Logs:Volunteering Turns To Research

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Content Warning

Vampiric feeding, Stalking?, Accidental slur


Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko handed out another bowl of hearty stew to one of the homeless people present. She smiled at them as they took the bowl, and then she turned around to pick up another bowl.

It wasn't very busy today. It was a nice day out, not too warm, not too chilly. The skies were clear and so very blue. Many of the regulars were out enjoying the weather. But they still needed volunteers, especially on nice days like this and Hiroko didn't have anything else to do, so she signed up!

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp walked up happily, big over ear headphones blasting some sort of music into her skull, she waved to hiroko as she got next to her sister offering a side hug and hung the head phones from her neck.

"HeyRammyGoodDaySoFar? It'sDefinitelyANiceDayForSoup"

She got a pair of nitrile gloves on as she spoke eager to help out.

Azuma Hiroko:
"Good morning, Lamp-chan!" she giggled as she returned the side hug. "Yes, it is a very good day. And it is a pity that very few are here today."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nodded happily. "YeaItIsAPitty. ButWeGotThis!" She glanced around at the tables and what all was set up. "SoRammyWhatTypeOfSoupDoWeHave? AndDidYouGetItAtTheSoupStore?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"We have beef stew, we have chicken and potato leek, we have broccoli and cheddar. No, Madam Leah made them and brought them. I think she is in her truck right now."

Hiroko then picked up a small loaf of bread that was a little stale, to hand both bread and bowl to another person who was waiting to be served. "Enjoy!" she told them cheerfully.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"OoohSoLotsOfSoupThatsGood!" She giggled when rammy didn't understand her refrence. She began to help setting out a few bowls and topping off a few bowls with cheese, and other toppings.

"SooooRammyHowWasYourDateWithVinny???" She asked prying away wanting all the details.

Azuma Hiroko:
She was picking up another small loaf when Lamp asked that question and she paused to hesitate. "Um... I... It was... It was um, fine..." she mumbled and looked away.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She set down the bag of cheese crossing her arms and giving her a small look. "Really? JustFine? AreYouGonnaHangOutWithHimAgain?"

Azuma Hiroko:
She sighed softly, placed the bread back down and sat next to Lamp. "Well... I have tried..."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She paused her light hearted jabs turning more serious. "DoesMomAndMeNeedToBeatUpVinny?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"No..." came her soft reply with a shrug of her shoulders. "Vincent-kun and I... We do not have the same ideas of what a date is..."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She rubbed rammys shoulders lightly "WouldYouLike To TalkAboutIt? IfNotThatsOks."

Azuma Hiroko:
"He thinks it is okay to date more than one person... But I do not understand how that could work, because who will he marry then? And who will bear his children?" she lamented with another depressed sigh.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
They nod not understanding everything but understands the gist. "SoHasHeExplanedIt? IDontThinkICanHelpTheMost...ButIBetTheLibraryHasBooksOnPolyjamorySoWeCanLearnMoreAboutIt? HowDoesThatSound?"

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko blinked and looked at her sister. That was pretty smart... Why didn't she think of that before? Well... Her depression had hit pretty hard for the past week... She smiled brightly and nodded. "Okay. We can try to do that."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She hugs her sister happily "Yay! YeaWeWillDoTheResearch! ThatWayWeBothReallyKnowWhatItMeansYaKnow?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Yes. It is just... Are we old enough to understand? I feel like a child still..."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She pauses in thought having never thought about it to hard. "Ummm....IThinkSo...ItsNotLikeItsAnythingBadOrSomething. But..IDoUnderstandWhatYourSaying."

Azuma Hiroko:
"No, it is not bad. I just do not feel as if I have lived long enough to think about marriage and children responsibly..." she nodded somberly.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods. "RightButYouDontNeedToThinkOfThoseYet. OrEver. LikeIDontKnowIfICouldHaveKids...ButIFeelLikeIfIAskedMomShe'dHaveAHeartAttack...."

