Law of Courtesy
This law dictates that Kindred need to be civil and polite with each other within the confines of Drac..oh la la! If another Kindred or someone under their protection does something that offends a party, the offended party is to report it to an onsite enforcer. These matters are normally taken care of in house.
Law of Neutrality
The use of Disciplines or Devotions on other Kindred or those under their protection is absolutely forbidden. If one is discovered to be in violation of this Law they are removed from the premises and will not be allowed to return until amends have been made to first the offended party and then the owner of the establishment.
Law of Sanctuary
The Law of Sanctuary applies when Kindred visit Drac..oh la la! this law guarantees the safety of Kindred within it's walls. It does NOT protect Kindred whom are currently attempting to flee from any Kindred Law enforcement.
Law of Secrecy
The Law of Secrecy demands that any Kindred who feed on the premises do so in secret as to protect the society and maintain the Masquerade. Those who violate this law are banned from the establishment and turned over to the Sheriff immediately.
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