Logs:Talking about education: Difference between revisions

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{{{[Michael Tath] [Maercstapa]}}}
[[Michael Tath]] [[Mearcstapa]]
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{{{A quiet coffee shop}}}
A quiet coffee shop
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{{{It's a slightly more quiet fox then normal who enters the cafe, but he still seems in relatively good spirits, chatting to the barrista as he collects a small cup of coffee and then weaving for a table to call temporary home. The observant might also note a single, dark feather woven into his tail.
It's a slightly more quiet fox then normal who enters the cafe, but he still seems in relatively good spirits, chatting to the barrista as he collects a small cup of coffee and then weaving for a table to call temporary home. The observant might also note a single, dark feather woven into his tail.

Mearc is already at a table, finishing up a phone call. "We'll be sure to bring patch updates for your system, just make sure our techs have access to everyone's workstations...thanks again. Have a spiffy day."
Mearc is already at a table, finishing up a phone call. "We'll be sure to bring patch updates for your system, just make sure our techs have access to everyone's workstations...thanks again. Have a spiffy day."
Line 132: Line 132:
"Anytime. Just...don't mind me when I go on rants like that, alright?"
"Anytime. Just...don't mind me when I go on rants like that, alright?"

"You're open and honest when you do." And Michael clearly doesn't mind this." He stands and drops some money on the table as a tip, nodding keenly. "Take care Mearcstapa, I'll see you soon."}}}
"You're open and honest when you do." And Michael clearly doesn't mind this." He stands and drops some money on the table as a tip, nodding keenly. "Take care Mearcstapa, I'll see you soon."

Latest revision as of 16:24, 19 March 2020


Michael Tath Mearcstapa


A quiet coffee shop


It's a slightly more quiet fox then normal who enters the cafe, but he still seems in relatively good spirits, chatting to the barrista as he collects a small cup of coffee and then weaving for a table to call temporary home. The observant might also note a single, dark feather woven into his tail.

Mearc is already at a table, finishing up a phone call. "We'll be sure to bring patch updates for your system, just make sure our techs have access to everyone's workstations...thanks again. Have a spiffy day."

His freckles are almost entirely green as he speaks, his tone of voice warm and very 'customer service'.

Michael pauses as he sees him, ears and tail lowering slightly. He watches quietly a moment, waiting for Mearc to end the call before approaching and not quite meeting his gaze, eyes downcast. "Hey." He offers quietly. "Am I okay to sit?"

"Yeah, sure. Though I might be working while we talk. Planning a red team exercise for this weekend, you see." As he sees Michael, his freckles even out again, to what the fox might consider 'normal' for him.

Michael nods quietly, carefully sitting and setting his mug down, hands clasped lightly in front of him as he fidgets a little. "I wanted to say sorry." He tells Mearc after a moment, voice quiet. "For being.. the way I was. So. Sorry Mearc. I, got all tangled up, but, I know that's no excuse for hitting you with all that.

"Okay. Honestly, I'm still kind of confused about the whole thing, really. More confused than upset, if I'm being honest." He tilts his head to one side, watching Michael thoughtfully.

The Joyeux nods, chewing his lip slightly. What he can say in a public place is limited, but. "I meant, parts. I respect the hell out of you. And I'm trying to do stuff for, or, learn how to do stuff to help out our closer friends. And I would like to do that with you, when it makes sense." He exhales. "I guess I felt, gah, not needed so much? I'm not always good at figuring myself out."

"So, context: I hadn't even mentioned the fashion show to Wren at all until last night. Because that's not work, that's something I've been poking at on the side, because I feel like it's important and I didn't know if she would. She's my co-worker, the person who I take with me when we're hired to test the security measures someplace. I would not, in fact, call on you for that. But I did tell you about the stuff at the fashion show, because you're a lifestyle reporter, and that's your beat. Does that make sense?"

He nods, ears lowering shamefully and gaze fixing on the table. "Yes." He answers softly after a moment. "And I've been working on it. And I'm grateful for you telling me. And I do hope to be able to do some good with it."

Mearc reaches out and puts his hand on the top of Michael's head.

"I'm not sure why my regard matters so much to you, and that's the part that really confuses me the most. Yes, I did tell you to impress me, but...I feel like I'm missing something else here."

"You don't know?" It's Michael's turn to give him a surprised look. "Because you're clever, and insightful. Mearc, you made me realize what I might be capable of it I tried. So, you've made much more of an impact then you seem to realize."

The hand pulls back. "Oh. I...huh. That wasn't...I mean, that's definitely cool, but. I wasn't trying to flip your life upside down."

"You haven't." A small smile, a tap against his hand with Michael's own. "I'm still me, I'm still being who I am. I've just realized I can make a far bigger, and positive impact then I realized."

"Well alright, then." Mearcstapa gives a small nod. "Glad to have helped, I guess. How is your work toward the fashion show going?"

"No news as yet, but, I should have some in the next few days." He nods, perking up at this point and taking a good sip of coffee. "I plan to do an article on it, go for the WFP like you said, and see what I can do with that."

"Good, good. I've been...approaching it tangentially, for my own part. I'm not quite as well-placed as you to raise the stink about charter schools."

A nod. "People will notice. And act. I hope. I can write all I want, but it only works if people pay attention and act themselves." A wide smile. "Still. I hope to at least get some attention."

