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*[[Kayla Sockum]]
*[[Kayla Sockum]]
*[[Polly Romantic]]
*[[Polly Romantic]]
| setting=The Green Room, followed by the Soulwardens' Sanctum
| setting=[[The Green Room]], followed by the Soulwardens' Sanctum
| log='''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it.
| log='''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it.

Latest revision as of 03:02, 1 February 2023


The Green Room, followed by the Soulwardens' Sanctum


Jeremiah Hamilton: The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it.

The master of the house was on site this particular day, dressed casually in jeans, black boots, and a black t-shirt for a music house in Los Angeles. For the moment he was sitting at one of the tables near the door that led to the office area, a cup of coffee on hand and a light lunch on the way from the kitchen.

Polly Romantic: Polly saunters in on foot, as per her habit. Her guitar is on one shoulder, and her go bag on the other. She's wearing a sun dress, perhaps one of the few times she'll be able to do so with fall fast encroaching. Her hair looks like rainbow sherbet, all lime green, pink, and orange. Why not? Of course this means that she clashes terribly with the decor of the place, but if you're going to show up? Stand out! She heads for Jeremiah's table directly, offering a wave to some of the staff she recognizes. "Hey, boo! Working hard, or hardly working?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah looked up at Polly's greeting, smiling widely as he got up to offer the Elemental a hug. "Hey there. Getting a break in before the lunch rush kicks in properly. How's it going on your end?"

Polly Romantic: "Slow but sure," Polly answers, returning the hug with a peck to his cheek. "Can't complain too much. Nobody'd listen to me, anyway!" Polly makes a 'hold that thought' gesture, then steps over to the counter to order herself up a chai, pays for it in cash with tip, and then heads back to his table to settle in, setting down her guitar and backpack once she's settled. "How are things in your world? The girls keeping you out of trouble and vice versa?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: He smiled at the kiss, sneaking one of his own in real quick before she got too far off. By the time she got back to the table he had reclaimed his seat, nodding at the question with a smirk. "Pretty much. Had my nose to the grindstone for a bit with some personal studies that have been going pretty well, along with helping them out with some things as well."

Polly Romantic: "Sounds productive, at least? I have to admit, it sounds like your life is much more full of study and introspection than mine is. We're all navel-gazey lawyers, pretty much. Much more officious and judicial than studious." Polly settles back in her seat and removes her sun hat, using it to fan herself for a moment. "Songwriting is going pretty well. I may go do a residency at some point, here. For inspiration and the like. Having a bunch of singles does not a cohesive album make."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Navel-gazing is definitely a thing on our end, too. Connecting with the universe to understand it better, that sort of thing. I did get a chance to talk with someone at the diner on how things tick on your end, though, which was interesting. Name was Laura, if you know her off-hand." He nodded with a smile as she continued. "Sounds like a plan, and if there's anything I can do to help let me know."

Polly Romantic: "I know of her, but I can't say that I know her. Nice lady from all reports. Big. Likes cupcakes." The latter point is no doubt wins high marks in Polly's world. "Oh, you're helping plenty. You're a muse, after all! Or at least an inspiration. Which I am sure is very gratifying for you. I do promise not to get all Taylor Swift about it if things turn south, though. So no worries, there."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "We got along pretty well, so I agree there." He chuckled at the Taylor Swift comment, shaking his head with a smile. "Good to know, on both counts."

Polly Romantic: "I can try to satisfy your curiosity more, if that's something you feel need satisfying. It's one of those things where we're mum about it because not being mum about it is the number one way to get on the wrong side of the big bads out there. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing where we're concerned, it seems like. Whether that's anecdotal or not is not a hypothesis I'd choose to test, personally. But." Polly shrugs her shoulders, "I'm not cut from the hero's cloth."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I am curious, I'll admit, but that comes with the territory. And I get it; I can't be too open about things either without issues coming up." He nodded quietly, thinking a moment before looking back to Polly with a small smile. "There is something I wanted to show you, though, if you're up for it."

Polly Romantic: "I'm up for almost anything where you're concerned, Jay. By all means." Polly's chai is ironically delivered to their table at this point, just in time for them to be intending to relocate. She chuckles at the absence of serendipity, and takes a sip of her drink all the same. "Where are we headed? I'll have to ask your help to carry my stuff, though."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Upstairs works, or we can go to my place for a change. Up to you." He smiled at that, gauging her reaction.

