Logs:Newcomers To The Bellevue Elysium: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= Long scene with a lot of separate conversations. May be confusing to read and piece together what happened. | cast=* Edmund Desperaux * Guy Dagenham * Jo Byrne * Valeria Rolan-Ruiz * Vincent Drake | setting=Bellevue Hotel | log= '''Edmund Desperaux:'''<br /> Edmund didn’t often attend Elysium, but he was making an attempt to put up appearances now, so he was at the hotel scanning the crowd. The proud Gangrel stood tall...")
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* [[Valeria Rolan-Ruiz]]
* [[Valeria Rolan-Ruiz]]
* [[Vincent Drake]]
* [[Vincent Drake]]
| setting=[[Bellevue Hotel]]
| setting=[[Bellevue Hotel]] Elysium
| log=
| log=
'''Edmund Desperaux:'''<br /> Edmund didn’t often attend Elysium, but he was making an attempt to put up appearances now, so he was at the hotel scanning the crowd. The proud Gangrel stood tall in a perfectly tailored suit. His fellows might recognize him as a vaguely recent arrival, but very few people in the city have regularly spoken to him at this point.
'''Edmund Desperaux:'''<br /> Edmund didn’t often attend Elysium, but he was making an attempt to put up appearances now, so he was at the hotel scanning the crowd. The proud Gangrel stood tall in a perfectly tailored suit. His fellows might recognize him as a vaguely recent arrival, but very few people in the city have regularly spoken to him at this point.

Latest revision as of 02:06, 26 May 2024

Content Warning

Long scene with a lot of separate conversations. May be confusing to read and piece together what happened.


Bellevue Hotel Elysium


Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund didn’t often attend Elysium, but he was making an attempt to put up appearances now, so he was at the hotel scanning the crowd. The proud Gangrel stood tall in a perfectly tailored suit. His fellows might recognize him as a vaguely recent arrival, but very few people in the city have regularly spoken to him at this point.

Josephine Byrne:
Jo stood next to him, dressed in plain dark clothes that allowed for maximum movement. They looked around in boredom and then sighed audibly enough for Edmund to hear. "I thought you hated coming to Elysium..." they muttered.

Edmund Desperaux:
When Edmund’s voice is low it almost sounds like a purr or a growl. “I do, but we still need to keep up appearances.”

Josephine Byrne:
"Don't understand why, if you hate it." they rolled their eyes and crossed their arms. They really wanted to go explore...

Vincent Drake:
Vincent was at the hotel, the clinking of pool balls can be heard as he had a weekly game with the other neonates, a smirk on his face as cash flowed.

Guy Dagenham:
Up the stairs into the private area of the hotel walks a striking and recognizable figure, one Guy. He scans the room and takes a clock on Edmund, nodding before slowly walking over. He moves like a great cat, shoulders rolling as his feet seem to barely touch the floor. Jo gets a nod as he approaches, and then he speaks to Edmund. “Hey. Been a while, the business keeping you busy?”

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund nods. “Yes, though I hope to become more active in the city soon. Speaking of which, Monsieur Dagenham, I would like to introduce Jo, my Ghoul and associate.” He smiles slightly and gestures at Jo.

Josephine Byrne:
They nodded back with a raised eyebrow as if to say 'sup?'

Guy Dagenham:
Guy blinks, and then a flicker of a grin runs over his lips. “Charmed.”

He glances to Jo. “Nice to meet you, call me Guy,” he says as he offers his hand. “Gangrel, Ordo, Mac Lochlainn, if we’re being that formal. Your man here is the one who initiated me into the Bruja.”

Josephine Byrne:
"Jo Byrne." they replied shortly, taking that hand and giving it one firm shake before retracting their arm and going back to... Sulking? Being bratty? Who knows.

The shake was pretty strong for a human.

Edmund Desperaux:
“If you want to get a drink, Jo, go ahead. This may be an Elysium but we serve more than blood here.” He chuckles. “So.” He clears his throat. “Obviously I’ve still been getting the big news, but what all have I missed? I haven’t properly been to Elysium I haven’t absolutely needed to attend in, what, a year now?”

