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Lost and Found: Tsara is straight out of her Awakening, which started in a time and place she doesn't have numbers or names for and ended in the here and now. How? Why? Who the heck knows, blame Arcadia and the sorts of nonsense that seem to happen around the Acanthus for Reasons.

Everything New Under the Sun: Nearly everything that Tsara encounters in the modern world is completely new to her, whether that's in a minor way like a fabric she's never seen before or major ones like electronic devices, but this also includes things like social customs, philosophical concepts, and many other things that people take for granted. She has a million questions about everything and not a single solitary qualm about pointing out things that are truly ridiculous or just horrible.

Trouble Magnet: A combination of weapons-grade nonchalance and an empty void where knowledge of modern conventions should be means that Tsara is likely to just walk blithely into situations that she should probably think twice (or even once, good grief) about.

Spiritual Cycles: Tsara's modern identity, Miriam Bar Zohar, shot into the public eye in 2023 when her debut novel, Spiritual Cycles, was published. The novel was a 150-success work of art with themes of Interconnectedness (+5) and Loss (+5), Moods of Optimistic (+5), Mysterious (+5), and Wonderous (+5), and a Meaning of "No person is incapable of meaningful contribution" (+5). It was published simultaneously in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish, and shot immediately to the top of the NYT Bestseller list, with almost universally positive reviews. (Fame )