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Latest revision as of 13:11, 8 June 2020

Content Warning

Alcohol consumption


Atalo's Thrift Shop, followed by a nearby bar


Atalo Ceres: Following stargazing and his daily slumber Atalo is back in his quiet, rarely visited shop. Value in having a place few outside certain circles frequent, even if he doesn't make much in the way of money. Regardless, he's sat in a chair where he can both pat Cerberus and flick through a magazine offering advice on dance steps.

Mearcstapa: Mearc arrives at the shop with a Jack in tow. He's wearing his leather duster, as he has been lately, but there's a lot less tension in his shoulders. He's laughing at some comment from Jack as he opens the door. "Atalo, Cerberus. Praise the conquering heroes."

Jack Martingale: Jack's smiling too, and jerks his head to flick hair away from his face as the two of them make their way into the shop. He gives Atalo a small wave in greeting, but most of his attention is focused on the dog, 'cause that's just how Jack is. "Hey, Atalo. Cerberus - what a great fuckin' name. Can I pet him?"

Asbolus: Asbolus made his way in not long after the other pair of Lost, pale eyes scanning the space as he entered. The Darkling looked worn out but otherwise well, the usual jeans and t-shirt combo off-set by the dark leather duster that he wore atop it.

Drake Pike: To most eyes gathered, Drake is a small gold-scaled dragon in a harness about his wings and a set of black slacks and no shoes. To Atalo, it's as if the little maybe overly buff bronze-skinned man hadn't decided if he was going to the board room or a BDSM scene. Maybe both? But to all, he's got a fairly substantial box in his arms, elbowing his way in behind so many Darklings and staring.

The Changeling invasion has begun. Enjoy your wild hunt, Atalo.

Atalo Ceres: "Conquering?" He offers Mearc a slightly puzzled smile. "We haven't conquered anything, I think?" Standing, he pads towards them, glancing at Jack and then signalling at Cerberus with a gesture, the dog approaching to sniff at Jack's hand.

And as Drake entered Atalo's eyes shifted to him, simply considering him silently for a moment.

Mearcstapa: Mearc turns to Drake, offering a mix between a salute and a wave, and as he speaks at Atalo, he also signs, turning so his hands are visible to Drake as he speaks--the signs follow the words pretty closely, to the point where the grammar in ASL might be off by a bit. "Last night, a stealth team went in to kill the bitch with the iron knife. We don't know about her friends, but the head of the snake has been chopped off. Quite literally."

Jack Martingale: Jack's eyes light the fuck up as Cerberus approaches, and he lets the dog sniff before starting to scritch behind his ears. It's only after the dog is greeted properly (Jack's got priorities) that he looks up to see the other two Changelings in the room. Both of them get up-nods, and Drake gets a lightly longer look as a scribble drifts across Jack's face.

He nods in agreement with Mearc. "Thank fuck."

Asbolus: Asbolus gave Jack a nod in return, relaxing visibly at the news from Mearc. "Good...glad to hear it. Didn't find anything more on the potential friends, unfortunately, but I'm willing to aid in the search going forward."

Atalo Ceres: Teeth form a feral grin as he nods once. "Good. Next time, hopefully, I'll also hunt. However, victory needs celebration." His eyes still rest on Drake. That's likely done to help with communicating to the dragon and not for any other reasons, right? "Do you all drink? I might have a bottle to help toast victory."

Drake Pike: Drake's eyes mostly focus on everyone, hands full as he considers the group around. "I have armor," he declares before focusing on Atalo. "And a design I want you to decide if it's workable first for what you need. But first, table space." Somehow a request that's not a request. Bad At People.

Mearcstapa: He moves to begin clearing the counter for Drake. "I know Jack and I both drink. Asbolus?" A pause and signing at Drake: will you toast the death of R-O-B-I-N with us, if A-T-A-L-O goes to get a bottle?

Jack Martingale: "I'm sure she's got a whole fuckton of people involved," Jack grimaces at Asbolus, signs along so Drake can see, his hands a little slow as he tries to make them accurate. "We'll probably be dealing with the ripples of this for ages. But I'll sure as hell toast this victory."

Asbolus: "I do, yes." He nodded to Mearc, moving out of Drake's way so the dragon could put down what he had in arm as needed. "And most likely...that sort of planning takes a network to enact properly."

He then looked to Atalo, giving him a polite nod. "Asbolus, as he said. Good to meet you."

Drake Pike: "I will toast to her death as long as I do not have to drink from a skull. Skulls are never as clean as what they tell you they are," says Drake as if this were an actual concern before coming over to set the box down if nothing else to free his hands.

Then there's a stare at Asbolus as he studies a moment. "Drake Pike," he says before turning, grabbing Atalo, and hauling himself up the man's body to plant a demanding kiss there. Dragon gets what dragon wants.

Mearcstapa: Seeing that kiss brings a bit of a smirk to Mearc's face. It's one thing to discuss them being a thing. It's another to see the smol dragon and the old Greek together.

Atalo Ceres: "Hm. Dust, soot?" He gives Asbolus a curious look, finally tearing eyes from Drake. "Interesting, and, yes. Good to meet." He helps Mearc clear the counter. "And don't worry Drake. I have glasses for the drinking. I've not dealt in skulls for a very lon.." Shirt grab and kiss and that stops him talking, hands resting on Drake's back and side as he tugs him closer during the kiss.

Jack Martingale: Jack sniffs out an amused noise and takes half a step closer to Mearc, 'cause if Drake and Atalo are gonna make out in front of everyone, why shouldn't Jack get close to his boyfriend?

Drake Pike: The idea of public decency is not one that fits with the Artist's philosophy, so there's certainly tongue and a small bit of biting before he settles himself back down to the ground and eventually breaks the kiss with a small push of the vampire back. "Mine," states Drake while looking to Atalo before stepping back to see everyone.

He lifts his hands as if two glasses to clink together with a smile. Toast. "Let's toast. To dead enemies."

Asbolus: Asbolus looked pleasantly surprised that the Gangrel recognized the name, nodding in affirmation. "Long story...came from my time out of town, as it were." He blinked at the sudden kiss between Atalo and Drake, then smirked a touch as Jack moved towards Mearc in kind. If he was feeling left out he didn't show it, finding a spot on the counter to lean against for the moment.

Mearcstapa: "To dead enemies. I stole a lock of her hair. I keep it with Anna-Marie's ashes." When he signs that, Anna-Marie's name is replaced with bitch vampire.

Jack Martingale: The alternate sign gets a snort from Jack. "To dead enemies - and to the protection of the ones we love."

Atalo Ceres: A hand claps Drake on the shoulder. "Mine." He echoes, before turning and vanishing briefly in the back, returning with several glasses and a, let's be honest, pretty darn cheap bottle of wine. "Your stories are your own, unless you wish to share them." He notes to Asbolus, pouring out glasses for everyone but himself. "To dead enemies, to protecting those who matter, yes."

Drake Pike: "I don't know you," says Drake as now he focuses on Asbolus. "What do you do?" He reaches out to take the glass but eyes Atalo a moment when the glasses go elsewhere. "I will bring you a strong ouzo next time. Something you can taste from home."

Asbolus: "Ever-present but rarely noticed unless called upon...or that was the idea, at least." The smirk lingered as he took the offered wine glass, lifting it in a small salute. "Here here."

"I work with the Arrow here, primarily." He answered to Drake, looking the Wizened over. "Working on branching out more on this side of things at the moment."

Mearcstapa: He'll either have to spit it out or throw it up, if he tastes it. But a good ouzo is a good ouzo. Mearc signs before taking one of the glasses, and passing another to Jack.

"Asbolus, the shopkeep is a vampire, by the way. Knows about us. Knows a lot about us. He's a friend of mine."

Jack Martingale: Jack accepts the glass and sneaks a quick kiss to Mearc's cheek in response, before lifting it to toast as well. "Always nice when we don't have'ta skirt around who knows what about which of us."

Drake Pike: Even if it's also filled with blood? asks Drake with a few gestures after setting his glass down. Then he picked it back up to hold up for the toast.

"He's the best vampire," informs Drake.

Atalo Ceres: "The Arrow?" He asks Asbolus curiously, before nodding at Drake. "I don't drink as I once did, for beverages, for an ouzu, yes, that would be a taste of home." A slow grin at the Dragon. "Do you know any vampires apart from myself? And yes." To Jack. "It makes things easier."

Mearcstapa: Don't know. But they can't digest what is not food to their bodies. One-handed signing is awkward for Mearc, not a skill he's practiced. And then he returns Jack's cheek kiss gently.

Asbolus: "I figured he was in the know since you mentioned the iron. And it does tend to make things easier, yes." Asbolus nodded, looking toward Atalo at the question. "One of our organizations, as it were. More of the 'work from the shadows' sorts."

Drake Pike: "Yes. Much better than Dracula," states Drake completely genuinely. Maybe implying he knew Dracula, or just that fake vampires were inferior? Who could tell. "I'll put blood in it. Or maybe get someone very drunk on it, then pay them for a blood donation. Yes. This should work," decides Drake before taking another drink. "The spies," 'explains' Drake.

Atalo Ceres: "Would you believe me if I said I'd met Dracula?" A straight faced Atalo asks Drake. "Some of us believe they follow his teachings, I'll note." He offers Asbolus an understanding nod. "Spies." He hums, then pats at Drake. "I can consume it without blood. You don't need to worry for that." He offers in assurance.

Mearcstapa: "Not all of them are spies. Some are thieves or assassins. Ninjas. I used to be one." He finger-spells 'ninjas', then gives Drake a questioning look, as if trying to ask for the actual sign if there is one. "More a thief, mostly."

Jack Martingale: "You're still a thief - you just do it legally now." Jack flashes Mearc a grin.