Azuma Hiroko:
The little Ram giggled at the thought. "Mother would indeed be upset if we were to have children of our own. It is just that... What is the point of dating if the end goal is not marriage and children with that person? That is why I am confused... I think Vincent-kun is upset at that..."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She hugged her sister again giggling. "YeaIThinkSheMayBeABitUpset. AndIDontThinkDatingMeansYouHaveToHaveKidsOrMarriage. PlusYourAllowedToDateToFigureOutWhat/WhoYouLike. OrYouCanStayFrensAndNotDate. PlusIDontThinkVinnyIsUpset? ButIDontKnowHaventSpokenToHimInAWhile. ButHeDoesntStrikeMeAsoneToGetToUpset."

Azuma Hiroko:
"... He got upset last time we spoke..."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:

Azuma Hiroko:
"Maybe..." she sighed again. Clearly, this was weighing heavily on her mind.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She took note of this frowning making a mental not to text Vinny later. "WouldYouLikeTogetBackToSoupForABit? OrWouldYouLikeToContinueToTalk?"

Azuma Hiroko:
She looked up at the pots of steaming liquid and the other volunteers who had taken over handing food out. "Soup." she replied with a smile.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nodded getting up and givng her sister a hand up before she removed and replaced her gloves. Going to help hand out the toppings.

Azuma Hiroko:
She took the hand, nodded her thanks as she got up and replaced her own gloves before going back to serving out drinks.

Several hours later and the soup kitchen's supply begins dwindling. Madam Leah comes out to thank the girls and to start cleaning up and they can head home.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp smiled to Madam Leah thanking her before taking off her gloves. "ReadyToHeadBackHome?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Yeah. And we will do research. Perhaps it would be good to get something to eat from the coffee shop too."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods excitedly. "YessImGonnaGetEspresso! ThatWayResearchEasyPeasy! WhatYouGonnaGetToDrink?"

Titania Sanguine:
Titania Sanguine was in very preparing for work kind of brain. Stopping off at all the places she knew she could get blood. Sorry Tonya but currently that includes the little Lamb.

She is wearing one of her fancy working outfits, leather pants, black corset and a cloak lined in red. Very Vampire looking. Especially in the early hours of the morning.

Sitting at one of the tables outside the coffee shop where she has seen Hiriko a few times. Hoping that they turn up. She doesnt want to interact with Tonya like this, not when she is in working brain.

Azuma Hiroko:
The bell to the door rings as two figures walked in. One had the familiar blonde white hair, bobbing in cheerfully. Hiroko was accompanied by someone else and they were chattering together like a pair of sisters. She had on simple t-shirt and jeans that were faded and worn and looked like they were 5th handed hand-me-downs, with patches and repairs evident along seams.

Titania Sanguine:
Tania notes them come in. Her head turning towards them. Though her eyes are closed she seems to have no trouble 'seeing' them.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
The other stood a couple inches taller, a head of Red hair making it hard for her to not stand out a little besides her sister. They wore a baggy Olive t-shirt that had a picture of mothman and said "protect the wildlife." and a She/They pin. As well as olive cargo shorts, pockets stuffed to the brim with things, and sandals. They scanned the room quickly her eyes bouncing from person to person in the shop before turning back to talk to Hiriko.

Azuma Hiroko:
"Hmm. I think I am going to try the Nutella Frappe today. Should we get Mother a cup of her favorite?" the little Ram asked the redhead brightly.

Titania Sanguine:
Tania gives Hirkio a small wave. Hoping it was enough for them to notice. She didnt really want to have to call out.,

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She thought for a moment before nodding. "YeaWeShouldGetMomSomething!." They catch the wave planning on nudging their sister if they didnt notice it.

Azuma Hiroko:
She does catch the wave and with a gentle smile, she bowed her head to Tania in greeting. "Would you be able to order for us? I would like to greet a friend." she murmured to Lamp quietly.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods watching the stranger warily before walking forward to take their order trusting their sister to handle it. Plus shes there if she cant.

Titania Sanguine:
A forced smile at Hiriko.

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko walked over to the sitting woman, and bowed to her again. "Good evening, Titania-sama. Were you waiting for Tonya-senpai?"

Titania Sanguine:
"No. I was hoping to see you. See how you are going."

