Logs:Good Food and Company

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Maddy's Wafflehouse


Tommy Shanks: The magi was in his non-spellcrafted masculine appearance. He had his journal and pen out, next to a plate of The Three Amigos scramble. A bowl of fruit sat next to the eggs. A strange old book was set next to all of this... he didn't seem to realize he was taking over nearly an entire booth by himself.

He used his pen to take notes in the journal and go back and forth with the old tome.

Erik Samuelson: Erik emerged through the portal leading from the city proper looking weary but pleased with himself nonetheless, dressed in black pants and a white t-shirt with black non-slip shoes to round out the ensemble. He plopped down into the booth next to Tommy's chosen study corner, letting out a deep sigh of relief with his gaze pointed towards the ceiling before he seemed to notice the mage's presence, looking him over before offering a quick salute. "Evening."

Tommy Shanks: "oh! Hi! New face. Sorry. New to me," he shook his head and tilted his gaze to look at Erik, "I'm called Bones around these parts. You look familiar. Huh."

Erik Samuelson: His eyebrow arched a touch at the name but he nodded. Not the oddest he'd heard, admittedly... "Erik, good to meet you. Maybe you've been where I work? Place called Fork down in the Old City."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh. Yes. I've tried lots of the food around there. I recently moved to Old City," then he paused, "Oh. Sorry. I'm rambling again. It happens when I get in academic mode. I was brushing up on some information on local ley lines or what not."

Erik Samuelson: "No worries." He glanced over the book in question curiously. "Ley lines, huh?"

Tommy Shanks: The book seemed to be an old hand written journal with text in the style of Colonial English quill and ink. "Yes. You may have read my notice," he motioned to the slightly covered post at this point, "but I'm assigned to the city to try and help with some of the things affecting multiple beings in the region."

Erik Samuelson: "Haven't checked that in a minute, I'll admit." He spared the board a quick glance before looking back to him with a nod. "I've heard about some of that, offered a hand where I can."

Tommy Shanks: "Erik... Erik... Fork... Erik... the Nominee?"

Erik Samuelson: "That might be it." He chuckled, giving a nod. "Was a couple years back at this point."

Tommy Shanks: "So what brings you in tonight? Just in the mood to socialize, to eat, or...?"

Erik Samuelson: "Bit of both. Just finished a shift and didn't feel like doing any more cooking tonight."

Tommy Shanks: A bob of his head, tilting it the other direction now, "Glad to hear it. I've only been in the city a few weeks at this point, but I'm happy to meet new folx. I think it's why I've spent so much time here, or other gathering places for those that can come through the door there..." a nod towards the portal.

Erik Samuelson: "Part of why I come by often as well; met some interesting folks here so far." He paused as one of the servers came by, putting in an order for corned beef hash, pancakes and coffee before looking back to Tommy. "Food's pretty solid too, which is a plus."

"Which, ah, group are you with, if you don't mind my asking?"

Tommy Shanks: "Ah. Yes. I still am getting used to that. But I'm one of the Awakened, if you know the term?" Tommy's brow piqued to see Erik's answer

Erik Samuelson: "Not exactly, no. One of the magic users, I'm guessing?"

Tommy Shanks: "Yes. A spell slinger. One that uses magic, rather than has powers that also do magic."

Erik Samuelson: "Curious about the distinction there, I'll admit..."

Tommy Shanks: "Well, I've met WErewolves and Vampire that practice some forms of magic. Ritual, ceremonies, that I've seen, but ... " a bob of that head again, "Probably some Hubris in there. Sorry."

Erik Samuelson: "Ah hah...gotcha." He nodded quietly. "One way to look at it, I guess."

Tommy Shanks: "Sorry," a frown, "What do you do? Where do you fall among the groups."

Erik Samuelson: "I'm one of the Bound, if you're familiar with it. We work more with the Underworld and ghosts in general."

Tommy Shanks: "..I've never heard that one. Ghosts are a bit of a weakspot, I admit. I had to really fight to be able to see them at all."

Erik Samuelson: "We're relatively rare in the area, admittedly, so not too surprised. Why the difficulty with it, out of curiosity?"

Tommy Shanks: "Oh. It's not something that comes naturally, is all. Takes extra work for me. Other things are easier."

Erik Samuelson: "Fair enough." He nodded, thanking the server when they came by with his meal and took a moment to doctor his coffee with a splash of cream as he continued. "What's your specialty on that front, then?"

