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Latest revision as of 16:04, 15 May 2020


Cian Doyle, Jasper Wright


Text Messages


Jasper, Rhea gave you her contact information, did she not?

- C


The kind Rhea did impart that information to me. I can forward it to your presently should you wish. Are you planning for our sailing venture?

Signed, Jasper

I am. Unless you would like more input about it. My Sunday thru Wednesday evenings are free at the moment.



Her number is ###-###-####. I would very much like to see you soon. It's rare to watch a man at their craft, perhaps truly getting to experience themselves and learn first hand. Let me say the idea has me intrigued. I've even learned a song for the occasion.

Signed, Jasper

A song? I will warn you my skills lie more in the field of keeping a ship

shipshape, as it were

than in the intricacies of sailing. It is all connected, of course. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you.



Puns are an intricate form of wit. I appreciate your attempts here.

But yes, I am certain we will both enjoy our shared experiences. Do you often take others sailing?

Signed, Jasper

That you call it an attempt tastes of a backhanded compliment, my friend.

I don't often take others sailing, as I rarely have the opportunity to find myself with both a vessel and a willing partner.



Am I a friend already? I color myself honored then. Yet I challenge you to delight me with yet more puns should you find yourself similarly drawn to them. I've been told that sailors have many of them.

You will find me a willing partner. Learning new things has been quite intriguing as a way to pass the years. Have you developed such a trick?

Signed, Jasper

The answer takes significantly longer to arrive than the previous ones. I've spent much of the time asleep, I still feel like I'm catching up, sometimes.


I find that my reenactment work is an excellent way to stay connected to the past.



Are you familiar with the Mnemosyne?

Signed, Jasper

I am aware they exist, though that's all the familiarity I have.



In perhaps a less formal way, I might be able to help with the weight of the Eclipse behind your eyes. Should you desire such a thing.

However, I will at minimum demand a sailing lesson and trip first.

Signed, Jasper

Not knowing what you do, I'm afraid I'd need a little more elaboration. The sailing lesson will happen regardless, I'm quite excited for it.



I use my mastery of the blood in order to help others with their memories. Drawing them away from the twisted lies brought on by torpor so they may look with clearer eyes into the future. Part of what I do as Steward within the First Estate is specifically help the eldest of us transition into modern times and retain and grow their humanity so that they can stave off the Beast.

Signed, Jasper

This next text again takes a bit longer to arrive. Ah. Some things are best left forgotten, no? I have found the transition to be confusing at times, but fascinating, too. So many things to learn.



Perhaps that's the case. I'm glad to hear that you too are embracing this modern era. Perhaps we might be a boon to one another as we seek this future?

Signed, Jasper

Perhaps. I am interested in the knowledge you might choose to teach me, as we continue through our Requiems.



Is there a particular call of such things that you seek? I can seek to be informed on the subject presently.

Signed, Jasper


Or was this a nod towards the sight?

Signed, Jasper

Not especially at the present moment. I don't doubt that one will arise, as we get to know each other. You seem to have a wealth of knowledge. And it was not, intentionally. I am sure there are plenty of things to learn in that regard too, however.



I am not a master, but I am well versed. Much more than my dabbling elsewhere. Though such things involve such intimate exchanges. One would think you were already picture swapping bodily fluids.

Signed, Jasper

Ah. I will admit I was not. Is your interest in sailing merely an excuse to spend time with me? And begin the process that swapping bodily fluids would involve?

I suppose there is also the question of which ones you had in mind.



Can not a fully fleshed man want many things?

Signed, Jasper

My want to teach you to sail eclipses my want of any man, fully fleshed or not. That you are still wanting to come with me for reasons that don't involve intimate embraces of that sort does ease my mind greatly, however. I do not mind your advances, but do not be offended if I don't act on them.



Is that so? Are you one of the asexuals? Or simply unused to the touch of men?

But sailing has its own enjoyment surely. I expect you to show me. Perhaps we can truly enjoy the moonlight skies and waters together.

