Ticket System
Ticket System Guide
Where Do I Find The Ticket System?
The ticket system can be found at fromdusktilljawn.com/tickets.
How Do I Create An Account?
First: Click the Sign in link in the upper left hand corner.
Second: Click the Create an account link to the right of the e-mail and password fields.
Third: Complete the indicated fields and click the Register button at the bottom.
How Do I Submit Tickets?
First: Once you are logged in, click the Open A New Ticket button on the top menu bar.
Second: Select the appropriate bucket from the drop down list.
Third: Complete the field with which character of yours this ticket is for. State a brief description of what the ticket is about. Then complete the main body of the ticket with the pertinent details about your ticket.
What Staffer Should I Request For My Ticket?
Don't worry about that. Just select the right help topic bucket and we'll find a staffer without COI for the ticket.
My Ticket Was Closed By Staff, But I Need More Clarification!
You can reopen a ticket at any time by simply adding more information to it and sending it back into the queue. Staff close tickets when they think they're resolved in order to declutter the queue. You're free to revisit a ticket if you need more clarification, have new information to bring to light, or otherwise just need to touch base again. The exception to this is if your request has been denied with cause. If you've been given a hard no about something and disagree with the ruling, file a ticket to the Administration / Complaints bucket and make your case there. Don't keep reopening tickets when you've been told no.
Which Help Topic Bucket Should I Select?
If you need to communicate with the site admins, use this bucket.
Administration / Complaints
Sometimes things aren't awesome. If you have a complaint about a situation within the game, about another player, about a staffer, or about anything related to the state of play we encourage you to consult our Site_Policies guide. In it are the guidelines for conflict resolution, courteous conduct, and our expectations for steps you will take to try to resolve the situation before reaching out to us. If you have followed the steps found there, or if those steps do not apply to your situation, or if you feel in your heart of hearts you need to sidestep them? Use this bucket to send your concerns up to the site admins. Only the three head staffers can see them: Untitled Goose Admin, Spider, and Dadhoc.
We don't use Beats anymore or a Beat Tracker. Please just submit your XP spends in a new ticket for each spend.
Any and all questions about the Changeling sphere should be directed here. In addition, any actions your changeling character is taking off screen that require a staffer's attention should be submitted here with the exception of those that should be sent to Civil Society. If you maintain a blue book of your character's activities, you can submit that here once a month just to keep staff appraised of your character's developments. Any scene that might draw the attention of the sphere NPCs should also be brought to staff's attention using this bucket. (Things such as fights breaking out in hollows, particularly notable achievements in your character's story, damage to sphere property, etc.)
Civil Society
Any and all questions about the Civil Society sphere should be directed here. In addition, any actions your character is taking off screen that require a staffer's attention should be submitted here with the exception of those that should be sent to your sphere staff. This includes ALL Civil Society status actions. If you maintain a blue book of your character's activities to help justify status raises, you can send them here once a month to keep staff appraised of your character's developments. Any scene that might draw the attention of the sphere NPCs or the media should also be brought to staff's attention using this bucket. (Events such as fights in public, supernatural events in the view of mortal society, vandalism, grand theft, notable achievements in civic life, etc.)
Any and all questions about the Mortal & Mortal+ sphere should be directed here. In addition, any actions your mortal character is taking off screen that require a staffer's attention should be submitted here with the exception of those that should be sent to Civil Society. If you maintain a blue book of your character's activities, you can submit that here once a month just to keep staff appraised of your character's developments. Any scene that might draw the attention of the sphere NPCs should also be brought to staff's attention using this bucket with the exception of events tied to Civil Society solely. (If it would draw the attention of members of a Hobbyist Clique or Mystery Cult, direct it here. If it would draw the attention of a Civil Society subsection, send it there instead.)
Rules Questions
If you have a question about a general rules interpretation, you can first try asking about it on our Discord's "Rules Questions" channel, especially if the answer is time sensitive. If the question isn't pressing, or at the direction of Staff, you can send your questions here and we'll get back to you. This bucket is not treated as urgent, and depending on the nature of your question some deliberation may be required. Please be patient.
Rules Questions / Changeling
If you have a question about a rules interpretation specific to the Changeling sphere, you can first try asking about it on our Discord's "Rules Questions" channel, especially if the answer is time sensitive. If the question isn't pressing, or at the direction of Staff, you can send your questions here and we'll get back to you. This bucket is not treated as urgent, and depending on the nature of your question some deliberation may be required. Please be patient.
Rules Questions / Vampire
If you have a question about a rules interpretation specific to the Vampire sphere, you can first try asking about it on our Discord's "Rules Questions" channel, especially if the answer is time sensitive. If the question isn't pressing, or at the direction of Staff, you can send your questions here and we'll get back to you. This bucket is not treated as urgent, and depending on the nature of your question some deliberation may be required. Please be patient.