Asbolus: "More of the investigator type myself, admittedly, but I can get hands-on if the need arises." He offered a small shrug, taking a sip of his drink before he continued. "We all have our talents."

Drake Pike: "I feel bad for them. There are better vampires to learn from. Carmilla is a much better vampire. You're a better, sexier vampire." Drake nods his head to Atalo. "I'd believe you."

Then to Mearc, he makes the two-handed 15 handshape to put over his face. "It is... slang? Not everyone uses this, but if you don't spell it, this is best," he explains to Mearc.

He picks back up his drink to finish off. Apparently slow wasn't in the vocabulary. "Armor is done," he declares with a nod at Jack.

Mearcstapa: "Thank you. I'm trying to get better at signing for you." There's a bit of sheepishness, before he looks at the box curiously.

Atalo Ceres: "You're a thief that people ask for. In that you.. well, you don't steal from them, you just prove you can.." Atalo considers that tangled sentence, then decides to leave it alone. And he slowly looks at Drake and his statements, pausing with a slight hint of a blush. "Ah. I am.. glad you think so. Armour." Distraction time! "I'm sure it's very good armour if you made it."

Jack Martingale: Jack doesn't quite chug his wine, but it disappears pretty damn fast. I can't wait to see, he signs after he puts his empty glass back on the counter. He opens the box carefully to peer inside, trying not to look too excited. But who doesn't love presents?

Asbolus: Asbolus looked towards the box in kind, curious to see what Drake came up with for the other Darkling.

Drake Pike: "Need to put them on," he states to Jack before smiling and nodding. "It is the best that money can buy. Not magic can buy, but that's a different thing."

But out comes three pieces. A jacket, a pant, and a mask with tricorne merged into it. Weird, but effective. When put on:

The dark leather of the form fitting pants has been lightly tooled with panther paw prints that one can feel more than see if they were to rub hands over them. The jacket had been chemically treated so that from the corner of the eye, an oil spill effect could be seen, but not straight on. Otherwise, it was hand stitched with a jack of hearts motif along the back, with the union symbol placed inside the hearts. The mask given was perhaps the most outlandish, being leather mask and tricorne merged into one, with the same shimmery subtle effect for the over the top finish to the look.

Mearcstapa: Mearc immediately runs his fingers over the panther paw prints, grinning broadly, before signing. You spoil me.

Jack Martingale: Jack's eyes are alight with excitement, and his cheeks are scrawled in a very scribbly blush as he runs his hands over the pawprints, which merely looks like a warm blush to Atalo. He eyes Mearc's hands as he signs, and the blush darkens. He suggested the paws? He gestures to Mearc. "Holy shit..." Is all he says aloud, his voice full of amazement.

Atalo Ceres: The vampire leans back against the counter, simply observing this with a smile as he considers the group and Jack's delight. He clearly feels the need to say something though. "Drake is fucking talented at creating whatever people desire. Let there be no doubt."

Asbolus: Asbolus smiled at Jack's reaction, nodding with approval as he looked over the armor. "Most impressive..."

Drake Pike: I make art. is Drakes slowly signed reply with a self-satisfied smirk. "I wanted to have you marked by your two lovers. The way the light catches for your Bright One, and the markings of a predator for your Hunterheart. The way that you hold the union to your heart was important, and the labor unions came to power in France about the time of the Three Musketeers novel. I thought if you needed to hide your face, you would do so with a reference to your history and the way you are united with others." Lots of words from the smol dragon.

Mearcstapa: "Jack, you must go try it on for us." He grins.

Atalo Ceres: "I have fitting rooms." Atalo chips in helpfully. "One fitting room."

Jack Martingale: "Oh I never doubted him." Jack signs along as he speaks to Atalo, with something of an apologetic look at Drake at that. "Fucking genius. I...fuck, Drake, you did so good." Thank you. He pulls the smol dragon into a tight hug.

Drake Pike: While hugged, Drake pats Jack on the top of the head as if to pet him after a moment of hesitation. Then when they broke, he nods. "I did. You need to go put them on. Show your ass - I made sure it could still look good." The phrasing not even making the other have a moment's pause.

Mearcstapa: Mearc steps in closer and joins into the hug--though in a way that's more hugging Drake than Jack. Sandwich-dragon. Pile on.

Asbolus: Asbolus eyes the growing hug-pile, thinking a moment before reaching over to give Jack's shoulder a solid squeeze. He wasn't one to assume comfort levels, after all, but wanted to do his bit nonetheless.

Atalo Ceres: Atalo smiles, then pads forward. He doesn't delve full on into the hugging either, but does pat Drake's shoulder and rest a hand briefly to his back.

Jack Martingale: Jack's eyes are definitely not a little wet with happy tears when he finally breaks the hug - nope, definitely not. But he snorts and shakes his head in amusement at Drake's crack about his ass (hah), and grabs the jacket and pants to change into.

It doesn't take too long before he steps out of the fitting room, looking a mixture of self conscious and pumped as fuck.

Drake Pike: Atalo's touch only goads Drake to grab him by the belt or waistband to tug him to firmly against his body if the stronger man seemed pliable in the moment. Still, he smiles around Mearc's shoulder (since he can't really see over it) at Asbolus to offer, "If you, too, would like to touch the glory of a dragon, you may. I understand it is intimidating, but I won't claw you or bite you. Yet." Very enticing offer, he knows... But then he's looking to Jack. "You may all compliment my work now. And the man in it."

Mearcstapa: Mearc steps aside. You made him look like a hero. And his ass does look amazing. And I do love the paw prints, you're right about me being a little territorial. And he is fucking hot. I'm impressed, even after seeing the sketches.

Asbolus: "Not unless asked, I assume?" Asbolus replied to Drake, chuckling softly as Jack headed off towards the dressing room. When the other Darkling emerged he gave the ensemble and the man within it an appraising look, nodding with a warm smile. "It suits you."

Jack Martingale: "Babe you're gonna put my ego through the roof," Jack grins, still blushing. "Drake your work's fucking amazing, seriously. I feel hot as fuck." You made my ass look amazing. It's all better than I ever dreamed.

Atalo Ceres: Atalo rests against Drake, saying nothing. Mostly as Drake's back is to him. But he does pat at him more, smiling broadly at the assembled Changelings as Jack shows off his new attire. And that does cause a comment. "Drake's work is." He agrees. "If you can tell him I said that Mearcstapa?"

Drake Pike: "No, you don't have to ask, but I will indulge you if you want to be bitten or clawed by a dragon so you can tell a very scary story one day," comments Drake idly.

His hands moving slowly with bigger motions to teach. He will be a hero. And everyone will want him. Marks make you want to challenge or defend. It's why I marked Atalo spelled out finger-wise so others knew he was mine and wanted to also have sex with him because jealous and competition.

Once done, more spoken words. "But I will enjoy going back to jewelry. And weapons."

Mearcstapa: Atalo wants you to know your work is impressive, but he doesn't want to move so you can see his lips, because he's comfortable and likes holding you. Mearc grins as he signs it. "Of course I can, Atalo. It's no trouble at all. You two are cute together."

Jack Martingale: "Adorable," Jack agrees. Hero? Really? He eyes both Drake and Mearc with an incredulous sort of look.

Atalo Ceres: He eyes Mearc, letting out a faint huff. "I enjoy it." He acknowledges quietly, hands still resting lightly on Drake's shoulders.

Drake Pike: Drake shimmied against the vampire before signing, I don't lie. Then his focus was on Asbolus as his other hands go back behind him. "Do you spy for hire? Can we hire you to spy on people for us?"

Mearcstapa: "You look like you're about to spark a revolution, Jack."

Asbolus: Asbolus paused at the question, giving Drake a curious look. "In theory...haven't done such since I got back, as it were."

Jack Martingale: Mearc's comment gets a grin, and Jack actually stands a little straighter, before walking closer to grab the mask-hat. "I can live with that." He takes a second to look the thing over, before settling it onto his face. "Fuck facial recognition software," he says with a laugh after it's on.

Drake Pike: "Are you good as a spy?" asks Drake pointedly. "Like for getting pictures and more?" Then a nod at Jack. "I made it so you could do crimes in it if you wanted."

Mearcstapa: "Yeah, but you've got your union's symbol on you, so don't go too crazy." But Mearc steps closer, leaning in to lightly kiss the lips of the mask as he grabs a handful of Jack's ass.

Asbolus: "Decent enough. Do you have something in particular in mind?" Mearc would likely recognize the look settling on Asbolus' features, that hint of a potential quarry on the horizon calling in a rather familiar way.

Atalo Ceres: There's a faint growl from the vampire and he smacks Drake's shoulder lightly. Why might not be perfectly clear, but it's not an unhappy growl, from the sounds of things. "I could see you being on the cover of certain types of books." He tells Jack. "What was the name? Zorro?"

Drake Pike: "Yes. I want pictures of someone. Maybe things that smell like them but could easily be replaced. And money left for them," states Drake before he grins up at the vampire and keeps pressed. "You're very cute." Then slowly, slowly, slowly looking back to the room at large.

Jack Martingale: "I can cover up that shit if I gotta." He takes the mask off to kiss Mearc properly with a grin, sliding a hand around the Darkling's waist. "Zorro...had a smaller mask, but it's a similar vibe, yeah," He says to Atalo after he comes up for air.

Mearcstapa: Mearc clearly enjoys that kiss, pressing his hand against a paw print before looking over his shoulder at Asbolus. "Your ears are perked like a dog that just caught a whiff of rabbit. Someone might think you're a Hunterheart or something." The tease is warm, light.

Asbolus: "Hmm...perhaps." Asbolus nodded, looking towards Mearc at the light ribbing with a small smirk. "Old habits die hard, what can I say..."

