Arthur Phoenix

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Arthur is a young Wizened who has settled in Philly back in 2019. Shy and unassuming, he tends to keep to himself most of the time. He is far more suited to staying at home on the internet or reading comic books. In recent years he has become a bit more outgoing and is always willing to help freehold members. Artie weekly drops off snacks in the Summer hollow for those who patrol.

Standing at a modest 5'9", Arthur tries to go unnoticed most of the time.

Mien: Most notable about Arthur is his hands. Scorched soot black, it's a wonder they don't crumble into charcoal dust with their near constant motion. The sooty nature travels midway up his forearms fading into pallid skin. Beneath that thin flesh are veins coursing with molten metal, glowing orangeish yellow as if waiting to be poured out into a mold. Both his fingernails and the irises of his eyes are a shiny metallic gold. The messy mop of hair on his head is as black as his hands except at the roots which are a starkly contrasted pale yellow giving the impression his locks are just so filthy or dyed.

His molten blood leaves his skin almost uncomfortably hot to the touch. When he works up a sweat, the room begins to smell like smoke.

Mask: A somewhat lanky, dark haired young man. He always has pale skin and an odd glint in his eye or near his hands.

Mantle: the scent of freshly cut grass and the wavering air of summer heat warp the air around him. This mantle changes slightly with his mood, the heat seeming to focus and intensify when he gets angrier or the light around him almost seeming to brighten as he grows more cheerful and dim when he saddens.

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RP Hooks

I can be your Hero: A Summer Courtier through and through, Arthur strives to protect everyone. No one deserves to be taken and no one deserves to go back, so if you need a guardian or a sentinel to make you feel safe, he will never say no.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Boy: Artie, as his seeming would imply is a pretty good craftsman. His specialties are in cloth and metal, but he'll try anything out. Swing by his tailor shop, order a custom piece. Or if you need weapons or armor, he's your guy too.

NERD!: anyone will tell you Arthur is a shy guy, but get him talking about his passions and he lights up like the noon day sun. He adores comic books and video games, anime and other cartoons too. He missed a lot in the time he was gone, so he does a lot of catching up. And he doesn't mind finding out about someone else's favorite.

How to wield a Stick, 101: He might not look it but Artie is a skilled combatant. If you're looking to learn how to protect or defend yourself, he can teach you. He'll help you find the weapon that's right for you (and maybe make it too).

Wanna be Friends?: Socially awkward and shy as is, Arthur is trying his best to get out of his hermit shell and make friends. He's been told he shouldn't sequester himself forever and something in him yearns for interaction so he really is trying. Please be his buddy.

Adventure Time!: Like a lot of Crimson Courtiers, Arthur has quite a lot of undirected energy and what better way to use it than to go on adventures with people?

Wanna take me to a gay bar?: Arthur, though he doesn't mention it much, is gay as heck. But given his shyness, he hasn't done anything about it in his time being back. He goes out, knows some drag queens and dances til he cant breathe,but there's so much to the community. Take the boy exploring?

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"I absolve you of any sin you think you committed against me. Let the blame rest where it truly belongs. Also, I fucking love my hair." - Ros to Artie, goldsmith of her hair.

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Arthur Phoenix

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Full Name: Arthur Phoenix
Pronouns: He/Him
Needle/Thread: Protector/Creator
Public Effects: Summer Mantle 4
Occupation: Tailor/Metalsmith
Age: 23
Height: 5'9" (180 cm)
Seeming: Wizened
Kith: None yet. Stay tuned
Court: Summer
Motley: None
Keeper: His High Lord of Scale and Smoke; He who Owns What Glitters; The Crown Conqueror

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Played By: Shadowyshinobi