Polly Romantic: "Your place? Ooh, mysterious. I'm all for relocating if you're up for having me. Makes me wish I'd brought some baked goods apart from my emergency cookies." Polly takes her coffee up to the counter and shame-facedly asks for a to-go cup, since they're going to be leaving in short order. There's some chuckles, but she winds up with a to-go cup and heads on back to begin hefting up her gear again.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "But of course. Wouldn't have offered if I wasn't up for it." He replied with a smirk, grabbing her guitar case for her while she went to get a to-go cup for her drink. "My car's parked down the street; shall we?"

Polly Romantic: "Surely." Polly slings her backpack over a shoulder and takes her coffee back towards the door, nudging it open with her hip and holding it with a foot so that Jeremiah can carry her guitar through unscathed. Precious baby that it is. "I never got the hang of cars, myself. I had one out in LA because you sort of had to. But I hated it."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Know what you mean. After the accident it took a while for me to get remotely comfortable driving again, and even now I prefer taking my bike instead if I can." Jeremiah led the way to his nearby car - a sedan of recent make but nothing too fancy - and carefully set her guitar inside and secured it before opening the door for Polly herself.

Polly Romantic: Polly tosses her backpack down in the foot well and then slides into the seat once Jay gets the door for her, rewarding him with a bright smile. Chivalry is not dead, apparently. "Thanks!" She makes sure her skirt hem isn't about to be stuck in the door, then buckles herself up to await the drive to Jeremiah's place.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Eventually Jeremiah pulled the car in front of an old brick building in Old Kensington that blended in well with the other structures nearby, a bright green door set into the entryway. "And here we are." He said with a small smile, turning off the car and emerging to help with the bags as needed. "Don't think anyone else is home at the moment..."

Polly Romantic: "So I will remain your snuffleuppagus, huh?" Polly is dating herself, clearly. But so it goes. "Maybe someone will show up a little later. That would be nice! I've heard so much about your friends, I'm looking forward to meeting them." Polly collects her backpack and guitar again and carries her beverage along with her. What's left of it, anyhow, letting Jay get the door for her again.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "They're looking forward to meeting you, too." Jeremiah smiled as he led the way towards the door, unlocking it and holding it open for her. The main entry area came first with wood flooring and what looked like a very well decked out kitchen and a hallway heading further into the building off to one side, a stairwell going up to the second floor on another and doors going to other rooms near the back and one by the stairs. "The living room is farther in if you want to set up there. Not too bad, huh?"

Polly Romantic: "It's lovely. You have space. I have two floors at my place and no space for anything-- I will forever wonder how in the Marie Kondo you all manage it." Polly leans her head around this corner and that, just peeping in on how the other half lives. The half without tens of thousands in art products stacked in boxes, that is. The kitchen is eyes covetously, even. "Living room would be lovely, sure."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "We've got five of us here plus someone staying temporarily, so we definitely use the space as best as we can." He replied with a smirk, leading her towards the living room area which housed a number of comfy looking couches along with something of an indoor garden with plants for tea-making and whatnot. "There's a basement, too, where the proper magic happens, as it were."

Polly Romantic: "Is that where the frogs eyeballs and bats wings and stuff are kept?" Polly's tone of voice implies those were jokes, and her grin makes the implication overt. "You know what's funny? We're probably more likely to traffic in frogs' eyeballs and bat wings, I bet. Goblins are strange little critters, they are." She sets her bag and guitar down in a safe section of the living room, then finds a coaster for the remnants of her chai.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Mushrooms, in our case. Lots of energy-infused mushrooms. Although not the trippy kind, admittedly." He chuckled, claiming a seat beside Polly once she got settled. "Probably, yeah. We can pull some power from using components like that when it comes to casting, although I haven't seen anyone go the full 'eye of newt' route personally."

Kayla Sockum: Kay appears from the entry way, returning from one errand or another. She's wearing a white button-up, a pair of jeans and is already barefoot after entering the building. She holds her purse in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other, possibly takeout. She gives a bright smile at Jeremiah and Polly when she arrives in the Tea Garden Salon. "Hello!"

Polly Romantic: Polly freezes when Kayla appears, eyes a little wide. It is, once more, played for comic effect. She stage-whispers aside to Jeremiah, "She can see me." But after that little joking aside, Polly unfreezes and takes a few steps forward to offer her hand. "Hello! I'm Polly, Jay's girlfriend. The one that makes the curry." In case that needed narrowing down. "It's nice to finally meet one of you! I've been trying to make that happen, but the stars have never aligned."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah grinned at the joke, moving to get up as well to offer his cadremate a quick hug once the shaking of hands is completed along with checking to see what the pronoun pin was set to today if she was wearing it. "This would be Kay."

