Logs:New Ink: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning=Tattooing, Feeding,Talk of Addictions | cast=Ylva Theodulus, Vincent Drake | setting=Ylva's Tattoo Parlor | log= Ylva was sitting in her tattoo room waiting for Vinny to turn up. It was even all on the books. Jenny was sitting with her waiting for the door to chime and Astrid was doing admin work in the office. Today she was wearing her normal too short skirt, ripped tights, fuck off boots and a baggy t-shirt. Her hair braided all the w...")
No edit summary
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"Why hesitate? Its a food source that you need, just like we need glamour."
"Why hesitate? Its a food source that you need, just like we need glamour."
Vincent/Thespis/Edward-ET — 03/23/2023 9:37 PM
"I like to feed from people I'm at least friends with, I wanted to know where we stood, if we're actually friends or friends for the sake of our bird, ya know?"
"I like to feed from people I'm at least friends with, I wanted to know where we stood, if we're actually friends or friends for the sake of our bird, ya know?"

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She shrugs. "I dont know, about, being friends. For my Little Bird i'll do my best, but, no promises depending on how much of an idiot you are."
She shrugs. "I dont know, about, being friends. For my Little Bird i'll do my best, but, no promises depending on how much of an idiot you are."
Vincent/Thespis/Edward-ET — 03/23/2023 9:49 PM
he shrugged, "If ya don't want to be friends, that's perfectly fine. . .if I may ask, what makes me such an idiot, can't improve if I don't know what needs to be fixed, don't hold back, constructive criticism and all."
he shrugged, "If ya don't want to be friends, that's perfectly fine. . .if I may ask, what makes me such an idiot, can't improve if I don't know what needs to be fixed, don't hold back, constructive criticism and all."

Latest revision as of 02:43, 26 March 2023

Content Warning

Tattooing, Feeding,Talk of Addictions


Ylva Theodulus, Vincent Drake


Ylva's Tattoo Parlor


Ylva was sitting in her tattoo room waiting for Vinny to turn up. It was even all on the books. Jenny was sitting with her waiting for the door to chime and Astrid was doing admin work in the office.

Today she was wearing her normal too short skirt, ripped tights, fuck off boots and a baggy t-shirt. Her hair braided all the way down her back with some flowers woven into it.

Vincent came in for his appointment, door chiming, sweat pants and power rangers shirt. He still felt kinda shitty but was putting a brave face, kinda excited to get some ink. "Hey Ylva." he said as he entered

Ylva looked up giving Jenny a kiss on the cheek who bounced off to take care of checking him in and getting consent forms and such.

"Hey, I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you. Just head on through once you've done those forms for me okay doll."

"Sure, name's Vincent, friends call me Vinny, nice to meet ya." he smiled and nodded, filling out all the paper work, then headed in the tattoo room, "Good to see ya," he nodded to Ylva, "How's things been?"

"I've been doing okay. Lots on my plate these days but I've got a few days set aside for tattooing so that brings joy."

"That's nice," he said,"Should I take my shirt off, hoping to get them on the chest and back," he says, then has a look like he's debating with himself, "I did a bad." he finally said

"Yeah sure."

Then she sighs.

"Okay. Let me start tattooing before I give you your counseling. What did you think of the designs I sent through. Up to scratch?"

"Yeah, their great, and I don't need counseling just. . .a friendly ear." he says, their not the same thing right, "So, on the chest I want the Mark of Slaanesh, and a full thing on the back, raven wings with some wight feathers on the top, yeah know so it looks like folded wings covering the back?"

Totally not the same thing.

She nods getting him to stand still so she can apply the stencil to his chest first.

"Yeah. We'll start with the chest. See how far you get today."

Stepping back she looks at the stencil and points him at a mirror.

"Good there?"

"Yeah, perfect." he nodded, sitting down on the chair, "Don't worry about the pain, I can handle it." he chuckled

Lying him back she starts getting set up.

"That's what they all say. We shall see."

Sliding the door shut she continues.

"This is going to stick on your body. Given your condition?"

