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Latest revision as of 08:43, 9 June 2020


River Bright, Jessie Taylor


A house in northeast Philly


River is sprawled gracelessly on the couch in the living room of her house, legs crossed in a way that looks uncomfortable bordering on unnatural, thrown over the side while she holds her phone directly above her face in a manner that begs Fate to drop it directly on her forehead.

Jessie: Jessie was totally vague about when she'd be back because she never knows when she's going to stop chasing someone or something on her path to bring out a story and inform the public and totally not annoy her boss at all what so ever. But hey, maybe River knew Jessie was coming home cuz you know MAGIC! The knob of the door to the house starts to move and in walks Jessie in the following outfit https://i.pinimg.com/originals/44/df/c6/44dfc6ef18d7676cd5e40efcf1fdeb51.jpg She drops her bag at the door, lets out a sigh and removes her coat before turning to see River "And HOME! Hey there you, don't break that screen."

River: River has been a focused as a person can be on Two Dots, so there's no magical alert that raises her attention before the very mundane sound of the doorknob twisting, but she does implicitly assume who it will be, and snaps her head towards the door.

Of course, the phone drops, it hits her in the face, she scowls, clutches her nose, and is midway through a gesture, the completion of which would have sent the phone across the room when Jessie said 'Don't break that screen.' She gave the treacherous device a hollow look. Fate giveth, and Fate taketh.

"Hey, yourself," she says, recovering, tossing the phone safely to the cushions of the couch and pushing herself out of the furniture to amble in Jessie's direction, throwing her arms around the smaller woman's neck and tugging her into a coiling embrace that squeezes her like anaconda in a tight hug, and then relaxes. "I missed you," she purrs like what happened with the phone didn't just happen.

Jessie: She stood there for a moment and grins, watching River reach down and then just toss the phone to the couch. She laughs again then is suddenly attacked by a hug monster. She lets out an adorable little "EEEP!" as she's squeezed like a tube of toothpaste. She squirms around a little bit in a fake attempt to try and get away but after probably three seconds or so she simply giggles and wraps her arms around River, a hand grabbing her rear for a playful moment.

"I missed you too, babe. It's why I visited you so often in your dreams and in your head. I'm sorry we had to be physically apart for so long but I'm home for the foreseeable future." A grin as she'd lean down to place a single affectionate kiss on the woman's lips "So tell me all the things we haven't talked about in our heads. C'mon dish dish dish, I can smell new things are a foot. Or maybe that's just febreeze."

River: River play-wrestles Jessie in that tight hug, punctuating the kiss with a popping sound, and nuzzling her face into the other woman's. "I'm glad you did. And I promise I have done more than just Febreeze the place." She holds up a palm in a mock, preemptive defense. Putting a Time-suspending spell on the place from time to time was easier than dusting, but no need to get into all that. This is a happy moment! Reunion! Yay!

"Come here, come get settled," she cajoles, tugging Jessie by the forearm like an impatient child towards the Scene of the Attack couch. "Well, in our back and forth" - shorthand for telepathy - "I cop to leaving out some of the, well, graver stuff. I knew you were working and I didn't wanna," she makes a gesture with her hand, fingers splayed, back and forth. "Get all up in your head with back-home drama. But," she clicks her tongue behind her teeth, flopping backwards into the couch again, pulling Jessie down with her.

"Where to begin... well, the Martyr's Tree spontaneously bore new fruit, and there's not much in recent memory, or relevant history, that indicates that, so it's been puzzling some of the minds at the Mysterium, you can rest assured. I have accepted an invitation to go explore the Mists, and see if more might be learned."

"And then there have been the Rat Hosts, tunneling up into the city from underground and kidnapping people for who the hell knows what fucking purpose. The changelings were at war, and then they weren't, and I think one of their Gentry has a YouTube channel now." She ticks these things off on her fingers as she goes along, rattling the information out like a download, and then comes to a pause and bares her teeth in an apologetic, love-me-anyway grin. "So.... a bit."

Jessie: She looks at River with eyes wider than one would normally look at a person when she says "I promise I've done more than just Febreeze the place" That statement along forces a follow up "Ummm should I like be terrified of what that means and why one would need to go to such lengths to cover up scents?"

