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Latest revision as of 20:14, 6 June 2020


Jack Martingale, Leta Abbott, Little Fox, Lux, Mearcstapa


Club Vertigo


What a great fuckin' birthday present - a full apology for the bullshit Mearc went through, and him being free to go out. For Jack's birthday. Jack's mien dances as he walks into Vertigo with Mearc, arm around his waist and a warm grin on his face. He's broken out one of his leather harnesses for the occasion, paired with a particularly tight pair of jeans and slightly smudged eyeliner.

"How're you feeling, lionheart?" He murmurs. "Finally out and about like this?"

Mearc's wearing his new leather duster, with a pair of rather tight jeans--has Jack ever seen Mearc in something that's not cargo pants or pajama pants? Well, now he has. There's even a pair of utility hairclips in his hair, instead of the standard bobby pins. "I'm feeling pretty amazing. Fuck, I owe Wren and Alex, like...everything. I'd say a large cake, but that wouldn't help Alex any."

He leans in to kiss Jack on the cheek. "How're we celebrating?"

"Drinks. And dancing, maybe. And more drinks." Jack looks Mearc over for...not the first time this evening, and grins. "Fuck, you look amazing. Got a glow - and not just 'cause of the freckles. Wren can get a cake, we'll think of something for Alex. Find a cute girl for her, maybe," he smirks. "I'm buying you at least one'a your drinks, tonight." A kiss on the cheek, and he makes his way toward the bar. He's got no trouble flagging down the bartender, and ordering a rum and coke for himself.

Mearc orders one of the brightly colored cocktails Vertigo is known for, leaning casually on the bartop. "...hmm, or just give Alex a few hours in a cuddlepuddle with the three of us. I know she's fucking touch-starved. Wren's been getting close with her, but like. Group cuddles would make her month, I'm pretty sure."

"Oh fuck yes. I'm a hundred percent down for group cuddles with her." Jack turns around to lean against the bar, and Mearc, scanning the room as he does. "She told you about all the other shit she found out when she was digging into the video?"

"Yeah, yeah she did." There's a crooked grin. "That fucker really showed her ass, going after me in digital space. Mh."

"Yuuup." Jack leans over to give him another kiss on the cheek. "You got some talented friends, babe. Who care about you a whole hell of a lot, yeah?"

Lux is easy to spot after slipping into the club, as lit up as they are--and there's the fact that they are rather... scantly clad. They're wearing a short electric blue neon dress, with what most would just call lingerie underneath. Though the top underneath does cover the scar on their chest. But not a lot else. Heeled shoes complete the look.

They slip up behind the two, grinning as they wrap arms around Mearc from behind, kissing his freckly cheek. "Congratulations, Kitten."

Mearc melts into Lux's arms, closing his eyes. "Thank you, hummingbird. I've missed you. So fucking much, I've missed you. Both of you."

Jack beams when Lux appears, and gives them an obvious once-over before leaning in to give Mearc a lingering kiss on the lips and wrap both his arms around his two partners. Mearc sandwich is best sandwich, clearly. A moment later he shifts to kiss Lux hello, too.

Lux returns Jack's kiss, smiling softly. "Missed you too. Fuck, it's a load off all our shoulders to not have to worry about that part anymore, at least." Lux slips a hand down to grope at Jack's ass. "And Happy Birthday, babe."

Mearc is content to be the filling of this sandwich, grabbing his bright fruity cocktail and holding it up so Lux can have a sip. Because sugar water for the hummingbird. "How are both of you doing, now? I know we're sort of outside the immediate situation and everything's kinda...all waiting on the hunt, except what isn't? But where are both of your heads at?"

"Fuckin' best birthday present, honesly." Jack pulls back to take a long drink. "Somewhere between trying to pretend everything's back to normal and being really aware just how much it's not. And...still working on making sure Tornetta doesn't start their sites back up again."

They accept the sip of drink, shifting to lean against the bar without quite disengaging from them. "I'm not really sure how I feel, honestly." Lux shrugs. "Just kind of taking it a day at a time."

He looks over at Lux quietly. "Kinda been a lot wearing at you?"

"'S a fuckton to be dealing with. And we're still in the middle, maybe not the time to...reflect yet, yeah?"

"Guess so." Lux shrugs. "Rather not talk about it." They turn to wave down the bartender to order a drink for themself.

"Oh." Mearc's freckles dim out, but the red lingers. "Alright. Sorry."

Jack brings a hand up to pet Mearc's hair, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek before disengaging slightly to take a drink. "Anything exciting happening with the Collective, firefly?" It's an obvious subject change, a move to something hopefully more positive.

