Logs:Stepping Out of the Bubble: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Asbolus *Lux | setting=Club Vertigo | log='''Lux:''' It's Saturday, but still pretty early--so not too crowded. Lux is lounging in a...")
mNo edit summary
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'''Asbolus:''' A faint chill mingled with the blast of warmth from outside as the door opened to reveal Asbolus, dressed plainly as was his wont to do.  The predatory air about the Darkling had grown since the last time Lux had seen him, the sharp edges of his mien all the more noticable fot it.  Pale eyes scanned the room as he made his way inside, a smile forming as he spotted Lux in their booth and headed their way.  "Evening."
'''Asbolus:''' A faint chill mingled with the blast of warmth from outside as the door opened to reveal Asbolus, dressed plainly as was his wont to do.  The predatory air about the Darkling had grown since the last time Lux had seen him, the sharp edges of his mien all the more noticeable for it.  Pale eyes scanned the room as he made his way inside, a smile forming as he spotted Lux in their booth and headed their way.  "Evening."

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'''Asbolus:''' "Thank you, and indeed.  I'll take being close to the stage, at least."  He nodded, chuckling at the question that followed.  "He's handsome, yes."
'''Asbolus:''' "Thank you, and indeed.  I'll take being close to the stage, at least."  He nodded, chuckling at the question that followed.  "He is handsome, yes."

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'''Asbolus:''' "Perhaps.  I've enjoyed speaking with him so far, at least, and it will be interesting to see where it goes."(edited)
'''Asbolus:''' "Perhaps.  I've enjoyed speaking with him so far, at least, and it will be interesting to see where it goes."

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'''Asbolus:''' "What?  I don't have any particular feelings on people who are that sort of nocturnal.  Alex is the only one I've had any proper dealings with, truth be told."  He looped an arm around Lux's shoulders as they curled up beside him, nodding a touch.  "It'd be worth it.  He certainely appreciates the arts, so I imagine you'll get along well on that front."
'''Asbolus:''' "What?  I don't have any particular feelings on people who are that sort of nocturnal.  Alex is the only one I've had any proper dealings with, truth be told."  He looped an arm around Lux's shoulders as they curled up beside him, nodding a touch.  "It'd be worth it.  He certainly appreciates the arts, so I imagine you'll get along well on that front."

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'''Asbolus:''' "Not very, unfortunately, and it's something I want to amend.  Haven't been able to get our schedules to sync up propely, although not through lack of effort."
'''Asbolus:''' "Not very, unfortunately, and it's something I want to amend.  Haven't been able to get our schedules to sync up properly, although not through lack of effort."

Latest revision as of 05:10, 16 August 2020


Club Vertigo


Lux: It's Saturday, but still pretty early--so not too crowded. Lux is lounging in a booth by themself, sketchbook in front of them, idly sketching and doodling. A glass sets in front of them, brightly colored and sugary sweet smelling.

Asbolus: A faint chill mingled with the blast of warmth from outside as the door opened to reveal Asbolus, dressed plainly as was his wont to do. The predatory air about the Darkling had grown since the last time Lux had seen him, the sharp edges of his mien all the more noticeable for it. Pale eyes scanned the room as he made his way inside, a smile forming as he spotted Lux in their booth and headed their way. "Evening."

Lux: Lux peers upwards, hair on the back of their neck rising up. They blink, then smile warmly. "Evening, Bobo. Sit with me? How are you? You look... sharp."

Asbolus: "Doing well enough, all told. Hope it's the same for you." He slid into the booth, holding an arm up for Lux to come in for a quick hug if they so wished. "Indeed...dipped back into the well not too long ago."

Lux: Lux accepts the hug, scooting in close and squeezing around him tightly, even smooching him on the cheek before pulling back. "Dipped into the well?" They perks a brow, then smile. "Yeah, I'm doing pretty good, all told. Oh--I got engaged! Look." They lift their hand, showing off the hedgespun ring made of rainbow light that flickers all around them. "I asked Mearcstapa and Jack to marry me."

Asbolus: "Got a little weirder, as it were. Think being under the Cloak for those weeks dealing with Robin got the ball rolling." He returned the hug, smiling at the kiss that followed. "Oh?" His eyebrow arched, that smile widening as he saw the ring. "Congratulations. That is stunning..."

Lux: "Thank you. You should see Mearcstapa's and Jack's." They smile brightly. "They seem to like their's. Made them myself. I'm proud of how they came out." They remain leaned into Asbolus' side, peering over at him. "Weirder, for sure. But it's a good look for you. Dangerous and hot."

Asbolus: "Glad to hear it. And that is impressive...haven't tried anything quite that intricate myself yet." He looked down to Lux as they leaned against him, smirking a touch at the compliment. "Thank you. Wasn't expecting it, but I'm settling into it well enough."