Atalo Ceres: Atalo huffs. He wants to stay where he is, but it makes speaking to Drake a small challenge. Luckily, Mearc and others are about. "Who does he want pictures of?" He asks Mearc with a slight smile.

Jack Martingale: That sounds a little like stalking, Drake Jack raises his eyebrows at the man.

Mearcstapa: A-T-A-L-O wants to know who you want pictures of. If it's him, you're setting A-S-B-O up to fail. Sorry, Asbolus, your full name is too many letters. Vampires don't photograph, or show up on video, generally.

Drake Pike: Drake shakes his head, reaching around to swat the vamp's rear as best he could from the angle with a pop of flesh on flesh. "Not you." He looks still back to Asbolus. "If you think you want to do it, I pay well. Or could make in kind."

Asbolus: "Perhaps...I'll think on it and let you know. Who would it be, out of curiosity?"

Atalo Ceres: "I'm also curious about this." Atalo admits, eyeing Drake as his rear's swatted with the look of someone mulling over plans internally.

Drake Pike: "I will tell you when and if you accept the contract and terms," bargains the Lost. "It is a normal person of my interest." Which was the most evasive answer Drake may have given to anything any of them had ever heard.

Mearcstapa: Mearc separates from Jack to go lean on the counter and watch his partner. It is perfect. All your work is perfect, Drake.

Asbolus: "Understood. I'll let you know either way." Curious Darkling was curious, but let it rest for the moment.

Jack Martingale: It is Jack agrees. Now that he's been in the armor for a bit, he's relaxed, moving with more ease and less nervousness. Which probably shows off the work even better.

Drake Pike: Drake nods with the preening before looking up at Atalo. "I would like to go get the Changelings very drunk. Will you be here after for drunken foreplay and cuddling?"

Atalo Ceres: Atalo looks back at Drake, a slight grin showing as he nods. "I will be here for after, for anything you wish to do. Enjoy the drinking and be well to you all then. It was good to have your company."

Mearcstapa: "Be safe, and be well, Atalo. And again, if you see Alex before I do, squeeze the stuffing out of her."

Asbolus: "Good meeting you, Atalo. Have a good night."

Jack Martingale: "Nice to see you Atalo - and you..." He says the last to the dog, who gets another round of ear scritching. "G'night."

Drake Pike: "I wish to do many, many things to you," assures Drake before turning and climbing up Atalo for a parting kiss before dropping like it was nothing and looking to the others. "Let's go to the nearest bar. I will get us all very, very drunk on my tab. This is a good offer."

Mearcstapa: "That sounds kind of perfect. Though I don't tend to get 'very, very' drunk in public." He appends sign to the comment aloud. Someone has to stay sane and be sober for those he cares about. That is usually my job. I will make sure none of you are stupid while drunk.

Asbolus: "Nor I, admittedly. Not opposed to enjoying a drink or two, though...definitely need it after these last few weeks."

Jack Martingale: "Babe..." Jack draws it out, pouting. "See? Asbolus can be the responsible one, this time."

Drake Pike: "I can remain sober so that you all can be very drunk, and I can have better sex when I return?" bargains Drake.

Mearcstapa: There is a long moment of hesitation. Mearc watches Drake quietly, his freckles shifting green. You will keep us safe?

Asbolus: Asbolus remained quiet, watching Mearc and Drake curiously.

Jack Martingale: Both of Jack's eyebrows go way up when Mearc signs.

Drake Pike: Drake considers the words for a long moment. Then he signs If I cannot keep you safe, I will enable your escape and make you able to fight better than you would be not-drunk. But I will do my best to keep you safe.

Mearcstapa: A nod, and Mearc replies, his freckles normalizing to their usual mix of red and green. Okay. I will get very, very drunk. You have my trust.

Asbolus: "Everything alright?"

Jack Martingale: "Yes," Jack says with a grin. "Drake's gonna look after us while we all get drunk. God I can't wait." He give Mearc a kiss on the cheek, before signing to Drake. Thank you.

Drake Pike: "Mearcstapa trusts me." Drake seems... a little confused, but that doesn't stop him from trying to corral people out of the shop. "Come. We're getting very drunk. Then I will get to know you all better because drunk people are also bad at people so it's easier."

"I will even allow the drunk people to touch me. I am magnanimous. I am aware."

Mearcstapa: "You are shiny. I think there's a bar just down the block, across the street." He points in the right direction.

Asbolus: "Ah...I see." He nodded quietly at that, heading towards the door at the Wizened's urging. "Lay on, MacDuff."

Jack Martingale: Jack snorts at the Shakespeare reference and shoves the jeans he's no longer wearing, and the mask, into the box before closing it to take with him. Will you let us touch you before we're drunk, if we want to? it's accompanied by a smirk at Drake.

Drake Pike: Drake considers as he gestures to a very nice Maserati parked out along the block. "Do you want to leave your clothes there." A pause. "Yes, you may all touch me. I know harnesses make people want to touch you. It's better for wings though."

Mearcstapa: Mearc turns his head so Drake can't see, looking at Jack. "Kiss him thanks for the armor?"

Asbolus: "I can imagine..." Asbolus smirked a touch, looking said wings over. "The look does suit you, as well."

Jack Martingale: "'S a good look," Jack agrees, and gives Drake a pretty blatantly appreciative once-over. I will leave my clothes, thank you. He takes the few steps over to the car, and puts an arm around Drake's waist when he's close enough.

Drake Pike: "Thank you. You're attractive too. Particularly when you look hungry," claims Drake with a look over the tall winter. "I think I would enjoy watching you work, then kissing you hard to taste the victory on your lips."

Drake considers before looking to Mearc and Jack. "Right amount of specific flirting? Good detail or too much detail?"

Then Jack's right there, and he's got an arm back around him, the other hitting the button to let a trunk open slooooowly like rising from the depths. Staring up at the other.

Mearcstapa: Mearc stands back, watching Drake and Jack with a smirk. You're doing great.

Jack Martingale: "Yeah, that's...exactly the kinda thing that people like to hear." Jack grins and leans down to press a slow kiss against Drake's lips, if Drake will let him. "Thank you for the armor," he says when he pulls away. his cheeks a little scribbly now. "It's perfect."

Drake Pike: he didn't pull away! And more of that nicely perfumed smoke rolled from his lips after the kiss. He nods his agreement. No humility in sight. But then the box was taken and put away as the group taken on their merry way towards the nearest bar.

As they walk, an obvious nod towards Asbolus with the weird pinched goatee hand gesture. Gay?

Mearcstapa: Mearc grins, translating for Asbolus. "Drake wants to know if you're gay."

Asbolus: Asbolus' eyebrow arched a touch at the rather forward comment, then smirked at the question asked. "I am, yes."

Drake Pike: "Good. You are very attractive, and I might like flirting at you to find out what makes you blush," says Drake oh-so-bluntly. But then he's holding the door to the dive hole in the wall local drinking establishment! "It is a very important sign," he informs Mearc.

Mearcstapa: "It is a very, very important sign. Though I favor 'queer' for referring to myself." He fingerspells it, not knowing the sign yet.

Asbolus: Asbolus simply smiled at the compliment, giving off the air that he wasn't accustomed to getting them often. "Thank you."

Drake Pike: Drake uses his thumb at his chin and forefinger at one side of his mouth to cycle clockwise in a circle around it. Queer "That's how you sign it. It doesn't help with knowing if they specifically like men though, which helps to know if I can flirt at them without making them as uncomfortable. But very good for knowing how to describe yourself." Drake pauses, head tilting as he lapses contemplative before being roused by it to give Asbolus a head to toe. Poor man resigned to eye candy and knowing he's even going back to someone else later.

Mearcstapa: “I like men. I also like some people who aren’t men. I don’t tend to feel interest in women unless they manage to impress me greatly, and even then I don’t tend to act on that.” He shrugs. “But I will cuddle with just about anyone, given opportunity and sufficient privacy.”

Jack Martingale: "Men are great," Jack grins and looks between Mearc and Drake as he makes his way toward the bar to order a drink. "I'm a pretty all-inclusive cuddler too."

Asbolus: "I tried dating women for a time at university but it didn't really work out well, especially after one made it their mission to 'fix' me. That was...unpleasant, to put it lightly." He shook his head quietly. "Same there, truth be told."

Drake Pike: "I like some people. Especially interesting people," decides Drake as he ushers people inside and towards either a bar or table. "Unique people. Sometimes people who inspire jewelry." Because this was a clearly defined sexuality.

Then there's a gold card slapped down as he proclaims, "These ones drink on my dime anything they want."

"I cuddle only when they're warm or I like them very much," he tells the others.

Mearcstapa: "Clearly, when we invite Alex over for a cuddlepile, we invite Asbolus as well, so they can get to know one another." He nods sagely, before ordering himself some colorful, fruity cocktail. The brighter the color, the better.

Jack Martingale: "Solid plan." Jack nods decisively. He gets a rum and coke, and leans against the bar close to Mearc. "Not a big cuddler, Drake?"

Asbolus: Asbolus chuckled as he claimed a seat, giving a little nod. "Not opposed to the idea." He thought a moment when it came to ordering, putting in for a Tom Collins to start.

Drake Pike: "Who is Alex? And why am I not invited to cuddle? I am worthy of trust, and this one," he points at Asbolus, "is attractive. I would like to try cuddling him to see if he's warm. ... Though I guess I could also invite him to the talking orgy meetings."

"But no, I do not always like cuddling. I like it until I'm done, then they want more cuddling which is just strange."