"Nothing to apologize for." They touch Mearc's arm reassuringly, then looks to Jack. "Been trying to organize artists the past couple weeks for an organized, unified attack on the neighborhoods where the iron dreamcatcher is. Been... slow going. But getting there."

"Good. I'm glad that it's been getting there." He remains pretty dim, though, the glow not returning right away.

"'S good to have something to focus on, yeah? Keep you from sitting in all the...everything?" He gives Lux a little bit of a Look, like he's wanting to hold space for whatever it is that Lux doesn't wanna talk about.

"I mean. No. Not really good. That is focusing on everything," Lux says with a shrug. "But it needs to be done, and hopefully it'll be over with soon." They pick up their drink as it's slid over, sipping from it.

"Hopefully. We need that vacation pretty badly, huh?" He sighs. "Soon, my loves, soon."

"I gotta talk to Lethia about that again, 's hard to make reservations and shit when we don't know when we're going. But fuck, I cannot wait. Your entire suitcase's gonna be sunscreen, right babe?" He grins at Mearc.

"A vacation will be nice," Lux admits, taking another sip while their hand rubs at Mearc's side lightly.

He turns to Lux, giving them a slow, thorough kiss, before answering Jack. "There will be more than just sunscreen in my suitcase. I need swim trunks. And bath bombs."

"There's plenty of room in our suitcases for your swim trunks and bath bombs, I'm pretty sure." A grin, and he sits back a little to watch the two of them kiss. "I'm so excited to get outta here for a few days."

Speaking of thorough. Oh look, it's Leta Abbott! Not that most of the people in this scene know who she is. She's tall, rail-thin, has messy blonde hair, and is currently wearing business-y formal stuff. Like maybe she just got off work. At the moment she's hovering near the door. Maybe she's waiting for someone...?

Lux returns the kiss, cupping Mearc's cheek as it lingers. They smile softly at the two as they pull back, leaning against the bar while sipping their drink.

Mearc glances up when the door opens. And he is someone who recognizes Abbott, raising his glass at her in a sort of salute. "This might get interesting. Work acquaintance of mine, texted me a few times while I was off the radar."

"Oh?" Jack slides a little closer to Mearc to see the door, and looks the woman over. "Interesting, how...?"

Who has had a good day? Fox has had a good day, and is full of glorious energy. She's wearing a worn black t-shirt that says THERE'S ONE IN EVERY MINYAN, wherein the 'ONE' is rainbow striped, and a pair of ratty jean shorts, and her worn black sneakers. Bopping her way in to the club, the tiny Thyrsus's green-gold eyes settle on the artist also known as Anthelion, and his pace picks up as they fling herself at the Guardian with a squealed, "Leta! I had THE BEST DAY."

Lux looks over, only half interestedly at first. But when they spot Fox Lux brightens a bit, lips quirking upwards. "Definitely going to get interesting."

"She doesn't know much about who I am, mostly what I do. Though a few of our texts skirted around the personal..." He trails off, his freckles shifting green and then flickering red as he reads Fox's shirt and then lets out a bit of a laugh.

Leta, not one for balance or catching things, definitely stumbles a bit as the squeaking Fox missile collides with her. Fortunately she doesn't fall because she's getting used to this sort of greeting, but. "Oh? I am happy to hear this. Tell me more." As she says this, she turns her gaze back to Mearcstapa - who she'd previously noticed saluting. "On the way over there, though. I have a work acquaintance I should probably say hello to."

Jack drains the rest of his drink and orders another, looking curiously at Lux after he does. "D'you know her too?"

"The one who just hugged her is Fox," Lux replies.

Plus, Fox is very used to how weak in the armsnot able to catch her that Anthelion is, and doesn't full-on tackle the Mastigos. "Yeah! I got to see the new place for the family because Zoya bought like -- a place! And ... " When Anthelion looks over toward Mearcstapa, well, there's a Lux there, too. "OH SWEET!" And that's when the Thyrsus becomes a Lux-seeking missile, wriggling his way through the crowd, backpack bumping into people as she yells, "INCOMING!"

Mearcstapa takes one step away from Lux, to avoid being caught in the crossfire, and glances back at Abbott with his head tilting to one side slightly, an unspoken question on his face.

"Oh - that's...that tracks, yeah," Jack says with a bit of a laugh, and chokes on his new drink as Fox yells and comes streaking toward them.

Leta, looking mortified, follows in Fox's wake. If she moves now, she won't need to part the crowd herself - not that she'd really mind having to do so. It's just easier. She returns Mearc's head tilt with a nod, and a quirked eyebrow in Fox and Lux's direction.