Her voice is colder, a hint of madness in it.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp ordered the drinks, A Nutella Frappe for Rammy, A Cappucino for themselves and a drink for mom.

Azuma Hiroko:
"Oh! I am well. Are you hungry?" she asked, tilting her head to one side curiously.

Titania Sanguine:

Her word cold and sharp. "Is this. Lamp? Your sister."

Azuma Hiroko:
She nodded, turning to smile at Lamp.

Azuma Hiroko:
And then she turned back and blinked. "Would you prefer to sate your hunger in the library?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp caught her sisters smile. Starting to walk to them drinks in hand. Her own drink being held by her teeth. One stray foot or floor board easily could cause catastrophe.

Titania Sanguine:
"Wherever you would like it."

A tilt of her head to Lamp. "It looks like she might need some help."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Then the library would be safer for me and for you. I can take a nap afterwards." she nodded. Hiroko turned again, saw Lamp approaching and quickly stepped forward to take her Nutella Frappe.

"Lamp, this is Titania. She is Tonya-senpai's good friend." she then introduced.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She set moms drink down on the table, Quickly taking a large sip of her own drink not phased by the heat of it. She let out a satisfied sigh before waving to Titania. "ThankyouRammyButITotallyHadThat." She more then likely didnt have that but shhhh.

"HiasNiceToMeetYouTitiana!" She said happily. But still weary

Titania Sanguine:
"Hello Lamp."

A soft nod of her head. "It is nice to meet you."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She tilted her head watching Rammy for a moment trying to gage if this "Friend" is actually nice before giving a nod to Titania. "Yea"

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko, or Rammy, seemed relaxed and at ease. "Shall we retire to the library?" she asked with that soft and gentle voice of hers.

Titania Sanguine:
A slow nod of her head. "That sounds lovely."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
They nodded picking up moms drink as well as her own. "YeaSure."

Azuma Hiroko:
She turned and led the way into the library, sipping her own drink and humming softly. Once inside, she led them to the room Titania was familiar with. The one with all of the bean bags. Hiroko set her drink down, turned to face the vampire and offered her an arm quietly. She looked into Titania's eyes expectantly.

Titania Sanguine:
Titania follows, her movements stiff and inhuman.

She takes that wrist with only a moments hesitation sinking her fangs deep into it. Drinking until Hiriko pushes her away.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp had walked a step or two behind them the whole way still weary of Titania. She watched as Rammy offered her arm out only to see as Titania sunk her fangs into her flesh. She kinda just watched not knowing what to do. Mom didnt tell her what to do if her sister was bit by someone... "R-rammyAreYouOk?"

Azuma Hiroko:
Almost immediately after the fangs sank into her flesh, Hiroko let out an audible sigh. It was a contented sigh, interestingly enough. Her shoulders slumped and her eyes drooped half-closed. Her breathing deepened and she swayed a little...

Titania Sanguine:
Titania held her is the small of her back. Lowering her to a bean bag nearby. The one in the corner that she was sleeping on when she was last here.

Head tilting she looks at Lamp. That trace of blood still on her lips as she licks them.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp watched nervously going to help steady Rammy. Stepping back when Titania helped rammy down into the beanbag chair. "I..UmmmYouLikeVinny.....NotThatThatsABadThing..." She said nerviously

Azuma Hiroko:
The feeding made Hiroko sleepy, but she wasn't asleep... Not yet anyway... Once Titania was done feeding, she snuggled into the vampire with a soft murmur. "Good..."

Titania Sanguine:
Titania sets her down pulling away from the snuggle.

"No. He is a Child. I am not."

Her voice smoother after the feeding.

Azuma Hiroko:
"Good... Luck..." she murmured again with another sigh as she pulled away. And then Hiroko snuggled into the bean bag to snooze.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She shuddered slightly. "ButVinnyIsAnAdult...HesNotAChild. AndUmIsRammyGonnaBeOk?"

Titania Sanguine:
"He is all but an infant compared to me."

Letting the weight of her age be put behind her words.