Josephine Byrne:
A grin immediately spread on their face and they headed off in search of the bar. Don't gotta be told twice to get a drink... Or two...

Guy Dagenham:
Guy’s hand is…a hand. It’s the right shape and everything. But it doesn’t feel made of flesh and bone, and as their arms move up and down Jo gets a distinct impression that Guy is deftly following their lead in the motion.

“Oh, things have been awfully quiet,” he answers Edmund, shrugging. “You haven’t missed much. But it is good to get out, and all that. Talk to people.”

For those following at home, this is double funny because when Guy and Edmund met Guy barely spoke English and acted like meeting people who breathe was a novel 21st century thing.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund, for his part, continues scanning the room, and stifles another chuckle. “Would the neonate making waves in the First Estate… Vincent, I think his name is, be the one hustling those poor souls out of their money at billiards over there?”

Guy Dagenham:
“Yeah, I was thinking about heading over and doing my bit from when we’d spot a guy working a table back in the day,” Guy offers as he looks over at Vinny. “You gonna power suit at him?” he continues to Edmund.

Edmund Desperaux:
“I’m thinking about it. We haven’t met, and honestly he probably has more influence in the city than I do right now. But does he know that? We shall see.”

Guy Dagenham:
Guy shrugs. “Looking like you mean business will go a long way. He gets squirmy easy,” Guy explains with a shark’s warm and inviting smile.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent for his part, chuckles as some Neonates hand him more cash, a Carth gives him the finger and he's trying to talk his way out of it now it seems

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund silently glides up behind Vinny, and looks down at the Carthian. “Now, now, don’t be chickening out on your bet. You made the wager, pay the man.” His voice and demeanor exude an intimidating confidence.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent looks to Edmund...he's pretty sure he's seen him at the board meeting, then looks back to the Carth, his smirk getting bigger. The Carth looks to Edmund with a scowl....but hands Vinny the cash, the firebrand walks off muttering something about 'fucking suits'

Vincent for his part turns to Edmund, "Thank's, I'm pretty sure he's a few months and was about to bash my face in." he said, giving his trademark boyish grin

Edmund Desperaux:
“I hope not. Having to deal with trying someone for violating Elysium would be dreadfully boring.”

Josephine Byrne:
Just as the Carthian walked off, Jo walked back towards Edmund, carrying a large mug of beer in one hand and a glass of thick red liquid in the other. They raised an eyebrow at the departing fuming one, then shrugged and handed the glass of 'wine' to Edmund without a word.

Vincent Drake:
"I've seen you around the board meetings....Lord..." Vincent tried to remember the name, but all he could think was a mouse with oversized ears

Edmund Desperaux:
“Thank you my dear.” Edmund accepts the glass and takes a sip, savoring it for a moment. “Edmund Desperaux. And you must be Vincent Drake. You’ve caused quite a stir, but I’m sure you know that.”

Guy Dagenham:
Guy moseys over and leans against the pool table, picking up a few balls and juggling them a bit in front of his chest. Well he sort of tosses them and then catches them out of the air to toss again and keep them moving, his hands constantly moving.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent just chuckles and rubs the back of his head.

"Well, I guess...we don't get much recruits in this city, so I'm sure just having a newbie is enough to cause a bit of stir, I just hope I haven't been too much of an nuisance, I'm just grateful for Councilor Wright for extending the hand." he smiled, of course the Estate made it a point his Bloodline was there property....and if anything it was the Sakima who spared him...and he's been made Lord within the year, but humility was the best way to avoid attention, but then again, Elders know all.

Josephine Byrne:
Everything the vampires said were gibberish to Jo. They leaned against a nearby wall and sipped their beer quietly, just... Surveying the area like they usually do when on the job.

Edmund Desperaux:
“Yes well you hardly had a choice once he made the offer.” Edmund smiles knowingly and picks up a pool cue, twirling it in his hand deftly. “Care for a game?”

Guy Dagenham:
Guy smiles and sets down the pool balls, rolling them to the center of the table and standing to walk over and lean against the wall nearish Jo.