"I heard I have to make an effort for it to stick for one rest, but it will stay on afterwards if I do so." he nodded, "Besides, not every day someone get's a permanent work from a master artists."

She nods her head, needles touching his skin.

"Okay. So what was tonight's fuck up?"

"Well. . .we were cuddling, and. . .they leaned in like they do when they want me to do something, I took it as non-verbal confirmation to do that, they didn't and I feel like shit for that." he explained, "They said they where not mad or upset and somehow that made me feel worse like I thought they should be upset, ya know?"

She continues her work not looking up or seeming to physically respond.

"So. You took a non verbal queue and crossed a boundary. What have we learnt from this situation?"

Her voice has a measure of understanding to it.

"Always ask to make sure." he said, "Looking back, I don't think they realized they leaned in, like it was a reflex."

"So. When you have a power dynamic like that you have to be certain with what you are doing. It's like when Jenny or Sig basically torture me. They make sure I'm aware when we start."

She speaks super calmly about that fact. It's different, seemingly, from her torture in Arcadia.

"Yeah, didn't think of it like that but it's kinda similar, same rules need to apply." he said, a tiny flinch at the needle work, "So, follow the same rule I would follow with that kinda play."

She continues working moving at a steady and smooth pace for him.

"Yes. It's the same thing really. You can't just make a partner bleed when you feel like it. Regardless of if you need it as opposed to just wanting it in a play dynamic."

"I don't ever want them to feel not safe," he nodded, "If anyone hurt them," he tightens his grip on the arm rests, not from pain but anger and his eyes go red for a second, "Sorry, I'm sorry, just. . .I want to ring that person's neck, the one that's harrising them." he says, not sure how secure the place is to go into details, "You guys went through enough, deserve to feel safe without assholes showing up."

She shrugs.

"You can talk freely if the door is shut. The rooms are sound proofed. Not because of supernatural reasons. But so other clients don't have to hear me getting railed."

It is said so matter of factly.

"The Slavers are trying to take us back to that so I understand the anger. But don't let it cloud your judgement."

"Oh thank god, I was running out of metaphors," he chuckled, "So yeah, need to ask before feeding, that was a horrible mistake I'm never making again, I'm safe with them in more ways then one." he sighed, "Got my own frailties that Lost don't seem to trigger."

A chuckle escapes her lips.

"Oh, dear, I wasn't talking in metaphors and if you get your life together her maybe you can see that."

"I didn't think it was a metaphor," he chuckled, "Last I checked you where more a gal's gal," he raised an eyebrow, "but that is a wonderful motivator." he smiled, "Can I just say, thank you, for being a great friend and potential Motleymate to Avery, I try and I try but I can never fully understand what they went through or how they struggle, just as they will never understand my hunger or my Beast, but you can understand them like that, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you."

"I am. But a girl likes being cut."

See pauses for a moment focusing on some lines.

"I try my best. We aren't the same in our trauma. I kept my memories and no replacement. But I try. Surprisingly I can understand your hunger. Or could. Things change. Maybe you will too?"

"I want to change, I've become more careful, watched what I say, who I feed from, and have tried to not overthink things as much." he nodded and smiled, "One day, in the future, when their ready. . .I want to marry that bird."

"UwU. Don't forget. If you hurt them. I will end you."

"I fully expect you to," he said in all seriousness, "If I ever start to remind them of them, turn me into ashes and help them move on."

"I hope you never do. But yes. I won't watch one of my kin be hurt. Especially not Little Bird."

"Be honest with me. . .you like Avery, like that?" he asked, head on and no sound of jelousy at all

"Yes. It's just, complex."

"I think you'd be good together," he admitted, "You understand them in way's I can't, can go with them in that Hedge place, I think you two would make one helluva team. . .I ship it."

"Your an idiot. But thanks. Just taking things slow. With my. Sex drive I have to be careful."

She continues working, slowly making progress.

"Aw, now you just being mean," he chuckled, "I think it could work out, slow and steady is something I've recently learned is the best playbook to life." he said, "Look out for them, when their in that place, the Hedge, I never told them but I make a little prayer to whatever listens every morning when I head to sleep,."

