The White Corax

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The White Corax is the newest Nightclub to grace Philadelphia, owned by Vincent Drake. The main club consists of two floors, a main dance floor and a second floor overlooking the first. The second floor has four VIP rooms, outfitted with sound-proof walls and privacy glass for the privacy of guests, what happens in these rooms stays in these rooms, from sex, drugs, or feedings, discretion is club policy. The Third floor offer's the club's other specialty, conference and meetings rooms that are also outfitted privacy glass windows, reinforced and soundproof walls, and steel lined doors. These rooms may be reserved for secure meetings between parties and individuals, for a modest fee to the Establishment.The fourth floor is the private VIP Lounge, connected to the office of Vincent Drake, this lounge is reserved for the Invictus and personal friends of the owner. Added by Avery Frisk is a Hollow for the Lost, connected to the club via a door hidden away in the back rooms accessible only by those touched by the Wyrd and their guests, with the added layer of a pin code door, password only given to the Lost sworn to the Philly Freehold. the atmosphere is one of peace and quiet, with the songs of birds and hearth in the background.

(Note-The Hollow is currently Inactive and not linked)

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Respect is the cornerstone of out societies, respect the staff, respect the rules, respect other guests. Give respect and it will be given to you. All guests are expected to be polite and civil, all drama and hostilities are left at the door or peace discussed at our tables.


The use of Disciplines, Devotions, Contracts,or Spells on other Guests or those under their protection is absolutely forbidden. If one is discovered to be in violation of this rule they are removed from the premises and will not be allowed to return until invited back by the Corax, and even then they must make peace with the offended party. All Laws by each community are to be upheld withing the walls of the club and offenders will be reported to their respective authorities.


The privacy of guests is sacred and what happens in the VIP and Meeting rooms stay in these rooms, the White Corax wil do it's upmost to insure you're time with us does not spill outside, this however extends to respecting the privacy of other guests. Those caught spying on others who seek privacy will be given a warning, further violations will result in Persona Non Grata.


It really shouldn't be said but please, don't advertise what you are, we all agree on this yes? Kindred and Lost are permitted to feed and harvest from mortal guests, however, this must be done subtly, quickie in the bathroom or VIP rooms would be a decent cover.

The Raven Laws

Rules of the Corax Hollow: This is neutral ground, just as is the rest of the Corax. Do not destroy property here or Avery may cry because this took effort. Do not willingly bring non Lost or Avowed into the Hollow, even curious Mages. The Shadow Fruit is free for all, just remember it does not count as sustenance so is not a hangover cure.

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Owner-Vincent Drake
Head of Staff-Maria Angelica
Hollow Owner-Avery Frisk
Tarot Reader-Phaedra Lamb

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1st floor-main club
2 floor-second floor of main club, VIP rooms outfitted with sound proof walls and privacy glass

3rd-high security meeting rooms for rent, all outfitted with privacy glass, soundproof walls
4-office and Invictus and personal friends VIP lounge

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Main Floor -dance floor

4th Floor-Private VIP Lounge

4th floor-Vincent's Office

Hedge-Corax Hollow

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The White Corax

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Owner: Vincent Drake
Location: Market Street West, Center City
Owner's Clan: Daeva
Family Ownership: NA
Public Effects: Safe Place: ● ● ● ● ●
Supernatural Effects: Hollow: ● ● ● ● ● (Shadow Garden, Size Matter-●, Phantom Phone Booth, Escape Route-● ●)
Club Defenses: Armed Bouncers, high end security system
Allegiance: Vincent Drake
Songs that play:

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