Lux: "If you ever wanted to give spinning a go, I could help," Lux says with a grin. "Settling in is good. Anything new going on?"

Asbolus: "I'll let you know." He replied with a smile of his own. "Still working on the podcast idea, along with putting the paperwork Mearc worked up for me to good use. He also pointed me towards Luigi Fabri and the theater he's building, and I may be working with him as the house manager. Should hopefully be meeting with him soon to talk more on that front."

Lux: Lux blinks, brows climbing. "Manager? Whoa. That's amazing, Bobo! You'll do awesome at that. And it lets you be a part of theatre again." They smirk. "I've heard about this Luigi guy. Is he as hot as others make him out to be?"

Asbolus: "Thank you, and indeed. I'll take being close to the stage, at least." He nodded, chuckling at the question that followed. "He is handsome, yes."

Lux: "Oh-ho." Their eyebrows waggle playfully, elbowing him lightly. "Having a hot boss will be nice."

Asbolus: "Perhaps. I've enjoyed speaking with him so far, at least, and it will be interesting to see where it goes."

Lux: Lux nods. "It will. When will you start doing plays? Are you gonna be helping direct them? Or just handling administration stuff for the theatre?"

Asbolus: "More on the administrative side, I imagine. He's looking for someone to handle the day to day operations for the most part so he can enjoy the performances himself."

Lux: "Ahh..." Lux nods. "I guess that makes sense anyway, since he can't really be...around, during the day."

Asbolus: Cue a quirked eyebrow and a curious look. "Is that so..."

Lux: A beat pause. "...Wait, you didn't know?"

Asbolus: "I didn't, no...I knew he was a knight in some fashion, but not that."

Lux: "Oh, erm--yeah. Mearcstapa and Jack told me that he's--you know. That he only comes out at night." They eye him. "Does that change your decision to work with him?"

Asbolus: "Ah...I see." He shook his head to the question that followed. "Don't see why it would."

Lux: "Does it make you think he's hotter?" Lux teases then, grinning.

Asbolus: Asbolus started to say something but paused, chuckling after a moment. "Not particularly, no..."

Lux: "Uh huh." Lux eyes him a moment, then shrugs and curls up against him again. "Well, it just means I really need to meet him, now. Make sure he's going to be a good boss for you."

Asbolus: "What? I don't have any particular feelings on people who are that sort of nocturnal. Alex is the only one I've had any proper dealings with, truth be told." He looped an arm around Lux's shoulders as they curled up beside him, nodding a touch. "It'd be worth it. He certainly appreciates the arts, so I imagine you'll get along well on that front."

Lux: "Probably. Mearcstapa and Jack seem pretty taken with him." They rest their head on his shoulder. "Have you been getting to know Alex?"

Asbolus: "Not very, unfortunately, and it's something I want to amend. Haven't been able to get our schedules to sync up properly, although not through lack of effort."

Lux: Lux nods. "I get that. I haven't been around others much either, lately. But..." They peer at him. "Has any of the others shown you the house, yet?"

Asbolus: "They haven't yet, no. I was wagering that they were waiting for things to be properly finished; I know Mearc is still working on things for his den, as it were."

Lux: "Makes sense. I want you to see it soon, though. We're close to done... Mostly." They smile. "There's a room there for you. If you want it."

Asbolus: He smiled softly in return, giving a nod. "I would. Where I'm at now has served me well but it's well past time to move on, and doing so with those I care about would make it all the better."

Lux: Lux blinks, as if surprised that it was that easy--but then bursts out into a delighted laugh. "Awesome!" They throw their arms around him tightly, squeezing. "It's on the other side of the house from our bedrooms so--you should have privacy. I'll show you how to get into the house without setting off the traps--they're pretty dangerous, so you gotta always be mindful of them. But... it'll keep us safe there." Safer, at least.

"You can decorate it however you want! And I'll help!"

Asbolus: The Darkling let out a little oof at the tight hug, returning it in kind after catching his breath along with a chuckle. "That much of a surprise?"

"Noted, and sounds good. I don't have much to bring over since most of what's there will stay with the place, as it were, so there'll be some space to play with on the decoration front."

Lux: "Just a little. I kinda expected you to play the aloof loner 'I'm fine where I am' card and need a bit more sweet talking. But... I'm glad." They smile. "That you feel comfortable living with us so easily."

Asbolus: "You three have played a large part in me stepping out of that role, honestly. I thought I was content in my own little bubble, but seeing how empty it was helped me to want to get out of it."

Lux: "Aww..." Lux smiles warmly. "I'm glad that you're getting out of that bubble. You deserve to be loved and surrounded by family."

Asbolus: "Right back at you, and I'm glad you found it."