"I try."

A chuckle.

"They are far more likely to protect be than the other way around and that feels stupid but whatever makes you happy."

"Hey, allow me to worry for my partner, will ya?" he laughed, "But yeah, they're badass and awesome, but you seem pretty tough, don't tell me ya can't hold you own in a fight."

"I could. Not so sure about now to be entirely honest."

There is a pause to her work as she says that.

"What's wrong?" ha asked, concern in his voice, "I don't mean to pry, if it's not my place just say so, but your important to Avy, that makes you important to me."

"Things have changed since I got back. Hard to explain. It's Lost bullshit."

She starts her work again finishing off the line work and moving onto shading.

"K," he nodded, "All I'll say, if their's anything I can do for the. . .Freehold," he said, forgetting the term for a second, "I'd be happy to help." he said simply, "So, how's Klaire doing?" he asked, moving the conversation

"She's doing well, moving into my house which is going to be nice. Finally."

"Oh, sweet, big step," he smiled, "When we moved into Maria's, it was one of the happiest days of my life, I wish you and yours much domestic bliss." he chuckled, "And Rook is an amazing dog, so that's a bonus."

"He is at that. She has had a room for a good while but it'll be good to have her there more often. So many beds to choose from."

"Plenty of spare rooms then?"

"Just one now. Jenny's room, mine and Astrids room, Klaires room, the fuck room and the spare room."

he looked to the door, "That Jenny," he asked, "aw, work and play partners, that's adorbs, wait I'm sorry, their's a whole dedicated to what-ya know what, as curious as I am, none of my business." he stops himself, "So, Jenny and Astrid, how long have ya been with them, if you don't mind me asking of course, just want to get to know the pretty lady drawing on me." he chuckled

"Astrid almost 15 years, Jenny about 8. Klaire almost 6."

There is a tilt of her head.

"Why would I not have a fuck room in my house?"

he chuckled, "Hey, I think their should be one in every home of someone who enjoys that activity, I got a fuck house so it's clearly needed," he joked, "Shit, fifteen years, congratulations."

"Thanks. We were kids when we met. Kids trying to make do in the deep south homeless communities."

She sighs though continues at her work diligently.

"Never left Philly, what's it like down their, as stereotypically bad as I've heard?"

"Probably worse in all honesty. I ran away from home when I was 13."

A slight pause. A lift of her hand to look at her work. Adding the last touches to the chest piece.

"Alternative, Albino, Dwarf being raised by religious extremists. How do you think that would go? The streets weren't much better, they got me hooked on one thing or another. Eventually that led to me meeting Tree and getting hooked on her."

He winces not from pain but from the description, "Fuck, sorry to hear, I ditched my parents when I turned 14, dad showed loved when he miss me with the bottles and all." He sighs, "to shitty parents, fuck em."

"Dont fuck your parents. Thats what Mommy's and Daddy's are for after all."

He chuckled at that, "Is it wrong that those are two words I never associate with parenting anymore, just associate with having fun." He laughed, "Honestly, I never felt like I could be safe fully around anyone until I met Avery and Maria, best bird and best Mommy." He sighed in content leaning back into the chair

"Your an idiot. But yeah, I hear you."

"No one is denying that, but I'm a lucky one." He laughed, "now the real question, am I amusing to watch like Kronk or SpongeBob, or am I insufferable like a Family Guy character that makes ya cringe?"


She pauses for a moment. Taking the time to answer.

"Do you actually want the answer to that?"

He shrugged, "What can I say, I'm a curious bastard, feel free, no feelings shall be hurt." He chuckled

"A little more on the Family Guy sadly. That is in fact all insult."

"Yikes," he winced, "I appreciate your honesty, straight shooter, admire that." He nodded, "Not really insulted though, just something else to work on."

She just shrugs continuing her work.

"Work on it ma dude. Family guy is not a good show."

"That we both agree on, I have no idea how it's even on air still, early simpsons seasons where charming, American Dad had some funny bits, Family Guy, ugh, too crude and mean spirited, no fucking lines too, who the fuck finds Quagmire or the old pedo funn-" he takes a breath, "Sorry, sorry, I was ranting, I apologize." Another breath, "So, ya watch any good tv?"

