Madeleine Chevalier/Maddy's Waffle House

A 24-hour diner built into an old converted train car that was hauled out to a wooded and secluded plot of land outside town and hooked up to utilities, Maddy's is a peculiar diner. The most peculiar thing about it is the door, which is located in Philadelphia and only able to be found by people who know what hidden corner of the city to look in and who meet the criteria for the Keys to the Secret Door spell that hides the portal created via Co-Location.
There always seems to be a low-lying fog creeping out of the woods, no matter the weather outside.
Current Portal Keys:
- Not a Sleeper
- If a Sleepwalker, affiliated to the Consilium, Assembly of the Unnamed Nation, or other non-Sleeper organization not proscribed by the Consilium or the Assembly of the Unnamed Nation
- Have not violated the current rules of Maddy's Waffle House
- Not considered an enemy of the Consilium, Assembly, Children of the Tree, local Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter courts, the vampire Caucus, or a majority of the local Sin-Eater Krewes
- Not attempting to enter at the request, influence, direction, control, or while otherwise guided in any way by someone who is themselves does not meet the criteria for keys other than this
- If not meeting the requirements of all the other Keys than this one, granted access by Maddy
Current Quarantine/Ward Keys:
- Not entering while once or currently in possession of any soul other than Maddy's
- Not entering while in possession of Maddy's disembodied soul, or Maddy's soul in any body other than her own
- Not capable of thought and entering at the creation, request, influence, direction, control, or while otherwise guided in any way by someone who once or presently has a soul
- Not entering while intended or intending to cause harm, nuisance, or irritation to any physical object within the area of this spell
- Not entering while intended or intending to cause harm, nuisance, or irritation to any being currently or once in possession of a soul, within the area of this spell
- Not entering while having violated the current rules of Maddy's Waffle House
- These rules apply any time I am within Maddy's Waffle House or on the parcel of land where it rests, and only then. Violations of these rules elsewhere does not constitute breaking these rules, with a single exception: I have not attempted to dispel, destroy, conceal, block, or otherwise make more difficult to find or use the portal that leads to Maddy's Waffle House.
- When in doubt, Maddy and the employed staff of Maddy's Waffle House are the arbiters of whether something counts as breaking the rules.
- If Maddy or the staff of Maddy's Waffle House declare out loud that I'm not welcome at Maddy's Waffle House, I'm considered to be automatically in violation of these rules. If a supernatural effect prevents such a declaration from being made, other forms of clear intent such as pointing at the exit count as well.
- If I'm in violation of the rules I will depart quickly and without incident.
- If Maddy declares out loud, without being subject to magical or mundane coercion, that I am forgiven for a violation of these rules, I am considered to longer by in violation of them until such a time as I might commit a new violation.
- I will not intentionally cause harm to others. This includes harm to the well being of mind, body, soul, or emotions, as well as to the destiny, fortune, history, pattern, Dream state, Oneiros, or any other form of deliberate harm.
- I will not intentionally use powers that violate the sanctity of someone's mind, body, or soul, emotions, destiny, fortune, history, pattern, dreams, or anything else except when doing so is immediately required to safeguard their life or with their express verbal, written, or otherwise clearly communicated consent to do so.
- I will not intentionally use powers that gather information on another without their express verbal, written, or otherwise clearly communicated consent to do so. Powers that detect falsehood but don't reveal the truth behind that falsehood are acceptable.
- I will follow the laws of my local supernatural society.
- I will treat the staff of Maddy's Waffle House with respect.
The food served at Maddy's tends to go well above expectations for what looks like a greasy spoon 24 hour diner, and regulars are likely to realize that the owner, Maddy, has a passion for food that runs deep. Daily specials are often times be things more likely to be found in places with Michelin stars, but still show up at diner prices, and even the regular menu tends to be top quality.
Special Requests: Next to the cash register is a fish bowl with a sign soliciting requests for future specials. Just leave a note! There's also an email address on the sign. Maddy is willing to take on even complicated requests, and apparently has a love of providing regional specials that transplants to Philly miss being able to get. This occasionally means the specials are pretty weird. As long as it's safe, and reasonably affordable to get a hold of, feel free to pose daily specials being your request, or someone else's strange thing. REAL poutine? No problem. Crawfish etouffée, biryani, borshch, or whatever else you miss from back home? Maddy usually seems to be able to do a pretty good job with it.
Coffee: The coffee at Maddy's is cheap and hard to beat. The advantage of being a Master of Space is that she can buy her beans directly from the source, and right after harvesting, for prices that the US market just can't compete with.
Below is an example selection of things on the regular menu at Maddy's
Waffles, Pancakes, and crepes (all available however you prefer):
- The Usual - ...with butter. There's nothing wrong with the usual!
- Wacky - ...with oreos, bananas, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream
- Smores - ...chocolate chips, marshmallow, crushed graham cracker
- Pigs in Mud - ...bacon and chocolate chips
- Green Tea - tea and coconut in vanilla batter
- Aloha - ...pineapple, coconuts, almonds, caramelized walnuts, and roasted sesame seeds
- Tiramisu - ...kahlua, chocolate chips, mascarpone & cocoa powder
- Cobbler - ...baked apples and walnuts
- Bewitched ...pumpkin batter with baked apples and walnuts
- Trick or Treat ...pumpkin batter with pumpkin spice marmalade
Egg Dishes Either omelette or scramble skillet. Served with choice of scalloped potatoes, cottage cheese, or fresh fruit
- Green Forest ...spinach, portobello mushroom, basil, garlic, and mozarella
- Greek ...fresh spinach, tomatoes, basil, garlic, black olives & feta cheese
- Corned Beef ...just like it says.
- Three Amigos ...ham, sausage, bacon, cheddar, Swiss & provolone cheese
- Home Run ...egg whites, chicken breast, broccoli, mushrooms, garlic & mozzarella
- Sweet Sicily ...penne, scrambled eggs with spicy Italian sausage, basil, garlic, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, fresh jalapeno & cheddar cheese