Any and all questions about the Vampire sphere should be directed here. In addition, any actions your changeling character is taking off screen that require a staffer's attention should be submitted here with the exception of those that should be sent to Civil Society. If you maintain a blue book of your character's activities, you can submit that here once a month just to keep staff appraised of your character's developments. Any scene that might draw the attention of the sphere NPCs should also be brought to staff's attention using this bucket. (Things such as fights breaking out in Elysium, particularly notable achievements in your character's story, damage to sphere property, etc.)
How Do I Add Rolls To My Tickets?
When instructed by staff to do so, roll to the "Sidekick's Palace of Spam" channel on the discord. Then you have two options:
Option 1: Use the Windows Snipping Tool (Windows Button -> Windows Accessories -> Snipping Tool) to cut out the results of your roll. Save the image. Then upload the image to the ticket system using the "add image" button in the text editor of the ticket.
Step One: Roll, take a snippet.
Step Two: Click the "add image" button.
Step Three: Continue with your ticket with the added image.
Option 2: @tag the staffer immediately after your roll and copy and paste a link of your roll to the ticket. To do so, hover your mouse over the message containing the roll, click on the three dots to the right of the message, and select the "Copy Message Link" option. Then paste it into your ticket.
Should I Use A Template For My Request?
Please do. It makes things easier for everyone involved, and helps ensure we have the pertinent information close at hand. The templates are listed below
XP Spend Template
If your spend is not Mantle, Goodwill, Vampire Status, or Civil Society Status over 3, and is not a stat (such as Token) which requires pre-approval or a stat like Wyrd over 5 which requires an approved Frailty, use the following template and put it in a new ticket for the sphere of the character.
- Stat Purchased: What you're buying. (Book pg##)
- XP Spent: ##
If your spend is Mantle, Goodwill, Vampire Status, or Civil Society Status over 3, use the following template and put it in a new ticket for the sphere of the character.
- Stat Purchased: Mantle (Court)/Goodwill (Court)/Status (Area)
- XP Spent: ##
- Logs: Links to logs you feel support this purchase.
- Justification: Your written justification for why you feel your character merits this stat increase.
For spends of all types, staff will update our copy of your sheet. If we have any questions or need to discuss the approval of an item like a Relic or Token, we will reply to your ticket. For any item which does not require approval of the stat itself or a subsidiary item like a Frailty, you may immediately consider yourself to have that stat.
Status Action Template
Status Action: Title Of The Action Status Faction: Where the action is directed, ie. Crime/Law Enforcement/Unions/Etc. Status Used: Which status(es) you are putting to work in making the action happen, and their levels.
Detail what action you are trying to achieve. Be concise, but give pertinent details.
Downtime Action Template
If you are using more than one stat in your action, just repeat that line as needed.
Downtime Action: Title Of The Action Stat Used: Stat: ## (Book: pg##)
Detail what action you are trying to achieve. Be concise, but give pertinent details.
Add Equipment Template
For each item being added, use this template. Staff will add it to your logged character sheet for you. If you acquired this item through a plot scene, drop the link to the log in the Method section. Otherwise list the merit you are using and its level.
Item: Name of item purchased. Book: Book pg## Cost: ## Availability Method: Resources/Status/Allies/Etc. ##
Custom Crafting Template
Refer to the crafting system help file for more information. Add the template block to your ticket, and paste in the relevant stat block for the equipment you are creating from the list below. Replace the italicized text.
Custom Crafting: Name of item being crafted Based On: Name of base equipment. (Book: pg##) Roll Bonuses: Workshop bonuses, powers, merits, etc. that modify your roll and its circumstances. Added Tags: List the tags you are adding to the item and their offsets, if any. Stat Bonuses: List the stat changes you are making to the item. Offsets: List the offsets used to pay for the bonuses.
Base Stats: Insert the stat block of the item using the templates below.
Modified Stats: Insert the stat block of the item using the templates below.
Please provide a brief description of the resulting item, and the process used to create it.
For Armor:
Type: Armor Type, Rating: ##/##, Strength: ##, Defense: -##, Speed: -##, Availability: ##, Coverage: Torso, Arms, Legs
For Helmet:
Type: Helmet, Rating: Special, Strength: 2, Defense: -1, Speed: 0, Perception: -1, Availability: 3, Coverage: Head
For Melee Weapons:
Type: Weapon Type, Damage: ##B/L/A, Initiative: -##, Strength: ##, Size: ##, Availability: ##, Tags: List, Effects: List
For Ranged Weapons:
Type: Weapon Type, Damage: ##B/L/A, Range: Range, Capacity: Capacity, Initiative: -##, Strength: ##, Size: ##, Availability: ##, Tags: List
Scene Request Template
If you need or want a scene to be run by staff, use the following template. Please allow time for staff to find an available ST for your requested time slots.
Scene Request: Brief Description PCs Involved: List all PCs you intend to have attend this scene. NPCs Requested: List of NPCs your character wishes to meet with, if any. Availability: List several windows during which you and all other players will be free starting at least 24 hours from submission going forward a week. Description: Explain what you are looking for staff to provide you out of this scene, and any information we might need to know going into it.