Lux doesn't move away, just braces themself for impact. They grin widely, scooping up the Thyrsus into a tight hug, lifting her up off his feet to squeeeeze. "Fox! It's good to see you."

She's little, but ... energetic, especially today, and his arms squeeze around Lux as they're lifted off the ground by the Bright One. "Lux! I am so glad to see you! This makes it officially the best day since I have been back home." A noisy smooch for Lux's cheek as she's set back down, and she grins: a flash of inhuman teeth, vulpine and sharp, and her eyes catch the light in a strange way. Fox, you really need to stop using your attainments constantly. Her gaze flicks back and forth. "Okay, freckles, so you've got to be Mearcstapa," the breathlessly excited creature continues, "which... makes you Jack?"

"Janus Mearcstapa, at your service. Where'd you get that shirt? I think I need to buy it for one of the bartenders who works here." His attention shifts from Fox toward Abbott, and he looks that ???? expression at her even more loudly.

"...Yep that's me." Jack offers her a flash of a smile, and toasts Fox. "'S nice to meet you in person." He looks at Leta for a moment, maybe slightly mortified at meeting one of Mearc's work acquaintances wearing nothing but a leather harness and very tight pants. And blinks slightly when Mearc uses his first name, before settling back to try to get a handle on how the group dynamics here are gonna shake out.

"Mearcstapa," Leta confirms on arrival. Last names are a thing for her. She nods again, cocking her hip to the side and crossing her arms over her chest. Like a grump. A professional grump who is definitely not internally marveling at the... oddity of the encounter.

Lux returns the cheek-smooch, but less noisy. They grin, looking from Fox to their partners to gauge their reactions. "I'm glad to finally introduce you to my amazing boyfriends. Now you get to see how smoking hot they are in person. And today is Jack's birthday. So we're celebrating by getting shitfaced drunk." Lux lifts their drink as if to show this off by downing the contents in one go, then waving for another. They belatedly give Leta a nod in greeting.

"Oh, I got it online! And I'm being silly, they sent me pictures so I'd know if I met you. Nice ones," Fox clarifies, "because they were bragging." They take a step back, first eyeballing Lux's outfit, then taking in Jack's more properly. "Darling, you look hot as fuck! Neon suits you." Fox thinks they're subtle. Fox is not subtle. Her attention shifts from one partner to the other, and that sharp smile returns, bright as ever. "You were not kidding, smoking hot." She absently pulls her long hair out from underneath the straps of her backpack and claps her hands. "Sweeeet, shitfaced drunk! Leta Abbott, this is one of my best friends, Lux, and then Jack and Mearcstapa, who... oh wow, that's your work friend? Amazing! Someone get alcohol for me because I have no money, someone named Leta, okay, thank you!" A second later, her brain screeches back in and she turns her head toward Jack. "WAIT. Happy birthday! Sorry. I've... today has been a lot. I'm still... things!"

"Smoking hot, Lux?" Mearc lets out a bit of a chuckle, before kissing their cheek. "Flatterer. And Fox, today has definitely been a lot. But it's done and we're partying now. I'll buy you a round, we can call it a Shabbat treat if you'd like."

Jack goes a little pink, ducking his head slightly at being called hot by his partner and a stranger. But, you know. He is kinda dressed for compliments like that. "Ah - thanks, yeah. Birthday drinks for me. And celebrating a hell of a today in general." He toasts Fox and downs his drink before holding a hand out to Leta to shake in introduction. "Jack."

Lux clearly does not mind being eyeballed, hips shifting into a more flattering, posing stance. "Thank you," they reply with a grin, before oogling the two men. "Mhmm. Definitely smoking hot." Their head tips to accept the cheek kiss before nodding to Leta. "Nice to meet you."

Leta shifts, reaching down into the small black purse that's currently taking the place of her usual messenger bag. She fishes out a credit card to pass Fox's way, because obviously going out for drinks is going to have to be on her tab. Fox may as well live in a van. Down by the river. "Yes. We work together on occasion - when a scene requires someone to crack into a safe, or particularly stubborn lock without destroying possible evidence in the process." Beat. "Nice to meet you all. Call me Abbott, please." She corrects the cavalier use of her first name before turning her attention to Jack, specifically, and shaking his hand. "Oh, and Happy Birthday."

Her face scrunches up in delight, as do her shoulders, and she wriggles in place like she's about to pounce on a mouse. But of course he doesn't, because they're a person right now. "My a lot has been really good, just a lot of good, so I'm sort of -- very extra right now. I'd be sorry, but I'm not sorry. I would love a drink, thank you! What's your favorite drink? I like new things." Lux's showing off gets them another one of her sharp little grins, and then Fox raises the credit card like she's about to shout for the honor of Grayskull! but she doesn't. "Nice! Drinks are on this card, after the round that Mearcstapa is buying." A pause, and he blinks at Anthelion. "... can I still call you Leta?"