She follows along, holding the other woman's hand and moves to take a seat on the couch and then gets pulled onto the woman. A grin as she begins to listen to River explain things, a small nod of her head here and there to show that she was indeed listening "Well in our back and fourths, you know you can always talk to me about any drama. Women are good at multitasking and I'm even better at it because you know . . ." She taps her head a pause "The mists . . . are a complicated place my love, I'm not on your path and even I know that. It was often rumored that they were the border of the isle of Mists which is sometimes equated with the Garden of Avalon."

At the mention of rat hosts her brow furrows "That . . . is unfortunate but something that I can take care of or at least be a valuable asset of in the removal of them. Pesky little things. Normally I find rats cute, but those thing. UGH." and then she just kind of starts laughing "Wait . . . what? A gentry has a Youtube channel? That's . . . both amazing and fucking sucks at the same time. I'm not an expert here but as I recall fairies are sort of locked in time so how would it even know anything about that?" She then slides her fingers under River's chin and slowly pulls her up to look at her and simply smiles down at her and places a swift kiss on her head "I plan on loving you for as long as I possibly can." a wink

River: River waves off the concerns about the condition of the house, and winks. Mind Mastery, and a relationship lasting the better part of a decade, are all that spare Jessie the common plight most others suffer: never knowing when River is kidding.

"I know," she mumbles in return, dipping her head down to press a kiss into warlock's collarbone. "And, maybe I oversimplified the YouTube channel part. There was this YouTuber doing those ASMR videos, you know, with like, white noise, static, that kind of thing? And one of their videos started going viral, and it had Fae magic woven into it somehow."

"I took a closer look, I cast for a Prophecy about it, and what I saw was one hundred percent, without a doubt, the Gentry. I confirmed it with one of the Lost already. Nothing else it can be. They definitely have this-side help, for sure. I saw that, too, but, yeah, it's insidious work," she shakes her head back and forth slowly, bottom half of her face still nuzzled against Jessie's shoulder, lips and chin and nose brushing along skin and over fabric as she wags her head.

Jessie: She crooks her neck to allow for such kisses before a sudden eyeroll "Oh fuck that. ASMR is just someone touching a microphone and being annoying. I can't even begin to understand how anyone with a brain larger than a cashew could possibly even like that kind of thing." A hand moves around River's neck, pulling her in closer as she rests her hand on the woman's waist, the other idly petting her hair "Well that sounds like a whole can of worms that we might want to attempt to avoid. While I can summon a legion of spirits and demons, I am hoping to keep those cards tucked away in the deck for a rainy day.' a small laugh "And today certainly isn't rainy as I'm sitting on the couch with my sunshine.'

River: River raises her shoulders in a heavy shrug. "I dunno. I'm still trying to get in good with the local Freehold. I don't want to blow relations by trying to solve their problems without them. I learned as much as I could, and gave it to the Lost that I trust the most. They'll know what to do, and if they need help, they will let us know. I hope," she adds, booping Jessie's nose with a fingertip at her corny line, making a show of rolling her eyes but smiling anyway.

She leans forward with the tug around her neck to nuzzle her head underneath Jessie's jaw and nudge it upwards gently, pressing a kiss into the hollow of her throat. "Are you going to tell me all about the scandalous case," another kiss, "That you've been working on," and again, "That kept you from me this whole time? Or will I have to wait to see it on the news?" she cajoles.

Jessie: She playfully clacks her teeth at River before biting her bottom lip, eyes darting to the ceiling as she sucks in her cheek "Whelp I went to New York for a bit chasing an abuse of power story in regards to some of their local authorities. So I was trying to uncover as much of that as possible, while its a story my boss doesn't want to really run it because it was in New York and we got into an argument about why the hell it should matter where it is as long as it happens. We report shit going on in other parts of the world all the time so why would this be any different. Sometimes I just think he wants to get me worked up and annoyed. BUUUT I totally ran the story anyway on a local New York station, that was a hard one to sell but enough of the right words in the right ears get you enough time to get something on the air." She digs into the couch for a moment and places her lover's phone on the table "You can always watch it if you want, I'm not sure anything is going to come of it but exposing things is just what I do."

River: River paws at Jessie's leg, and drags it across her lap, and then the other one as well, taking full advantage of the improved proximity. "Knock 'em down like dominoes," she mutters in a low purr that's as much a growl, if a friendly one. "If you want the 411 on the Rat Host situation, I know Dandelion has been digging in on it; she would gladly tell you what you need to know. I sorta got the sense I should sit this one out, though." She holds out a palm and wiggles it back and forth in the universally understood 'so-so' gesture. Just Acanthus things.