Kayla Sockum: The pronoun pins was set to She today. Kay laughs softly at the joke about her seeing Polly "It's nice to meet you too, Polly." The handshake is returned warmly, after Kay transfers her purse in the hand holding the paper bag, then the hug from Jeremiah. "Mind if I join you for a bit?"

Polly Romantic: "I certainly don't. I've been wanting to meet all of you for a long while now! We just got back from the Green Room. He was going to show me something, but my hunch is that it's not anything terribly private. Or he wouldn't have brought me here." Polly finds a place to settle herself down, and does so with a contented sigh. Happy to be at rest again.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Fine by me. And no, it's nothing I need to keep under wraps. Kind of the opposite, in fact." He replied with a smirk, taking a seat beside Polly. "It's something I've been working on for a bit and I finally got the specifics down for it."

Kayla Sockum: Kay smiles and sits down at the couch, giving space to the couple, crossing her legs and watches Jay and Polly. "Oh, I'm curious now, what kind of thing is it?" she wonder aloud, opening her takeout bag, bringing out a rather sizeable portion of Onion ring.

Polly Romantic: Polly scoots back onto the couch and folds her hands in her lap, leaning in against Jeremiah casually on account of liking him or something. "We're rapt with interest," Polly agrees with Kayla, eyeing those onion rings in consideration. Carbs. The great temptress.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Now that would be telling." Jeremiah said with a sly smile, tugging the necklace out from under his shirt to reveal the coiled bronze serpent pendant and gently rubbing the back of it as he looked up towards one of the overhead lights. "Here goes nothing..."

With a moment's focus the familiar flare of active magic hit the air for those able to sense it, but both women would see the light double in brightness and break apart into a rainbow of hues, colors scattering across the ceiling. The display lasted ten seconds at the most but Jeremiah was beaming himself by the end of it, looking towards Polly to see her reaction.

Kayla Sockum: Kay smiles brightly, impressed by the new ability's showcase and claps her hands in excitement. "Such a bright sort of magic." looks over the rainbow colors and try to notice the details of the display.

Polly Romantic: Polly stares up at the light with a bright, bright smile, eyes glittering at the light show. "That is so cool," Polly enthuses with a small bit of applause. "You guys get the coolest toys. Though I suppose I could do something similar if I studied up on it." Polly glances aside at Jeremiah with a bright grin, "Did you learn all of that on account of me, though?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I did, yeah." He replied with a soft smile. "After what you mentioned I wanted to make sure that I could be that light for you when you needed it."

Kayla Sockum: "Awwwww." Kay makes the sound sincerely and makes a heart-shape with her hands toward them both. "That was really cute Jay." a short, thoughtful expression run across her feature and she chuckle at the thought that emerge from that.

Polly Romantic: "Can you make light even when there isn't any? Like in the dark, or the like? If so, that's amazing." Polly snatches up one of Jay's hands in both of hers and gives it a tight squeeze. For Kay's sake, she looks her way and explains, "You can't see what I really look like. But. I'm basically a rainbow person. And when it gets dark, I sort of... disappear? It's really disorienting. Terrifying, really. Jay's helping me deal with all of that now that I'm..." She gestures about their surroundings, "Back."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "With a little more effort, but yeah." He put his other hand atop Pollys, the smile still firmly in place. "And like I said, you're definitely worth the effort."

Kayla Sockum: "Alright, thank you for sharing that much with me. And It's really good to know, that way I know what not to do around you." Kay explains and offers Polly the bag of Onion rings for her to pick a few, stopping on the way back to Jay too, she's not stingy with food.

Polly Romantic: Polly nabs an onion ring when the bag is offered to her, winking in gratitude. They're best hot and awful cold, but warm is still pretty good. She cronches on down on the thing, since trying to be dainty with fried onions is futile. "Jay, you're ridiculously thoughtful. I really lucked out when I met you, I have to say. You make me feel ridiculously safe and seen. I really appreciate it." She hooks a thumb Jay's way and inquires of Kayla, "What do you think. Should I keep him?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah nabbed a ring for himself when the bag passed his way - because really, who says no to onion rings? - before looking back to Polly with a warm smile. "I'm lucky to have met you, too."

Kayla Sockum: "You definitely should. Jay's a catch." Kay pats him on the back and and devour another onion ring, she slides off the couch. "Grabbing something to drink from the kitchen, want anything?"