"Rant away, youve still got hours to go friend."

A pause and a tilt of her head. "Not really, not a fan, too many hobbies keeping me busy."

"Oh, what kind of hobbies, art related like the job?, I'm into anime and tabletop myself, most painting I do is on minitures."

"Art, my partners, thinking about doing drugs."

She tilts her head thinking.

"What's on your mind?" he asked, noticing the thinking, any thoughts he had at the third where not his place to voice

"Cocaine." She says bluntly

"I never had those addictions myself, but I watched it ruin my best friend, Val mentioned ya," he says, "I don't know your full story, I don't know all the shit you've had to go through. . .but I do know this, your here, your have wonderful partners who care about you, your a pillar of your community, your awesome." he said, "And just from what I've seen, how I've seen Avery when they come home from hanging with you, you deserve everything you cherish."

She shrugs listening as he speaks. "Maybe. Doesnt mean its not still there, every day."

There is a long pause before she continues. "But, thanks. I appreciate it."

he nodded, "The constant thirst, that is something I can understand, like a pit in your stomach that ya can't fill, ya try and it just goes away for bit before coming back worse." he mused, "I feel ya." he looked at her and nodded in understanding, one addict to another

"Yeah. Its what made there hell for me."

"I. . .I will never imagine what that hell was like for each of you and apart of me will always feel bad that I can't fully relate to Avy about what it's like." he admitted, "My more mundane addiction is the reason I'm where I am now," he thinks, deciding to share his story, "I was at a party, some college party that I stumbled on, their was this girl, just bombshell blond. . .looking back see blasted me with Majesty, super charisma, one thing led to another and. ..drained and brought back from death, no input, not heads up, you think you'd like this, just a baby vampire. . .sometimes I wonder if I just kept walking from the party, didn't talk to her, but then I think if it weren't for the fangs, I'd never met Avery."

There is a nod of her head at that. "If it wasnt for the fur I never would have met everyone I love now, never would have found out what Klaire was, how amazing she is."

"Sometimes the light is at the end of the tunnel," he nodded, "So, fur, ya got a tail too?"

"6 of them and cute fluffy ears and fur all over my body."

"Six. ..holy fuck are you a Kitsune?" he asked, the weeb coming out

"Yes, they grow as my connection to the Wyrd does."

"My god, hot fox girls are a reality." he mused, "I don't think my looks change, just more weaknesses, can't leave Philly and if I drink from someone more than once I might become magically infatuated with them, does not work with Lost though, so yeah, been becoming more selective in my habits, both of them."

"Yes, though, not for you unless you buck your shit up."

She tilts her head at that, then nods.

"Is that why you fed on Avery so freely when they offered it?"

"I guess," he admitted, "Like, I like the fact it makes them feel good, they feel safe around me, which is why I feel so horrible about what happened, but yeah, Avery I can drink from without inflicting or getting supernaturally induced feelings. . .what we have is real."

"Which means you could also drink from me freely."

She says with a curious expression.

"And far more than you can from them."

he nodded, "I asked a Lost friend, Arthur Phoenix, if he would allow me to drink from him, he said he'll think on it and I respect any decision he'll make, Avery said it would be ok to drink from him," he admitted, "Yes, from you too. . .but I was unsure if I should ask." he admitted, "I thought about asking you, but was a tad hesitant to bring it up."

"Why hesitate? Its a food source that you need, just like we need glamour."

"I like to feed from people I'm at least friends with, I wanted to know where we stood, if we're actually friends or friends for the sake of our bird, ya know?"

"Does it matter? If it is Little Bird making us friends or not?"

"I meant more as in people who don't care for each other but pretend for the sake of one person," he explained, "But. . .I dig ya, your a good person, a straight shooter, and ya do what ya can for the little guy, that's admirable and badass, I want to be your friend, if your willing to be friends with an idiot," he smirked, "So. . .yeah, would you mind some blood donations if ya feel up for it?"