"I like about any cocktail that's brightly colored and tastes like it's at least pretending to be fruity. In reality, they end up more like jolly ranchers sometimes." He chuckles, then looks at Jack. "How old are you turning today?"

"What's been so good, Fox?" Lux asks as they lounge back against the bar.

"Twenty six." Jack eyes Lux appreciatively too, and leans over to give them a quick peck on the cheek, trailing fingers down their arm in a casual touch. "I'd end up with a sugar headache so fast with one of those things..." He gestures to the aforementioned brightly colored cocktails.

"You may, yes." Leta squints at Fox, adopting a free seat. She doesn't take up much room - and she makes as little physical contact as possible. "I'm not picky with booze, but anything with cream liqueur in it." Beat. "I like White Russians." Yes, she knows exactly how it sounds when she says it.

"Twenty six. I'm turning twenty six later this year, too. Huh, hadn't realized." Because age is a fuck. He seems thoughtful about it, before glancing at Leta, as if making a mental note of her drink preferences for later.

She bobs her head thoughtfully. "I like that too actually? But I really like new stuff, mostly. Ooh! Have you ever had a Mermaid Mule? Let's get those." He turns their attention toward the bar, and he wriggles in to get the bartender's attention. "Hi! Can you start me a tab and then, um. Four Mermaid Mules and one White Russian, please?" The card disappears until later, and they turn back. "Oh, so... " Another of those little 'I wanna pounce' wiggles in place. "You know Zoya, right?" This, to Lux. "Ummm." And then she chews on her lower lip a bit, eyes glittering as color floods her cheeks briefly. "So like, first of all, she bought this house, and it's amazing, and we'll have a party once the renovations are done, and... um."

Lux tilts their head, brows lifting. "...You all going to move in with her or something?"

She peers at Mearcstapa again. There's something on her face - possibly surprise? Definitely interest. Twenty six is so young for such a skilled professional - though Lux's question breaks her concetration again, and she looks up at Lux - and then to Fox. "Are you both planning to move in with Zoya?"

"Zoya--like Zoya from the internet, Zoya? Would you be willing to ask her to text me? I know you have my number." Mearc's eyes light up, and the changelings see his freckles do the same, a cheeky little smile spreading on his face. "I'd love to do a collab with her someday on our Youtube channels."

And then he fields that look from Abbott. And there's a pause, before he seems to change the subject. "So, how do you and Fox know one another?"

There's a moment when that emphasis on the are sort of visibly knocks Fox's confidence-slash-delight, confusion sliding across her face before she puts her best smile back on, but Fox is not very good at hiding his feelings. Like abysmally bad at it. And suddenly they're on their back foot, emotionally. "Well... I mean... yeah... " Fox trails off, and one can almost see her ears flattening back against her head. "We're -- I mean. We're -- " a heavy sigh. "Maddy's ought to have a bar."

Lux stares at Fox, just looking... really fucking confused. "Um... I'm sorry...?"

Leta pauses with her mouth open. For juuuust a moment, she seems like that meme of the white lady running equations in her head, and then the realization of what she said dawns on her. "Oh, no. It probably wasn't your statement, Lux." Beat. She turns back to Fox. "No that all tracks appropriately, just - forgive me, I'm. Off." She reaches into her purse, producing a box of toothpicks, and slipping one between her lips. "We're friends," she answers Mearcstapa to the side. "Or." There's a shrug, and she fiddles with the toothpick.

"Maddy's would either be awesome, or infinitely more difficult to enforce the rules of, with a bar. Perhaps both." He chuckles quietly, sorta giving Fox conversational distance, because whatever just happened is Really Not His Concern.

Able to be any animal he wants! Incredibly powerful will-worker! Tiny little fucking dork! Fox turns away for a moment, and picks up the incoming drinks, distributing them. The curtains of their dark hair conceal their face for a moment, and then he distributes drinks. One to the silently, birthday drunkenly Jack, one to Lux, the White Russian to Leta, and then one to Lux. The Curaco makes the drink a ridiculous, blue-raspberry-Jolly-rancher color, and Fox takes a swallow of their drink, taking in a breath. "Yes, Zoya from the internet, Mearcstapa. Sorry I didn't answer you at first." The Thyrsus has gone from about a 13 to a 6, but recovered from the -3 they briefly crashed to, so that's something. "I can give her your number. We're -- family. We have been for like-- ten years. So, yeah. Our family's going to have a home. It's very pretty. And sorry, Lux, I -- it wasn't you." Her green-gold eyes slide their gaze to Anthelion, then. "Or," Fox replies. "But we can probably talk about that later."

