Dr Amelia Fedorov

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Dr Amelia Fedorov


The Professor
Pronouns:  She/They
Birthday:  May 14th 1987
Height:  4ft 5in
Weight:  150lbs
Build:  Cut
Concepts:  Geometry Professor
 Sacred Geometry
 Buff Nerd
Public:  Small Framed ••
 Fleet of Foot: •••
 Parkour: •••••
 Languages(German, Russian and Latin): •••
 Meditative Mind: •••
 Fame (Geometry Professor and Writer): •••
 Fame (Custom Mechanics): ••
 Fame (Parkour): •
 Fame (Stunt Motorbike Riding): •
The Mage
Path:  Obrimos
Gnosis:  •••
Order:  None
Order Status:  None
Virtue:   TBD
Vice:   TBD
Public:  High Speech: •
 Potent Nimbus: ••
 Potent Resonance: ••

“Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn."
Benjamin Franklin

“Live as if you will die tomorrow.
Learn as if you will live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi


Dr Amelia is a short Russian woman, and she has always felt the need to adjust for that depending on the mask she is wearing. At work she is never seen out of heels, dangerously tall ones at that. What she wears fits the occasion, boots for riding or crafting and running shoes when doing Parkour.

She is short yes but also the kind of person that wants to fade into the background, to not be noticed. Sadly, her skill across her many fields has made that impossible. More and more people recognize her from one thing or another. Is she Dr Federov, is she Blue and now is she Archimedes.

Her long term Nimbus tends to cause minor black outs, short circuts and on occasion if she is around enough lightning storms. The amount of breakers and fuses she goes through. The immediate Nimbus appears as an aura of Geometric shapes around her body. The slight smell of Ozone before lightning strikes. She has a strong Nimbus for her age and that is even more noticeable in her signature Nimbus. This leaves almost what could look like a ritual circle on whatever she touches, surrounded with the burnt look of something just struck by lightning.

Roleplaying Hooks:

Acclaimed Author and Professor

Dr Federov is a well-known author of Geometry books, theories on ley lines and lately delving into Sacred Geometry. They also teach at an online College teaching gifted students from around the world. Helping them along their path in the way that best fits their learning style.


Regardless of how much she tries it turns out being good in your fields means that people recognize you. For the last few years she has lived in the Woods, a self-sufficient solar powered house with a well and backup generators for those snowy mid-Winter days. Her house is at the end of a long gravel and dirt driveway that takes some skill on bike or 4x4 to reach the end of. At the base of the driveway is a large garage where she keeps her city car and bike. The gate leading to the driveway is 10ft tall, always locked and very clearly marked as Private Property.

I know i'm weird. But I was HUMAN!

Amelia is very recently Awakened, the 19th of October she hit the floor in her Library having just spent what felt like days wandering an alien world of Geometry. She got out using her mind, her HUMAN mind. Now she can do Magic, now she knows how to scribe things to a Grimoire. Grimoires are real.



Dr Amelia Fedorov by day, the composed Russian professor and author. Blue when she isnt teaching, the slender woman that does parkour, that fixes and modifies her own bikes and cars.

The little gremlin that enjoys standing up on top of a moving bike wearing not enough clothes, for people to see. Modifying a custom 4x4 rig for some rich prick to crash in the Weekend.

How many people know that Blue the relatively confident Stunt rider and Parkour runner is also the demure Professor that teaches online Geometry in the woods.



Yes I have contacts.


I know people. Sadly.


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