"Its just blood, take what you need."

She shrugs. "I dont know, about, being friends. For my Little Bird i'll do my best, but, no promises depending on how much of an idiot you are."

he shrugged, "If ya don't want to be friends, that's perfectly fine. . .if I may ask, what makes me such an idiot, can't improve if I don't know what needs to be fixed, don't hold back, constructive criticism and all."

"Its the lack of thinking. How often you make mistakes. I understand being flawed trust me I do. But, get some fucking help man. Get a counselor, join a help group."

"I'm looking into Therapy," he admitted, "Help Group. . .I'm not good at. . .opening up to people, but I'm willing to try, for them."

"I dont care if you dont like it, get help. I didnt like joining AA or the Cocaine group or the Sex help group but i did because it was important for me to get better and for those around me to be able to help me I needed tools, you need to get those tools."

"I said I'm willing," he said, "I'll start looking into it tonight, Sex help group." he sighed, "Well, point one goes to Alice, takes a relationship to get me moving it seems."

She nods her head. "Good. Are you going to be good on Food? How late can we go before I risk burning you in the morning?"

"What time is it, lost track," he admitted, "as long as it's an hour before sun up, I can make it to the panic room, as for food, didn't do anything tonight that expended much, how much progress was made on your art?"

"Ive finished the chest and am about to start on the linework for your back."

She looks up at the clock. "Its 4am, so. That means about 3 hours to Sunrise. Up to you when you want to stop. You can always come back tonight to continue."

he thinks, "How long will the full back take, in your opinion?"

"Eight to twelve hours."

he just blinks at that, "Yup, going to have to call it a night, can ya squeeze me in for tomorrow night?"

"Sure. Dont exactly do much night time work. Its just you. I have this whole week blocked out for Tattooing so its all yours if you need it."

he smiled, "Sounds good." he says, getting off the chair, "Is the shirt good to put on or does the ink need to dry?" he asked

She stands up pulling on a new pair of gloves and cleaning down his chest. Wrapping it in Gladwrap. Then tilting her head.

"Im. Ya know. Im not sure what to tell you to do. Normally id say leave that on till bed then let it dry out and once it starts peeling apply this after care cream. But. Your not human."

"Nope, as much as I try to keep up appearances I'm not," he said, a touch of bitterness in his voice, but he himself seems not to notice, "I was told when I go to bed, to actively will myself not to heal, so we'll see how it is tomorrow night." he nodded, "Tattoo's aside, it was nice chatting with you, I'm an idiot and a mess. . .but I'm trying to get my shit together and be a person out Little Bird can depend and rely open . .I truly love them, with every fiber of my being and want to be worthy of their love. .. thanks, for calling me out on my shit, I promise for them I'm going to fix myself." he nodded, a tired smile on his face, the look in his eyes convey that despite their differences, they share one thing, the love of the bird

"Do you need a snack before you go?"

"It takes blood to get up and will probs take some to forgo a full heal, a snack would be nice." he nodded

She pulls off the gloves and stands up so she isn't so hard to reach.

"Snack away. Let's see if you are a good boy tonight."

There is a hint of flirting to her words as she speaks.

he chuckled, wraping an arm around her before leaning in, a few soft pecks by habit and then bites in, he does so in the way to maximise her own pleasure, she was willing to hear him rant so might as well return a favor, he keeps his hands where thy are, though he does grip onto her a little, and after a bit breaks the Kiss, "Was I good boy?" he asked softly leaning away from her, taking his hands off

She sighs.

"You were."

Then she adds.

"Sadly. I'm always all pent up after a session. Guess I'll have to wake someone up."

he laughed, "Well, have fun with that Ylva, maybe one day I'll shape up to be able to help ya." he added his own little flirt right back at her, "I'll see ya tommorow night, I'll come at the same time," he then blinked, "Oh, by the way, you and Avery are forming that group right, if you two need anything I can be of use for, something ya need a Incubus for or just dirt digging, I'll be happy to help."

Ylva nods leading him out and locking the door before heading back in to tidy up and go home.

"Have a good night kiddo."