Lux still looks pretty lost, gaze sliding between Fox and Anthelion. "Umm... Got it. Well, I'm happy for you, Fox. Having a home is important." They pick up their glass to swallow down a full mouthful.

"Indeed," Leta takes her drink and then tips it to her lips - shifting the toothpick to the side so she drink without needing to take it out from between her teeth. "You could put that in the suggestion box. Maybe they'll add on a beer garden like a proper hipster place."

And there's the confirmation he needed from Abbott. "The album we were discussing--what, was that last night? It's been a day--came out when I was ten. If you text me later, I'll lay out the timeline explicitly."

It's difficult to be a Fox, some days. He takes another swallow of their drink, and flashes Lux a little smile. "Home is important. Family is important. Vasha has literally been living by the river. We have got to sort his paperwork." Her eyes roll, and then she claims a stool next to Lux, folding her hands around her glass. "I could! I mean, I think alcohol would be nice there." And then she swings her attention back to Lux. "There's a salt-water pool, and it's up high, which I'm very excited about. Plus, like, there's room to expand, and for a workshop and community projects, if our family gets bigger in the future, and if there's people who need housing." Her throat clears, and she glances over at Mearcstapa and then curiously to Anthelion. "Anyway. What makes the day good for you? Other than Jack's birthday, which is amazing."

"It sounds beautiful, Fox." Lux leans over to kiss her on the cheek. "I'm happy for you. Maybe I can see it, some day." They take another sip, then nods their head to Mearcstapa. "Got some nasty business cleared up. Kitten was getting framed by that bitch I told you about, but some people were digital badasses, found proof he was framed, got his name clean."

"Ahh," Leta flashes her teeth at that - her prior misstep seemingly forgotten. "No doubt your explanation will fill in the holes in my theory. I'm looking forward to hearing it." Then Lux mentions the Situation ™️ and she nods slowly. "Congratulations Mearcstapa. I figured something must've happened - considering you were out in the wild for me to see - but I didn't realize the thing was just... over."

The kiss on his cheek seems to quickly restore much of their good mood, and Fox gives Lux a grateful look aside. "Yeah, we're definitely going to have a party once it's all done. I talked with Zoya earlier today about that, actually! And about inviting the four of you. It's not surprising that you know Zoya from the internet," and that's offered with a glance at Mearcstapa. "She knows a lot of people. But I'm excited that you'll get to meet her in person." A vague little smile when the abandoned church is mentioned, and Fox huffs. "I understand. Vasha's living out in the wild so he avoids a polonium cocktail. I'm glad it's fixed. At least for you. I've been told," she sighs, "that I should let you all handle it and not be an alligator and drag that bitch into the water and roll her until she dies or bite her in half with shark teeth." It's so tough to be Fox.

"Yeah?" Their lips quirk. "A party would be awesome. I can't wait to meet Zoya in person. She seems hella fucking rad." They snort softly in amusement. "We have plenty of people to deal with her. We still could use your help with the iron, though. But--hopefully I'll have enough artists lined up to hit all the neighborhoods soon, so we can get that done."

"Well I'm glad you're no longer in forced exile - even if all of your problems aren't solved." For whatever reason, being included in the list of party invites seem to placate Leta's odd emotional response from earlier - and while she doesn't relax, at least she doesn't seem like a fastened top button personified. "I haven't met Zoya either," she tacks on at the end. "Should probably fix that at some point."

"All kinds of introductions to be made." He nods slightly, sipping his mermaid mule. "But those are tomorrow-or-later problems. Today, we celebrate."

"She's... amazing," Fox agrees, and the sigh that follows is the sort that comes from a decade-long crush: the corners of their eyes crinkle up with his smile, and she takes another swallow of her drink. "But yeah, tomorrow or later. Which, you know, is much easier now that the abandoned church is once more abandoned!" She raises her glass toward Mearcstapa there, a toast to the idea of being back in society. And then to Lux: "I can help you with the iron whenever. Say the word and we can fuck shit up. It's my second best trick."

"Hopefully it'll be soon! I'll call you as soon as everyone's ready to go," they say to Fox. "I think I'm gonna go dance," Lux says after eyeing the dance floor for a moment. "Get the birthday boy nice and worked up before his real present," they tease with a grin. They down the rest of their drink, then grabs Jack by the arm to haul off onto the dance floor.