Tommy Shanks: "Energy is the easier way to say it, and then sort of the magic of magic... and I'm not terrible at a few other things. Would be interesting to get a look through some lens with you sometime, to see the magics. I keep all those turned off for the house rules."

Erik Samuelson: "Not opposed to the idea. I've seen a bit of how you all work, was pretty impressive."

Tommy Shanks: "So... I've met psychics. I've seen shamans, in the true definition of the word, but what do you mean when you say that you work with ghosts?"

Erik Samuelson: "Helping them to finish whatever business is keeping them here rather than moving on, along with helping the living they knew find closure."

Tommy Shanks: "How does one become Bound to the duty of helping ghosts?"

Erik Samuelson: "You have to die first, for starters." He said with a smirk, taking a sip of his coffee. "In my case it was a mugging gone wrong, and I was approached by what we called a geist - a potent ghost, basically - with an offer to come back with its assistance."

Tommy Shanks: "Die. First? Sounds... well... wow. There... I've heard of Geists... kind of like a Lemures, or Lares... I think, si? And I'm sorry about the mugging, but I'm glad your back. I've heard of people becoming like me bia death, a certain type of the Awakened that is."

Erik Samuelson: "Similar, yeah. And thank you; glad to still be here as well." He snuck a few bites of his meal in, nodding as she spoke. "Think I ran into someone like that already by the name of Kay, she's the first I've met who's been downstairs outside of my folks."

Tommy Shanks: "I've not been there, but I've been to the realm of spirits and the astral and dream realms... all three are very interesting to a professor of semiotics."

Erik Samuelson: "I can imagine. Haven't ventured out much on that front, but then again until recently I didn't mingle too much with the other folks in the shadows so I never really had a need."

Tommy Shanks: "The Archaeology side of me finds the Underworld fascinating... all the ruins that could be found in historic conditions down there or ... dead figures to interview... but so many loose themselves, yes?"

Erik Samuelson: "Unfortunately, yeah. It pares you down a lot, but with time and effort you can bring someone back to themselves enough for a proper conversation and if they hold onto that they can start rebuilding themselves."

Tommy Shanks: "Is there something done with their Anchors in helping them like that?"

Erik Samuelson: "Not always. More often than not they get stuck in a loop reliving certain moments in their lives, sometimes centering around those anchors. You can break them out of that cycle with some work, though."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh. Interesting. Once the current troubles are over, I should look more into those studies... find someone to teach me... hrm." he made another notation in the book, "So many things in the world between shadows... makes me wonder what else is out there."

Erik Samuelson: "If you don't find one of your folks able to do it I'd be willing to help." He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. "Have to wonder. It's a wild world out there once you get past the veil, as it were. Seen some interesting stuff so far."

Tommy Shanks: "Would be itneresting to see if I can harness lessons from your end of the block into my end somehow..." a scratch of the jawline, "If they're all pieces of the Truth? Maybe."

Erik Samuelson: "Worth a shot, at any rate." He offered a shrug and a small smile. "New perspective and all that, yeah?"

Tommy Shanks: "Good thinking," a bob of the head, "So chef, ghost whisperer, any other stories you wish to share?"

Erik Samuelson: "Book enthusiast, although I don't have much free time to read as I'd like."

Tommy Shanks: "I get that. I only seem to read for work, or for work.

Erik Samuelson: "Right there with ya. I do like hitting up local bookstores when I get a chance, though. Can usually find something interesting in the smaller ones."

Tommy Shanks: "Favorite genre?"

Erik Samuelson: "Little bit of everything, honestly. Only thing I never really got into was romance novels, but to each their own."

Tommy Shanks: "I'm a romantic," he admitted, "But it needs to be as a part of something else. I used to be into urban fantasy... it seems a bit redundnat these days."

Erik Samuelson: "Mmhmm. If it's just some convoluted drama for no real reason I'm not a fan, but a decent romantic subplot can work in other genres." He nodded, smirking a touch. "Maybe, but it's interesting to see how others view things even if they're off-base."

Tommy Shanks: His phone chirped, and he started getting his things together, "I need to get home. I hope you have a good night..." On a napkin he left a phone number, "If you need anything." (kiddo bedtime ttyl)

Erik Samuelson: "You as well. Have a good one." He lifted his coffee cup in a salute, taking the offered napkin with a nod.

Tommy Shanks: With that, he went through the portal.