Oogie is an absolute unit of a person. When he stands up straight he easily clears 7 feet tall, and the years of his Durance made him musclebound. His years as a carpenter have done little to soften his muscles, but he's got a healthier body fat distribution now, making him broad shouldered and barrel chested. His brown hair is kept short. His skin is tan from all the time spent outside in the sun and he's kind of hairy. There tends to be dirt under his fingernails.
Augustus is the same height and width. But instead of tan, he's granite gray with the texture to match. His short hair and body hair is lichen and moss. His muscles are more like rocks. His skin is crisscrossed with cracks and scars. In short, everything about him is more craggy and rock-like from the tips of his toes all the way up to his pointed ears. His mantle manifests as the smell of dry pine needles in the summer heat.
Personality: Oogie's great with people, but he tends to be quiet, withdrawn, bashful, and a tad shy. He's gentle with everything and everyone smaller than him. But more than anything, the man is stubborn. Wild horses could not force Oogie to do a thing he doesn't want to do.
RP Hooks
- Community Gardening Oogie is an active proponent of community gardens. He runs his local one, and is always happy to lend a hand setting others up.
- Solidarity Forever Oogie might be a newcomer to the 158, but he's no stranger to working class solidarity.
- Dog Days of Summer Need anger? Need violence? Oogie is your man.
- I Roved Out Oogie is a frequent wanderer of the Hedge, and well equipped to show others the way to where they want to get to.