“How long have you been on…special assignment?”

Vincent Drake:
"Sure, always love games." he smiled, inwardly he was wondering why now, the Estate Elder's where looking his way...did they catch wind he's going to join the Crone, play a duel membership....no, Leila and him where the only ones who knew that, "Want to make this intresting?" he smiled, "I prefer playing for stakes."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund shrugs and smoothly pulls a pair of 100 dollar bills out of his jacket pocket. “Sure.”

Vincent Drake:
Vincent pulled out a few 100s as well, then moved to gather the balls and set then on the table, taking the cue he was using, he rubbed the tip a bit. "Coin flip for who goes first?" he asked

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund moves with inhuman precision, making the break and sinking a ball almost immediately. He seems pleasantly surprised. He takes a few more shots, but before long he misses and it’s Vinny’s turn in the spotlight.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent nodded, watching the opening shot, he was good....but Vinny was a hustler....then again Edmond knew that, so at this point it was even. Once the elder got his time, Vinny moved, he lined up his cue and looked down the table, it was clear from his bodylanguge he was a regular player, maybe a bit skilled more then more, he hit a ball, causing it to collide with another, both landing in seperate holes. He smirked, the next time he was not so lucky, giving Edmond another go

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund smiles. Vinny’s experience and current winning streak have made him overconfident. Time to exploit that. The Gangrel sinks another few before intentionally flubbing his next shot, leaving a tantalizing but difficult trick shot open for the young Daeva. Hopefully he’d fall for it.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent watched...and saw the shot....on the one hand, it was tempting...but it could be a trap....but damn it, he had to try, it was in his nature, he was something of a self fulfilling Icarus. So Vincent lined up and took it....failing it of course.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund didn’t hesitate to take full advantage of the blunder. He sunk shot after shot after shot and eventually he was just down to the 8-ball. He misses the crucial final shot, grimaces, and hands the floor back to Vinny for a spell, hoping he’ll last long enough to sink the final ball and win the game.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent couldn't help but sigh...but reminds himself this man is probaby a good few centures, if anything it's a credit to him he's not getting decimated. Vincent lines up, and once more makes a shot that get's three more in their spots, then another that get's one, but the third try he misses, looking to Edmund with a grin.

"Been a bit since I'v had an actual game."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund simply smiled, called his shot, and sunk the 8-ball. And that was that. “Good game, if a trifle slow for my liking. Haven’t played anything like that in years.”

Vincent Drake:
Vincent reached across the table with a hand.

"Yeah, been a hot minute sense I've had to actually play, was fun." he offered with a friendly smile, "So, you wanted to talk shop?"

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund takes the offered hand and shakes it, his hand cold and hard like rough hewn stone. “Strangely enough I think the only thing I really wanted to talk to you about was mundane business.”

Vincent Drake:
"Well then, you throwing a party?" he smiled, in the Estate, it was common knowledge Lord Drake was the man of the streets, making a pretty penny peddling drugs and sex, some called him 'lord of the gutter' behind his back, but he's proven to be capable in his niche

Edmund Desperaux:
“No, and I prefer to keep our business associations somewhat above board. You run at least one nightclub, yes?”

Vincent Drake:
Vincent blinked at that, smiling shyly.

"Yes and no, I'm opening one, but the city bureaucracy as been slow on it, had to do some changes from the initial floor plan, but it should come along." he shrugged, "I'm thinking of looking into buying some property though."

Edmund Desperaux:
“I would like to offer my company’s services. At a minor discount, not enough to raise any eyebrows in the finance department. I have no doubt someone with your… connections has no problem finding security of a sort, but if you want to maintain an air of competency and efficiency, consider my company.” Edmund hands him a business card. In simple, black letters it lists the name ‘Protech Security Group’ and a phone number, website, and address. Vinny might recall PSG being written on the sides of an armored car occasionally seen transporting who-knows-what throughout the city, or on the lapel pins of bouncers for other clubs.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent took the card, looking it over and pocketed it.