"She will be, after a sleep."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She pauses in thought. "WaitAreYouOlderThenMom?! AndYourSureSheWillBe?

Titania Sanguine:
That causes a hitch in her voice.

"Yes. Sadly."

A slow nod of her head. "Yes. She has done this before and will be fine."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She didnt notice the hitch. "OksAsLongAsShesOk...IdSayIfSheWasntGonnaBeOkIdFightYou....ButWeBothKnowThatWouldntGoWell... So....IfSomethingHAppensToRammyIllTellMom...."

Titania Sanguine:
"Please do not do that. Tonya does not need the extra worry."

Another hitch. Almost enough to break through her working shell.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"ThenDontHurtRammyAndIWont. Deal?" she said seriously looking at the resting rammy before back to Titania.

Azuma Hiroko:
Meanwhile, the little Ram looked very peaceful, breathing deeply and steadily.

Titania Sanguine:
"Hiriko-chan will be fine. She is breathing peacefully."

Though there is absolutely worry in there about if, when, Tonya finds out about this. But she to work. A queit "Fuck." Muttered under her breath.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods thinking as she took another sip of her drink. "OkGood... So WhatExctallyDoYouDo? BesidesDrinkMySistersBlood?"

Titania Sanguine:
"Drink your mothers blood. Ruin her life. Kill people."

She starts heading into the other room. "I should get her some Iron tablets. It helps with recovering quicker."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She stared at her. Mouth agape at the others response. "WaitWhatDoYouMeanRuinHerLife...." SheFrownedGlaringAtTitania.

Titania Sanguine:
"Do not worry about it Mom will tell you when you are older."

Her hands shaking as she retrieves Hiriko an Iron tablet. Hoping Hiriko didnt hear that but she probably did.

Titania Sanguine:
Those shaking hands drop the bottle of Iron Tablets as she pulls out her phone. Calling an uber as she is doing her best to preserve her Vitae.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She frowns again not loving that answer. She watches Titania wearily. Quickly grabbing the bottle of Iron. "AreYouOk?" She sounded serious outstretching a hand for Titania to grab and steady herself with if needed.

Titania Sanguine:
"I cant so this tonight lamp. I'm sorry. Give one of those to Hiriko and tell her I'm sorry."

Her words weak, the mask crumbling.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods watching nervously. "O-o-ok... AreYouSureYouDontNeedHelp? ICanCallMomSheWillKnowWhtaToDo..."

Titania Sanguine:
"I will be okay. I need to go home. I cannot see Tonya tonight. Not when I am like this."

Pushing her hair back. Reconstructing the mask. Or trying to.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods going to give Hiriko the iron pill as instructed by Titania. She looks worriedly at Titania. "IsThereAnythingICanDo... BesidesBlood..."

Titania Sanguine:
She shakes her head.

"Just be there for Hiriko and. My dear Tonya."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods knowing she can do that. "OksICanDoThat."

Titania Sanguine:
"Thank you. Lamp. That means allot."

Into the night she goes! To an Uber that has just arrived. Not a very dramatic exit but here we are. Modern times call for modern solutions!!

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods waving Titania good bye. She sits besides Rammy carefully opening the pills and giving it to her. She sits back and watches her sister staying awake until she woke.

Azuma Hiroko:
It was about an hour later when Hiroko stirred awake and sat up slowly with a streeeeeeeeeeetch. "Oh, hello Lamp-chan... Did Titania-sama leave?" she yawned softly.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nodded, seeming to be in deep thought. Sitting besides Rammy. Fingers tapping against the bean bag chair to an imaginary song.

"Yes...SheDidntLookWell. AreYouFeelingOk?" She asked looking their sister up and down. Rammy would notice clean bandages wrapped around her arm covering any signs of the bite.

Azuma Hiroko:
"I am feeling good." she replied with a sleepy smile. Then she noticed the iron tablets and brightened up. "Oh! You have found the iron tablets. Thank you, Lamp-chan."

The little Ram immediately took a couple with her Nutella frappe that was no longer a frappe and more like slush by now.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She gave a slight smile before her face went back to a blank state. Watching her sister as she took the pills.

