it. I’m not going to withhold access to the only Crucible in the city from members in good standing. Appointing us the keepers of the Nest only seems fair, though.”

"Inclined to agree. I imagine those with a higher paygrade than ours will have their own thoughts on the matter as well."

"I imagine, my only idea in term of restriction would be out of towners having to reside in a different place, just in case?" Floretta suggest "Sometimes the oddness about Philly's set up draws the curious and it might in the future."

"That seems reasonable." Eyrgjafa nods. "I can't think of anyone we'd want to bar, not at the moment, but."

"If we need to get rid of someone or add 'em, can we do it after the fact?" Rena asks, before adding, "and could I crash there? I don't exactly have a stable place to live right now."

“We might be able to mark people who are welcomed by the Nest itself, though someone with more know how would have to look into that. Then their mark could be removed, et cetera. As for staying there, I don’t see why that would be an issue. Do you need a place to stay right now, Rena?”

"Makes sense." He nodded to Floretta, then looked to Rena with a note of concern in his features.

"We could keep this space as a potential guest quarters?" She motions all around her. "Stash the shelves with old magazine, porn and such so our guest really knows what happens in those 'ritual'" she does airquote around the word, clearly she's joking.

"You are always welcome to crash at my place, Rena, though I know it's rather further out than you usually go." Eyrgjafa shrugs slightly. "I see no reason why staying on-site would be an issue, and having someone whose primary haven it is is probably a good idea."

Rena gives Guy a lazy half shrug, "Nah, Guybert, I'm good on my own. Don't need to owe anyone nothin'. But if y'all need someone to captain the boat and talk to the ghost if it gets unruly, I'll take the job. Get me one of those fancy captain's hats. Learn semaphore."

He looks at Rena for a moment. “Can I get you for a chat after this? Want to ask you about something.” Turning back to the others, he crosses his arms and rubs his chin. “Alright. Sounds like we’ve got most of a plan. We should have a few of us scope it out, I’m thinking, even if we don’t evict the ghosts until after we own the boat.”

"Sounds good." Daniel nodded quietly. "Willing to be part of the group checking it out."

"We might also need a solution for the fire starting bit. I mean..." she looks to Eyrgjafa "We got a few people dealing with the Fortress here but ... maybe having a few fire extinguishers would help?"

"Probably wise. That era of ship was still made of wood, primarily, so having fire extinguishers around would be a good idea anyway."

"Unless you need me, I think I might wanna sit out the investigation. I'm not exactly a great scout. Pro-fire extinguisher too. I don't want to deal with getting burned," Rena says, like it'd be a hassle instead of straight up awful. "And yeah, Mr. Guy, I can stay after class."

“Getting burned isn’t so bad,” says the Guy with Resilience. “I’m more worried about the boat.” He glances about. “Thanks Daniel. I’ll text Finley to see if they want to come along, and we can scout it out. Does anyone else have any thoughts?”

Daniel, on the other hand, looked a little uncomfortable at the thought even with his current mastery of the Ascendant. "Not at the moment."

Floretta smiles and nods, looking backward again. "I could join the group on the field too." She says nodding, stretching a little bit, a habit. "I don't have any specific off the top of my head." a look to Eyrgjafa "I can show you what i got so far for the rite, if you want to give it a look. Or anyone else really, though fair warning, Herbert is in my office."

"No specific thoughts right now. I'll probably join you, Floretta. I'm more of a researcher than a fighter, honestly."

"I'll pass on that. Not exactly the best at research," Rena says, like Herbert is just a secondary concern, "And nah, no thoughts, head empty." She knocks on her head.

He chuckles, and produces his phone, opening a contact page and handing it to Daniel. “Put your info in, so we can organize scouting. I should have everyone else’s number.”

"Certainly." Daniel took the offered phone and entered the information. "Better to get a hold of me by text, for obvious reasons." A wry smirk crossed his features as he handed the phone back.

(Fyi, completed an aspiration - Discuss the plans for the new Wyrm Nest) Floretta stand up and adjust the darker clothes on her back for a second. "You'll get there!" she adresses Rena with a cheerful smile, which has a strange tone given the goth outlook of the evening. "Alright!"

"Seems like we've completed everything we need to discuss, for now," Eyrgjafa says, rising. "Let us know when you have more firsthand info on the site, Guy, Daniel?"

"Lemme give everyone my number," Rena says, whipping out her phone. She gives Floretta a bit of an icy stare at the encouragement.