"Thanks.....but I was actually planning to keep it in house, I had an idea to....help a friend start up their own firm," then he looked over the Elder, now thinking he might step on toes with that idea, "I'll think of it, but I prefer my own people when I can, the offer is apreciated of course." he smiled

Edmund Desperaux:
“Of course. Consideration is all I can ask for, for the time being. Shall we rejoin the others? It appears that conversation has gotten lively in our absence.”

Vincent Drake:
"Of course." he smiled, "Oh, my sister is here."

Josephine Byrne:
"Hmm? Whad'ya mean special assignment? I'm not on the job right now." they asked as they looked over at Guy curiously.

Guy Dagenham:
He looks at them for a lingering moment. “Taking the blood.”

Josephine Byrne:
They stare back at him, blinked a couple of times as if trying to understand his very strange words and then suddenly chuckled softly. "Oh, you mean this ghoul thing? Uh... I guess not long. Why? You a vampire too, right?"

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val shows up next to Guy, leather jacket on and her constant smile on her face.

"Who's Vinny getting his ass kicked by?"

You know, the important questions

Guy Dagenham:
“Ah…yeah. Just curious. Being new can be a lot.” Dressed in his leather jacket, t-shirt, BDUs and boots in black, he moves like a tough Jo is used to being around, a man who wears his history of violence on his sleeve.

When Val pops up, he grins. “Mr. Big there is an older member of his covenant. He’s the one who brought me into the Bruja, though he doesn’t look the part. He’s even older than I am.”

Josephine Byrne:
"His name, is Mr. Desperaux." Jo huffed, coming to their Regnant's 'defense' without even thinking about it. And then they blinked and looked away guiltily.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val similarly had the look of some hardships in her life, but not the same as one who's seen active combat. All carefree like she was invincible. And if Jo watched athletics stuff, she may look a tad familiar.

"Ohhhh, thats legit. You'll have to introduce me at some point."

Val bristles at the outburst towards Guy, knowing better than to start shit in Elysium but the Ghoul wouldn't be afraid to end shit. And make that clear in the energy behind offering a hand to shake.

"Hi, name's Ria."

Guy Dagenham:
Guy’s eyes totally don’t roll, they just sort of, look up in a circular motion.

“Val,” he says softly, even gently. “Play nice. And yes, I will introduce you when the game is over, I promise.

Josephine Byrne:
Jo completely ignored the bristling, as if they never noticed. With a blank expression, they just nodded to Val nonchalantly. "'Sup. Jo." they muttered and then hid behind their mug of beer.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val nods and gives a grin to Guy, immedietly relaxing when he told her too.


Then she shakes the hand, trying her best not to give "my dad could beat up your dad" energy.

"So...ghoul then? Or neonate? Its hard to tell sometimes."

Josephine Byrne:
They shrugged their shoulders again.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
"You're really hard to talk to, you know that?"

Josephine Byrne:
"So?" they shot back with a glare.

Guy Dagenham:
“Jo works for Mr. Desperaux, professionally. And in the same capacity you do for me, in one way or another.”

Josephine Byrne:
"I can speak for myself, thanks." they huffed at Guy again.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val smiles and nods to Guy, wasnt he the best? Answering questions!

Then Jo huffed at him and Val straightened, mental leesh of Guy saying play nice being held taut at this point.

"Look, Jo. Chillax, or people ain't gonna like you. So they ain't gonna like Mr. Despe- god damn French words. Still trying to figure those out. Des-per-aux. People are gonna be wary around him. Yeah? So please? Just work with me here?"

Josephine Byrne:
"Well, I don't need you to like me, especially not you lot!" they hissed defensively. Jo took a couple steps away from them, clearly holding themself back from outright attacking. They had promised Edmund that they would behave, but... It's so hard being surrounded by so many monsters...

Guy Dagenham:
Guy lays a hand on Val’s shoulder. “Easy. They’re new to all this, and you know how much that can put you on edge.”

His glance flickers to Jo. “The ‘you lot’ was pretty unnecessary, though.”

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
THAT got Val to bristle. She'd been called part of 'you lot' a dozen different ways, and it wasnt hard to see it got to her.