Lux: Lux had likely texted one of their partners at some point to get their location, and now wanders into the bar, giving a quick peer about. They smile when they spot the group, heading over with a warm look. "Well, if it isn't most of my favorite people, all in one place." They're dressed casually--almost scandalously short shorts, tank top and sneakers. Their arms and legs have some scuffs and scrapes here and there. Probably been running.

Mearcstapa: The mention of the talking orgies yields a big laugh from Mearcstapa, whose freckles go warm red and brighten. "Alex is a friend of mine who works in computer security, and who made sure my problem with the video went away. She and Asbolus need to get to know one another because we've been discussing the idea of a motley with them. Also, she is very touch-starved." He's continuing to shorten Asbolus down to 'A-S-B-O' in sign for speed.

"Did Lamara suggest you come to the meetings? They would be good for you, yes. I've thought about going, myself."

And then there's a Lux and Mearc lights up, standing to grab them for an enthusiastic kiss.

Jack Martingale: Jack sighs at the mention of talking orgies, and shakes his head with a slightly uncomfortable shift. "I don't know I'd be any good at talking about that shit with strangers..."

And then there's Lux, and Jack grins, sliding arms around them while they kiss Mearc and then claiming them for his own hard kiss. He's not in the same thing he left the apartment in this morning - his pants are leather, and he's got a jacket.

Drake Pike: "Yes. I like her. She's direct enough for now. I don't know that I'll be good at it, but I'll try. It might make it slightly better at asking people for things," notes Drake.

Lux: Mearc's kiss is returned, their hands snagging his hips to draw him close. After a lingering moment they pull back, lips quirking. "You're in a good mood." Then they give Jack his kiss, before pulling back to look him up and down, brows climbing. "Holy shit. Turn around." They push him around so they can stare down at his butt shamelessly. "Damn."

Jack Martingale: Jack preens for Lux, grinning, and grabs their hand to press against one of the paw prints on his thigh, as he moves, the jacket shimmers just slightly. "Drake did fucking good."

Mearcstapa: "Drake did fucking amazing." He moves to sit back down at the table, scooting close to Asbolus in an attempt to ensure he doesn't feel left out. Are you buying drinks for L-U-X, too, or is that my job?

Asbolus: Asbolus smiled warmly as Lux entered, giving them a nod as they made the way to the table. He himself was sporting a shiny new duster, the dark leather giving off a faint predatory air. Mearc scooting closer earned a small smirk, not minding the contact in the slightest.

Drake Pike: Drake points to Lux. "This one drinks on me as well, but when I drive all of you home, some laps will probably have to be taken," he warns. Then he nods as if that's settled.

After a moment, he finally seems to notice something before he scurries up to Asbolus to pull at the man's duster. "I made this. You're the one with," and then Drake begins listing off all of Asbolus's measurements...

Lux: Whelp, Jack is now getting full on groped in public. Lux gets a good handful of thigh and ass, making a pleased hmm. "I love this. Is it supposed to be you wrapped around me and Kitten all the time?" They step closer to the table, leaning over to give Asbolus a peck on the temple, and Drake a warm smile in greeting before they sit down. "You did an amazing job, Drake." They sign: Beautiful. Sexy. Good job.

Mearcstapa: "Oh no, laps. Whatever shall we do?" He sips at his drink, grinning broadly.

Jack Martingale: "It is." Jack turns to give Lux a kiss, running his hands down their back to squeeze their ass in return. "You made his coat, too?" He asks of Drake, and gives Asbolus a look up and down. "Pretty damn sexy, too." His drink is downed, and he orders another before he slides into Mearc's lap and tugs Lux down next to them.

"I don't fuckin' know..." He says to Mearc, about the laps. "What are we gonna do?"

Drake Pike: Drake is occupied right now. Pawing at the poor Asbolus - well, really the work he'd done while now checking to make sure everything fit just like he wanted. "Sigrun had to reapply this stitching here. I knew there was some weakness there. I should have done it myself. It needs to support the plate," he murmurs. "She'd be a good apprentice. Talented. With dedication..."

Asbolus: Asbolus blinked at the sudden intrusion into his personal space, cutting Drake off before he got too far with the measurements but allowing him to look over the work without too much fuss. "Ah...good to know. It's served me very well, though, so thank you." The compliment from Jack earned a small smirk, along with a long pull from his own drink.

Lux: Lux slides in beside Mearc, resting their hand on Jack's thigh. They watch Drake and Asbolus with amusement, smirking.

Mearcstapa: "Sigrun is absolutely amazing. I want her on emergency mom duties next time. If there is a next time. I hope there isn't a next time." He sets his drink down so he can wrap one arm around each partner, squeezing lightly.

Drake Pike: Just a bit of light pawing. "You look very good in things I made. You are extra attractive now," declares Drake before wandering off for just a moment to get himself a straight OJ.

Jack Martingale: Jack smirks right back at Asbolus, and toasts him with his new drink before taking a sip. "I gotta get to know Sigrun better, she seems pretty fuckin amazing." He settles into Mearc's lap with a happy sigh, and kisses the side of Lux's head.

Lux: "I still love my catsuit. I need to wear it more--but fuck, it's gotten so hot lately. But... beauty demands sacrifices." They grin at Asbolus while Drake is gone. "Do you think he's cute? He might be good for a some fun, at least. You deserve to have fun."

Jack Martingale: "He's very good for some fun," Jack confirms, his grin widening.

Mearcstapa: "Lux, you missed the opportunity to see Atalo and Drake kissing. It looked like fun." He grins, draining his cocktail.

Asbolus: To his credit Asbolus managed to keep himself from looking overly flustered until after Drake headed off to get his own drink, looking towards Lux at the question with a smirk. "Not my type, admittedly. That and I tend to not...indulge on that front unless there's more of a connection, if you follow."

Lux: Lux sighs. "Okay, I can get that. What is your type, then?"

Jack Martingale: Jack shifts to look at Asbolus, pretty interested in the answer to Lux's question.

Drake Pike: Drake makes his way back with an orange juice to settle down.

Mearcstapa: Mearc sits back in his seat, letting out a contented sigh. "It is so good to relax a little."

Asbolus: Asbolus started to answer but paused, sitting back as he thought on the matter. "That...is honestly a good question. I know what it was before, but I imagine it's changed since being gone and I haven't really looked, truth be told."

Lux: Lux pouts at Asbolus. "Well, what was your type before?"

Drake Pike: "It's ok to not know what you like or who you like," says Drake with surprising ability to catch on for once, a look to Asbolus. "I don't either so I keep trying things to find what I like doing more."

Mearcstapa: "It's also okay not to be into sex at all. If not looking is working for you, we're not going to pressure you." A sage nod.

Jack Martingale: "Legit way to figure it out, long's your partners know. And that, too - knowing your type's not just about sex, anyway."

Asbolus: "More of the bookish sorts, usually. Like calling to like there, I suppose." He allowed himself a small smirk, nodding quietly. "Appreciate it. I'm not opposed to the act in general, mind, but it takes a proper connection for me to be interested on that front."

Mearcstapa: "Demisexual, that's the word for it. My friend Nevermore identifies that way, too."

Lux: "So maybe demisexual?" Lux offers curiously. "That might make sense. I've never seen you oogle anyone, really."

Drake Pike: "I figured out I very much like making people blush." Drake looks to Asbolus. "What kind of books?" Then a pause. "Do you like being flirted with?"

Jack Martingale: Jack absently plays with Mearc's hair as he considers Asbolus. Possibly thinking of the bookish sorts of men he might know to introduce to him.

Asbolus: The Darkling's eyebrow quirked up at the unfamiliar term, followed by an intrigued look as it percolated. "Didn't know there was a term for it...good to know."

"A number of different subjects, although I was in theatre before my time away." He replied to Drake, rocking a hand back and forth at the question that followed. "I don't mind usually, but if it gets overwhelming I'll let you know."

Mearcstapa: "For me, I didn't realize Jack was someone I was into until the first time I worked to protect him. With Anna-Marie." Again, when he signs this for Drake, he uses vampire bitch instead of her name. "Which probably says something about me, but I'm not sure what."

Lux: Lux smiles over at Mearc and Jack, eyes creasing in amusement. "It is funny, seeing you two now, and looking back at how you first got to know each other." Because boy were those some awkward times.

Jack Martingale: "It says you protect the people you care about, lionheart. Even if you don't know you care about 'em, yet." Jack kisses Mearc's cheek before turning to Asbolus. "Labels can be helpful as fuck - for you, and as a shorthand when you're meeting other people."

Drake Pike: Drake seems to be thinking on the subject, tapping a talon against glass.

Mearcstapa: He laughs at Lux's comment. "I dunno, it could have been worse."

Asbolus: "Indeed..." He nodded to Jack, then looked between him and Mearc with a smirk. "Glad you were able to get things worked out, at least. You three suit each other very well."

Lux: "True. Could've been." They lean in to give them each quick kisses, before smiling at Asbolus. "A lot of that is thanks to you, you know. You always encouraged me to run back to them every time I ran away."

Jack Martingale: "Is that right?" Jack drapes an arm over Lux's shoulder and regards Asbolus with a smile. "Guess I better thank you for that, too, huh."

Mearcstapa: "We both ought to." He nods. "Hopefully it wasn't too often..."

Lux: "It is. The amount of times I ran to Bobo in tears, thinking the world was ending and no one would ever want me..." Their head shakes slowly before giving Asbolus a warm smile. "Not too often, but... enough."

Drake Pike: "... Bobo?" Of course this is where Drake finally speaks up.

Lux: "Absolus. It's just a nickname," they reply to Drake, gesturing to the Hunterheart.

Asbolus: "That is true." He smiled in return, nodding to confirm Lux's answer to Mearc's inquiry. "Always happy to help a friend in need, and you've helped me reconnect on a number of occasions as well."