"I'mGladYourFeelingGood. YesTitianiaLeftThemWithMeBeforeSheLeft..."

They took a long sip of their now room temperature Cappucino. Using it as a pause before asking another question.

"Ummm HowLong hasTitania been doingThis...?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"This is the first time she has accepted drinking from me. Why do you ask?" she blinked at her sister.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"IWas JustCurious...andWell ToBeHonest...IDontTrustHer...ImJustAfraid...ForYouAndMom..." She said the last part with shakey breaths. Their eyes glued to a small knot on the floor.

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko was silent for a few seconds as she thought about Lamp's answer. When she finally spoke, it was with a soft and understanding voice. She scooted closer to her sister to give her a gentle side hug. "Your concerns are valid and I understand them. But perhaps you can look at it from a different perspective. Titania-sama is a lot like the older veterans we help out. They can be aggressive and violent... But they still need our help. They need someone they can learn to relax around. And I trust Mother. If she trusts Titania-sama, then Titania-sama must have goodness within. Give her some time, please?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She stayed quiet listening to Rammy somewhat understanding what she was saying... but rammy didn't hear some of the things Titiania said... "I UnderstandWhat YourSaying... ThatStillDoesnt MeanITrust...OrLikeHerYet. I will help anyone RegardlessOfWhoTheyAreOrHaveDone....ButThatDoesntMeanIHaveToFullyTrustThem... ITrust mom To...ButIAlsoTrustMyGutYaKnow? IWillGive HerTime. IMayAskToMeetWithHerAtSomepoint....ButIDontKnow."

Azuma Hiroko:
"If it helps, I do not trust Titania-sama either. Not in the way I trust you or Mother or Vincent-kun. I only know that I need to help her and I trust that she will do her very best not to harm me."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She smiled happy her sister was in agreement with her about Titania. She pauses an eyebrow raised.

"It does help a bit...." Another brief pause. "SpeakingOfVinny....Would You like to do ABit of Research?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Oh, yes! Let us start!" she beamed, jumping up and stretching.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She gets up as well. Grabbing her empty cup to throw away. "Soo AreWeGoingToUseTheLibraryComputers? OrJustTheBooksOrBoth?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Most likely both. I do not think there are a lot of books on polyamory. It must be a new... Idea..."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"UhhhIThinkItsOlderThenWeThink....IMeanSeveralAnimalsHaveFamiliesWithMultiplePartners...SoWhyWouldntHumansToo??? ButIAgreeComputerIsProbablyOurBestBet."

Azuma Hiroko:
"We are not animals." she pointed out. Funny, since she was literally a Beast and spent a lot of time AS an animal. But Hiroko said nothing more and headed out of the beanbag room towards the computers.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"ButWeAreAnimals!..." Lamp followed her head spinning as she tried to figure out how they weren't animals...

Azuma Hiroko:
"No, we are human. With powers. I think..."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"RightButByDefinitionWeAreAlsoAnimals...WeAreTheLastSpeciesThatBelongsInTheHomoGenus....." there is a long pause as they understood what rammy was saying. "Wait....AreWeHuman....."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Shhh! Do not say that bad word!" she replied in shock.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
They look at Rammy confused. More confused and lost then they already are in the midst of an Existential crisis. "W-w-w-waitWhat? HumanIsABadWord?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"No! That Homo word! It is bad! I do not know why, but it is!" she said, her voice hushed and urgent.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"NoItIsnt? WhyWouldTheGenusNameForHumansAndOurAnsestorsBeBad?" She replied still very very lost.

Azuma Hiroko:
"Um... I think I was told that it is a slur for gay people." she muttered, also looking confused and rubbing one of her horns.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"UhhhhIThinkWeHaveLotsMoreResearchToDoThenWeThought??? WhatDoYouWantToLookUpFirst?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"Let us research slurs first. I think that one is more important." she nodded as she began turning on the computer and sat down.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"YeaProbably. WhileYouLookThatUpImGonnaCheckToSeeIfWeAreStillHumans....ThoThatMayBeAMomQuestion..." They follow suit taking a seat and turning on their own computer.