Signed, Jasper

I confess I have not spent the time required to learn more about that particular part of myself. It is not something I have deemed important, in the grand scheme of things, I have my studies and my sailing at that has been enough for me so far.

I am not opposed to new experiences, or acquiring evidence, it is simply not something at the top of my list, at the moment. Sailing very much has its own enjoyment in the same way any...strenuous activity might.



Are you open to courtship?

Signed, Jasper

I'm not certain I've ever been courted properly. And as such, I feel it's an experience I ought to gain some knowledge of. Would you be willing for me to look at it through an experimental lens in that regard?

If so, by all means.



I would very much like that option. Experiment with me. Perhaps we may yet find some chemistry among it all.

Signed, Jasper

I do love when I can gather data. Maybe I'll write an essay on the topic.

I am almost entirely joking, about the essay. It would be clearer in person.



Are you certain? Because I would be willing to proof it for you. Perhaps you could come up with a theorem on the topic.

Signed, Jasper

My field is history, more than sociology. There is some overlap, but I'm not sure that I am the person to write an essay on the courtship rituals of elder Kindred. I wish you could see my smile as I'm writing this, I'm seconds away from laughter as I type.



Who's to say I can't? You must simply send an invitation, and I could be there in but moments. Celerity is quite the discipline.

Am I elder to you? How long have you been about, if I may ask?

Signed, Jasper

I don't think I am the person to send you an invitation like that, there are only so many ways one can take such a thing, are there not? Which is not to say that I haven't found our conversations invigorating, or that I don't wish to see you. But given our previous discussion I don't know entirely what we would do, should I send you that invitation.

I merely assumed, given your hints about your past, that you were not embraced recently.



Over two hundred years. I could not gauge yourself, however. I could quite enjoy your accent though, but in my time, it had a certain suggestion of what could be, and my timeline fixates on that.

Signed, Jasper

I'm glad you enjoy my accent. It does seem to be something of a novelty for modern Americans. More than a number of gasps and exclamations regarding where I come from. As you said, it has had different connotations, in the past.



I've nothing against those who came before. My folks were frontiersmen before such a thing was smiled upon. I came back for an education, but it was not always easy.

Of course, it could be that they took me sometimes to be French, sometimes to be Irish. It's the hair. Such a silly thing to fixate one, isn't it?

Signed, Jasper

It certainly is one of the striking things about you.



Do I detect flirtation? I'd say it's a successful experiment. Make sure to take note of it for the Defiant.

Signed, Jasper

I have found it quite difficult in the past to get meaning across in this medium, I'm pleased that it seemed to work in this case. Does it ruin anything that I am no Rhea's side with regard to the way in which it is cut?



Do you wish to give it a go?

Signed, Jasper

I have my doubts as to whether I could do any better. But I have found an excellent barber. Discreet, open at night. I can send you his way, if you would like.



It's fine. I can change it every night if I wish. Cut it however many times I wish. I'll master the skill eventually. Should you want a lock of my hair for sentimental reasons, that could change the perspective.

Signed, Jasper

That sounds like something you are likely to wish from me, before I wish it from you. That is how courting works, correct?



Courting followed particular rituals. Sometimes those are helpful, sometimes not. Tell me, how is your sense of smell?

Signed, Jasper

Not something I have ever given much thought to. Serviceable, I suppose. Why?



Smell can trigger memory, which is why I keep hair from others. It's a powerful connection and memory block. I suppose some keep either their child or lover's hair in lockets, but I imagine you are not the locket type of man, are you?

Signed, Jasper

I am not, no. I have never made a habit of keeping mementos like that. Possibly foolish of me. That you can do so much with a lock of hair is impressive. Intimidating, even.



Anyone can. Try not to be too intimidated. It might get the the way of your experiments.

Signed, Jasper

Intimidation just adds another layer to things. More to research. I have never minded more research.



Do you mind the idea of mementos? Even temporary ones?

Signed, Jasper

Not at all. I understand that they can be meaningful to many. I have not found anything so meaningful as to require a memento of it.



Then perhaps we shall mix the sailing with a bit of courtship. See if you can find that spark of intrigue.