Drake Pike: "... You're not a clown, though," says Drake with a squiiiiiiiint at Asbolus. "You're much too intense to be a clown. You'd scare the children. Maybe a murderous clown. I could see that."

Mearcstapa: That comment from Drake brings out rich laughter from Mearc. "A very dark circus indeed."

Lux: Lux also snorts in amusement, shaking their head. "It's just what I call him, he's not a clown."

Jack Martingale: Jack laughs too, and nods in agreement with Mearc. "We've got a scary clown, a lion and a dragon...Lux can be the tightrope walker, yeah?"

Lux: "Or the liontamer," Lux says with a smirk.

Mearcstapa: There's a laugh and a joking roar, before Mearc stands. "I'm going to grab another drink, anyone else want anything? Jack, rum and coke?"

Drake Pike: "You should bring lots of drinks. Best to take advantage of my protection while it lasts," comments Drake.

Jack Martingale: "Yeah - thanks babe." Jack gives Mearc a kiss and slides into Lux's lap instead. And then he finishes his drink, and leans back against his partner with a happy sigh.

Lux: "Get me something sweet, please." Their arms loop loosely around Jack's waist.

Asbolus: The clown reference seemed to throw Asbolus off, but the amusement that came from it brought a small smirk. "Another Tom Collins, if you'd be so kind." He replied with Mearc, sitting back in his seat as he got comfortable.

Drake Pike: "I don't have much about classical theatre, but I like collecting books. You may come look through them sometime in exchange for allowing me to flirt with you without having to worry," 'decides' Drake to Asbolus. Then a nod towards Lux. "I think our art is working."

Lux: Lux brightens, grinning at Drake. "Yeah? I hope so. I haven't checked in on the neighborhoods yet, but... I'm really fucking proud of all the work everyone did. And your installation was amazing."

Mearcstapa: Mearc returns to the table with a tray that holds five drinks. A rum and coke. A Tom Collins. And three cocktails, in the colors of a traffic light. "The red one's cinnamon apple, it's got fireball, it may bite. The green one's called an Atomic Warhead. It's sour, it may bite. The yellow one is pineapple, and will not bite. You're sharing them all with me." Because he's balancing the tray, he doesn't sign this.

Asbolus: Asbolus thought a moment on the offer before nodding towards Drake. "I'd be amenable to that."

When Mearc returned with the next round of drinks he took a moment to polish off his current one before claiming the new glass. "Those do look interesting..."

Jack Martingale: "Heard about that shit, proud of all you guys. Jesus - those are some colorful fuckin drinks." Jack looks impressed, at the drinks and the talk of the art installation.

Lux: Lux reaches for the red cocktail with a thankful smile to Mearc, taking a sip from it. "Thanks, Kitten." They bob their head. "Hopefully the art won't be taken down too quickly, give the areas the opportunity to be inspired."

Drake Pike: "The colorful and tastier drinks are better. Though smoky flavors are quite good," comments Drake. "... If it is taken down, we will do it again. And again. And maybe purchase some of the land to build strange buildings that work for it."

Jack Martingale: "You got the capital to do that?" Jack raises an eyebrow at Drake, signing as he speaks. "Could you purchase some of the construction sites?"

Mearcstapa: Mearc starts with the yellow cocktail. "Well, that would be one way to halt the construction..."

Lux: They perk a brow. "...If you don't mind throwing the money around, buying places nearby to put up permanent art would be rad. Or--hell, yeah, if you could buy some of the sites themselves... I imagine their funds will be tanking with all the shit going on right now."

Drake Pike: If they are willing to be bought Drake is slow with signs to teach. "You cannot buy what is not for sale, but if it's for sale or if you can have people convince them to put it for sale, I think so. Real estate is a good investment."

Lux: Lux considers that a moment. "Maybe we can do something to lean on the company managing the place to sell. Make 'em think it'd be better to cut their losses."

Asbolus: "Don't think I've seen the new pieces yet...will have to remedy that." Asbolus nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "I can imagine, public opinion being as low as it is at the moment. Claiming an area for a permanent art park may be worthwhile a well..."

Lux: "I mean, keeping them as apartment buildings isn't a bad thing--just making them less... awful. And no iron."

Mearcstapa: He passes that glass to Jack, then offers the green to Asbolus, grinning. "This is going to sound terrible, but I kind of find brutalist architecture vaguely appealing. That might be a holdover from the City somehow, but...there's a certain sense of awe when you're faced with buildings like that. I wonder if there's a way to...subvert that, somehow. I mean, even a nightmare's a dream, and one of the most fascinating video games of last year featured brutalism in a sci-fi horror suspense-ish setting. It's...part of the zeitgeist."

Lux: "Public housing might also be good too," Lux muses. "Honestly that kinda depends on what Drake wants to do with them, since he'd be buying them. So long as there's no risk of Robin's work continuing, I don't care. But I'll start organizing a pressure campaign to try to get them willing to sell... once I'm back from vacation." Lux takes the red cocktail.

Mearcstapa: "Yes, everything comes after vacation." He nods, and pulls out his phone to offer a picture of a Brutalist church.

Jack Martingale: Jack takes a very small sip of the cocktail, then a slightly larger one, and his eyes widen at the picture. "That's terrifying and kinda amazing. I've seen brutalist shit that's cut with like...green spaces? Balcony gardens and shit could subvert that a little, too."

Asbolus: "You're not the only one, admittedly." Asbolus nodded to Mearc, looking over the photo when it's shown. "The starkness does have an appeal, and turning that to other uses could be beneficial."

Drake Pike: "... I do like that. They clearly were working on things. They had a vision. It's terrifying. It looks like it wants to crush everyone inside. That's a good thing," says Drake with a nod after seeing the picture. "... Do I have to care about about what happens to it after I buy it?"

"If it can be public housing, if people will willingly live there, why not?" Drake shrugs. "It's better to make use of things after they're made, but the fun is in the making."

Mearcstapa: He reclaims his phone, sending a text before tucking it away.

Lux: "Brutalist architecture isn't bad... Like, that? That's fucking incredible. But when it's just... the architectural equivalent of a cardboard box?" Lux shakes their head. "No, you don't have to care, Drake. If you want someone to take over it after you buy it, that can probably be arranged?"

Jack Martingale: "Shit's not totally built yet, I'm sure there'd be room to continue with the making in a different direction. Or in the same one, but without the iron. And maybe with more color." Jack shifts back to his own drink, and makes short work of it. "Yeah, there's gotta be...a design of some sort, that's interesting. Inspiring, in it's brutalist...ness."

Drake Pike: "... Do we have any architects?"

Asbolus: "Not that I can think of off-hand, no."

Lux: "Not that I know of...?"

Drake Pike: "... While I could do it in theory, it's not something I'm... familiar with, and I don't like things that are too big. It's why I don't like making cars. Someone sees a car and they don't notice all the details. It's too big."

Lux: "Makes sense. You could always buy the places and donate them to charity? There's probably programs in the city that would love to build public housing, if they had the location and the funding."

Mearcstapa: Mearc nods thoughtfully. "It's worth asking around about. I'm sure someone knows someone in the field. That's half the fun of a community like ours. You put up a note and someone has the connections."

Jack Martingale: "I'd lean toward finding programs that already exits, and donate the location and the funding - they'll know how to deal with all the bureaucracy bullshit, too. And if one of us has connections to all that shit, so much the better."

Drake Pike: "... Do I have to talk to people?" asks Drake with a glance around. "Can't I get a pretty person to talk to people for me?" Then a look to Asbolus. "Will you be my Sigrun if we do this? You're pretty. People probably like you." Then a look to Jack. "You're also very pretty. Maybe the two of you can both be pretty at the people and I never have to talk to someone? I can sign many checks. As long as the building comes out interesting."

Lux: Lux snorts softly into their drink, but it's with a fond expression.

Mearcstapa: "Speaker for the Awkward." There's a chuckle, and Mearc offers the yellow cocktail to Lux. "Can I try the red?"

Jack Martingale: "I'd be pretty at people for you, sure." Jack reaches out to brush Drake's shoulder gently, grinning, and flags a server down for a refill.

Lux: Lux nods, trading drinks with Mearc. They smirk at Jack and Asbolus. "You two should totally head up that."

Jack Martingale: "I dunno that I have the connections to head it up, but I can pretend I've got the people skills." He flashes a smile at Lux.

Mearcstapa: Mearc sips at the red cocktail, and licks his lips. "Ooh. I like that."

Asbolus: "I decidedly don't have the connections...nor a legal ID at the moment, thanks to recent events." He gave a wry smirk at that. "I'd be willing to play the face for it once that's handled, though."

Lux: "Really?" Lux blinks, surprised. "Didn't think you liked hot things." They look to Jack, nodding. "I have some connections I can reach out to with charities. I'll see if I can get anyone interested, and you two can do your peopling?"

Jack Martingale: "Oooh?" Jack leans over to kiss Mearc like he's hoping to taste the cocktail from Mearc's lips before requesting an actual drink.

Mearcstapa: "The legal ID is coming. Now that I'm no longer persona non grata..." He laughs into Jack's kiss. "Cinnamon hot is different from pepper hot. And so is horseradish hot, but I do that in very, very small doses. My grandmother used to make a horseradish sauce that could cause nosebleeds from across the table."

Drake Pike: "... What legal identity do you want to be able to do? I was going to learn from Mearcstapa to be like him, but for Spring so I can focus on getting paperwork to let people do what they want." Drake grins before signing out. We can see if others want to pool in. Maybe we can get more properties with more people.

He looks to Mearc. "Can I watch how you do it?"

Mearcstapa: "How I make new IDs? Sure, once I'm settled and can get to work on Asbolus, Gallowglass and Vasha."