But at the hand on her shoulder, she immedietly pulls back, just one last glare before staying at her regnant's side.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund’s voice pierces the noise of the crowd when he hears his Ghoul yelling. “Josephine!” A handful of massive strides and he’s standing behind his Ghoul. “Remember, this is a place for decorum to be upheld. And remember that largely these people are all like you and me, just trying to live our lives, in a manner of speaking anyway.”

Vincent Drake:
Vincent walks over, he was wearing black pants, a suit jacket, and under it a phillies t-shirt, having a bit of business casual tonight.

"Did I miss the daddy contest?"

Josephine Byrne:
Hearing their name get called in full like that made them wince and maybe even flinch. They turned to face Edmund defiantly, but there was no real fight in them. Just a bratty glare and a very softly muttered "Sorry..."

Guy Dagenham:
“Hey, Vinny. Eat piss,” Guy offers flintily, eyes flicking up and down Vinny in less a “checking out” way and more a “who’s sassy lost child is this?” way.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val's arm went around Vin, two people who couldn't look more opposite but couldnt look more familiar in each other's company. It was a sibling vibe.

"Don't call it that, I'm not allowed to noogie you in Elysium anymore. So I'll have to do it later in front of Alice."

And, of course, Val is contractually obligated to laugh at Guy's jokes, eyes all but sparkling as she looks at her regnant.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent just rolled his eyes at Guy's comment, it's normal and an appropriate responce to his 'daddy contest' joke...then Val laughed and something just shifted, he shrugged Val's arm off of him. "Don't touch the hair." he said a bit flatly

"Not what I usually get in that department." he said simply, "I'm more of a...." he shrugged, didn't need to er crass, but he was...a bi switch so it wasn't too hard to imagine. He went off to the bar got get himself some tap Vitae

Guy Dagenham:
Guy just sort of scans the group to try to get a read on the conversation.

“Uh…ok. That all…just happened.”

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund looks at Jo, and his face softens somewhat. "Jo, just... remember that these are people, alright? Treat them with respect."

Josephine Byrne:
"I... Can we get out of here? Please? I'm... Nervous..." they muttered as they crossed their arms over their chest again.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val gives a "yo wtf" look to Vinny, but stays next to her Regnant, giving the other Elder a wave.

Vincent Drake:
Vincent would just go and drink at the bar, a bit tenser then he was

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund waves somewhat sheepishly at Val, then looks back to Jo. "If you're sure. I think I might want to stay here a while longer. Do you know how to get back to Protech from here? It's not far."

Josephine Byrne:
Jo hesitated, glanced at the others in Elysium and then looked up at Edmund again. He was tall enough that they had to look upwards. For a moment, they looked like they were pleading with him, but that faded and they then looked resigned.

"No... I... I want to stay with you... Sorry... I'll just... Keep quiet..." they muttered.

Edmund Desperaux:
“If you want to leave, you should. Don’t stay on my account. I will be leaving soon anyway, I just wish to get to know some more people here, that’s all.”

Josephine Byrne:
The army veteran shook their head, determination now showing through. "No, I'll stay as long as you need." they replied firmly.

Guy Dagenham:
Guy smiles softly to Val, and after Jo and Edmund chat, makes a gesture to his ghoul.

“Mr. Desperaux, this is my protégé, Valeria Rolan-Ruiz. Val, this is Edmund Desperaux, one of the first I got to know after waking here in Philly.”

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund smiles. “A pleasure to meet you, Valeria.”

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val gives a supportive thumbs up to Jo, quickly hiding it if Jo actually looked in her direction.

Val was clearly a little uncomfy with all the fancy talk.

"Good to meet you too, Edmund. You can just call me Val."

Guy Dagenham:
Guy smiles softly to Val. “The Invictus tends to be particular about forms of address. Politeness as a way to avoid rousing the Beast, that sort of idea.”

Edmund Desperaux:
“Something like that.” Edmund smiles.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
She tries to put on a smile.

"Mr. Desperaux, then."

Josephine Byrne:
Jo sniffed indifferently. They did indeed spot the thumbs up, but chose to ignore it. Instead, they hid behind Edmund without it looking like they were hiding.