"Good. I'll try to keep the police and security team from riling up the protesters at the event, day of, as much as I can."

"And if at least a few donors end up making donations to the public sector?" The fox muses thoughtfully. "That could have a good impact too."

"That's the sort of thing I leave in your hands, Michael." He nods, and sips his coffee, frowning faintly as he realizes it's gone cold.

"That's the sort of thing I hope to do, yes." He cants his head. "Do you want another?"

"No, it's fine. Better not to waste this one, I think. Not a big deal--I must have gotten caught up in planning for a while." He lets out a soft chuckle.

"I, er, sometimes get lost in my own thoughts too." He admits wryly. "And before I know it, a hour or three's gone by." Another sip of his coffee. "I'll update you on the whole thing by the way, there's enough to update you on."

"Excellent. Thank you very much." He nods. "And you'll tell me if there's any help you'll need on my end?"

"Yes." A keen nod to this. "That may come out of whatever happens. The day itself isn't too far off, after all."

"One week." He sips his cold coffee, braced better for it this time. "I sent both my police contacts and some of the SECURITAS people a video on de-escalation, hoping they might have it fresh in their minds when dealing with protesters. That might help keep day-of from getting too wildly out of control."

"Let me know what your impressions are for that?" He nods. "It's somethin I'd be good to take onboard and all."

"Well, I think I was able to get through to them, but I might talk with some of them in person to really drive the point home."

He smiles, raising his cup towards Mearcstapa with a nod. "And I know at least one donor who agrees the public sector needs more attention. Him speaking up might reach at least some of the others."

"Good. Very good." He nods. "And when this is over, we'll find another mess to get ourselves into, hm?"

"That is the idea." A sly wink. "Plenty to find in this city. Problem solving, getting people to think and do what's good."

"For what value of good? Whose ethics are we working by today?" Mearc smirks.

A cant of Michael's head. "That everyone has the same chances as everyone else, and that they have the support needed for that end. There's a lot of people I could quote who've supported that idea."

"Can you expand that thought further? I'm particularly curious what you mean by 'same chances'." His freckles color-shift toward green again.

A nod, Michael musing. "Education's a big part. A lot of schools are underfunded, meaning those who go there don't always have the support they need. While others with the benefit of money go to fully funded education and get far more support. And that leads to far more options for careers. In short, you have more chances if you have more money and that's not right. Wealth is in no way a measure of someone's character, but it opens so many doors that otherwise stay closed."

"Mm. I get what you're saying, but I feel like...'same chances' implies that if everyone got the same level of schooling, it'd be better."

"That schooling needs to be of a good quality, but, yes." He nods. "It's not a full fix to problems, but, I would see it as a good thing."

"Right. But what's 'good quality' for one student may look like an independent study program with a focus on self-directed learning and exploration, while another may need something more hands-on and regimented in order to thrive. And if you put those two students in the exact same classroom setting, even with the best of teachers, one or the other of them may struggle. So...one thing that needs to happen, in the long run, is for class sizes to be small enough for teachers to be able to assess what the best learning environment is for each student, and accommodate that. In the long run."

There's a pause, then a grabbing of a pen and notepad as Michael notes that down, nodding at Mearcstapa as he does.

"Also, testing for barriers to learning, like ADHD and autism, as well as simple vision tests need to be a thing, because a student who's unable to read may be written off as being 'slow', and may end up getting the entirely wrong accommodations for their problem. And that means that the healthcare system needs to be fixed in order to support this, because let's talk about the price of glasses without insurance..."

He gestures with a hand as he talks.

"Meanwhile, students who are identified as 'gifted' are often pushed onto honors tracks without any care for how the added pressure affects them, and a lot of those end up not getting tested for ADHD because they're gifted and that's clearly where their bursts of creative energy come from. Which leads to breakdowns around high school, or sometimes college, when the structure of the K-8 schedule drops away."

Michael stops at this, peering at Mearcstapa thoughtfully and with a hint of sympathy. "It's possible all this you've learned from study and research, but..." He bites his lip. "I get the feeling you've personal experiences too."

Mearc's freckles flame red and he looks down into his coffee. "Uh, maybe just a little."

A nod, Michael reaching out to pat his shoulder gently. "It's a wonderful vision. I don't know if we'd be able to achieve it, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try for it. Because we'd still achieve something good, I hope."

"Right, but...it's all interrelated. If a student's family can't afford an internet hookup, that student is at a disadvantage, even if their school's real spiffy. If their food supply is insecure, that's going to make concentrating in class harder. It's..."

He interlaces his fingers, trying to get the 'web' or 'network' or 'thorny' concept across.

"...we can't just fix one part of the system."

The fox nods, ears lowering slightly. "I know, but.. getting more funding is something I can see a path to. Fixing the system as a whole, that's something else entirely."

"Well. That's why you don't have to do it alone, foxglove." He relaxes slightly, that smile reappearing.

Lips curve in a returning smile as he nods keenly. "Thank you. Start at he fashion show, and, step on from there." A wide smile before he stretches. "I do need to get back to my own grind, but, I'll take onboard what you said. And thanks for the advice."

"Anytime. Just...don't mind me when I go on rants like that, alright?"

"You're open and honest when you do." And Michael clearly doesn't mind this." He stands and drops some money on the table as a tip, nodding keenly. "Take care Mearcstapa, I'll see you soon."