Asbolus: "Good...appreciate it." He nodded to Mearc, taking a sip of his drink. "Just looking for something in general on this side of things, since my previous identity is still in use."

Lux: "Have you been thinking about the podcast idea more, Bo?" Lux asks curiously.

Drake Pike: "Do you need it long term? You could be me," offers Drake. "Or if you mean for money, well, spying."

Mearcstapa: Mearc laughs. "He's been thinking about it enough to talk to me. I've offered my audio engineering services."

Asbolus: "I have." He nodded to Lux. "Looking into a place to start recording, as well as what to start with."

"I would need something long-term, yes. Thank you for the offer, though."

Lux: "Yeah?" Lux grins, nodding. "Good. Glad to hear it. I'm really looking forward to what you'll make." They sigh contently. "It's nice to be surrounded by creative people."

Jack Martingale: "Sure as hell is..." Jack kisses Lux on the cheek and drinks again. "Got a few coworkers who've talked about starting a podcast, but I'm pretty sure it hasn't gone anywhere. What sort'a podcast?"

Asbolus: "More in the radio drama vein, at the moment. Been listening to a few of that sort and seeing what stories I can find that haven't been done to death already."

Mearcstapa: "Hey, don't worry about what's not been done to death. Things become tropes for a reason. It's the 'two cakes' mentality, you know?"

Drake Pike: "... Two cakes?"

Jack Martingale: "Ohh...you've got the voice for it. An' all stories have been done to death, you just gotta find your own spin. Or just do it anyway, an' most people'll be excited that there's another one to choose from - exactly." He gestures to Mearc with a nod.

Mearcstapa: He pulls out his phone, looking for something, before showing the comic to Drake.

Lux: Lux starts to say something, then just grins and shakes their head, glancing towards the phone. "Yeah, it's a good mentality. More art in the world is never a bad thing."

Asbolus: He nodded quietly, glancing at the phone briefly before chuckling. "Very true indeed..."

Drake Pike: Drake snorts before nodding his head. "Yes. It's like jewelry. More piercings means more jewelry."

Jack Martingale: Jack finishes his drink and sneaks a sip of the red cocktail before ordering another. "More art's better for everyone. An' everyone wants a sultry British voice in their ear, anyway." A smirk at Asbolus, and he cards his fingers through Mearc's hair.

Mearcstapa: “Like, when I compare my YouTube channel to big names like Deviant Ollam or LockPickingLawyer, sometimes it is discouraging, but. Two cakes. Maybe there’s someone who finds those two’s attitude regarding firearms offputting, or who likes freckles. Maybe my perspective brings something to the table. It’s worth it, to keep putting in the work.”

Lux: "I recognize that I am biased, but I think your videos are the best, Kitten." They grin adoringly at him, then tilts their head with a sigh. "I wish I could get more piercings. Maybe I'll get more in my ears, sometime. Or bribe Drake into making some special body piercings that won't risk catching on my clothes while parkouring."

Jack Martingale: "Mmmm..." Jack looks Lux over appreciatively. "You could cover 'em - gauze and tape, or whatever - when you run? Then you wouldn't have to worry about catching, and you could have whatever you want."

Asbolus: "So people say..." He replied with a small smirk to Jack, lifting his glass in a smale salute before polishing it off. "Indeed. I'll keep looking and seeing what jumps out at me, and go from there."

Mearcstapa: “Wouldn’t be able to do that right after getting them done, though. But that’s something to research for after Hawaii.” He chuckles. “I’d say to research while in Hawaii, but I don’t anticipate having a moment to read anything.”

Lux: "Hrm. Putting tape or something over them isn't a bad idea. I'd love to get my nipples pierced sometime. But yeah, after Hawaii. Are we going tomorrow?"

Drake Pike: "Most piercings don't get in the way for that," offers Drake. "But I might find good jewelry for that." Nursing his OJ.

Mearcstapa: “Tuesday was the soonest we could get the flight. Buttcrack of morning early flight. I was thinking tomorrow we pack and go to LUSH and do other last minute things.”

Asbolus: "Ah...that's where you're going." Asbolus nodded quietly, smiling at the trio. "Hope you enjoy it."

Lux: Lux wrinkles their nose at the idea of getting up early, but nods. "That sounds good. I need to go buy a swimsuit too. Maybe you can help me pick one out." They smile at Drake. "I'm just gonna end up having a whole collection done by you by the time we're done, heh."

Drake Pike: "Perhaps. Has the ring still been well-received?" he poses.

Jack Martingale: "Don't plan on sleeping Monday night, honestly. Between the packing and...ooh I need to be there when you pick out a swimsuit..." He grins at Lux.

Lux: "I don't wear it that often," Lux admits. "But I still love it. I'm saving it for special occasions--meetings and gallery openings and stuff. Mostly just cause I don't want to get it scratched up while I'm running."

Mearcstapa: “Mmm, neon swimsuits.” He grins, then looks at Asbolus. “Thank you. You ought to get some time to relax, too after the whole Robin thing.”

Asbolus: "Indeed. If anything, not having to be under the Coat nearly 24/7 will be a blessing..."

Drake Pike: Then Drake's attention was once again on the other. "Too heavy? I imagined it might be, but I wanted that deeper inset..."

Asbolus: "One of Winter's contracts that aids in blending into one's environs, in this case. Been using it pretty much constantly when not at home.

Mearcstapa: "Things I missed out on when I left Winter." Mearc chuckles softly. "I could have been a better ninja." He totally uses the slang sign Drake taught him earlier.

Drake Pike: "... Different coat." Threat averted. The craft doesn't need to get to fixing things straight away. "Mearcstapa has been Winter. Has anyone else changed?"

Lux: Lux shakes their head. "No. Pretty much jumped into Winter immediately."

Jack Martingale: "Took me...a while to settle on Spring, but I've been here ever since." Jack's voice isn't slurring yet, but his mien has gone slightly smudged, charcoal lines floating lazily around him as he shifts in Lux's lap.

Asbolus: "Same." He nodded in agreement with Lux, starting to look rather cozy himself as the drinks he'd had started to go to work. "It fit the best out of the lot, although I have made some ties with Autumn as well."

Mearcstapa: "We love you too, Asbolus." Mearcstapa's freckles are twinkling at this point, as he continues to drink sips of the three sweet cocktails.

Drake Pike: "Autumn," muses Drake before pulling out his phone to shoot off a message. Then he looked back up to the others. "Do you love those you tie yourself to then? Love is bondage for you?" A beat. "That's a joke." Because nothing's funnier than a joke that has to be noted...

Mearcstapa: "Oh, I mean. I've been known to tie up those I love." He nods sagely.

Jack Martingale: Jack snorts, a scribbly blush drifting across his cheeks to mingle with the smudgy one already there. He shifts to lean against Mearc, giving him a kiss on the side of the head. "He does."

Lux: "It's pretty fuckin' hot," Lux says with a smirk. No shame here.

Mearcstapa: "More frankly, though? Love isn't bondage, it's trust. It's knowing you're safe to be yourself, and that will be accepted. It's letting down your walls, discussing your boundaries, and then exploring the space between yourself and another. It's hunting for all the tiny pieces of what makes your partners who they are, drawing them to the surface and cherishing them. That's what love is, for me."

Jack Martingale: That makes Jack break out into a warm smile, and he slides an arm around Mearc's waist.

Asbolus: Asbolus smirked at the talk of actual ties, nodding quietly in agreement with Mearc as he continued. "Inclined to agree. Sometimes talking yourself into letting those walls down can be difficult, but it's often worth it in the end."

Drake Pike: Drake seemed to be thinking hard on something. But then he nods slowly as he took a drink off that OJ. "That sounds like maybe you might enjoy going to the orgy then."

Lux: That makes Lux snort again--almost snickering, but the sound is too brief. "Why do you think that, Drake?"

Mearcstapa: "Lamara's parties? I've thought about it, yeah, but haven't brought it up with Jack or Lux yet. But she and I mesh very well. We speak the same language, when it comes to boundaries."

Drake Pike: "It sounded like a lot of talking, but not talking directly, but talking around things. Using things that aren't sex to talk about sex. Figuring out people through a different way," explains Drake.

Asbolus: Asbolus' eyebrow arched up firmly at the topic, giving Mearc a curious look. "Do I even want to ask..."

Mearcstapa: "Sex Positivity Philadelphia is an organization that does sex education, workshops on discussing consent and boundaries, and yes, hosts orgies. One of the women who runs the organization, Lamara, is Drake's metamour by way of Atalo, and a friend of mine." He shrugs.

Jack Martingale: "I...don't think I'd be into talking about sex with strangers. Like that. But...sounds up your alley, babe." He smiles at Mearc.

Drake Pike: Drake... is poking around on his phone, maybe looking up metamour after the fingerspelling

Asbolus: "Ah...I see." He nodded quietly. "Inclined to agree with Jack, on both counts."

Jack Martingale: "Like..." Jack takes a large drink, "I get why people'd do that. 'S not for me, don't think."

Lux: "I could be into it, maybe," Lux muses. "But I think I prefer more spontaneous moments than something that is so... scheduled and arranged."

Mearcstapa: "I'm not even interested for the sake of having sex with strangers. More...for the opportunities to learn more about talking about sex. Mostly for with my partners. Talky word things are hard sometimes, even with you two."

Lux: "Hmm. That's fair." They lean over to kiss his cheek.

Drake Pike: Finally, Drake looks back up. "Are you all very, very drunk? Or should I bring more drinks? If you're only very drunk, you have more still to go."

Mearcstapa: "I could take another, I think. Has to be sweet and bright, though." He nods.

Jack Martingale: "Not nearly at very very drunk." Jack grins and drains his drink. "I'll take another."

