Logs:Lamb Comforts The Whore

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Fishtown Free Library


Titania Sanguine:
Titania has had a night and misses her babe. So. Being the responsible adult she is breaks into the library and flops in the corner on one of the bean bags to have a moment.

Azuma Hiroko:
A very puffy and fluffy white bean bag within that same room stirred and moved after Titania flopped into a different bean bag. Then, a very sleepy looking sheep head popped out from under all that fluff to look at Titania blearily. Who was it? Lamp? No... That was... Oh, Titania-sama!

Titania Sanguine:
Titania lays back. Her eyes still closed. Tears running down her cheeks. Not really paying attention to anything. Just. Taking in the scent of the place.

She can hear Hirikos heart beat. But it's too in her own head to do anything about it.

Azuma Hiroko:
Seeing the pinkish tears, the little Ram cocked her head to one side. Titania-sama was sad? Slowly, she got up and stretched... And then plodded over to where the vampire sat to quietly curl up on top of her...

Titania Sanguine:
Titania squeaked at that.

Finally noticing Hiriko.

"Hello Hiriko-Chan."

Her words are cold. Not at Hiriko. But she turned it all off.

Azuma Hiroko:
A soft "Beeeh..." came from the snout that faced Titania as she rested on top of the vampire, applying pressure to help calm her down. Her multi-colored coin-slotted eyes blinked at Titania sleepily.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania tilts her head.

"Oh. That. Hello. That is a Mien."

Azuma Hiroko:
That sheep head moved from side to side, as if emulating a 'No'.

Titania Sanguine:
A confused tilt of the head.

"Chrysalis then?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Beeh..." she confirmed and then she snuggled the cold undead.

Titania Sanguine:
Cold undead was currently bkushed so not quite as cold.

Her arms wrap around the sheep. Hugging her close. Though making sure to limit her strength.

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko didn't resist the hug, allowing Titania to do what she needed. She was made for this purpose, afterall. A comfort blanket. A therapy companion. A soothing presence.

Titania Sanguine:
Weighted blanket!

Titania sits there for a long moment. Eventually leaning forward. A pair of demonic wings unfurling and wrapping around Hiriko. Her damp face pressing into her wool.

Azuma Hiroko:
The Ram was very warm and so very comfy. It was like hugging a cloud puff. Her wool smelled clean and pleasant. There were no tangles to fight against. And unlike a lot of wool products, hers was not itchy or scratchy. Just absolutely soft.

Titania Sanguine:
She ends up sobbing into the wooly creature. Letting herself feel. Which. Its allot.

Azuma Hiroko:
After the night she just had, it's no wonder. Hiroko was clearly the perfect thing Titania needed right now. She kept still, breathing softly and slowly. Much like a living plushie.

Titania Sanguine:
She didnt sleep anymore but rested against Hiriko. Enjoying the physical contact and warmth.

Enjoying the smell of Tonya that permeated this place. And enjoying the bean bag.

Bean Bags 10/10!

Azuma Hiroko:
When it looked like Titania was starting to feel better, she shifted a little so that she could lick the vampire's cheek gently.

Titania Sanguine:
She smiled at the licks. The tears tasting lightly of blood.

"You do not have to do that little one."

Azuma Hiroko:
She licked again, as if telling Titania that she wanted to. Her warm tongue was soft and smooth.

Titania Sanguine:

Her hand stroking the back of Hiriko's head.

"Thank you."

More tears forming at this Lost's kindness.

Azuma Hiroko:
She does a gentle headbump to nuzzle Titania's cheek, very careful of where her horns are and making sure they do not cause harm.

Titania Sanguine:
Her hand gently strokes along those horns. Giving gentle scritches.

Azuma Hiroko:
Turns out, the Scarlet Whore knew how to relax and be gentle. How interesting. Hiroko knew it all along. She just needed to... Let go... Perhaps not to the point of losing control, but she was clearly very tensed and stuck.

Titania Sanguine:
Letting go leads to people dying. When you have so much pent up emotions and the ability to kill people so easily. Letting go is always a risk.

