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Revision as of 01:43, 16 May 2020


The Freehold Hollow


Having finished classes for the day, Annie's venturing back into the Freehold Hollow as a good place to study, heading over to her favourite bench to sit and read on.

Adela's headed to the Hollow for much the same reason - relaxation and study. Something seems off though as she looks around. Catching sight of Annie she wanders over. "Hey there. Do things look... different around here?"

"Yeah. I am not sure why, though." She glances at Adela. "Do you spend a lot of time in the Hedge? I tend not to go further than this or the Spring Hollow."

"Replace Spring with Winter and that's usually me." She pauses for a moment before shaking her head. "That's not entirely fair. I harvest Hedge fruits sometimes - not from the Hollow, but nearby. Maybe this is just a... season change or something?"'

"It is Spring, though. I would expect plants to get lusher, not wilted like this." Annie frowns slightly. "Do you think somebody could be messing with it?"

"That would be... very bad if someone was," Adela says. Her inner lights start flickering more rapidly with agitation. "Do you suppose the Crowns know?"

"I hope so. I will text Ari as soon as I return Ironside to make sure, though, if you will do the same for Marjorie?"

"Probably a good idea." Adela looks worried for a long moment as she stares off into the middle distance. But then she forces a smile. "But besides that, how are you this evening?"

"Good. Worried about my friends, but. There is nothing I can do to help them, right now." Annie sighs. "Thank you for asking, though. How are you?"

"Tired, but good." Adela plops to the ground with uncanny grace. "Sorry to hear about your friends though. That's never a fun situation."

"No. They have good people helping them, though." She takes a seat not far from the other woman. "I am Anneliese, by the way."

Adela looks chagrined. "I must be more tired than I thought. Yes. I'm Adela and it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Pleasure to meet you too, Adela." Annie pauses briefly. "I can take away your exhaustion, if you want? I have a thermos of tea I made myself, too."

Adela shakes her head quickly. "No, it's mostly good tired. My youngest class today was very energetic. The tea though, I would love if you are willing to share. I hope I didn't interrupt you doing anything important"

"Of course. I do not drink it myself, but it is useful to have on hand." She pulls the thermos in question from her satchel, passing it across to Adela. "Just studying. What do you teach?"

"Dance. I've got a little studio I teach classes at." She takes the thermos but doesn't open it, instead giving Annie a measuring look. "Are you one of those Spring healer types everyone talks about?"

"Yes. Only in training, ironside, but." Annie shrugs slightly. "On our side I can only heal minor injuries and fatigue as yet."

"Hey, that's still useful" Adela says, uncapping the thermos. "It's real easy for minor injuries to become big ones if you ignore them too long." She smirks slightly, mostly at herself. "Which I'm sure you already know. Sorry. Teacher mode activated"

"Not, it is fine." Annie shrugs again. "What kind of dance do you teach?"

"Ballet mostly, though with the younger students it's mostly just dance fundamentals. I also have an adult class mostly for fitness." She takes a sip of the tea and nods approvingly. "I'm thinking about starting a class for people like us."

"That could be interesting," Annie admits. "I do not dance much myself, but. I prefer to be one of the ones making the music."

"Oh?" Adela asks, raising an eyebrow. "What do you play?"

"Violin, for preference." Beat. "Also I sing."

"That's cool" Adela says with a nod. "I can read music, more or less, but I've never had any talent at making music"

"Maybe we should combine our talents, then? I know ballet is usually done to more than just one instrument, but there are other musicians amongst our community."

"That could be an interesting idea. And, well," she gives a half smile. "The arts are designed to cause emotional responses, right? Could be beneficial for..." She waves her hand to indicate the Hedge and by extension all of their non-mortal world. "This sort of stuff" she finishes.

"True. I have never tried Hedgespinning with my music, but it could be interesting to see what I can accomplish with it."

"I was thinking more glamour harvesting, but that too." She frowns. "Honestly I don't really try Hedgespinning much. It seems a little too... fae to me." She gives a short, self-derisive laugh. "Said by someone who wants to do more dream stuff"

"Oh, well." Annie shrugs slightly. "I work in a bar, I am never short of Glamour unless I choose to be."

"Between my harvesting and my students, I rarely am either, but..." She shrugs. "I'm an artist. I like getting something from my art."

"Fair enough," Annie nods. "I play mostly for pleasure, but then it is more of a hobby than a vocation for me."

"Either way, I don't think it'd be a bad idea to get some of us artsy types together." She looks thoughtful for a long moment. "Possibly even in a formal sort of way."

Annie blinks at that. "Like a motley, or?"

"Maybe. I've never been a part of one, so I'm still sorta fuzzy on what that would entail"

"Neither have I, so." Annie shrugs. "Something else to talk to the Crowns about, perhaps?"

"I don't think motleys need to have Crown approvals" Adela muses, plucking at the Hedge grasses.

"No, I mean, for checking over the Oath, if we decide to form one."

"I suppose. Or at least find one of the other people in the freehold who's experienced with these things." She gives another shrug. "The Crowns usually seem rather busy to me."

"Fair enough," Annie shrugs in turn. "I do know somebody who is a lawyer, and on our side of things, so. Going to her is an option."

Adela laughs lightly. "Maybe we should figure out who we want to be involved first, and then we can worry about the legalities"

"Well, the two of us, presumably. Beyond that... do you know any other performers you would want to be involved?"

"Not off the top of my head, but perhaps we could leave a note or something?"

"Sounds like a good plan, then." Annie smiles at the other woman, getting writing materials out of her bag. "What do you want on it?"

"Hmm. 'Two performers looking for like-minded folk to potentially form a motley'?"

"Seems reasonable, as a summary, with our contact info below?"

"Of course." She digs around in her pocket and pulls out a business card. "Here, we can tack this up for my info."

"Sounds good." Annie nods, taking the business card. "Do you mind if I put you in my contacts now?" She pulls her phone out of a pocket.

Adela lets out another laugh. "Oh right, that's probably good too." She fishes in her other pocket for her cell phone and gives Annie the number.

Once she's got it saved, Annie gives Adela her number in turn, before standing, walking over to the Freehold's notice board and attaching the message.