Asbolus: "Could do with one more, probably." He smirked a touch, eyeing his empty glass. "Dealer's choice, this time around."

Drake Pike: Drake got up and headed over for drinks!

Lux: "Me too!" Lux says and lifts a hand before Drake heads off.

Mearcstapa: "Of course, if Drake has sex with Jack, that'll make him our metamour, too." This comes out thoughtfully. "I'll need to diagram it."

Jack Martingale: "Lionheart - I look forward to you bringing all the shit you learn back home to us. From the...workshops. And the orgies." He watches Drake leave. "Sex doesn't mean metamour, necessarily..."

Lux: "Can I just say, the visual of you and Drake is hot as fuck?"

Mearcstapa: "If it becomes a thing, it would..." He pauses. "Muse and Artist. Yeah, that's appropriate."

Lux: Lux's mouth opens, then closes, glancing over to where Drake is waiting at the bar.

Asbolus: Asbolus remained quiet as he looked between Jack and Drake, not arguing the fact but staying out of it for the moment...

Jack Martingale: "I've already got my artist..." Jack twists to give Lux a deep kiss, running a gentle finger across their jaw.

Drake Pike: When Drake comes back with the tray, he sets down drinks for each picked. A very blue drink is set before Asbolus with, "Adios," an extremely purple drink in front of Mearc with raspberries floating in it, "Raspberry cosmo," a strange green drink that looks to almost be kiwis blended? in front of Lux, "Kiwi collins," and then a very simple, frothy drink with a slice of watermelon in it in front of Jack, "watermelon cooler."

Each is given a small shoulder tap and explanation as drink is set down. Finally, the little gold dragon comes to sit back down with a grin. "What did I miss?"

Lux: Lux practically melts into the kiss, arms tightening around Jack in the process. No shame about letting it continue for several seconds more, even getting a little handsy. Not too handsy, but. It's happening.

The shoulder tap draws them back though, blinking then smiling gratefully at Drake. "Thanks." They pick up their drink to sip from. "We were just agreeing that you and Jack together is hot as fuck. But you probably knew that already."

Mearcstapa: There's a glance between the drink set in front of Lux and Jack with a tiny hint of a snicker.

Asbolus: Asbolus eyed the blue concoction curiously, picking it up and taking a small test sip. He sat back in his seat, letting out a low whistle on reflex. "Now that's got some bite to it..."

Jack Martingale: Jack takes a very tentative sip of the pink concoction, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tries to decide whether he's actually into it or not. But the fact that it's a conveyance for alcohol wins out over the fact that it's just slightly different than his usual.

"There a reason behind why we all got what we got?" Jack looks at Drake curiously.

Drake Pike: "You look like you like to be bitten and to bite in turn," states Drake to Asbolus. He nods his head to Jack.

Mearcstapa: He sips his cosmo quietly, then offers it to Lux to taste as well.

Jack Martingale: A snort at what Drake's says, and then he gestures. "Alright, so why all these? 'M curious." Another sip.

Asbolus: Asbolus looked like he was about to say something but caught himself just in time, instead nodding as he took another sip of the drink and waiting for the answer to Jack's question.

Drake Pike: "I will tell you when Asbolus tells me what he was about to say. I expect it was going to make him blush much," bargains Drake.

Mearcstapa: Mearc looks at Asbolus. "Well, now you've gotta."

Jack Martingale: Jack raises his eyebrows behind his drink, and nods at Asbolus.

Asbolus: That did indeed cue up a bit of a blush on the Darkling's part, a quietly muttered "more the former, of the two..." coming forth rather reluctantly.

Mearcstapa: A pause, and then a slow grin. "Noted."

Jack Martingale: "Nothin' to be embarrassed of, Asbolus," Jack says with a grin. You know. Like he wouldn't have reacted in exactly the same way.

Lux: Lux listens to this with a perked brow, eyeing Asbolus thoughtfully, amused.

Drake Pike: Drake points to each drink as he explains.

"Mearcstapa asked for something light on the tongue. It's very light, and the purple shifts him from all harsher tones. The complimentary color scheme helps show him a softer light, particularly since his revelations to me earlier."

"Jack's was chosen because he works a physical job, something simple but often very warm. This will infuse him with something hydrating. He will appreciate the simplicity of it because he doesn't have to think about it or consider the implications of it."

"Lux's drink is green, like them, and filled with dark seeds. Things which could grow if properly cared for, to provide for everyone else around. But I know they care for wild things, and the drink taste is the most unique of them, which will make them feel special."

Then he points to the Adios. "This one is the strongest by far. Asbolus looks very strong, but also the blue fits as I think he could be in a noir novel. I have many of them that I think he would quite like, if he wanted to read more. But I also was hoping that he would get so drunk that I could finally make him fully blush, because the small smiles are very cute and very opposed to the scary face he puts up - like how the drink has just a bite, but it can be so, so much more with just a few sips."

Mearcstapa: "That's very thoughtful." He nods, taking a sip of his cosmo. The twinkling of his freckles is more pronounced, more noticeable now. "Though I never really thought of my colors as harsh before."

Drake probably notices that the signing is getting sloppier now, as well. Yeah, Mearc is getting Very Very Drunk.

Jack Martingale: Jack looks a little like the drink has physically hurt him, when Drake speaks. "...Feel like I should tell you t'go fuck yourself, Drake. But 's a good drink, so I'm not gonna." He flashes a grin at the dragon after a moment, and kisses Mearc's arm.

Asbolus: "Not something I talk about much, is all..." He replied to Jack, looking towards Drake as he gave the explanation for the drinks. "Ah...I see. And I do like a good noir story, so I may take you up on that."

Drake Pike: I'm always thinking. comes the easy sign for the man. "You don't need to sign. You will confuse yourself trying to... translate while drunk," he informs Mearc. "But your colors are all strong. Very little pastel or more floral tints. You could wear a lily behind your ear. It would give a touch of cuteness that would soften your aesthetic to make you seem like someone should nose bop you."

Apparently Drake has Feelings™️ about aesthetic. Who knew?

There's a look to Jack before shrugging. "Atalo will fuck me later if I ask." Clearly just rolling with it or not getting it before that gaze moves to Asbolus. "I see why you asked if I bit earlier now. You? I would bite if you asked." Then a grin as he lets that do its work, picking back up the OJ...

Mearcstapa: "I've thought about wearing glittery hair clips. I'm planning to, on vacation. Sparkly ones, in pretty colors. But I don't want everyone nose-bopping me, just people I know. You know?" He stops signing, picking up his drink for another sip. "Also, don't lilies, like. Symbolize purity? Wrong message for me to be sending."

Jack Martingale: 'You'd look fuckin' amazing with a flower behind your ear..." Jack leans to kiss the ear in question. "...Maybe not lilies, 'f they're for purity..."

Lux: "Tiger lilies." Lux mutters into their glass, eyes half lid.

Drake Pike: "You have purity. Purity of intention. Purity of drive. Purity of loyalty," argues Drake. "But the first rule of fashion is that if you enjoy something and it makes you feel pretty and good, wear it. And if anyone tells you that you can't, pull out their entrails with your bare hands and wear those. Second rule."

Asbolus: Aaaand there goes the rest of the blush, with the Darkling remaining quiet as he sought temporary solace in his drink...

Jack Martingale: "...Don't give him any ideas," Jack mutters in Drake's direction. "'Bout the entrails. Not the rest of it."

Mearcstapa: "That lacks nuance." But he laughs. "Tiger lilies, though. Those'd look good with my hair in my Mask, too."

Lux: "Oh man, they would. Hmm. Now I wanna see you in a flower crown..." They grin at Drake. "I like that. You're... fuck, you're smart, Drake."

Jack Martingale: Jack gasps in delight. "Only if you wear one too, firefly." Then he eyes the rest of the table. "Bo'd look good in one, too..."

Drake Pike: "Everyone looks good in a flower crown. The flowers are doing the work," says Drake with a nod.

Mearcstapa: "Jack, you talk like we wouldn't wrestle you into one as well. Or more likely? Lux'd pout until you put it on."

Lux: "We should all wear flower crowns," Lux whines. "Where's... where can we get flowers this late..."

Asbolus: "Have before." He offered a reply, finally setting his glass down. "Had longer hair back then, though."

Drake Pike: "... I have many flowers, if people do not need them to be... organic."

Mearcstapa: He glances sidelong at Asbolus. "If you grow your hair out, I'll lend you the sparkly hairclips."

Lux: "Ooh, you'd be so pretty with long hair..." Lux stares at Asbolus with literal sparkly eyes.

Asbolus: "My...ah, brother tends to still wear it long, hence why I haven't gone back to it." He let out a quiet breath, not exactly a sigh but close. "Can see about it, though..."

Drake Pike: "He is already pretty," defends Drake before reaching out a hand to pat Asbolus. "But when you are sober, I would like to make a deal with you. I would like to put you in a flower crown to see exactly how cute you are. Then maybe a picnic and feeding you grapes until I grow bored of it and make you read to me. Yes. This sounds like the thing to make of a deal..."

Jack Martingale: "Wouldn't have'ta wrestle me into one. Or even pout." Jack grins a smudgy smile and drains the rest of his drink before turning to Asbolus. "An' you would look kick-ass in long hair. Short's pretty hot too, on you...Drake, that's such good flirting!" He puts a hand out to pat Drake in praise.

Lux: "That... sounds suspiciously like a date," Lux points out with a smirk.

Mearcstapa: "That's definitely a date. And it sounds like a very good one." Mearc laughs.

Asbolus: Asbolus went quiet for a moment, the gears almost visibly turning before he gave a small nod. "...sure."

Lux: Lux gasps, hand lifting to clamp over their mouth as their eyes twinkle with delight. "Ohmygod yes!"