Azuma Hiroko:
Looks like she was doing just fine right now though! Hiroko continued to snuggle the Elder until Titania was satisfied and feeling better.

Titania Sanguine:
After about an hour she pats Hiriko on the horns.

"Up you get little one. Thank you."

Azuma Hiroko:
She slowly got up off Titania and gave her a soft "Beeeh..." before sitting in front of Titania, where her form blurs for a moment to melt into a more familiar form... Hiroko's humanoid figure. She looked like she'd been that way all along and nothing actually happened.

"You are welcome, Titania-sama." she replied with her gentle voice.

Titania Sanguine:
She smiles watching the shift.

"That is always special to watch."

Azuma Hiroko:
Perhaps unexpectedly, Hiroko lifted her arm towards Titania to ask a question that seemed odd coming from the very innocent looking girl.

"Is Titania-sama hungry?"

Titania Sanguine:
"Stop Hiriko-chan."

Pushing the arm away. Though Hiriko could likely see in her expression how much she wants it. Needs it.

Azuma Hiroko:
Her expression looked sad and she dropped her arm. "... Okay... I am sorry..."

Titania Sanguine:
"It is not you little one. I just cannot hurt you again."

Azuma Hiroko:
"But it does not hurt... I donate my blood to hospitals and to Vincent-kun almost everyday."

Titania Sanguine:
"It hurts. Me."

A grimace to her words.

"I am not like Vincent. If I start I will not stop."

Azuma Hiroko:
"... Oh... But you stopped last time..."

Titania Sanguine:
"Only because of Tonya. I nearly killed you little lamb."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Oh... What if... I put my blood in a cup for you?"

Titania Sanguine:

She just leans forward and hugs Hiriko close.

"Why do you care so?"

Azuma Hiroko:
The hug she returned was gentle and she even rubbed Titania's back slowly.

"Because I was made to care."

Titania Sanguine:
"And I was just made to hurt."

Her voice cold.

Azuma Hiroko:
"... I think that is not true... You are not hurting me now..."

Titania Sanguine:
"My instincts are telling me to though. My hunger."

Azuma Hiroko:
She pulled back a little to look at Titania, understanding in her expression. "And yet, you are controlling yourself right now. You have more self-control than you think, Titania-sama." she replied softly.

Titania Sanguine:
"Maybe. But. Less than I would like. Not enough."

Azuma Hiroko:
She went silent for a bit, not wanting to pressure Titania... She didn't want a repeat of what happened last time, afterall. Making someone angry was not something she liked doing. Then she sighed softly and nodded.

"If you wish to practice it, I am happy to help. If you wish to simply rest and relax like we just did... I am also happy to do so at any time." she finally offered with a soft smile.

Titania Sanguine:
"Thank you."

She leans back in for a hug.

"Maybe i should just go. I am sure Tonya does not need a corpse stinking up her library."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Tonya-senpai is very welcoming to those she considers friends. I believe she does not mind if you wish to remain here." she muttered as she hugged back again.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania nods her head.

"Thank you Hiriko-chan. For trying to be my friend."

Azuma Hiroko:
"If you would like, I can be your friend." she smiled brightly.

Titania Sanguine:
"I am doing my best to let you."

A slow nod of her head.

Azuma Hiroko:
The little Ram snuggled into Titania happily.

Titania Sanguine:
"Oh. Can you give this to Tonya."

She pulls out a little palm sized carved leaf.

On it is.


Azuma Hiroko:
"Of course. She will be very happy with your gift." she said as she accepted the leaf.

Titania Sanguine:
"Will she? Maybe."

Leaning back into the warm cuddle creature.

Azuma Hiroko:
"Yes." she promised. Then Hiroko lifted a hand to gently stroke Titania's hair.

Titania Sanguine:
There is a start at the touch. Pulling back just a bit before settling back forward.

Azuma Hiroko:
She took it slow and gentle, allowing Titania to take the time she needed to relax into it. But if she wasn't comfortable, the Courser would stop.

Titania Sanguine:
She relaxes into the touch. Still tense and she doesn't move like a person but Tania levels is relaxed.