Edmund Desperaux:
“Don’t feel a need to address me so formally. I only impose such high standards of formality on myself.”

Guy Dagenham:
“Plus the Invictus aren’t running the town, so feel free to insist on being called whatever you’re comfortable with, as a compromise,” Guy adds to Val.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
"What do you wanna be called then?"

Edmund Desperaux:
“You may address me as you like, as long as it is appropriate, not demeaning, and I can tell you are referring to me. So simply ‘Edmund’, as you originally called me, would be fine.”

Josephine Byrne:
Jo grumbled under their breath behind Edmund. Only those with the sharpest of ears would have heard what they said...

Guy Dagenham:
Guy’s gaze flickers to Jo, but he doesn’t react to the grumble, instead smiling to Val. “He may not wear the biker uniform, but Bruja aren’t known for standing too much on ceremony for it’s own sake.”

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val nods and gives a thumbs up.

"Edmund it is then."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund nods, smiling at Guy's comments.

Guy Dagenham:
Guy smiles to Val. “See, you can put that on your punch card, another fancy introduction in the bag.”

Josephine Byrne:
Jo rolled their eyes... Not that anyone could see, as they were still hiding behind Edmund...

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
A little fist pump from Val.

"Fuck yeah, how many does that put me at? And whats my prize if I fill out the fake punch card?"

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund smirks but adds nothing further to the conversation for the time being.

Josephine Byrne:
Jo suddenly walked off again, with no word to anyone about where they were going. But it soon becomes clear when they took a direct path towards the bar...

Vincent Drake:
Vincent was currently at the bar, drinking some blood, he was a but tense and muttering to himself

Guy Dagenham:
Guy returns the bump. “Enough to get your free ice cream soon,” he says with a little grin.

Josephine Byrne:
When Jo arrived at the bar, they ordered another mug of beer and another glass of 'wine'. They gave no indication that they saw or heard Vincent. See, unlike some other Ghouls, Jo knew to mind their own business when the other person clearly does not wish to chatter like an annoying cockatiel.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
"Fuck yeah! Free ice cream. Not that I should have ice cream, but its still nice, heh. Gotta stay fit for the Olympics."

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund’s eyes widen slightly. “You are an Olympic athlete?” Apparently he doesn’t pay close attention to the news.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
She grins proudly.

"Yep, artistic gymnastics. I broke my leg last time during tryouts, but now I'm being predicted to get a medal so here we are."

Guy Dagenham:
“Weaning off the blood, of course, before competing. Have to keep the Silence, after all.”

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund nods. “Just so. And fascinating. I will have to watch the Olympics when they are broadcast, then!” He flashes a grin.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val grins, ego inflated as always.

"Ayep. Did the same weaning off for the tryouts and got gold so I'm not overly worried. You definetly should, not even just for me. All those people put in a fuck ton of work into everything they do."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent turned to the new face

"So, new to this?" He asked, looking them over, "For what its worth, call me Vinny, not Lord Drake, I'm only a year in." He offered a hand

Josephine Byrne:
They look over with a bored expression. "Jo." they replied as they took his hand and gave it a firm and short handshake.

Vincent Drake:
Vinny gave a smile

"Nice to meet you Jo, welcome to the club, if you need anything under the table, I'd be happy to help." If Jo was in on Estate things, they may have heard, in some begrudging tones, about a young 'Lord of the Gutter'

Josephine Byrne:
"No thanks. I got all I need." they huffed gruffly. Edmund probably spoke of Vincent a couple times, but it was almost as if Jo had no interest in making friends.

Vincent Drake:
He just kept smiling

"Suit yourself, been doing this long?"

Josephine Byrne:

Vincent Drake:
"I've been doing this a year or so, wasn't a Ghoul, didn't have prep, just all sorta hit like a truck, but it's an interesting side to things, you a waffle person?"

Josephine Byrne:
"Eh, tis fine."

Guy Dagenham:
Guy chuckles softly and smiles to Edmund. “Val is being very polite, since she still intends to win everything she can.”