Signed, Jasper

I'm sure I will find the experience educational, if nothing else. That, alone, intrigues me.

What sorts of things intrigue you enough to keep mementos of?



Perhaps my greatest ones are my diaries. I have now dozens of them over the centuries. Perhaps I'll even read you some select passages if you're particularly charming.

Signed, Jasper

I will attempt to turn on the charm for you, then. Primary sources are always the best ones, I would relish the chance to hear you read them.



You do flatter me. It's a shame about the circumstances of our curse. I think I should like to see your face for this moment.

Signed, Jasper

Oh? For what reason, specifically?



So that I might better gaze upon your face in hopes it would visit me in the day sleep. To note its lines, its proper features, and the feeling held within. Of course.

Signed, Jasper

Did you not take the time to memorize my face on our first meeting? Or was that purposeful, in the hope that you might see me again, and find the time to learn me slowly?



While my memory can be perfect when I choose, I had hoped that familiarity might build it with time. Different angles, different moods, and ultimately I would come to know the man behind such a kissable face.

Why? Were you privately hoping the answer was much more lewd?

Signed, Jasper

Not hoping. Mildly curious. I know you hardly at all, your reasonings behind your desires are still largely a mystery to me.



Would you like me to try out some lewd things to say? Is that the experiment you wish to try?

Signed, Jasper

That is an experiment I have experience in and have no interest in repeating with someone else, at the moment. I appreciate your asking in advance, some are significantly more forward and significantly less polite. I merely wanted an insight into the reasoning behind this particular desire of yours.



Well now I want the gossip. Pray tell, who else is it that attempts to woo you so?

Signed, Jasper

No one, at the moment, as I have rebuffed their advances. It it has been a bit of a time. No once since I have made my way here, but that is primarily due to me not seeking it out in any capacity. I was in Boston, before this, there were some incidents. Their rudeness was dealt with.



Should I count myself as special then? To have not been violently rebuked from your Savage ways?

Signed, Jasper

You have yet to send me photographs of...well any part of you. I will admit I sought out some of the worse ones, a time or two. It is a convenient way to feed, when you know they are the scum of the earth to begin with.



You like the taste of scum in your mouth? Duly noted. I shall make certain I do not bathe before I come to visit you on the off chance.

Do you find such feeding not to your taste? I've found the act terribly convenient.

Signed, Jasper

It's rather unpleasant, I'll be honest, but it solves a problem. And feeding is...necessary. It feels dishonest, to take from people who don't know any better.



Pity. I had hoped, however faintly, that we might hunt together. My methods are a bit simple, but quite effective. If one is offering them pleasure alongside, I feel less guilty of the misdirection.

I must admit the image of it had momentarily distracted me. It's a shame you dislike it so much. Such if life, however.

Do you have a preferred feeding method?

Signed, Jasper

I have never been skilled at seduction, anyway. I have been primarily feeding on animals, but one can only survive on those for so long. I would not be opposed to watching you hunt. Perhaps that is where I can learn from you.



There is a difference between not being opposed to a thing and actively wanting a thing. Is that what you want to watch? Would that bring you some sort of enjoyment?

Signed, Jasper

I don't know that it would. I have watched hunts before, of a variety of sorts. Some I enjoyed more than others. I don't wish to be a part of them, necessary as they are. Sometimes I wish I did, hunting with a partner could be an excellent bonding activity, I'm sure. Do you enjoy hunting with others?



It depends on the partner in question and their methods. Some less so. Some? It became more enjoyable than anything else I did in a night.

If you decide you want to watch me hunt, say the word. I need to feed anyway.

Signed, Jasper

I should feed, too. Enjoy your hunt. I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation. Rhea says her boat will be here by next week, I am very much looking forward to taking her out with you.

her boat, that is.



I did as well. I can only hope that they all go so well. I look forward to us getting to spend some time together on the boat. Learning some and also just being able to spend some time together. I'd love to learn about you more, what makes you tick, and what makes you involuntarily come alive as you just feel things.

To mutual experiments, Jasper