Jack Martingale: "Fuck yeah. Get it, Bo." Jack grins, and shifts to drape himself over both Mearc and Lux, blinking slowly at Drake and Asbolus.

Drake Pike: "Mmmmm... It is only a date if we agree that it should be a date. Otherwise, it is just a bargain being fulfilled." He flashes a smile to Asbolus. "I will bargain with you sober so that I may have what I want. Think of what to come to the table with, but I do not bargain easy," he warns. Then he's looking to the thrupple. "... Get what? And yes, I did a good flirt. I didn't even say that I had already pictured him naked, and that it was a good image in my mind."

Mearcstapa: "Well, now you've said it, though." Mearc pets Jack's arm, clearly quite content.

Drake Pike: Drake has the math meme going on. "... Damn it."

Jack Martingale: "Get you." Jack gestures to Drake with a decisive nod.

Asbolus: Cue a rather toasted Darkling sinking into his chair in embarrassment, a quietly muttered "bloody hell..." hitting the air.

Mearcstapa: Mearc just lets out a bright chuckle. "Fuck, I've needed this."

Lux: Lux's shoulders shake, cheeks puffing out as if they were trying very hard to hold back giggles. It mostly works, a soft chortle coming out instead. Their leg stretches out to bumble-bump their foot against Bo's leg. "Heeeey. There's way worse people that could be imagining you naked..."

Drake Pike: Drake begins fidgeting. "Should I... not picture you naked? Or just not tell you I pictured you naked?" he asks Asbolus. Then he nods his head to Mearc. "Is good. But no more drinks for a while or you will be sick."

Mearcstapa: "We should probably all drink some water. Or we'll wake up with hangovers. Except Jack, whose tolerance is a thing."

Jack Martingale: Jack blinks for a second at Drake cutting Mearc off, before turning to his boyfriend. "...Fuck, can I make you drink wat - fuckin'...'course you said it first..." He shakes his head, a little floppier than normal, and huffs out a laugh.

Asbolus: Asbolus gave Lux a quiet look at that, although the crooked smile on his face cut through the attempt at annoyance. "It's alright..." he replied to Drake as he slowly sat back up again. "Just not...used to getting compliments."

Mearcstapa: "Or worse people Drake could be imagining naked. Like Robin." He tries to fingerspell her name. Honestly, he tries. X-O-D-I-M...N

Lux: "You should get compliments!" Lux says with a puffed up huff. "You're handsome and cute and sweet and patient annnnd... lotsa other stuff. And you have a nice butt!" Lux is also rather drunk at this point.

Jack Martingale: "Drake's...good at 'em sometimes. 'S compliments're...specific. An' Lux's right, 'bout all of that." Jack twists to give Lux another kiss.

Drake Pike: "You're very, very drunk," states Drake before looking to Lux, then back to Asbolus as if trying to decide the truth of this. "I did not see this butt to confirm. I will attempt to find out in the future," he decides aloud before rising. "I'm going to go get water and make it extra hydrating so be right back." And then turning to skitter to the bar.

Mearcstapa: "Careful, Asbolus. You'll make me want to hunt the things in you to compliment..."

Asbolus: "Thank you." He said with a quiet chuckle, leaning over to rest his head on whomever's shoulder was closer as Drake scurried off to get waters for the lot of them. "It's nice to hear that."

Jack Martingale: "'S pretty exhilarating...him hunting like that..." Jack butchers the long word, but doesn't seem to care, just grinning adoringly at Mearc.

Mearcstapa: "You just like being prey sometimes." There's a gentle poke at Jack's side.

Drake Pike: When Drake came back with a pitcher of water and some glasses, he... reaches in to touch the water. Then he'll start pouring for each. He smiles. "This should help sober much." He nods in agreement with Mearc as if he knew anything. "I like hunting and being hunted."

Lux: "Being sober isn't fun," Lux whines, but accepts the glass.

Jack Martingale: "'S not," Jack agrees, snuggling into his partners a little more.

Mearcstapa: Mearc also accepts a glass, raising it as if in toast. "Which is why I'm usually the soberest one."

Asbolus: "Both are interesting in their own way..." He nodded in agreement, sitting up properly, if a little wobbily, to take the offered glass. "Same...nice to be able to...let loose for a bit, though."

Drake Pike: "Sober is better," claims Drake. "Because then I can ask you if I can kiss you and you know the for sure answer instead of the drunk answer. Which is yes." He smiles.

Lux: Lux snorts softly. "Well, you got a point there." They lift up the glass to clink against Mearc's, then swallow down a gulp.

Jack Martingale: Jack whines, and eyes the last glass suspiciously before taking it and taking a small sip. "Guess you're right..."

Mearcstapa: Mearc drains his glass of water rather quickly, before setting it down.

Asbolus: "Cheers." Asbolus raised his glass in kind before downing it, letting out a slow breath once it was done and he set the glass back down on the table.

Drake Pike: "Is it time for me to drive you all home?" he asks the group at large. "So the three of you can have likely a lot of sex, and Asbolus can think of me?"

Mearcstapa: "...not sure if it's a sexy night, after all that drinking. Probably I start up a video game or a movie and they cuddle into me and distract me if it's a video game."

Jack Martingale: "Mmm...'m down to distract you." Jack nudges Mearc's side. "An' maybe sex later when we're a little less drunk."

Lux: "Home sounds good, either way... 'm waaaay too drunk to be this clothed..."

Mearcstapa: He looks at Drake. "By home, they mean my apartment. I can give you the address."

Jack Martingale: "Yup you are." A lingering kiss to Lux and he tugs on the hem of their shirt with a tease. "Home's your apartment 'cause it's with both'a you, lionheart."

Asbolus: Asbolus nodded quietly, briefly getting that 'almost said something' look on his face again before he actually replied. "Getting back would probably be a good idea."

Drake Pike: Drake reaches over and pokes Asbolus. "Tell me."

But he is rising to coordinate the gaggle of drunks.

Lux: Lux nudges Jack up, then rises as well. There's a fair amount of wobbling, their arm staying wrapped around Jack's waist to hold close.

Mearcstapa: Mearc seems to take a moment to find his footing. He is...decidedly not used to being this drunk.

Jack Martingale: While Jack's mien is smudged all to hell, he's surprisingly steady on his feet. Once Lux is up, he holds a hand out to Mearc to help him. "Careful, babe. Take it slow."

Mearcstapa: "This is what I get for never going to college and experiencing frat parties..." But he grabs Jack's hand anyway.

Asbolus: "It's alright. I wouldn't want to impose." Asbolus stood slowly from his chair, keeping his hand on the back of it as he steadied himself.

Jack Martingale: "Nahhhh, Bo. You gotta tell." Jack reaches out a finger to boop his nose with a grin. "'S what this's whole shit's all about."

Drake Pike: "Impose," demands Drake as he moves in, and, with perhaps surprising strength from such a smol package, he steadies the other with a firm arm around his waist, moving to try to place Asbolus's arm around his shoulders if the man proved pliable.

Lux: "Awww..." Lux stares for a moment, then leads the other drink darklings to the door. Not that Lux isn't wobbling themself.

Asbolus: The Darkling was indeed rather pliant in that moment, letting his arm be guided as he leaned a bit against the Wizened. "Not really inclined to be by myself at the moment, to be honest."

Mearcstapa: Mearc turns to look at Drake and Asbolus, and like. His freckles are still twinkly, but they do the color-shift thing toward green still.

Drake Pike: "Then I will stay with you after I've dropped off the others. If you do not wish to go to your home, we will go to mine, and I will allow you to sleep in one of my spare bedrooms." Drake keeps a firm hold on his Darkling while the Disaster set moves. "On the condition that you tell me I'm pretty or interesting."

Jack Martingale: Jack turns too, eyebrows raising as he watches Drake and Asbolus interact.

Lux: That makes Lux pause, blinking over at Asbolus. "Oooh... Bobooo..." They let go of Jack and wobble over to throw their arms around the other Hunterheart, squeezing around him while giving a noisy kiss to his cheek.

Asbolus: "Yours would be best...don't want deal with the thorns right now." He smiled as Lux toddled his way, looping his free arm around them and resting his head against theirs. "And you are a very interesting fellow."

Mearcstapa: Mearc leans into Jack instead, now, nibbling his ear gently.

Lux: "I just want you to know, that I'm only not insisting you come home with us because I totally want you and Drake to get closer and this sounds like a perfect opportunity," Lux says, being... far too honest. "But if you need me, just call, and I'll be there in an instant." Lux squeezes again, nuzzling their cheek into his neck a moment before letting go to step back.

Jack Martingale: The nibble makes Jack shiver, and his chuckle is quiet but warm. He slips a hand into Mearc's hair and gives it just a little tug. Enough to tease, to provoke a small reaction.

Mearcstapa: That tug yields a bit of a growl from Mearc. "My Jack of Hearts, you're awful, and I love it. And I love you."

Drake Pike: Drake didn't catch most of it, but he also didn't waste time asking questions. It was time to try to corral 4 darklings into a maserati with those terribly small back seats. Thankfully, whoever was behind Drake got lots of leg room. But if no one objected otherwise, well, Asbolus was getting passenger and assertively hand held.

Jack Martingale: Jack insists that Asbolus gets the passenger seat, actually pushing him gently toward it before helping Mearc and Lux into the back seat.

Mearcstapa: Mearc leans heavily into whoever's beside him, eyes closing.

Lux: Lux... just lays across Mearc and Jack's laps, sprawling out.

Asbolus: "I will. Thank you." He nuzzled Lux in return before they got too far away, taking the not-so-subtle hint to claim the passenger seat once they were out at the car. Drake claiming his hand earned a small smile, giving it a light squeeze as he settled in for the ride.