Vincent Drake:
"Maybe you should check Maddys, with your boss of course, its...a good place to network." He chuckled, "And best coffee in Philly."

Josephine Byrne:
"If he wants." they shrug. They pick up their mug of beer to take a couple gulps.

Vincent Drake:
"Ever meet a wizard?" He asked straight faced

Josephine Byrne:
"... No. And I'm not sure I want to..."

Vincent Drake:
"They can be useful allies, they can....do alot of wierd things, fun things, useful, but wierd." He giggled

Josephine Byrne:
Jo squinted at him warily. "Right..."

Vincent Drake:
"Something the matter?" He asked, carefree smile

Josephine Byrne:
"Nothing." they shrug again. Then they pick up their mug, drank some more and then picked up the 'wine' glass. "But I have to get back to the boss."

Vincent Drake:
He gave a salute

Josephine Byrne:
The sullen ghoul returned to the other group and wordlessly passed the fresh 'wine' to Edmund.

Edmund Desperaux:
"Thank you Jo." Edmund sips at the deep red drink.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val smiles at the compliment from her regnant.

"Naturally ima win but saying that makes me sound overconfident."

Guy Dagenham:
“I know, that’s why I get to say it. My Regnantly prerogative or whatever.”

Josephine Byrne:
Jo stepped up to hide behind Edmund again, this time with their back against him, touching him just very slightly. They wanted to keep an eye on the rest of the Elysium, their bodyguard instincts kicking in...

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund chuckles into his drink as he continues to sip at the sanguine beverage.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
"I am, of course, never opposed to praise. The hit of dopamine from the Bond is..."

She makes an ok hand sign.

"Just sayin."

Vincent Drake:
Vincent giggled, thinking of Maria and holding back a comment how better it is with Romantic Bond, rather then Platonic, and the Wanton Curse, the gang could see him give a Chief's Kiss for no apparent reason

Guy Dagenham:
Guy chuckles and shrugs. “And you aren’t one to turn down getting acknowledged either,” he says, bumping Val’s shoulder gently. “I think that was like, the third thing I learned about you.”

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund looks down at a fancy wristwatch idly. "Well, it's getting a bit late. We should be leaving, I'm afraid. It has been a pleasure meeting you, Val, and to see you again Guy. I do so hope we can catch up more thoroughly soon. Jo, is there anything else you'd like to do before we leave?"

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val bumps him back with a grin.

"Of course im not. Was the first that I look terrible bleeding out?"

She chuckles and respectfully nods to Edmund, and gives a brief half salute to Jo as a send off.

"Nice meeting you both as well."

Josephine Byrne:
The moment Edmund revealed that they were going to leave, Jo perked up. They stopped hiding behind him, appearing at his side with one smooth movement and looking up at him brightly. "No, sir." they replied.

It should be noted that they completely ignored Val's gesture...

Guy Dagenham:
Guy nods to the two. “Edmund…Jo, it was nice to meet you,” he adds with one of his trademark grins, as cheerful as a bared knife and warm as blood on fresh snow.

Edmund Desperaux:
Edmund nods at both ghoul and vampire in response and makes his way out the door.

Josephine Byrne:
Jo glanced at Guy, acknowledging his farewell with a very very slight nod, and then they followed after Edmund quickly.

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
Val waits a solid minute of them walking before speaking again.

"They were a rude ass bitch, thats all ima say. I get he's your friend but his ghoul's a bit of an asshole."

Guy Dagenham:
Guy raises an eyebrow. “Be careful about what you say in Elysium, Val. People listen. Besides, they’re new, and clearly nervous. Give them some time.”

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
She grumbles but nodded.

"It was mostly the 'you lot' comment. I get being nervous but that's... nah, been called you lot in that tone way too often to put up with it."

She crosses her arms in a "im annoyed but shutting up" fashion

Guy Dagenham:
“I know, Val, I know,” he says softly, touching her shoulder for a moment. “Come on, let’s get a drink.”

Valeria Rolan-Ruiz:
She relaxes the moment she gets a reassuring pat.

"Drink it is! And annoying Vinny?"

Guy Dagenham:
“Sure,” he says with a chuckle.