A full accounting of the game's houserules can be found here.
Character Creation
- We use the optional character creation rule which allows Mortal+ characters to take 10 merit dots at character creation.
- We do not permit "vanilla mortals." All characters must be from a permitted Mortal+ type and affiliated with one of the open PC Supernatural spheres (Changeling, Geist, Mage, Vampire).
- Your character must be an active part of the affiliated Supernatural sphere upon approval.
Custom Virtues & Vices
You can find these custom items here.
By changing their eyes into a cat's eyes, a Biomimic may eliminate negatives imposed by Environmental Tilts for natural darkness. Darkness imposed by magical shadows or Contracts/Disciplines/Magic whose effects remove sight still affect the Biomimic.
By growing gills and webbing between fingers and toes, a Biomimic may breathe freely while underwater and remove movement/action penalties for underwater actions. While active, the Biomimic is unable to breathe above water without 'holding breath' as one would normally do underwater, with the same rolls.
This merit impacts magical fear and revulsion imposed by sources as various as the Nightmare Discipline, Autumn Contracts, and even the Nosferatu Curse with the same caveats as Awakened magic.
Death Sight
The conversion of this merit from 1e to 2e is as follows:
Effect: Your medium can see dead people. The psychic may perceive and communicate with any ghost she encounters. The power allows only perception of and communication with ghosts in Twilight — ghosts tied to the material world and not to any otherworldly spirit world. The power affords no ability to contact spirits in Twilight. This Merit does not permit the psychic to aid ghosts in manifesting in the physical world. Most ghosts instinctively realize when a mortal can perceive them, and psychics who possess this power are often inundated by requests from desperate beings seeking help to resolve their earthly affairs.
Cost: None to sense the presence of ghosts. One Willpower to see or initiate communication with them.
Dice Pool: Wits + Composure
Action: Reflexive
Dramatic Failure: The medium is unable to use this Merit for the rest of the scene. Alternately, she may attempt to use the power again but also suffer horrific visions of some hellish underworld, inflicting either Spooked, Dissociated or Paranoid, which must be resolved and do not fade at the end of the scene.
Failure: The attempt to activate Death Sight is unsuccessful.
Success: Your character can perceive and communicate with any ghost in her vicinity for the remainder of the scene. Such ghosts remain intangible to her, however.
Exceptional Success: The medium gains a +2 bonus on all rolls made in dealing with ghosts during the scene.
Option [Permanent Death Sight]: The medium’s ability to see the dead is always active. The stress of constantly being surrounded by spectral beings inflicts a Persistent Condition -- choose from Addicted, Madness, Chronic Agony, or another appropriate Persistent Condition with ST approval. The player must still roll Wits + Composure in order to communicate with ghosts, but with this option, such rolls gain a +3 bonus.
Mind of a Madman
This merit is now called "Holmesian Insight" to eliminate ableist language. Please put in a ticket to have staff change this if you have this merit on your sheet.
When using the attack form of Psychokinesis, the attack functions like a ranged attack. This means that unless the target has some method of dodging firearms or similar attacks, they do not receive their defense against Psychokinetic attacks.
Shapechanging (p. 104, Hurt Locker)
For each form that the Psychic Vampire wishes to have their clothing absorb into the shifting form, there is a 1-dot 'surcharge' at time of purchase. Therefore, if Kermit wishes to be able to shift into a frog (a nocturnal, predatory animal) and not end up a frog in a pile of clothing, that would be a 3-dot merit. However, if he wishes to purchase a deer form and have his clothing absorb into his animal form, that is a four-dot merit. There is no additional Ephemera cost to bring your clothing with you. You pay the cost up front with the merit, therefore, you don't need to pay an additional cost thereafter.
In Mage 2.0, any Mortal+ with a merit or power which is something inherent to or installed in themself (a Lost Boy's upgrades as opposed to a Relic, for example) counts as a Sleepwalker in that the Curse does not affect them. We do not approve any character without such a power anymore, so there is no need for the Sleepwalker Merit.
When using this power, objects still take structure damage and characters receive one bashing per mile of distance traveled rather than for each yard.
Universal Engineer -
Prerequisites: Wits or Dexterity 4+, Crafts 3+, At least one crafting spec
Throughout the course of human (and supernatural) history, there have been innovators and thinkers who have been immortalized in time for their feats of technical, mechanical and mental prowess. From the Ionians of ancient Greece with their marvels of antiquity, to Eratosthenes determining the circumference of the Earth, to the modern day and it's vast, technological achievements, there have been those who seemed to have an almost innate, semi-mythical understanding of how mechanisms, engineering and physics all work together. While these technological wunderkin devised where perhaps not outright magic, but in the times which they were built in likely seemed so, and perhaps still do to this day. While a PC may not be able to actually create a truly magical machine, her understanding of science, technology, engineering and creation are such that there may not be much difference either way. Equipment, gear, vehicles, weapons... whatever she makes, the Universal Engineer produces such advanced works that they stand above and beyond their nearest counterparts, leaving anything but the most bespoke of purchased items in the dust.
Effect: Crafted items the PC makes are of a quality far above any purchased version of the same thing, and may even exceed what their peers can produce. For each dot in this merit, any crafted item gains one additional offset to be spent on improving it, before additional offsets are added via increasing strength, availability or initiative penalty. These additional dots still follow all crafting rules and limits (Damage or Armor rating cannot be raised past double their base amount, speed, defense or perception penalties can only be negated rather than turned into positives, etc), and must still be crafted by the PC in question, rather than simply purchased.
Drawback: Such impressive, cutting edge technology has a tendency to attract attention, not all of it worthwhile or healthy. Whenever she uses her personally crafted gear, any witnesses during the scene (PC or NPC) get a +2 bonus to remembering said technology, and possibly the person who created it.
Universal Translator
Prerequisites: Protocol at Rating, Implanted Interface, The Devil In the Detail Status
Originally a side project turned custom upgrade by a Detail associate doing research into the Protocol and the Serum, this implant upgrades the Implanted Interface with a combination of specialized neural net centered hardware designed solely to run an advanced real-time translation algorithm. It is currently unavailable outside the members of The Detail, with even the exact method of installation remaining a secret, for now.
Effects: Through a comprehensive database of languages combined with an advanced translation algorithm, the Universal Translator Protocol allows a user to understand and speak any language known to man (effectively granting the benefits of Multilingual to all Human languages.) It does not, however, enable the use of Spirit Speech, High Speech, or any other language of supernatural origin, including contextual languages created by subgroups such as Winter Cant and Guardian Doublespeak.
Deprived: You gain the effective use of the Language Merit, instead of Multilingual, allowing you to also fluently read and write all human languages subject to the restrictions above.